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Educational Document

Material Analysis
MC.9 User Settings
Rev 1.0

Provided By:

real VALUE to business


INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................... 4

OBJECTIVE.................................................................................................................................. 4

KEY FIGURES TO USE ........................................................................................................... 4

PERSONALIZING SETTINGS ............................................................................................. 5


MC.9 MATERIAL ANALYSIS: STOCK .................................................................................... 6

PERSONALIZING YOUR SETTINGS............................................................................................. 6

CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................ 9

MC.9 is part of the family of LIS (logistic information system) reports. SAP has several
other transactions which also fall within this family. Some of the additional reports
1. MC.A - Material Receipts and Issues
2. MC.5 Storage Location Analysis - Stock
3. MC.9 -Material Analysis Stock
All these reports have the same fields available but are provided separately to broaden
options to create reports that meet different needs. In purchasing MC.9 becomes the
main tool for purposes of Process Performance Monitoring and will by design include
some data fields that could otherwise be accessed in MC.A or in MC.5.

The objective of this document is to enable users to understand:

What key figures to use in MC.9

How to set up / adjust personal settings.


Before using MC.9 it is important to ensure that you set your personal settings to include
the preferred key figures (data fields). There are numerous options available and these
should be tailored to meet your specific needs in terms of information. The following are
examples of measures that could be used:
1. Valuated Stock Value: - Value of valuated stock.
2. Avg.val.stock value:- Average valuated stock value; The average stock value of
the valuated stock is calculated using the formula - Beginning stock value + n stock
value at months end / n + 1
3. Valuated Stock: - Quantity of the valuated stock
4. Avg. valuated stock: - Average quantity of valuated stock. The average valuated
stock is calculated by using the formula - Beginning stock + n stock at months end
/n + 1
5. Total usage:

- Total

usage quantity.


of planned and unplanned

consumption. The planned consumption is updated when goods are taken from the

warehouse as a result of a reservation.

The unplanned consumption is updated

when goods are taken without a reservation.

6. Total usage value: - Total consumption value.
7. Val. stock issues: - Quantity of valuated stock issues; Quantity of goods issued
from valuated stock.
8. Value of valuated stock issued: - The value of valuated stock that has been
issued is calculated from the quantity of goods issued from valuated stock which is
valuated with the current price.
9. No.val. stock issues: - Number of times valuated stock has been issued; Number
of goods issues from valuated stock.
10. Val. Stock receipts: - Valuated stock receipts quantity; Quantity of the goods
receipt from valuated stock.
11. Valuated stock receipts value: - The value of goods received of the valuated
12. No.val. stk receipts: - Number of times that valuated stock has been received;
Number of goods receipts from valuated stock.
13. Last goods issue: - Date: last (i.e. most recent) goods issue; the date at which
the last goods issue took place.
14. Last receipt: - Date: Last Receipt; the date on which the last receipt took place
15. Average Consumption: - The average consumption is calculated as follows - Total
consumption quantity / Number of total consumptions
16. Safety stock: - Quantity that should always be in the warehouse in order to be
able to satisfy an unexpectedly high demand in the stocking-up period.

The user settings for MC.9 should be personalized to provide optimal information before
transacting in this LIS report. The steps to do this are defined below.

4.1 MC.9 Material Analysis: Stock


First off you need to access the MC.9 LIS report and make changes to your
user settings.

Transaction Code
Follow the menu path SAP menu > Information Systems >
Inventory Management > Material > and select transaction MC.9
Alternatively, enter the transaction code MC.9 in the command field.
The Material Analysis: Stock: Selection Screen is displayed.

Click on user settings to

display the standard
drilldown view.

4.2 Personalizing your Settings


The following instructions guide you through the process of updating your user
settings to include the key figures that will be displayed in your MC.9

Complete the following instruction(s):

Click on the User Settings button.
Click on the Enter button to confirm your user name and the
standard drilldown screen appears.

Click on the Parameters

and the parameters
screen will be opened.

4. Click on the key

figures tab to add
or delete key
1. Select the number of
periods / months you want
as your standard

2. Define the width of the

columns for the Characteristic
and the Key Figure.

3. Select how you wish the

Characteristic to be displayed Key =
Part#; Description = Name of Part.

A pop-up window is displayed with the selection options available.
Select from the list of key figures in Section 3 above those that are
appropriate to your needs.
There are other key figures that you may want to consider and add
or delete.
Alternatively you may want to split the number of key fields and
build them into other LIS reports such as MC.A and MC.5.

3. Save settings and

return to MC.9 screen

1. Select the Choose

Key Figures tab to
view and change
2. Use arrows
to shift key
figures back
and forward


Your personal settings have now been saved and you are ready to
proceed with MC.9 Process Performance Monitoring.

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