Maruthi-The Robot Returns

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The Robot Returns

Chittis punch dialogue : I am Software for Good and

Hardware for Bad.

Year 2050.
Vaseegaran, the hero of this story , who once designed a Robo called Chitti is now
aged around 80 years. The Chitti, that he developed was memorable in his life since it
played with his life partner Sana as well. After facing lot of issues and hurdles, court
finally gave the judgement stating that Chitti should be shelved and not be activated
or used anymore. So Chitti was placed in an ARDC museum 40 years back.
He now settled in Oslo, Norway along with his grand son Vijay. Sitting on a wheel
chair, puts the garland on Sanas photo and Leelas photo his wife and Daughter-Inlaw. At that time his grand son Vijay, 25 years old, arrives there and Old man, tells
Vijay pray your Mother and your grand mother. They both will always be with you
and do good for you. Vijay puts flowers and prays them.
Vijay takes blessing from his grand father. Vijay reaches Akershus University college.
His classmate Arun, who was also born in India and settled in Norway long time back
is the most notorious student in that college. He was applying sticky gum to the
Shruthi, an Indian born cute looking girl was also studying in that college. Shruthi is
very intelligent in studies and also pretty good looking. She is a daughter of a rich

business man in Oslo. Vijay, Shruthi and Arun, all 3 study in the same class and are
best friends.
All 3 go to canteen to have a tea. At that time Vijay says,
Arun, what did you apply to the board today
Our professor Mr Nelson, gives lot of irritation. So I applied sticky gum to the board
and table to create fun today
Shruthi asks How come Vijay you are good in Robotics and you score the highest
marks every time.
I dont know. But I love robots ,thats why replies Vijay.
Vijay why didnt you tell your grandpa that you are doing Robotics. Why have you
told him that you are doing Genetics.
My grand pa gets angry and turns wild when he hears about Robot. He
doesnt even see robots in television as well. He had strictly warned me right from my
childhood days not to like robots and learn about them. He was not even allowing me
to play with Robots toys when I was child.Thats why I hide the truth of me studying
Robotics to him.
Why does your Grand father act like this. Why he hates Robots? asks Shruthi.
I do not know the reason. says Vijay.
Later in the evening, Vijay, Shruthi, Arun all 3 were working on a Robo which they
have newly designed at Shruthis house. Shruthi was staring at Vijay while he was
busy designing programs for that robot. He was guiding Arun to give instructions to
the Robot.
Vijay tells to Shruthi We cant work on this Robo at my home, because my grand pa
will not allow. We can only work at your home. Thank you so much Shruthi for your
co-operation and support. We still need to work a lot on this to make a big and
powerful,efficient Robot. We still need to work here for more days.
Why are you using such big words. Fell free to come to my home. Its my pleasure
help you. You people can come every day and work on this Robo for any amount of
time. replies Shruthi with a smile looking at Vijay.
Thank you so much, Shruthi. We will definitely create an amazing and efficient
Robot in your home. Once it gets finished, then I will show this to my Grand pa , give
him a pleasant surprise. I want to gift this to my grand pa
You will do that Vijay, you have that talent and you are genius tells Shruthi.
All 3 have dinner and after that Vijay, Arun tell bye to Shruthi and head towards their

Chittis punch dialogue If you need peace and happiness, then forgetting and
forgiving is necessary in life.
Oslo, Norway.
Vaseegaran with tears coming off from his eyes, looks at Sanas photo and Leelas
photo , tells to them God did not show any mercy in my life. He took away you both
so quickly and also my son, Vikram. Leela, you sacrificed your life to save this old
mans life. You should have been alive by now and I should have been in your place.
God did it for you instead of doing it for me. May your soul always rest in peace.
Thank God, I was able to destroy that evil creature Vikram. Then I left India and came
here and settled. 20 years has elapsed since this happened. You both left me giving me
a great responsibility. Leela, as you told during your last breathe, I have brought up
your son, Vijay as a good man and now he is doing his graduation in Genetics .I have
fulfilled your last aspiration.
The old man saw the time , it was around 11:00pm in the night. He went to sleep
without having dinner.
When Vijay reached home , it was around 11.30 pm in the night. He went and saw his
grand pa . He was sleeping. Vijay went to his room and fell into sleep.
Next morning, the old man asks When did you come back home yesterday?
It was around 11:30 pm , Grand pa. replied Vijay.
Why so late, Where were you till that time and what you were doing?
Grand pa, I had to do some project work on Genetics, so I had to stay with my
professor at his residence to assist him
Where did you have the dinner?
My professor forced me to have dinner at his home
At that time, Arun arrives there to pick Vijay for college.
Alright, my dear Vijay, from today onwards you should come back home latest by 7
pm. Do not roam any where. I warn you tells the old man with a bit of anger in his

Okay Grand pa tells Vijay and leaves home for college along with Arun.
When both of them reached college, class was already started. Prof Nelson was taking
class on Robot . Nelson told them to stay outside the class. After some excuses, he let
only Vijay to enter into the class. He didnt let Arun to enter, because he knew that it
was Arun who disturbed his last class using gum.
Arun became angry standing outside. He decided to teach him a another lesson to
Nelson next time if het a chance.

Bergen is the second most populous city in Norway after Oslo. Bergen is Norway's
largest port of call. Bergen is also known as the city of the Seven Mountains
After the college time is over, Vijay as usual reached Shruthis home located in the
city of Bergen, along with his friend Arun to work on the robot. Arun asks Vijay
Today what is our program?. What we are going to feed to the robot?
Today will program the robot to understand our language and speak the language
Start feeding some words in different languages to the robot
Okay Vijay, I wil do it now saying this Arun started to program the robot with some
funny and crazy words, meanwhile Vijay busy working on the configuration of
Robotic structuure.
At that time, Shruthi entered inside the room with a plate containing 3 cups of tea. She
came near to Vijay , doesnt speak anything instead started to stare at him.
The robot now was programmed with some words and it could deliver those words.
Arun notices what Shruthi was doing.
The robot now started to speak, Give me also a cup of tea because Arun has typed
Give me also a cup of tea in his system.

Vijay turns and looks at Robot. Wonderful ! our robot started to speak
Vijay types Hello, Good evening in the system.
The robot tells Hello, Good evening.
Vijay types Hai Shruthi
Robot tells Hai Shruthi
Vijay types Shruthi is good looking and cute
Robot tells Shruthi is good looking and cute .
Arun types Nelson is stupid
Robot tells Nelson is Stupid
Seeing all this , Shruthi starts smiling and stares at Vijay.
Vijay asks why are you staring at me?
I fell in love with you tells the robot because Arun has typed I fell in love with
you in the system.
Every body starts laughing except robot.
15 years before, year 2035, Allepey, Kerala.
q=tbn:ANd9GcSomPtIr76HrS4fKiQGLdT5QPhntaJneYM3W691o_fbT9RZUkWPtGB7aeX" \* MERGEFORMATINET

Allepey is city with canals,

backwaters, beaches, lagoons etc in Kerala. A houseboat cruise in the backwater is
a delightful experience here.

Chittis punch dialogue If you want to shine like a sun, then you
must first burn like a sun
An old man aged about 55 years, with his hair turning white, walks into a hut carrying
herbal plants and medicine in his hands. Inside the hut one man was lying on the bed
with his body covered by a banana leaf.
This old man starts applying a paste like material made up of herbal plants over his
body. After a few minutes, the man with medicines applied all over his body opens his
eyes and gets up. This mans body was fully wounded,some of the portions were even
ruptured, turned into very black colour. He almost looked like a horrible animal.
Most of his body parts were completely burnt and was aged around 35 years.
The man who treated him with medicine was a malayali ayurvedic doctor experienced
for about 30 years in herbal medicine.
The doctor speaks to him Now how do you feel, Vikram?
Vikram, slowly opens his eyes and replies Okay, I am feeling good now. My pains
are reduced. Thank you so much doctor. You people saved me out of danger. I was
almost dead when I fell from the mountain with my body burning. At that time you
people saved me when I jumped into a river. Thank you so much for treating me all
these 5 years here. I am always grateful to you.
I have been asking this question since 5 years. Who are you ? Who burnt your body
like this? Where is your home? asks the doctor.
Please do not ask me any questions replies Vikram.
I am going out now searching to gain back my lost life. Thank you saying this
Vikram comes out.
He walks on the road , with tears shedding off from his eyes, thinks about the past.
His most of the body parts were burnt, he was looking very horrible. People in the
streets were looking at him very strangely. He was appearing like an animal walking
on the street.
After 30 minutes walk, he reached a park where no people were there. His eyes were
reddish. He started crying because he thought about his friend Stephen. He didnt see
him all these 5 years. Where is Stephen? How is Stephen? Is he alive or dead? What
happened to Stephen? All these questions originate in his mind.
Suddenly Vikram with lot of anger and eyes turning wild looks at the sky and shouts
Vaseegaran , where are you? I will see you again and once I see you , you will die in
my hands. I will cut you into pieces my dad .

Year 2035 : NIMHANS hospital, Bangalore.

