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R O B E R T B .



4 T H D I S T R I C T, A L A B A M A


235 Cannon House Office Building

Washington, DC 20515
Te l e p h o n e : ( 2 0 2 ) 2 2 5 - 4 8 7 6

Commerce, Justice, Science

Congress of the United States


House of Representatives
Washington. DC
November 15, 2016
this is a test

Thank you for contacting in regarding the future of energy and
climate policy. I welcome the opportunity to respond.
The debate over climate change has resulted in a broadened scope
of interpretation by this Administration of the Clean Air Act (CAA)
to include the regulation of the CO 2 emissions by the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA). This interpretation has give the EPA far
reaching authority without the permission of Congress. As a
result, the EPA has positioned itself to regulate CO2 emission in
a manner that would burden the economy with higher energy costs
and perhaps force some small businessmen to close their doors.
This attempt to regulate CO2 emissions will have far-reaching
negative effects on the economy.
Please know that I am concerned about air and water
quality and ensuring that our grandchildren are able to enjoy
the great outdoors, but these concerns must be balanced with the
need to reduce unemployment and invigorate our economy.
I will
evaluate each energy efficiency and conservation related issues
as it comes up for a vote to see how it will affect the 4th
district and our nation; please be assured that I will keep your
views in min as legislation comes to the House floor for a vote.
Again, thank you for contacting me about this issue.
hope you will continue to do so on matters of mutual concern.

S i n c e r e l y ,

Robert B. Aderholt
Member of Congress

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