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for example, schedle shit, new n what soften the final section of the non to how the project going. In tations to say that everythings going det they need to at 8 marages required: for example, a suramary of ‘of product testing. When you plan and {and expectations of your sudlence— on whom you depend for rcome or 5 REPorTS a are reqied fora project. especially visor of lie Remember tat the han a quick eal note briefly describ ally impulse to avoid unnecessary ect and te requirements of the cient 7s there should be and how often they reports a sent at the end cf eve rojet the more formally defined these {ie progiess report willbe, teports include tle page, table of content, oe likely, however, tat rour progress ‘oF memoranda, T PROPOSALS ‘ne of your most important ools as an engineer, patculaly as «consuling Engineer. ste proposal. With it, you get work, either for youself, if you're an Fndependent, ot forte company that employs you Tr you explore the literature on proposals, you'll ee thet they ae fined in many different ways. In this book, however, the proposal is something quite ‘pectic it bid, offer, or request odo projec ps any supporting informa ton necessary io gain approval oraceptance todo the projet. Proposals some times must convince the recipient thatthe project needs to be done, but proposals mus alas convince the recipient that the propor i the ight in ‘ial or organization todo the projec. Inthe typical proposal scenario an organization sends out a request for proposals (RFP) to doa certain project. These RFPs can be Sent out i various Way: by publication in newspapers, professional journals, or specialized pe ‘dial sch a the Commerce Business Daly by malo slet lit of vendor ‘ezanizations;orby various informal means sch as telephone or e-mail. Orga nization interested in dong the projet submit proporls in which they pesent cir qualifications and make a case for temelves as a good choice. The re lent ofthe proposals selects one of te proposals and ener no ona nego sions. One that s accomplished, the orgenization tat won the projet can get ‘As you can se, proposal writing i competitive aff, You mut highlight nizations strengths you must make 8 good ease for your company 3 Proposals are commonly divided into two types based on whether the recipient requested them Solicited. If ano ‘ea tobe “soliied”—they have been fequest Unsolicited, Indvideale and companies often inate proposals without formal equest from the ecipient, They may see that an individual or orga nization has problem or opportunity. When he proposal sunset, You, rzation issues a request for proposals, the proposals the proposal writer, have to do the additonal work of convincing the recipi Proposals can also be divided according to the context in which they occu Internal. If you adress your propossl to someone within your orgenic tio, the format and conens may change significantly. The memo format sally appropriate, apd sections like qualifications and coms may not be + Extemal. If you adress your proposal to some ater individual or organ zation outside of your ov, you must use some combination ofthe business letra formal-report armas ORGANIZATION AND CONTENT OF PROPOSALS The typical sections ina proposal are a follows (se the proposal excepts in ure 5.6 in which some o these sections aeiustrated Introduction. Inthe frst paragraph or section of proposal, make reference to some prior contet withthe recipient ofthe propos or your source of information aboot the project. Identify the information that follows as peo posal (in other words, sate te purpose). Also, pve a brief overview of the ontents ofthe props problem or opportnity that caused you to write the proposal. In solicited proposals, this may not be necessary: The party requesting proposals proba bly knows the problem very wel Stl, a background section even insti ited proposal canbe useful in demonstrating tat you fully understand the Situation oF in expiring your interpretation oi In mast proposals, you inlade a shor section in which you state explicitly what you ae proposing to do, Proposals often fer 10 many possible, which can eeae some vagueness about what's ‘ually being offered. You may also need scope statement—an expii aement aboot what you are no offering to do in of he work product. Many proposals needa section in which the proposed project—in ether words the result ofthe work—is described. This might be a constructed building, «program desig, blueprints o plans, cor even a 40-page report. The point iso provide details on wh the eipint is geting feasibility fhe project, AS away of promoting he projec to the recipient, some propzals discus the ikely benefits ofthe project. Others ‘iscuss how likely thse benefits ar. This pancularly tue in unsolicited te additonal work of convincing the rex ing othe contest in which they occur proposal to someone within your organi 1 hange significantly. The memo forma. 3 like qualifications and costs tay not proposal to some other individual or organ fnust use some combination of the bean ONTENT OF PROPOSALS axe a follows (se the proposal exert in fection ar illustrate) raph or ection of propos, make fees pint ofthe proposal of your sous ent the informatio that lows 5p purpose) Also, give a brief overview ited proposal, you'll want 0 discus he used yor to write the proposal. In slice sary: The pay requesting proposal proba ‘SUI, a background section even a asa demonstrating tht you fully understand he terpretation of most proprals, you ined a short soa hat you are proposing to do, Proposls oes ch can create some vagueness about whit 1y also need scope statement—an expe offering todo. ‘e Many proposals needa section in wich words, he resis of the work—is dese ding. a program desien,bivpens or pla sot to provide details on wht the ree ec. ay of routing eS Seuss the likely benefits of the projec. Os te ae, This ie particularly ue in unslcil ees Figure 6. Excers om sno propos, oe intra te other eternal Ts exam Plstnepatcthe corer leter (or memo) ad