The psychiatrist doctor aged above 50 with a few number of white hairs on his head
entered into a ward. Inside the ward, there was no light and only one man aged around
35 years was sitting on the bed near to the window. He was exteremely silent and was
looking at the window continuously.
The doctor came near to the bed and kept his hands on that mans shoulder. The man
turned back and looked at him.
Stephen , how are you feeling now?
The man doesnt reply instead starts staring at the doctor.
The doctor said What are you doing here sitting alone?
After a minute silence, the doctor continued Stephen, 5 years back, you fell
unconscious with a lot of blood leaking out from your head near the rock . Your
family took you to a hospital in Cochin. But there you were just out of danger form
your life but you were not able to speak anything nor understand what others speak.
You were like a idle doll. Your wife took you and came to me and admitted you here.
Since then I have treated you in different ways and tried different experiments on you
to make you normal. But all my efforts went in vain. Now at least try to speak. What
happened to you?
Hearing all this Stephen remained silent because he could neither understand nor
speak anything . Seeing this doctor left the room.
In his chamber, Stephens wife Philomina was sitting on the chair waiting for him.
The doctor came to his chamber. Philomina asks Doctor, now how is Stephen? Is
there any improvement.
I am sorry to tell you Philomina, there is not even a slight improvement in his
behaviour. He is just alive , thats it. Still, he could neither recognize the people
around him, nor he could understand what is happening. He is brain dead. Hearing
this , philomina started to cry.
Console yourself , Philomina
Then, I could not get back my original Stephen, forever?
No , not exactly. Still there are chances that he could become normal like before. I
think , someone has hit on his head very hardly and violently, his cells in the brain are
highly destroyed . Thats why he became like this. But if Stephen see the same

situation or things or the persons again which he saw during that incident then there is
a possibility that he could regain his memory back. The doctor replied.

s punch dialogue If it is easy to make and difficult to

leave then it is Bad habit. If it is difficult to make and easy to leave, then it is
Good habit.

Year 2050: Oslo, Norway.

In the college, Prof Nelson was taking class on Robotics. He had earlier programed
such that Robot would speak and it would describe about him to his students. He had
programmed such that Robot would say Nelson is intelligent. He is genius right
from his childhood days. He is used to score always the highest marks in Maths and
Computer Science. He is very clever and more creative.He got appreciation from his
science teacher for being so brilliant during his school days. He created a new robot
during his college days itself. It was a very efficient Robot.
But Arun was waiting for an opportunity to teach him a lesson. He changed the
program without the knowledge of Nelson. When Nelson executed the program and
gave the command to Robot, the robot started to say like this to the students.
Hello students. Nelson was an idiot and notorious student in his school days. He is
used to get only single digit marks in Maths. He used to rob money from his dads
pocket to eat in school and get lot of beatings from his teacher. He is the person who
kneeled down outside the class for most number of times. Now he has become
professor which is unbelievable and shocking. Thank you tells the Robot designed
by Nelson.

Every body started laughing and Nelsons eyes became red. He realizes that this
happened because of Arun. He shouted on Arun and chased him out of the class.
Vijay as usual reached shruthis house after the college got over to work on Robot.
Arun , Vijay and Shruthi worked on the Robot and designed a new program. Now, the
robot was able to walk and shake its hands. It shook its hands to Vijay and told Hai
Vijay. Vijay designed a program such that Robot would would wish his Grandpa
Happy Birthday.
Vijay asked Arun what did you do that Robot to deliver those words in the class today.
Arun replied saying When Prof Nelson was on a lunch break, I went to his room , he
was not there, I took his laptop to edit the robotic program. I edited the program with
those words.
The old man Vaseegaran was sitting on the wheel chair and waiting for his grand son
Vijay. He saw clock, the clock was indicating 10:20 pm in night. The old man didnt
even had the dinner.
Meanwhile, Vijay was returning back from Bergen to his home in his car. It was a 1.5
hour journey from Bergen to Oslo. Vijay saw the watch , it was around 10:40 pm.
When Vijay reached his home , it was around 11:05 pm. When he stepped inside,
Vaseegaran was waiting near the door. He saw his grand pa, and with a fear, bowed
down his head.
Vaseegaran, with anger in his eyes stared at Vijay and said
Where were you till now?. College gets over by 5 pm
I am sorry grand pa. I went to attend my friends birthday party at Bergen. There I
met my Genetics professor Mr Nelson. I went to his home to do some project work. It
became late. I had dinner there only. Did you have dinner?
Vijay, my son, this is the last excuse I am giving to you.Next time I wont talk to you
politely. Do not make me angry.From tomorrow you should reach home by 7 pm. Else
you will see a very wild face of your grand father.
Sorry, grand pa. This is the last time. I will be back home very early from tomorrow.
Here it is boring. I want to spend time with my friends. Thats why. Saying this Vijay
goes to his room to sleep.
The old man calls his servant and tells him Nowadays, Vijay doesnt seem to speak
truth. Better go to his college and collect information about where he is going and
what he is doing after college time.
Okay , my lord, I will send my son to his college and gather all these details replies
the servant.
Next morning, Vijay calls Shruthi in phone and tells My grand pa was angry
yesterday since I reached home late in the night. We will work on the Robot only in
the weekends from now because it is almost complete and only few things left out.

oh! Then I cant see you every day. replies Shruthi.

Ya! Me too. It is disappointing but what to do my grand pa has strictly warned me.
The robot is almost complete. We will finish it next week and then we will gift it to
my grand pa and delight him on his birthday the coming week. He will feel happy.
Take care of that Robot and yourself.
Okay, Vijay, see you again this Saturday. I will be waiting for you. Take care, bye
saying this Shruthi disconnected the mobile with a sad face.

Year 2035:

NIMHANS hospital, Bengaluru.

Stephen was walking around the garden in the hospital campus with his hand held by
Philomina. Their daughter Angela, aged 6 years was playing ball nearby. Stephen sat
on a bench in the garden. Philomina with tears shedding off from her eyes stares at
him and speaks Stephen, look at me and Angela, dont you remember us, please
speak to us. What happened to you? Why have you become like this? If you do not
speak, there is no point in being alive. Come on try to speak Stephen. Stephen
doesnt reply. He is in atmost silent condition.. Philomina holding both of his hands,
shouts at him again Come on , try to speak. I am your wife. She is our daughter. We
got married 7 years before in Cochin. Ours is a love marriage. How much you were
talkative during our college days when we loved each other. How much you irritated
me? Now what happened? Dont remember any of those days?, saying this
Philomina cries.
At that time, ball goes and hides into a bush. Little Angela goes there to pick up the
ball, inside the bush there was a snake.Angela puts her hand inside the bush to take
the ball, at that moment Snake bite the girl, Angela shouts crying and falls down with
foam coming off her mouth. Hearing this, Philomina rushes near Angela and shocks
to see her fell dead. Philomina cries deeply. All the people surround her. Seeing all
this, Stephen simply gets up, turns and walks off because he could not understand
anything. He didnt even understand that his daughter fell dead in front of him.

s punch dialogue I will do good for good without telling, bad

for bad after telling
Bergen, Norway.
It was a Saturday in Oslo. Our hero Vijay was working on the Robot at Shruthis
home in Bergen. Arun didnt come as he was busy with his personal work. Vijay was

busy designing the program to make the Robot wish his grand pa Happy Birthday
because the next day Sunday was his grandpa Vaseegarans birthday. At that time,
Shruthi entered his room with a tiffin in her hands. Vijay looked at her and stopped
working. Both of them started to stare at each other. After a couple of minutes, Shruthi
told him Vijay , come lets have a tiffin together. Thank you so much Shruthi,
replied Vijay.
After having tiffin, both of them worked on the program and completed it. They did a
test. The Robot now came near to Vijay and told him Wish you a Happy and
prosperous Birthday. May God bless you with good health and wealth. May you live
long and it shook its hands with Vijay. Seing this Vijay and Shruthi became very
The robot was able to speak many languages and was able to dance, fight, walk, run,
clean, read, write, listen, understand, and do many activities.
You are great Vijay, as you told you have a designed an awesome robot to gift your
grand pa for his birthday. This robot can do all the work what a man does with greater
speed and efficiency. You are genius. Your grand pa will feel happy and this robot will
be always with you and you will be more successful said Shruthi with a smile
looking at Vijay.
Thank you so much, Shruthi. This became possible only because of your cooperation and support. You allowed me to work on this Robot for so many days in
your home . I got a new member for my family. I am always grateful to you replied
Do not use such big words, Vijay. What name would you like to give for your
My grand pa will give a new name for this Robot tomorrow. Tomorrow I am not
only going to gift this Robot, there is another surprise for my Grand pa
Whats that? asks Shruthi.
I am also going to inform about my love with you to my grand pa.
Shruthi smiles and both of them stare each other.
Oslo, Norway.
After putting garlands to Sana and Leelas photos , vaseegaran turned back and saw
his servant standing behind. The servant said
Lord I enquired about small lord Vijay with my son and he told that Vijay sir is not
doing Genetics instead he is doing graduation on Robotics. He is good in that.
Vaseegran gets a shock hearing this. He asked him Is it true?

