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( )


Tigani El Mahi: Selected Essays
( 1.)1981-1956 ( :
) 2.1984


1970 ( )

. ( : )
23 .1944
( )1968-1937 ( .)Zar Archetypes



. .



. .




() ()

( )Plowden
( ) 8 1868 .
1823 .1843 .
1863 1875

( )Hurgronje 1888 1937
11. ( )Aspects of Islam
1911 1884 21.


() () .
() . ()
. () ()

( )Lane ( :
)1836 :
(( )1950

. 1330 1850
( )Seligman


( )
1889 . :

02... :
() .
( )Trimingham (






. .


. ( )
( ) 52
.1909 ( .)...

() .



. :

( )Mesmer ( )Charcot
( )grand hysteria ( )Piere Janet ( )Bernheim ()Liebault
()M. Prince
( .)multiple personalities :

. ( )Jung



( )











. .


. :



() () () ... .



( )expectation .




... .


( )



( )roles secular ( .)ritual roles


( )
() ()
() () .


. .

... .


( )


- . () ( )
( ) () ( ) () 82. ( )
( : ) () ()


() () ( ) .
( ) .

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. .

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() ()
() ( ) .


( ) () (

. .


( )( )
( ) .



() () .
( )

( )







( )
. ()



. .










. :

( )Inferiority Complex

( )Male Sadism

( )Sense of Guilt
( )


. .
( )Emotional Hunger :

( )Orgasm



( )Sublimation

( .)Inversion


. () ()Inversion


( )Escape Mechanism

( )Day Dreams ( )Dreams ... .


() :

: ()


. .



: ():


)15 ()

: ()


. .



: ()



( )


( )


. .


( )


( )


. .



. .

( ):



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. .


( )



( )




. .


( )



. .



( )
( )

.1 ()

.2 ()
.3 ()
.4 ()
.5 ()
.6 ()
.7 ()
.9 ()


.10 ()
.11 ( )

.12 (


.14 ( )

.15 ( )
.16 ( )
.17 (
.18 ( )


.20 ( )
.21 ( )
.22 ( )
.23 ( )
.24 ( )
.25 ( )
.26 ( )
.27 ()

.28 ()

.29 ()


. .
.30 ()

.31 ( )
.32 ( )





. .
( ) .
( ) () .
( )




. .

() :

( ) :


() () () ().
( )pentatonic
( )


() .


- .
1981 13 .





. .


() ()
( )small hand drum ( )tambourine ( )jingles


. ()
() (counter



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