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Humaidi Rizqi Alfath Syaif

Civil Law

Can a PNS do polygamy?

PNS (Pegawai Negeri Sipil) is a citizen with specific skills working for the
government and filling some specific position in the governance. These
citizens can only be officially elected as PNS by the staffing official of the
government in accordance to the Regulation No.5 of 2014 on Aparatur Sipil
Negara (UU ASN)
There are some regulations which regulates the perquisite for a PNS to do
polygamy. The government regulation specially stipulates the requirement of
marriage and divorcement of PNS. It is PP No.45 of 1990. The perquisites of a
PNS to do polygamy is mentioned on article 4 of PP No.45 of 1990, which are:
(1)Pegawai Negeri Sipil pria yang akan beristri lebih dari seorang,
wajib memperoleh izin lebih dahulu dari Pejabat.
(2)Pegawai Negeri Sipil wanita tidak diizinkan untuk menjadi istri
(3)Permintaan izin sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat (1) diajukan
secara tertulis.
(4)Dalam surat permintaan izin sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat
(3), harus dicantumkan alasan yang lengkap yang mendasari
permintaan izin untuk beristri lebih dari seorang.

Based on Article 4 Paragraph (2) Pegawai Negeri Sipil wanita tidak diizinkan
untuk menjadi istri kedua/ketiga/keempat. It is clearly stated that the only
who can do polygamy is the husband, not the wife. Also, a man who is
married cant married a female PNS. Because it will make the female PNS to
be your second wife which is not allowed by the regulation. So in this case
polygamy which allowed by PP No.45 of 1990 is polygyny, a man who marry
more than a woman.
There are some requirements for a male PNS to do polygyny based on PP
No.45 of 1990. Article 1 Paragraph (1) forced someone who will do polygyny
to obtain some permission from his higher-rank official. These higher-rank
official are mentioned in PP No.10 of 1983. So they cannot choose abruptly
the higher-rank official, because the higher-rank officials who can give the

permission is also regulated. PP No.10 of 1983 mentions the higher-rank

official are:

Jaksa Agung;
Pimpinan Lembaga Pemerintah Non Departemen;
Pimpinan Kesekretariatan Lembaga Tertinggi/Tinggi Negara;
Gubernur Kepala Daerah Tingkat I;
Pimpinan Bank milik Negara;
Pimpinan Badan Usaha milik Negara;
Pimpinan Bank milik Daerah;
Pimpinan Badan Usaha milik Daerah.

Officials received a request of permission is obliged to consider carefully the

reasons stated in the letter of permission request permits and consideration
of the employers of the PNS. Referred to in Article 9 Paragraph (1) PP 45 of
The confirmation of the permission request whether it is allowed or not is
conducted by the Officer in writing within a period not later than three
months from the arrival of the permission request letter. It is referred to in
Article 12 of PP No.45 of 1990.
If the official considers that the reasons and the conditions stated in the
permit request is less convincing, then the officials had to request additional
information from the wife of the PNS who filed the request or consent of the
other party who is seen to provide definite information. This provision
referred to in Article 9 Paragraph (2) PP No.10 of 1983.
Pursuant to Article 10 paragraph (1) PP No.10 of 1983, the permission
request can only be granted by the official if it meets at least one of the
alternative conditions and three of the cumulative conditions referred to in
Article 10 Paragraph (2) and (3) PP No.10 of 1983.
These alternative and cumulative conditions as it mentioned in Article 10
Paragraph (2) and (3) of PP No.10 of 1983 are:
1. Syarat Alternatif
(a) Istri tidak dapat menjalankan kewajibannya sebagai istri
(b)Istri mendapat cacat badan atau penyakit yang tidak dapat
(c) Istri tidak dapat melahirkan keturunan
2. Syarat Kumulatif
(a) Ada persetujuan tertulis dari istri

(b)PNS pria yang bersangkutan mempunya penghasilan yang cukup

untuk membiayai lebih dari seorang istri dan anak-anaknya yang
dibuktikan dengan surat keterangan pajak penghasilan.
(c) Ada jaminan tertulis dari PNS yang bersangkutan bahwa ia akan
berlaku adil terhadap istri-istri dan anak-anaknya
Besides the things above, there are other requirements that must be met in
order to practice polygamy, namely that it is not contrary to the teachings of
his religion. Based on Article 10 Paragraph (4) the permission request is not
given by officials if the polygamy:
(a) Bertentangan dengan ajaran/peraturan agama yang dianut PNS yang
(b)Tidak memenuhi setidaknya salah satu syarat alternative dan ketiga
syarat kumulatif
(c) Bertentangan dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku
(d)Alasan yang dikemukakan bertentangan dengan akal sehat
(e) Ada kemungkinan mengganggu pelaksanaan tugas kedinasan
Basically, if the PNS religion prohibits polygamy, the PNS will not be granted
his permission to polygamy.
So, these are the perquisites of polygamy for the PNS. In matter of marriage
and divorcement, PNS has their special field itself.

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