The servant replied saying Yes it is true my lord. Not only that, there is another news
for you
Whats that? asked Vaseegaran.
Our Vijay sir is going every day to his classmate shruthis home in Bergen to design
a Robot along with her and his friend Arun.Thats why he was coming so late in the
night all these days replied servant.
Hearing all this Vaseegaran became angry and his eyes turn red.
On that day ,Vijay reached home late in the night. By that time, the old man
vaseegaran was already gone to his bed. The servant told to Vijay Sir, our big lord
was waiting for you till 10 pm to speak to you but you didnt come. Without having
dinner he went to sleep.
Vijay thought in his mind Grand pa must be angry. No worries. Tomorrow after
seeing my Robot , he will be happy and all his anger will vanish.I will make him more
happy tomorrow and went to sleep.
The next day, Sunday, Vijay left his home early in the morning and reached Shruthis
home in his car. He left home early so that he could return back home early with
Shruthi and his Robot to wish his grand pa.
When the old man woke up in the morning, Vijay was not there. The servant when
enquired told him that Vijay left home early in the morning and gone out in his car.
Vaseegaran became very angry.
Vijay along with Shruthi and his robot were on the way from Bergen to Oslo in the
car. Vijay was driving and Shruthi was seated next to him. The robot was seated in the
behind seat. Vijays full vision was on Shruthi. She was dressed beautifully. He was
not concentrating on the road. He was driving looking at Shruthi. Shruthi said Vijay,
I feel lucky to be with you. You are great Vijay. You did it what you wanted to it. I
will be very happy if your grand pa accepts for me as your wife. But once thing scares
me a bit my dear.
Why are you worried Shruthi? What makes you scared? asks Vijay.
Vijay, you have done graduation in Robotics without informing your grand pa inspite
of he telling you not to work on Robots from your childhood days. Now, you have
designed a new robot itself. Also, you are going to tell about our love to him. I am
getting afraid, Vijay tells Shruthi with fear in her eyes.
Do not worry Shruthi dear. My grand pa is so sweet. He loves me very much. He
loves me more than anyone else in this world. He will definitely become happy seeing
you and my creation. That too , today is his birthday. This is the best birthday gift for
him. You are so sweet . I also feel lucky to have you as my wife. My grand pa will
definitely accept you replies our hero Vijay looking at her.

Shruthi smiles a bit and consoles herself after listening these words.
At that time, two big buses come with a very fast speed close to their car and they
escape an accident at close. This happened because vijay was looking at Shruthi.
What happened Vijay? Drive carefully. Concentrate on the road Shruthi shouts.
At that time Robot tells Vijay sir, stop driving. You are not concentrating on the road
and traffic. You are looking only at Shruthi madam. I know driving. You have
programmed me for driving also. Let me drive. You and Shruthi madam sit behind.
Shruthi also tells Stop Vijay, I am already scared. Do not scare me further.
Now Robot starts driving , meanwhile Vijay and shruthi seated behind. Vijay guides
the robot with a route. The robot drives with a great speed. All the people on the road
were surprised to see Robot driving the car. After 30 minutes of drive, the car reached
vaseegarans home.
All 3 get down from the car and enter home. At that time Vaseegaran was seated in the
wheel chair in the hall with a lot of anger in his eyes.
Enthiran-The Robot became the first Tamil film to be released at the Colosseum
Kino, a Norwegian theatre complex in Oslo and it was screened at the 21st Bath Film
Festival, held in the United Kingdom in 2011.

s punch dialogue A dream is not the one that comes

after you go deep into sleep, it is the one which doesnt let you to sleep.
As Vijay and his Robot stepped inside the home , Shruthi stopped near the door and
said Vijay, I will stand here only, you go . Dont be scared , come shruthi replied
Both Vijay and Robot go near to Vaseegaran. At that time, Arun also reached there
with his hand containing a box of cakes. All 3 went near to the old man and Vijay
started to speak Hello Grand pa. Wish you a Happy Birthday. He opend the box
containing cake.
Vaseegaran didnt reply instead was very silent staring at Vijay.

Vijay continued saying, I know grand pa, you are very angry. I wanted to give you a
surprise for your birthday. I am going to present you an awesome and most
memorable gift to you today. If you look at it , you will feel more happy. He pointed
his hand towards the Robot that he designed. Mean while Shruthi was standing near
the door with a fear.
Vaseegaran was still silent. After a minute silence, the old man said,
Where did you go earlier today? Where were you all this time
Vijay became silent. He understood that old man was very much angry.
The old man screamed Who is that girl standing near the door?.
Now the home was extremely silent.
You told me that you are studying Genetics. Why did you lie to me? shouted the old
man with anger.
Vijay slowly replied saying I am sorry, grand pa. I know you told me not to work on
Robots. But I love robots very much.I wanted to work on robot . See today, I have
designed a new robot itself as a birthday gift for you
The old man became very angry and started to hit his grand son with belt that he was
The old man beat him very violently and vijay patiently took all the beatings. Seeing
this tears come down from cute girl Shruthis eyes.
Since you dont have parents, I showed you so much love and gave you so much
liberty. You took advantage of it. This is the respect you give to your grand father is
it? saying this the old man continued beating him with belt. Shruthi started to cry.
The blood started to come out of Vijays shirt.
The old man stopped. Robot, Robot , Robot. How dare you study Robot without my
knowledge and design a robot and show it to me? No . No more robot. shouts the
old man.
Vijay came near and said Why grand pa you stopped? Come on hit me more. But
tell me the reason why you hate robots..
The old man didnt reply. He was silent.
Vijay with a louder voice said Grand pa. I love you so much. I wanted to make you
happy today on your birthday but you hit me like this today. What happened to you?
What crime did I do? What is wrong in designing a new robot? I will not leave you
today until you answer me all these questions.

Vijay continued Tell me where is my dads photo? You have not shown to me till
now. You always tell me to pray my mother and grand mother. But where is my dad.
Is he alive or dead.
Vaseegaran didnt reply. He was silent.
Vijay became angry. He shouted If you do not answer me , you will never see your
grand son again in your life. telling this vijay started to walk off.
Vaseegaran with tears coming off from his eyes said No my son Vijay. Do not speak
like that.
Then tell me. Where is my father? said Vijay.
I only killed your father replied the old man.
Vijay became shocked hearing this. You only killed my father! but why? asked
To save your life , Vijay .
The old man with his tearful eyes started to tell the past story that has happened
before 20 years.
Before 20 years. Year : 2030.
Coimbatore, India.

Coimbatore is the second largest city and urban agglomeration in theTamil Nadu
state after Chennai and the sixteenth largest urban agglomeration in
India.Coimbatore was ranked the best emerging city in India by India Today in the
2014 annual Indian city survey..It is also the largest producer of cotton after Mumbai
and hence also known as Manchester of South India.
Vaseegaran, was around 60 years at that time. He once designed a Robo called
Chitti. Chitti was a memorable invention in his life since it put his life in danger
and played with his life partner Sana as well. After facing lot of issues, court finally

gave the judgement stating Chitti should be shelved and not to be activated or used
anymore. So it was placed in a AIRD museum 20 years ago.
Vaseegaran, stopped working on Robots since then. He went on to become a Karate
master. Lost his wife Sana, 10 years ago due to an accident, began to coach karate to
young kids since 20 years. He had a son, Vikram, who completed graduation in
Robotics, Leela, daughter -in-law, a cute young lady and a grandson Vijay, a 3 year
old attractive boy.
Vikram selected Robotics in spite of lot of pressure from his father not to work on
Robo again. Vikram is aggressive in nature and rude with his father. He is least
bothered about his father and has grown up like a wild animal and always cruel to his
wife and son. Vaseegaran doesnt speak much with his son, because he is upset with
his behaviour. The reason why Vikram is so rude and cruel is because of Stephen, his
classmate and friend. He always accompanies Vikram in designing a Robo at his
One day, Vikram and Stephen go to AIRD museum to look at Chitti. Staring at Chitti,
Vikram tells See, this Chitti was made by my Father,.
Stephen replies, Yes, looks like an efficient Robo; your father is a Genius
What Genius, that old fellow did not make a single paisa using this Robo. See Chitti,
made up of nickel, cobalt, and so on with lot of metal pieces, was once in love with
Sana, my mum. Bohra, my dads enemy gave Chitti a new version to destroy lot of
people but, now lying like a waste piece here gathering dust.
Stephen replies saying Oh! What a waste of time and energy! How stupid your
Father is.
See my brother is sitting like a waste piece here
What? Brother..! asked Stephen.
Yes, Chitti is my brother; he is also my fathers product right?
Vikram went near to Chitti with cigarette in his hand and speaks to him Come my
dear bro, I will give you rebirth, and make you more efficient and show the world
what your worth is.
Both Vikram and Stephen bring Chitti home.

At home, without knowing to his dad Vaseegaran, Vikram started working on Chitti to
activate him again, along with Stephen. After 6 months of programming and
continuous efforts from both Vikram and Stephen, one day, at vikrams home, Chitti
becomes activated and starts working.