the propos! properino ane contins Servet oposls where the recipient must be convinced that he projets necessary Ine first plac © Meador approach. In sme of your proposal, you'll ned 2 section that exphins how you plan to go about te project, even the theory beind your Fpposch. For some projects, people need to know how the work willbe done and why it wil be done that way. Asin the background section, this discus Sion enables you to demonstrate your profesional expertise. + Qualifications and references. Mos proposals ist he proposing orgaiz on’s key qualifications, long with ferences to pest work This seaion of the proposal is lke a minresume. Large proposals actualy include fal resumes ofthe individuals who will wrk om the rojct. In small intemal «Schedule. The proposal should contain a schedule of the projected work with dates ora timeline forthe major milestones. This iformation may fit ricely in the methods and procedure section, or it may work beter in a ec tion of sown. Again this pves the eipint an idea of what lies aead and a chance to ask for changes; and it enables yoa t rhow how systematic, + Costs Most proposal hve a costs section that detail the various expenses involved in the project. Rather than fos ota limp sm, beak it dwn ito thferen kinds of labor, hourly rates foreach, and other charges. Ifyou ae ‘writing an internal proposal, you may aed list supplies needed expenses, fornew equipment, your ime (even though its not charged), and soon = Conclusion. Normally, the inl paragraphs of your proposal should urge the recipient to consider your propos, contact you vith questions and of outs aceept your bid or request. Tis Is also @ goo! spt To alla once mote tothe Benefits of ding the projet. FORMAT OF PROPOSALS There are sever ways you can package & propos, depending on your relation tothe recipient ofthe proposal, the sie and ntue ofthe aoposl, and the way it wil be ued by the eipients. Use oe ofthe following ‘or Your proposal Memorandum forma, f your proposal i short (ane four pages) and if i's addressed to someone within your company, wse a simple mem format (sce Figure 5) Inlude headings as you normaly woud or any otber doe ‘Busines-leer format. If your proposal is som buts aresed to some fone outside your organization, uses basines eter alto estate in Figure 5-6), Azan, include headigs 35 you normally would J fou pase) fis edessed o people within your own company, anf you exvi- tment with ts own tle. Ata a cover mem to the Font of tin the mero Separate proposal with cover meme. If your propolis long restate the key clement of the introduction end the conclusion. (Se Figure 5-7 but pct the letr reformatted as memorandum.) nthe background section, this sus Profesional experts, Proposal ist the proposing exganiza- Hereces to past work, This section of Age proposals actualy include fal work on the project. In sal itera tin 8 schedule of the projected work milestones. This information may 2eton, o it may work better i yr, ‘ipient anid of what is abe and tion tha details the various expenses Sout a tump sum, beak it down ate F each, and cher charges. IF you ae 1 list supplies needed exensee gh itis not charged), and soc Faphs of your proposal shoul! urge contact you with questions, and of is also a good spet to alla once posi. depending on your relation nature of he proposal, andthe wey he following for your propos is shor (ander four pages, and ¢ normally vould for anyother doc 's short bu is adresse to some 2 eter (als ilststed in igus ly woul Your proposal is long (over four ur own company, nd if you env reviewers, make ita separate doc ‘mo tothe fon of i inthe memo, ‘and the conluson. (Se Figue ) | + Separate propossl with cover leer. If your proposal is tong, if is ddresed to pecple ewside your company, and if Jou envision it being passed around among varius reviewers, make ite separa document ith its own tie. Atcha cover leter tothe front of it inthe fete restate the key clements ofthe intredution andthe conclusion See Tigue 5.7) INSTRUCTIONS You may often find yourself having to write step-by-step procedures for employees, colleagues, customer, or cients. In such instucions, you explain how to assole, operate, or troubleshoot some pew pdt your eens Sook, ing on. Or you may need to explain in writing how to operate ep srund the ofice, abeatry, or st or ow to perform ether Kinds of procedures, SOME PRELIMINARIES We've all had upseting experiences with poorly written instructions. I's su prising that experienced, reasonably intelligent, wel intentioned people ca ‘rte teible instructions. The following is not Foolproo! pute for writing instations, butt does show how instructions ae commonly organized and pr ‘ented Critical in insrvtions writing x puting yous in your readers” pace making no unwarraned assumptions about ther background or kro, end Providing them evrything they need to suscesflly complet the procedure. ‘Understand that there isan imporant difference between trations and roduc specifications In rushed development cycles, product perificatlons ae Sometines usd, with ite revision, as instuction. Thats unforunae beens specifications (discussed previously inthis chapter) normally do not function well instructions. Specifications approach the prot ss reup of features nd functions—not in tems of tse. For example, a product specification for Phone-answering machine might discuss the fanction of each baton and the Capabilities ofthe machine, but those descriptions may not enable the ordinary user to know which buttons push to reeon a new peeing Cite in preparing to wrt instructions i audience analys:—identifying the relevant characteristics ofthat group of readers mont likly to use you insiuctions. (For a fll discussion of this task, see Ch. 2) With most nso, tions, you must decide what you expect your readers to know and what you wl explain in your insuctions. For example, i explaining how tonsa! «com puler program, you have to decide whether to astume basics about disketes, directories, oles

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