2-Personality Type

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Understanding Personality Types at Work Placement

According to Steve Case : 'you have to get along with people, but
also have to recognize that the strength of the team is different for
people with different perspective and different personalities'.
When you are working in outdoor work placement , you need to
understand people around you to have communicating effectively in
the work placement .In the following lines will explain briefly what
are personality types, what are they , and suggestions how to deal
. with each one
The definition of Personality type is psychological arrangement of
different characters with specific communication tendencies. Dibra,
(2014) . Which means that each person is having his individual
behaviour in communicating and dealing with surrounded by people.
Alison Mooney divided personality types into 4.The Playful, The
.Peaceful, The Powerful, and The Precise
The Playful: Funny people who like to communicate with everyone. They are the best at networking, they are easily
The Peaceful: This kind of people are close to be patient and smooth in going. This kind of people are preferred in constructing a
.working team
The Powerful: Those are people who like to take the role of .leader and to be the controller of the place and situation
The Precise: this kind of people are organized. They like to do .their work as priory
?How to interact with each one
.The Playful: needs attention
.The Peaceful: needs respect
.The Powerful: needs appreciation
.The Precise: needs quiet and peace

Dibra,S.(2014).Understanding Different Personality Types Communicating
Effectively in the Workplace.The Pennsylvania State University. Retrieved
Nov,18,2016. From:http://worldcampus.psu.edu/2014/07/understanding-differentpersonality-types-communicating-effectively-in-the-workplace

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