Vikram, tells to Chitti, Great! Welcome back again to this new world Chitti.
Thank you ,great to be back here again ,Chitti replied.

s punch dialogue If Sachin hits, its a Sixer, If Chitti hits,

you are puncture .
Stephen You are really great, Vikram.
Thank you, replies Vikram.
Chitti, come on shoot that apple at the front of you tells Vikram.
Chitti shoots the apple accurately from a large distance.
Vikram, with a laugh like a villain, says What can you do now, Chitti?
Anything or everything. Give me any command, I will do it within a second. My
Stephen WOW! Super. You have renovated your fathers robo into a very powerful
Yes, this is the machine which can replace all other machines in the world replies
What work shall we give to Chitti? asks Vikram to Stephen.
Stephen asks Chitti, can you kill a person?
Vikram , with a cigarette in his hand, asks Stephen , why are you asking that
Stephen replies saying We will send Chitti to Bank,to steal money. We can make
more money from Chitti.
Vikram Great! Thats a good idea but how to tackle the police?
We will use chitti to kill police men i.e. , if anybody touches this robo, they should
get a electrical shock and they must die.
Wow!Excellent. Stephen. I will make this robo more voltageous with heavy current
embedded to it.

Even , chitti can throw the knife on a person accurately from a very long distant
position says Vikram.
Stephen Great! Then lets begin testing.
Sure , tomorrow morning, we will do the testing of stealing a money and killing.
Today, night I will sit and do more programming , and make this Chitti more
efficient , smart, voltageous and powerful.
Then the Robo returns with more power and efficiency to this world says Stephen.
The whole night Vikram does programming and make the chitti more efficient and
Next morning, Vikram and Stephen start the testing. But Chitti became inactive and
not working. There is no response from Chitti, when Vikram
Gives the command Come on Chitti, Go to Indian, bank now nearby, and bring
some money, no response from Chitti.
Chitti is again dead now. Why? What happened? shouts Stephen.
Vikram becomes tensed.
Both Vikram and Stephen scratch their head.
Next morning, when Vikram and Stephen give instructions to Chitti, the robo does not
work. Both do not understand what happened to Chitti.
Stephen tells What happened to Chitti? Once again it is dead.
All our efforts is now gone in vain. Let me check the Chitti , replies Vikram.
Vikram scans Chitti and finds out that the Microchip is missing in Chitti. That is the
reason , why Chitti is idle now. Vikram becomes tensed now.
Microchip is the integral part of a robot. All the things what A Robo must do will
be programmed and embedded into a microchip. A microchip is the main part
which activates the robo and controls all the activities and operations of a Robo.
Stephen asks The microchip is stolen from chitti.
Vikram also realizes that all the programs which makes the Robo to perform the
illegal activities has been destroyed in his system.
Vikram shouts Who has stolen the microchip?. Who is that Black sheep?
Stephen replies Your Father has stolen your microchip. He has destroyed all your

What are you saying Stephen?

Yes, your father is the only person who has the knowledge about Robot. Only he can
deactivate Chitti. Yesterday night, when we were working on Chitti, we heard a sound
as some one passing by near our room. Your father must have walked around this
room , and heard about all we have spoken. Definitely he has deactivated Chitti tells
Vikram tells in anger , I did lot of hard work and took much strain in these 2 years
to activate Chitti. If anyone interrupts my way, I dont mind even to kill him, be it my
Vikram leaves the room and goes to ask his father.
Vaseegaran , the 60 year old man , was warming his body at the terrace.
Leela, was pouring coffee to the cups in the kitchen. Vikram comes to the kitchen and
asks her Did you see my microchip?
Microchip! Whats that? I didnt see it replies Leela with a surprise.
Vikram Alright! Where is my dad?
Uncle is in the terrace says Leela.
Vikram steps fastly towards the terrace.
In the terrace, vikram see Vaseegaran warming his muscles and body and little Vijay
playing with ball.
Vikram shouts with anger What you have done to my Chitti? Give back my
Vaseegaran does not respond and busy doing exercise.
Vikram comes in front of his dad and asks Where is my microchip?.
Vaseegaran smiles and does not reply.
Vikram shouts again Why have you become a robber? Give my microchip.
Vaseegaran replies I do not want to destroy this nation using Chitti.
I designed
Chitti 30 years back in the intention to protect our nation from enemies by giving robo
to Military. Unfortunately, that did not happen. Now I will not let you to do corruption
and crime using this same robo. Forget about the microchip and I have deleted all
your programs yesterday night.

How dare you destroy all my programs and steal the microchip. You are a fool. You
did not make even a single paise using Chitti. Now I will make crores of rupees using
this Robo and I will dominate this world and become the most powerful man. Give
my microchip says Vikram.
No. I wont let the corruption and crime happen. I want my nation to be secure and
my people to be safe. If money was my intention, I would have done it before 30
years. Men will become too lazy if they get a robot like this. Always money should be
earned through hard work. If I give you the microchip, even for a single rupee, you
will kill a lot of people using this Chitti. To attain small power, you might kill many
good celebrities who gave served our nation. I am warning you, get out, replies the
karate master.
Vikram gets tensed, holding his dads collar, shouts You old fellow, give the
Microchip. By that time, Leela comes to terrace with coffee cups in her hand.
Seeing this, Leela drops the coffee cups and runs near vikram and tells
Please do not do like this, he is your father. What Uncle told is correct,listen to your
father words. Dont go in this wrong way
Vikram slaps Leela and pushes her down with anger and tries to hit him.
The old man, Vaseegran gives one slap to Vikram and he fells down .
At that
time, Stephen also arrives at the terrace. Stephen takes a mobile and calls some
hundred rowdies.
Vikram gets up and tries to hit Vaseegaran, but before that happens , the old man give
another knock to vikram. At that time 100 rowdies also arrive. A big fight takes place.
The big karate master , in no matter of time destroys all the rowdies. Some of the
rowdies even ran away without fighting seeing the structure of the old man. Stephen
tells to vikram See Vikram some of the rowdies run away without even fighting
seeing your father. We cannot get the microchip back from your father. Hearing this,
Vikrams eyes turns red.
Now Stephen tries to hit vaseegaran. The old man kicks him. Now, Vikram takes a
Pistol and targets the old man demanding the microchip.
Leela comes between and holds the pistol and tells. Stop Vikram, What are you
doing. Then accidentally , pistol gets shooted.
Dumeer Dumeer!
Oh! The bullet which came out has hit Leela.
Leela falls down. Leela about to die tells to the old man Uncle, I am going, please
take care of Vijay, do not leave Vikram and dies.

Tears come out of the old mans eyes. Vaseegaran starts crying. Vikram not even
bothered about Leelas death, starts running taking Vijay in his hands. Vaseegaran
chases him.
Now, Vikram is driving a car,which also has Stephen and little Vijay. Vaseegaran is
chasing them from behind riding another car.
After a long chase, they reach a mountain. Stephen fights with Vaseegaran, the old
man hits on his head very hardly and violently, Stephen falls on a rock and become
unconscious. Vikram with Pistol in his hand facing towards Vijay, threatens the old
man for microchip.
The old man jumps on Vikram , pistol falls off, rescues Vijay. Vaseegaran gives a big
punch to Vikram and he falls down.
Vaseegaran takes petrol and pours on Vikrams body.
Vikram cries saying , Sorry daddy! Please forgive me. You keep the microchip for
yourself. I will not use the robo anymore.
The old man approaches vikram with match box in his hand.
Vikram screams No , No daddy, I did all this because of greedy of money and all
thing to be done easily. Please forgive me. I will not attempt to do that again.You are
my motivation to work on Robo.Think daddy, after marriage , for 3-4 years you did
not get child. How many temples you and mum has gone to get one son. I was born
after that prayers. Please do not kill me daddy.
Vaseegaran replies Yes , that is big crime I have done. I shouldnt have prayed God
to give me a son like you.
Saying this , the old man ignites fire and puts on Vikram.
Vikram with his body burning falls off from the mountain.
The old man walks off carrying Vijay in his hand and Microchip in his pocket.
End of flash back story.

s punch dialogue Yesterday Gandhiji was without money, today

there is no money without Gandhiji
Year 2050: Oslo Norway:
Tears come out of Vijays and Shruthis eyes after hearing this story.

The old man stopped for a moment.. The robot was also silently listening the story.
The old man went near Leelas photo and said I am sorry Leela, your son also
designed Robot.He also became like Vikram.
Suddenly, the old man kept hand on his chest, got heart attack and fell unconscious.
When old man fell unconscious, Vijay and Shruthi were shocked to see this. They
both ran near the old man and tried to wake him up. But the old man was unable to.
They decide to take him to hospital.
The robot lifted the old man and put him inside the car. The robot started the car,
within a minute, the car started roaring and left home towards the hospital. On the
way, suddenly car stopped. The Vijay got down from the car and tried to find out
what was the issue. The robot came near and said , Boss, let me check. After
scanning the engine for few seconds, the robot replied Boss, the car will not ,move
further any more. The reason is we met with a small accident earlier today while
coming. The engine got hit badly and hence needs to be replaced with some of the
parts. Vijay looked at the watch. The time was around 10:30 pm in the night. He
looked around. There were neither traffic nor any people walking by on the road.
Vijay got tensed. Tears came out of his eyes. He started to wonder Still we need to
travel another 20 kms to reach the hospital. We have to reach hospital as fast as we
can, then only we can save our grand pas life, now what to do my God?
At that time , the robot came near to him said Vijay boss, I have an idea. I will carry
your grand pa on my shoulders and take him to the hospital. You just guide me with
the route through GPRS. I will reach hospital very soon. I can run upto 200 km/hr.
Hearing this, Vijays face bloomed. He guided the robot with the route through GPRS
to reach the hospital.He also instructed the robot which doctor to meet and what to
inform to him.
Now, the robot carried the big man Vaseegaran on its shoulders and started to run
fastly at a speed of 150 km /hr towards the hospital. Mean while Vijay and Shruthi
waited there for a taxi.
After 7 minutes of running , the robot reached the hospital . All the people in the
hospital were surprised to see a robot running with a man on its shoulders.
The robot ran inside the hospital and found the doctors room. The robot eneterd
inside the room.Looking at Robot and the big man on its shoulders, the doctor
became shocked. The robot said Dont get scared of me Doctor. I am a robot
designed by Vijay. He is Vijays grand father, Mr Vaseegaran, your regular patient.
Suddenly he fell unconscious keeping hand on his chest 25 minutes back. Please treat
Vaseegaran got admitted in the hospital. The doctor started to treat him. After 1 hr ,
Vijay and Shruthi reached there by taxi.

