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Personalised Learning Pathway

Supporting the Performance and Educational Achievement of Aboriginal Students

TEACHER NAME: Abbey McCulloch and Laura Burt
Please fill in the following table for all Aboriginal students that you have taught for the year. These comments will be used in the formation
of the students PLPs. Your assistance is vital to this process, so please have the form completed and handed in as per the report schedule.
A list of students will be provided, or can be found on SENTRAL.
This form can be filled out and placed in the pigeon of the Aboriginal Education Coordinator or completed on the EDU Drive in
Aboriginal Resources.



Malia Afungia

Malia works well in class and is always willing to

provide input through the answering/asking of
questions and reading. Malia completes all set
tasks and is able to work well in groups, which has
helped improve her problem solving skills.

Numeracy skills
Stay on task

Neil Aslett-Robertson

Neils verbal portrayal of the content taught in

Geography is exceptional and he can often be
counted on to provide input into classroom
discussions. He also has the ability to complete
activities that require numeracy skills at a much
higher level that the rest of his peers.

Literacy skills
Be on time to class
Bring the correct equipment to class
Use appropriate language
Stay on task

Jarrad Backhouse

Jarrad has a positive attitude and is respectful for

the most part in class. He will generally try to
solve problems on his own before asking for help
particularly in relation to geographical skills. He
is able to work independently, think for himself
and seems to want to excel in the classroom.

Literacy skills
Be on time to class
Bring the correct equipment to class
Working collaboratively
Extended response writing

Hayley Charnock

Hayley has positive relationships with her peers

and is able to work well in collaborative situations.
Her bookwork is neat but not up to date.

Literacy skills
Complete set tasks
Seek clarification
Extended response writing

Personalised Learning Pathway

Supporting the Performance and Educational Achievement of Aboriginal Students

Max Deirmendjian

Max understands content and concepts in

Geography easily. He listens well and is able to
problem solve.

Literacy skills
Numeracy skills
Time management
Bring the correct equipment to class
Working collaboratively

Jayde Fischer

Jayde has good communication and listening skills

and is often eager to learn new things. She works
well in collaborative situations and has the ability
to make connections between content and personal

Numeracy skills
Literacy skills
Extended response writing

Taylah Hansen

Taylah is well organised and always brings the

correct equipment to class. She completes set
tasks but can become distracted which detracts
from her ability to complete tasks to the best of her

Literacy skills
Numeracy skills
Easily distracted
Problem skills
Working collaboratively
Seek clarification

Paris Harrison

Paris does her each lesson, showing responsibility

and organisational skills. She stays on task and
works well in group situations if she is
comfortable with those in her group. She follows
rules and expectations consistently and has
exceptional bookwork.

Literacy skills
Numeracy skills
Needs to seek clarification
Problem solving skills

Gemma Murray

Gemma listens to directions and generally follows

classroom rules and expectations. She often
participates in classroom discussions but needs to
seek clarification on a more regular basis.

Literacy skills
Numeracy skills
Work collaboratively
Seek clarification

Jayden Sparkes

Jayden seems disinterested in school. It is often a

struggle to get him to complete his work, however
when he does, he does it in a timely manner and

Literacy skills
Numeracy skills
Bring the correct equipment to class

Personalised Learning Pathway

Supporting the Performance and Educational Achievement of Aboriginal Students

seems to grasp concepts easily. He follows class

rules and expectations, however is extremely
apathetic for the most part.

Be on time to class
Make good choices
Seek clarification
Working collaboratively

Kieran Sparkes

Kieran works well in class and collaborative

situations when he is comfortable with the people
in his group.
He listens well and follows
classroom rules and expectations.

Literacy skills
Numeracy skills
Verbal communication
Seek clarification

Chloe Vanderstraaten

Chloe works well in collaborative situations. Her

bookwork is legible and neatly presented and she
generally completes her work in a timely manner.
Her attention to detail is good however she needs
to seek clarification more regularly.

Literacy skills
Numeracy skills
Stay on task
Seek clarification
Bring the correct equipment to class
Be on time to class
Problem solving

Kane Williams

Kane has made a conscious decision to focus more

in class this year. Although he sometimes
struggles, he generally completes all set tasks and
is often willing to provide input into classroom
His ability to verbally relay
information is good, however he can sometimes
struggle to write said information down especially
when working in a collaborative situation.

Literacy skills
Numeracy skills
Bring the correct equipment to class
Working collaboratively
Be on time to class
Stay on task

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