Approval Sheet . I Acknowledgement .... ... II Research Abstract ... IV Table of Contents Ix

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College of Nursing

Table of Contents
Approval Sheet .i
Acknowledgement .......ii
Research Abstract ...iv
Table of Contents ix

Chapter 1 (Introduction) 1
Statement of the Problem 2
Significance of the Study ........3
Working Framework ....5
Definition of Terms ........6
Scope and Limitations ....7
Chapter 2 (Review of Related Literature) .8
Family With Hearing Impaired Parent ...8
Family Communication ..10
Family Issues ......11
Family Reaction ...12

College of Nursing
Emotions Children of Hearing Impaired Parents May Go Through .....13
Anger/Shame ...13
Inferiority ........13
Fear ......13
Alienation ....14
Adjustment to the New Reality ...14
Acceptance ..14
Chapter 3 (Methodology) .........16
Research Design .....16
Research Locale ..16
Research Participants and Sampling Technique .......17
Research Instrument ...18
Data Gathering Procedure ...19
Ethical Consideration .....22
Method of Data Analysis 22
Chapter 4 (Presentation of Findings) ........25
Summary of Themes ......26

College of Nursing
Theme #1: Children of Deaf Adult .27
1.1 Being a Hearing Child to Hearing Impaired Parents ...27
Theme #2: Family Communication ...29
2.1 Medium of Communication .....29
2.2 Spoken Language Development ..30
2.3 Communication .30
Theme #3: Consciousness ...33
3.1 Awareness of Their Parents Condition 33
3.2 How They Felt ..34
Theme #4: Being Different .....34
4.1 Having Two Different Environment 35
Theme #5: Acceptance ...35
5.1 Adaptation 36
5.2 Realizations ..37
Chapter 5 (Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations) ...38
Summary of the Lives of Children of Hearing Impaired Parents..........38
Conclusion ......39

College of Nursing
Recommendation 42
Appendix A (Letters) 44
Letter to Conduct the Study 45
Letter to the Participant .....46
Informed Consent Form .47
Letter of Endorsement 48
Certification 49
Appendix B (Transcriptions, Coding, Clustering, Field Notes)50
Transcriptions ....51
Coding ....82
Clustering 168
Field Notes .....187
References .192
Curriculum Vitae ..195

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