Vijay and Shruthi entered doctors room. But only robot was standing in the room.
They looked around and after a minute , the doctor came there.
Vijay asked with a tensed face Hello doctor. I am Vijay. This robot brought my
grand pa. Now how is he ?
The doctor replied Do not be tensed. Your grand pa suffered a big shock and hence
he got heart attack. I told you a couple of months back to take care of your grand pa.
He should not be shocked any more. But what happened today?
I am sorry doctor. I failed to take care of my grand pas health past few months. I
was busy working on Robot. Now how is his condition? asked Vijay.
Now we need to do a operation to save your grand father.Thank God, this Robot
brought your grand pa at right time. replied Doctor.Both Vijay and Shruthi looked at
Robot with a bit of smile on their faces. The doctor started the operation. Inside the
operation theater , doctor was in a tension during operating the old man. The robot
noticed it.
The doctor came out after a couple of minutes with a tensed face and said I am
sorry, Vijay, your grand pas health condition is not permitting me to perform the
operation .He is in a very critical stage
Vijay and Shruthi were shocked after hearing this. At that time , robot came near and
said, Doctor, I know how to perform a heart operation.. Let me come with you and
try. I have scanned the operation.
Doctor was surprised hearing this. Vijay said Yes doctor, my robot can do the
operation. He knows it. Let him try. Okay said the doctor.
Now the robot entered inside the operation theatre and started to do operation. After
an hour operation, the doctor and the robot came out.
The doctor with a smile said Wonderful! The operation was successful. Your grand
pa is alright now. He will come to consciousness within a couple of hours. This is
really a medical miracle. Great Robot. Everything was possible because of this robot.
You must thank this robot only.
Vijay with a bit of tears in his eyes , ran near the robot and hugged him. After a couple
of hours , the old man became conscious and slowly opened his eyes. Vijay , Shruthi
and the robot were standing around him.

s punch dialogue If you work hard, you will flow like a

river and become ocean, if you hardly work, you remain as a stagnant water.
BSefore 15 years, year 2035: Coimbatore.
35 years old, Vikram appearing like a evil creature came to Coimbatore where he was
burnt before 5 years. When he came to his home, he could not even recognize it. His
home was completely damaged and a new company was built in that place , and lot of
people were working there. When enquired about his father Vaseegaran, the company
owner said That old man vaseegaran sold his home and all of his property to me
and left along with his grand son. This place is very costlier in this city, but that old
man gave me this place for a very lesser price. I am always grateful to that old man.
He is God.. Hearing these words , vikram turned wild and eyes became red. When
asked about where is Vaseegaran, the owner replied saying The old man told me that
take this place and do good for people. I lost my son and daughter in law and now I
have to live for my grand son. I am going very far away from this place along with
my grand son. Dont even know where I will reach.
Some days later, Vikram came to Cochin, searching for his friend Stephen who was
living there with his family. When he reached his home, he found some one else living
there. When enquired the nearby neighbors, he came to know that Stephen got injured
severely on his brain and the family along with him moved to Bangalore for his
treatment. Vikram, who was burnt severely where only eyes were able to be identified
on his face, started his journey towards Bengaluru.

Nimhans Hospital, Bengaluru:

Brain dead Stephen was sitting on the chair inside the ward. His wife Philomina was
sitting in front of him with tears coming off from her eyes.She was holding his hands
and crying.
Come on Stephen try to speak. We lost our daughter Angela also.Now there is no one
for me in this world. If you also do not speak now, then what for I should live. There
is no point in living a life like this. Come Stephen let us go together and die said
philomina with her tearful eyes. At that time she heard a shoe sound of some one
entering into the ward. She turned back. A man was standing, he was difficult to be
identified because only eyes were able to make out from his face , other parts of the
face were completely burnt.
Who are you? asked philomina looking at him.

Hello Philomina. I am Vikram, Stephens friend replied that burnt man.

Philomina was shocked to hear this. Vikram saw Stephen. He was sitting idle.
Vikram ran near Stephen and hugged him. But Stephen was still sitting idle without
any emotions and feelings. Vikram asked philomina What happened to my friend
Stephen. Why he is like this?
I am sorry to say Vikram, Stephen could neither speak nor understand anything. He
is not able to identify anyone including me. We lost our daughter Angela too. He is
always idle. He is brain dead replied philomina with her tearful eyes.
Vikram was shocked after hearing this. He stared at Stephen with his tearful eyes.
What happened to you Vikram? Why are you like this. Your body is completely
burnt. asked philomina.
This happened because of a fire accident. My car met with an accident to a 4 wheeler
sumo while I was on a drive near alleppey. I lost my entire family including my wife
and son. Only I survived from that accident replied Vikram.
Oh! How sad. I am sorry. said Philomina.
How did you reach out here? asked philomina.
I went to cochin where you people were living there long back. There, your old
neighbours told me that you people came to Bangalore for treatment said the burnt
Vikram, our hero Vijays father.
Vikram stared at Stephen . He was just idle. There was not even a single bit of
expression on his face. Vikramss eyes went into tears. He hugged him. Vikram
thought in his mind Vaseegaran, my daddy, I will not forgive you for what you have
done to me and to my friend Stephen.
Year 2050 : Oslo, Norway.
Vaseegaran slowly opened his eyes. Vijay, Shruthi and the Robot were standing
around him. The old mans eyes turned into anger when he saw the robot. He tried to
shout again but before that the doctor who treated him entered into the ward. Looking
at Vaseegaran, the doctor said Hold on Vaseegaran sir, control yourself. In this
condition , you should not shout or become angry.
The doctor narrated all the things that happened since he fell unconscious. Hearing all
the things, the old mans anger came down. Vijay started to speak I am sorry grand
pa. Please forgive me. I loved robots very much thats why I studied robotics. If you
have told me before, then I wouldnt have studied robotics, I am sorry grand pa.
Dont be angry on me. Saying this, Vijay fell to the old mans feet.
At that time robot started to speak Vaseegaran sir, please do not dismantle me. I
want to live. Robots will not harm people. Do not hate robots. Even electricity is also

dangerous and you get shock, but still you use current, if you walk on the road, there
might be a chance that you meet with an accident and you may die, but still people
walk on the roads, even if you use gas , there might be a chance that a fire accident
may take place, but still you use gas. A Robot is also like that. We do not harm or kill
people. It is the men who program us and make us act. You were also a robot
designer 50 years back. You know these things very well. I act according to the
program designed in me.
Hearing this, Vaseegaran started to stare at the robot. Vijay said, please grand pa.
my robot is very genius. It can do any thing you want. Please do not hate my robot. I
will not go in illegal way. I will not harm people. It is only my dads intentions are
wrong but not the robot.
The old man said Thank you my dear Robot. You saved my life. I am sorry my son
Vijay. I hurted you very much. You justified that you are my grand son by designing
this robot. Continue to work on robot. I will not stop you.
Hearing these words, Vijay and Shruthis faces turned smiley expressing how happy
they felt.

s Valentines day message Before LOVE, you people will forget

your parents, during LOVE, you people will forget yourselves, but after the
marriage do not forget that LOVE
Robotic puzzle :
Amitabh Bacchan is the ------------ of Abhishek Bacchans Father. What word you
will fill in the blank?
Ans : at the end of this scene.

Year 2050 : Oslo, Norway.

After 15 days of treatment, Vaseegaran got discharged from the hospital. Shruthi took
care of the old man all those 15 days. Shruthis father comes to see Vaseegaran.
When enquired about his health, Vaseegaran replied I am feeling better now. Your
daughter took much strain and took care of me in the hospital. Thats why I got
discharged very early. I am thankful to your daughter shruthi.
Do not use such big words, grand pa. It is my duty to serve you. You were a great
robot designer 40 years before. You loved robots very much. That love only saved
your life said Shruthi.

