3-Skills Inventory

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What Are The Top Ten Skills That Employers Want

As I planned to be engaged with one of the creative schools as a

creative helpful teacher. I believe that any teacher needs to have
specific skills , which help in supporting her personality and building
on her experience . I believe that any teacher needs to have strong
verbal communication , as chatting is helping in constructing
knowledge and exchanging information. Vygosky , stated that words
plays major role in constructing knowledge and exchanging
Also, I believe that having the ability in working as a part of a
team is one of the needed skills. Because I am strongly believe in
interactionism theory , which stated by Vygosky, which came up
with that people when they are dealing with each other they are
gaining different ideas, material, belief , or language. According to
University of Kent (n.d) that those two skills came with the most
often deemed important required skills by BBC,NACE, and other
organizations. University of Kent (n.d)

In addition to that , according to Flux Report by Right Management

that the most important skills to develop in employees to drive
company growth over the next 5 years were : leadership62% ,
management skills 62% , interpersonal skills 53%, innovation ns
creativity 45%, Technical 40%marketing 32%. (University of Kent.

: Reference
University of Kent.(n.d).What Are The Top Ten Skills That )

Employers Want?. Careers and Employability Service.

Retrieved on Nov,18,2016.From:https://

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