At his home, Vijay started to work on Robot again. Vijay asked his grand pa to give a
name to his Robot. Vaseegaran said Let me think of it and I will get back to you
with a good name for this robot.
Vijay staring at the robot asked How did you perform that heart operation to my
grand pa. I havent programmed you
Shruthi replied saying When the robot was there at my home, you didnt come to my
home for a couple of days. You came only during the weekends. My brother is a
medical college student. He wanted to use your robot for his exam. At that time , I
only uploaded your robot completely about the medicine and surgery. I only did that
to make my brother pass in his exam. Now , I am happy that our Robot was able to
perform the heart surgery.
Great! Thank you, Shruthi. Because of you, my grand pa is well now replied Vijay.
Chitti did a pregnant operation for a women, now you have done the heart operation
for me. Because of you only, I am alive now. You surpassed me Vijay, I am proud of
you. Thank you and your robot said Vaseegaran staring at the robot.
My son Vijay, do more programming on Robot, let this robot create some
adventures and make people wonder in this Norway. asked vaseegaran.
Sure, grand pa, I will continuously wok on this robot from now on and try to create
as many adventures as possible. I will make this Norway into a Roboway replied
Yes, you can do that Vijay said Shruthi smiling at Vijay.
Vijay worked on the programming day and night again for a couple of weeks. The
robot became more and more intelligent and efficient.
Vaseegaran named the robot designed by his grand son as MARUTHI.
After becoming more efficient, one fine morning, Maruthi went outside for a drive.
He was driving a car on the streets of Oslo. As he was riding, the robot saw a 3 year
old baby boy playing with a ball in the middle of the road. A 4 wheeler was coming
with a high speed towards the baby, at that time, Maruthi, jumped from the car, and
rescued the baby from the accident. The babys mother ran towards the robot and
thanked it. The mother told Maruthi, you are God and fell to its feet.
Then, later on , Maruthi went to a mall in Oslo. It was a big mall where lot of people
gathered there to do shopping. Maruthi walked around the mall and scanned the entire
mall. All the Norwegians present in the mall, were surprised to see a robot walking
around. Some of them went near Maruthi, shook its hands, some of them tried to talk
with that Robot and some of them even took autograph from Maruthi. Our Robot
Maruthi signed stylishly and gave autograph to some of the Norwegians.
Maruthi was driving a car on his way back to home in the evening. On his way, he
saw a thief threatening a woman and grabing her jewels like necklace , bangles etc

and running. Maruthi stopped the drive and started to run chasing the thief. After a 10
minutes chase, Maruthi finally caught the thief, hit him and gave back all the
belongings to that woman. All the Norwegians present around were amazed to see this
Robot. Even some of the Norwegian police men saw this incident , came near to the
Maruthi and shook their hands, and appreciated Maruthi.
That night, lot people were crowded near Vaseegarans home. Some of them were
carrying garlands in their hands . Vaseegaran was surprised to see this. He came near
the door and invited all of them to get in. When asked about the reason, the Oslo city
police commissioner carrying a big garland in his hand replied, Sir, we are all
gathered here to felicitate your robot. It has done lot of good things today . He
explained all of the things happened that day. Hearing this, Vaseegaran became happy.
He called Maruthi and hugged him. He also hugged Vijay and praised him a lot.
Maruthi invented a new type of diesel called Robo diesel using Biowastes and also
designed a new project for converting a salt water into a very sweet potable water. Lot
of Norwegians got benefited. It also designed a new bus with better efficiency and the
bus was named as RMB-2050. RMB meaning Robot Maruthi Bus. Maruthi also
caught a criminal gang which was a big challenge to the Norwegian Police.
Some days later , a ceremony was arranged at Oslo, to felicitate Vijay, Maruthi and
Vaseegaran. Prime minister of Norway, Erna Solberg,was present at the function
which was held in a very grand manner. A lot of police men, news editors, journalist,
ministers were present at this ceremony. Erna Solberg praised Robot and Vijay a lot.
Vaseegaran,Vijay and Maruthi were awarded with a prize from the hands of Prime
Minister. Prime minister said in the mike Norway feels lucky and blessed to have a
robot called Maruthi . Vijay and Maruthi thanked every one. Prime minister asked
Maruthi to speak in front of mike. Maruthi said standing in front of the mike Thank
you every one. I will make this Norway into Robotway. Every Norweign clapped
hearing this and shouted Jai Jai Robot, Jai Jai Robot, Jai Jai Maruthi Jai Jai
Tears came down from Vaseegarans eyes expressing how happy he felt and the old
man hugged Maruthi and Vijay. He said I am very happy today. This day is the most
memorable day in my life. I am proud of my grand son Vijay and his creation
Maruthi. Shruthi was staring at Vijay clapping her hands.
Every one including Shruthi was shouting Jai Jai Robot, Jai Jai Maruthi, well
done Vijay, well done Vijay.
Ans to the Puzzle : Name.

Maruthis punch dialogue Where there is a will, there is a way,

where there is Maruthi, there is a victory.

Chittis Question : Is it possible to use the digit 8 only eight times

to make it 1000 and also use digit 9 only nine times to make it 1000?

Maruthis Answer : End of this scene.

Year 2050 : Nimhans Hospital, Bengaluru.
Vikram, the burnt evil creature is aged around 50 years now. He was sitting in front of
brain dead Stephen, carrying a plate containing rice . Philomina was crying. At that
time, doctor who treated him came inside the ward. A T.V. , placed at the corner of the
ward , was switched on and a news channel was put on.
The doctor, said Vikram, after your arrival, there is a bit of improvement in his
health condition. He is always looking at you. Before your arrival, he was not staring
at any particular person. Your friendship and love is making him to look at you.
Yes, doctor, that is true. I love him more than my life. We both were best friends
right from our childhood days. I spent more time with him than I spent with my
family. I lost every one in my family. He is the only man left for me. I treat him more
than my family member. I tried to bring back his memory past 15 years here, each
and every attempt I made went in vain. I do not know how to bring him back to
norma. He has forgotten everything that has happened in the past.
Philomina shouted Instead of living a life like this since 20 years, it is better to die. I
wont see my old Stephen back. I will die doctor, I will die, kill Stephen also with
tears shedding off from her eyes.
Doctor Console yourself Philomina.. Stephen was silently viewing all these.
At that point of time, news in the T.V was displaying a news about a robot Maruthi in
Norway. An Indian reporter was presenting a news about a robot in Norway. The news
was giving the information about a felicitation ceremony that took place in Norway a
day back. After a minute, Vaseegaran, Vijay and Maruthi appeared in T.V. All 3 were
receiving a award from prime minister of Norway.
Looking at Vaseegaran, Stephens cells in his brain got activated after 20 years. As the
image of the old man and Robot was zooming , the cells got activation slowly and he
remembered the past. Stephen shouted

Every one in the ward were shocked to see this. Even Vikram who saw his father after
20 years in T.V, was shocked. He came near to Stephen, Stephen was rushing towards
T.V to break it. He took the t.v and put it down with a greater force and broke it into 2
pieces. He looked Vikram. Vikram was staring at Stephen with a smile in his face.
Stephen, ran towards Vikram and said Vikram, my friend, Vikram and hugged him.
Philomina with tearful eyes hugs Stephen. He asked about his daughter little Angela,
philomina told him all that has happened before and Angela is no more. Stephen was
shocked and he went into tears.
Vikram and Stephen collected more information about the Robot Maruthi, Vijay and
Vaseegaran from internet. They also got the address of the college where Vijay was
doing Robotics. They both decide to leave for Oslo, to take revenge on Vaseegaran.
Vikram Now the God has given me the opportunity to take revenge on my dad.
Stephen for you too
Stephen pouring whisky to glass replied Yes, Vikram, we have to take revenge on
that Vaseegaran, your dad. Even I lost my lovely daughter Angela in front of me , and
I was not even able to recognize that. I was in such a critical condition all these 20
years. All we need to do now is to kill your father, Vaseegaran.
Yes, Stephen, now we need to go to Norway and find a way to kill my dad. He
should not die peacefully. He should die in my hands with lot of pain and sufferings.
replied Vikram.
At that time, Philomina came with a plate containing snacks. When she asked Who
is Vaseegaran? Why did you become so angry when you saw him?, both Vikram and
Stephen see each other. They both hesitated to reply.
When she pressurized them to reply , both of them said the past story that has
happened before 20 years. Philomina was shocked after hearing this. She replied
That Vaseegaran uncle is a great man. God has done good to him for his good
character. I was praying God to give you the memory back all these 20 years, but now
I really feel that I shouldnt have done that. I feel ashamed to be your wife. You evil
creatures, God has given the correct punishment for what you both have done 20
years back. Now atleast turn good else, God will not forgive you both. Both of you
will die. Instead of gaining back your past memory, you should have been like before
or better you should have died.
Hearing this, Stephen became violent and he gave one tight slap to her. She begged
them not to go to Norway and do not harm Vaseegaran. Stephen pushed her and she
fell on a wall and became unconscious.
Both of them left for Norway thinking that they found a way to kill Vaseegaran, but
actually they found the way to kill themselves.

Maruthis Ans to the puzzle :

888+88+8+8+8= 1000
999+ (999 / 999)= 1000.

Maruthis punch dialogue If all that happens what we think,

then there is no GOD, if we keep thinking of all that has happened before then
there is no Peace
It was dark cloudy night in oslo. There was a heavy rain. Both the physically burnt
Vikram and so far mentally dead but now activated, Stephen arrive in Oslo. They both
book a room in a hotel. Next morning both of them reach Akhersius university where
Vijay was studying.
Vijay and Shruthi were staring each other in the college cafeteria. After searching for
couple of hours , both Stephen and Vikram see Vijay at the cafeteria. Vikram looking
at Vijay, said See Stephen , my son Vijay resembling like me
Yes, Vikram , his appearance is same as your appearance before 20 years. But now
your appearance has become like this replies Stephen .
Both of them follow Vijay and Shruthi. Vijay and Shruthi board into the car and head
towards Vaseegarans home. Both the evil creatures follow that car from the behind in
a taxi. After a 30 minutes, the car stopped. Both vijay and shruthi enter Vaseegarans
home. Evil creatures Vikram and Stephen also enter inside vaseegarans home without
the knowledge of anyone.
The old man Vaseegaran was sitting in a wheel chair in front of Leela and Sanas
photo. Both Vijay and Shruthi came near Vaseegaran. Vijay said Grand pa , how are
you feeling now. Is your health is completely fine now?
The old main replied Yes, my son, I am completely alright now. I will be fine as
long as you and Maruthi are with me. At that time , the Robot Maruthi came near.
Both the evil creatues Vikram and Stephen were watching all this hiding from the
Vijay said Grand pa , we need to do more programming on Maruthi. So we three are
going outside now to do on research work. We will be back by night 9 pm .

Okay, but do not strain much be back home early. It may rain today, the sky is
cloudy. Do not roam too long.
Okay grand pa , we will be back soon by 8 pm only.Take care. I have prepared for
the dinner. said Shruthi.
All 3 say good bye to the old man and left home.
Vaseegaran looked at Leelas photo again. He said Leela, you sacrificed your life
that day to save this old man. You should have been alive now. You would have been
very happy seeing your son Vijays achievement. He justified that he is my grand son.
Thank God he didnt become like his father , that evil creature Vikram.
At that time , Vikram said Hello daddy, how are you? and came near to the old
The old man was not able to recognize his son Vikram. That evil creature was burnt
almost completely and only eyes were able to recognize. Vaseegaran staring at Vikram
asked Who are you Why are you calling me daddy? My son already dead
Oh! You are unable to recognize me. Everything because of you replied Vikram.
What are you talking? asked Vaseegaran.
Yes, you only poured petrol all over my body and ignited fire 20 years back. Now,
you are only not able to identify me replied the burnt man with a smile.
Hearing these words, Vaseegaran was shocked. Tears came down from his eyes.
My son, Vikram ! he started to shout.
Yes, your burnt son Vikram. he replied.
Vikram continued What karate master, you became like this, you cant even stand,
sitting in a wheel chair and you are still alive even after 75 years. Its is good because I
can punish you now
My son, Vikram, now atleast turn good. I burnt because you killed leela and you
would have killed my grand son, that s why I burned you. Please become good.
Vikram kicked the wheel chair, the old man falls down, but before the old man could
recover from that, Stephen gave one shot to the old man with a iron rod.
Vikram takes a wooden bar and starts hitting his father. While hitting, the wood
scratches his burnt hand and blood comes out, seeing this, vikram becomes more
violent and shows to his father and tells See , my dad, when I hit you, my hands are
burning, how dare you put petrol on me on that day and ignite a fire saying this
vikram hits vaseegaran again with a greater force.
Vikram tells to Stephen, Come on Stephen, now it is your turn and gives the bar
to him. Vikram starts to relax.

Stephen takes the rod and tells You old man , that day you hit me on my head, I
became brain dead. Even I could not recognize my daughters death. She was killed in
front of me with tears in his eyes and begins to hit that old man.
Vikram stares at vaseegaran and starts singing Daddy, daddy , oh my daddy,
Stephen tells Hello karate master, now stand up , will fight , show us some karate
styles of you, come on uncle and laughs.
Tears and blood flow from the old mans eyes and mouth respectively and the old man
become unconscious.
Vikram tries to ignite fire on the old man and burn him. Stephen stops vikram and
tells , No Vikram, do not burn your father right now. We need him alive. He burnt
you because if that microchip and chitti and save the world. We need to get that
microchip again. We need to get to know the place of microchip from this old man. So
do not kill him. I understand your anger
Leave me Stephen, I want to burn this old man. If he let him alive, he will finish us
No No , Vikram, do not kill this old man. Once we get to know about chitti and the
microchip, afterwards will kill him. I will also burn this old man replies Stephen.
Maruthis punch dialogue Always believe that everything
will be sorted at the end, if not sorted then believe that is
not the end

Here Vijay, Shruthi and Maruthi came to Vigeland in Frogner

park in Oslo. Vijay gave some money to the robot and sent him to bring something
for them to eat. Maruthi went out towards a hotel to buy some food. Shruthi began to
stare at Vijay.
Shruthi tells You are only bothered about your robot maruthi, you rae not at all
bothered me
I am sorry, Shru, I wanted create more amazing adventures using this robot. I wanted
to make people wondering. Thats why .I am sorry Shru, now tell me what you need
When will be our marriage . When are you going to talk about this with your grand

Now everything is set right. My grand pa is recovering well. All thanks to my robot
who saved him. Now robot is also became more efficient and done great job.
Tomorrow itself I will talk to my grand pa abou this replied our hero vijay.
After spending a couple of hours in that park, all 3 began their journey towards home.

Here, at home, vikram having match box in his hand tells Stephen do not stop me, I
will burn this old man. Thats my dream of 20 years. He almost killed me physically
and you mentally.
Telling this, vikram takes kerosene tries to put on the vaseegarans body, when he was
about to put , they hear a sound of door being opened.
Stephen goes outside the room and see Robot maruthi, vijay and shruthi entering
inside the home.
Stephen tells to vikram Vikram, stop it, stop it, your son, that girl and that robot
have just now arrived here. They are entering inside.
Both vikram and Stephen jump from the window and escape.
All 3 vijay, shruthi and robot enter the old mans room. They were shocked to see
vaseegaran fallen on the floor with blood flowing out from his mouth. Vijay went into
tears. All 3 bring vaseegaran to the hospital.
Vaseegaran, was kept in ICU. The doctor and robot maruthi try to save the old man.
But after numerous attempts, they come to conclusion, that old man cannot be rescued
any more
Doctor tells to vijay I am sorry, vijay, death has approached your grand pa. I tried all
my best to save him. But unfortunately all my attempts failed. Your grand pa cannot
be saved. I am sorry Mr Vijay with a sad face.
Yes, my boss, some one has stamped his chest and also hit him very badly with iron
rod. Your grand pa was already a heart patient. His health condition is very serious
and he can live only for a couple of a minutes from now tells our Robot Maruthi.
Doctor tells Go vijay, go and speak to your grand pa for the last time. He will be
alive for a very less time from now. He wants to tell you something
Vijay runs into the ward . The old man slowly opened up his eyes , looks at vijay and
tells My son Vijay, I am going and leaving you, your dad is still alive. That evil
creature doesnt want me to be alive. I am not bothered about dying, but I am

bothered whether that evil creature will try to kill you also. He is not a human being.
Your father is a daemon for our family. Because of him, you lost your grand mother,
mother and now me.. My son vijay, I am happy that God extended my life span to
bring you up and see all your achievements in robotics.I am proud of you. God didnt
give me a good son but gave me a good grand son. I thank GOD for that and now the
time has come for me to go.
no grand pa, do not speak like that, do not leave me and go cries vijay.
My son vijay, your father has come here only to kill me. He did all that only for chitti
and that microchip. I have not destroyed those. I have kept chitti and that microchip in
a very secret place. I have kept in Germany. Those programs in the microchip can be
used very efficiently. You use them for a good purpose, do more good for the people
and do not let your father know about this. Take care , God bless you my son telling
these words, the old man Vaseegaran dies.
2 days after the old mans death, vijay and shruthi start scanning the old mans room.
After an hour, they find an old dairy written by vaseegaran. In that dairy, the old man
had written many things that happened in his life. They also got the address where the
old man has kept the chitti and the microchip. When both read the address, vikram
and Stephen enter inside the room.

Vikram tells Hello my son, I am your dad. How are you?

Damn! Do not tell that you are my dad, You are neither a son to my grand pa nor a
father to me. I wont treat you not only as a father but also a human being
Stephen shouts Vijay, mind with whom you are talking to.
You both are not human beings, rather evil creatures who killed my grand pa.
Definitely I will kill you both
My son Vijay, you are going to kill me! laughs burnt vikram.
Give me the address asks Stephen.
ou wont get that address replies vijay.
No problem. No need of address . I know how to gain chitti again tells vikram.
You cannot get back chitti again. I will only get it. Once I get it, I will burn you and
complete the job what my grand pa has left incomplete tells vijay.
Okay my son, will see who wins saying this vikram and Stephen walk away.
Vijay, Shruthi and Maruthi head to Germany.

Maruthis punch dialogue Winning without any problem is VICTORY, Winning

after facing lot of problems is a HISTORY
Vijay and Shruthi along with Maruthi robot get down from the flight at Berlin airport.
The berlin was glittering with artificial lights in the night. Time was around
They headed towards a restaurant for a dinner.
Having dinner, shruthi asked Vijay dear, you are not yet recovered from your grand
pas loss. you loved him so much, now you came here to fulfil his words.
Yes,he was like my God. Now, I came here for a bigger mission. With his blessings, I
will definitely become successful in this.
Yes, definitely you will succeed Vijay replied shruthi with a smile staring at him.
Maruthi asked Boss , what is our first program tomorrow
To meet my grand pas friend, Mr Dhanasekaran at 10 am. Please make
arrangements for us to reach there by 10, Mr Genius
Yes, boss, I will do it replied robot Maruthi.
Meanwhile, Vikram and Stephen who reached Berlin were having the dinner at the
same restaurant a little far away.
Next day, Vijay and Shruthi were seated in front of Mr Dhansekaran at his residence.
Have this cup of coffee said Mr Dhanasekaran, old man aged about 7o years .
your grand pa Vaseegaran was a great man right from his younger age. He was my
guru. He gave me good tips and advice when I was at difficult times. Those things
only helped me to come to this level. Today ,I am a big businessman. I own 15 hotels
all over Germany. Now I am extremely shocked and could nt bear the pain when
you say he is no more. continued the old man.
The old man continued Your grand pa hated robots because he faced many
difficulties . He gave me the chitti and the microchip and told everything that
happened when he met for the last time 15 years back here. He told me to use it for
good purpose and take care that it is not misused for any evil cause. But after some
days I gave that Chitti and the microchip to one of my relative Shankar who is doing
robotics in Japan Robotics Academy .
Hearing this , Vijay and Shruthi were surprised. After taking the Japan address and
blessings from the old man, Vijay and Shruthi left his home.
As soon as they left, evil creatures Vikram and Stephen arrived there.

Vikram and Stephen threatened Mr Dhansekaran to give them the address in Japan
where Chitti is present. But the old man refused, they hit him and ask for the address.
Vikram calls Vijay and tells My son Vijay, give me the address, else this old man will
die. Hearing this, Vijay, reverses his car and returns back there.
Vikram demand the address facing the gun towards the old man Mr Dhanasekaran.
Maruthi tries to hit Vikram, but vijay tells No, Mr Robot, I only have to give to my
dad, that I will give him later. Now This is not the time to tackle him
Maruthi steps back. Vikram : Oh! You are going to give me, lets see my son, now
first give me the address.
Vijay gives the address, Vikram and Stephen walk away. Vijay apologizes to Mr
Vikram and Stephen fly to Japan. A couple of hours after their departure,
Vijay, Shruthi and Maruthi fly to Japan.
In the flight, resting her head on Vijays shoulders shruthi asks, What Vijay, you have
given the address to your evil dad. He will get chitti, then what about your mission,
he will destroy many things using that chitti
Vijay with a smile replied I gave the address to save that old man Mr Dhanasekaran.
If I have refused to give that address, then that evil Vikram would have killed that old
man. But no worries, I told Maruthi to do one work. Maruthi has completed. Chitti,
will not go to vikram.
Hearing this, shruthi asked How vijay? with a surprise.
Vijay explained As soon as we got that address, Maruthi scanned the entire address
and the phone number. I told Maruthi to call them and tell everything what has
happened. Maruthi did. They were shocked hearing all this. They told that chitti is
safe and will not give to vikram.
Shruthi smiled hearing this. I also gave one more work to Maruthi and he has
completed it. said Vijay.
What s that she asked .
That I will tell you later.

Tokyo, Japan.
Evil creatures Vikram and Stephen enter into the Japan Robotics Academy and
enquire about Shankar. A couple of hours later , they were able to see Shankar,

Dhanasekarans relative. Shankar, 25 year old boy, greeted vikram and Stephen with
a smile.

Vikram said, I am Vaseegarans son, even I have done graduation in Robotics in India.
In a fire accident, I lost my wife , son and my mother. I was also fully burnt. Some
how luckily I am alive now. My father gave chitti robot to your uncle Mr
Dhanasekaran 25 years before. Now we need chitti to do research and also come up
with a new invention. We need to experiment on it. Could you please return back
chitti to us
Shankar who knew everything realized that this was a lie and he was aware how
cruel Vikram is. He replied saying How can I believe that you are vaseegarans son.
I cannot give chitti to you and more over I do not have chitti with me with me
Vikram became angry and said You fellow, listen , that chitti is my fathers creation,
you do not have any right to tell like this.
Stephen took a pistol and targeted Shankar and said, If you love to be alive, then
give chitti to us and else you will die now.
By that time Vijay and shruthi and Maruthi arrive there.
Vikram holds Shankar with pistol and demanded Chitti. Vijay tells Shankar to show
them chitti. All of them walked towards the museaum where chitti was kept. Inside
the museum, Chitti Robot was kept inside a box made up of a high quality glass.
Vikram came near to chitti, at that time fight begins. Vijay started to fight with
Vikram while Maruthi Robot was busy with Stephen. Maruthi with its metallic hand
gave one big shot to Stephen on his head where he got injured before. Stephen fell
unconscious. A lot of Japanese students from the Academey gather there and they
also help Vijay to fight with Vikram.
Vijay began to hit his evil father more violently than vikram hit vaseegaran. Vikram
shouted My son, I am your father, leave me
Vijay replied Even my grand pa was also your father, did you leave your father? I
am your son, I will also not leave my father like you . Saying this Vijay continued.
Blood began to flow out from the vikrams burnt body.
Vikram falls down. Vijay came near to vikram and said Boys, give me some
petrol. One boy ran and came back with the can containing petrol.

Vijay pours petrol on vikrams body and stares at him and speaks
Now I have to kill you. If I do that , what is the difference between you and me. I am
born to a evil creature but I am brought up by a good person called Vaseegaran. I do
not want to kill my own father like you. Daddy why daddy , why are you like this.
Because of you only I lost my grand ma. Because of you , Stephen and your greedy
thought, I lost my mother also. Because of you only, finally I lost my grand pa also.
Even, you lost a good wife, mother , and your friend also lost memory because of
you. Inspite of that you are still mad of robot, chitti, money. All you suffered,
struggled and lost your appearance only because to get chitti and that microchip.
Take this chitti, go and take this microchip saying this , vijay throws the microchip
on vikrams face. At that time, Stephen became conscious and opened up his eyes.
Vijay continued Do what ever you want. Kill me and Shruthi also. I want to see my
mother, I want her love . Can you give back my mother to me? Can you give back my
grand pa to me? Try to kill as many people as you can. Try to destroy as many things
as you can. But remember what ever you do using that chitti Robot, there are
thousands of robots which will try to stop you and chitti. Do not forget Maruthi. Even
if I forgive , Maruthi will not forgive you. Your attempt will always end in failure.
Maruthi will not let you to gain anything using Chitti. There will be other robots as
Vikram takes that microchip. Vikram went into tears hearing this. He cried and then
Yes son you are right. All you told is correct. A man like me should not be alive.
Please forgive me my son. No I am not eligible to ask for forgive. Take this
microchip and continue to do good, God Bless you my son saying thins vikram took
a match box and ignited himself. Stephen could not withstand his friend vikram
burning in front of him. He shouted and came running near him ,My friend, vikram,
because of you only I gained back my memory. You only gave me a new life. I do not
want to live without you. Saying these words, Stephen went near Vikram and
burned himself.
Vijay and other boys tried to save vikram and Stephen, but they were too late. Both
the evil creatures were burnt into ashes.
Shruthi asked Vijay How come vijay u gave that chitti and microchip to vikram.
Vijay said That chitti and microchip what we saw was not the original one. Maruthi
told Shankar to show vikram a robot which would look like chitti. . That microchip
was also duplicate which was created by Maruthi. Now that original chitti and
microchip is safe in Nigeria.
After 6 months, New Delhi , India.
Prime Minister of India arrives to inaugurate the institution titled as Vaseegarans
Academy of Robotics established by Vijay.
Prime Minister congratulates vijay. Inside the Academy, A white marble statue of
Vaseegaran beautifully carved and designed by Maruthi was kept at the reception hall
to welcome the people. The entire model of the academy was designed by Maruthi. A
lot of Indian celebrities and other people attend the Inaugural ceremony.

Maruthis punch dialogue When Electricity passes through a man, it shocks, when it
passes through a Robot, it rocks.
Vijay speaks in the mic This is just the beginning. My journey will continue. I am
happy to inaugurate this Vaseegrans Academy of Robotics for the first time in
India. For the first time, my Maruthi and other Robots are going to coach students
here about robotics. A robot is going to take class on Robotics. I will open many
braches all over India. India will definitely become number 1 in robotics and it will
surpass Japan in future. That day will come.
Every one clapped. Prime Minister shook his hand with Vijay and said Well done, I
wish you all success in future Mr Vijay.
Maruthi- The Robot Returns ends here but the robotic journey will always continue.
Vision 2060 :
A robot teaching in schools and colleges.
Vison 2070 :
A robot creating a new kind of bus in India and driving .

Jai Jai Robot. Jai Jai Robot.

When Electricity passes through a man, it shocks, when it passes through a
Robot, it rocks.
Thank you for reading.
Signing off with love
A Guru Prasanna

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