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LSS 1003

Life and Study Skills

Higher Colleges of Technology

General Studies Division
Course Code:
Course Name:
Course Teacher:
Student Name:
Student HCT ID:
Task Type:

LSS 1003
Life & Study Skills
Aysha ahmad
Written Reflection

Task Description:

Write a summative reflection about learning to apply effective study skills in your current
courses (e.g. use of the assessment planner, course checklist, reading strategies, time
management tips, etc.).

Course Learning

CLO 2 - Demonstrate understanding of HCT regulations, organizational structures, services

and resources relevant to academic needs and personal success
CLO 4 - Recognize the importance of time management, team work and effective study skills
including basic research literacy and critical thinking
CLO 6 - Develop an understanding of the use of digital and information literacy skills for
success at college and beyond.

Special Instructions:
Duration/Word Limit:
Due Date:
Academic Honesty:

Follow the reflection guidelines provided by your instructor.

350-400 words
Week 5-6
Breaches of Academic Honesty will be treated with the utmost seriousness. You are
reminded the penalties for cheating or plagiarism include dismissal from the HCT.
In accordance with HCT policy LP201- Academic Honesty
Students are required to refrain from all forms of academic dishonesty as defined and
explained in HCT procedures and directions from HCT personnel.
A student found guilty of having committed acts of academic dishonesty may be subject
to one or more of the disciplinary measures as outlined in Article 33 of the Student and
Academic Regulations.

- LP201

Life and Study Skills


33 .

_____________________________________________ Signature:

LSS 1003

LSS 1003

Life and Study Skills

LSS1003 Life & Study Skills Assessment 1

Task 1- Self Awareness.

Students will take an online quiz to understand their multiple intelligence quotient and learning
a. Multiple Intelligence-
b. Learning Style-
c. Summarize the results of above tests in not more than 50 words
Task 2- Setting SMART Goals This task is to be completed as OLZ 3 Task
Students will write at least 1 SMART academic goal using the template given below. They will
print out their responses and submit to the teacher before they leave OLZ.
Instructions for the Students- I presume you all have completed the goal setting exercise in
class by now. Now keeping your larger life goal in mind, set at least one academic goal for
For example- Asmas life goal is to become a successful business woman. She knows getting a
high GPA will help her in getting job at the company she chose, where she will get required
experience to open her own business. Her academic goal is I will achieve a B+ grade in all the
assignments of five subjects that I am studying this semester. She will analyze if this is a
SMART goal by completing the activity below.
S.M.A.R.T. Goals Template
Crafting S.M.A.R.T. Goals are designed to help you identify if what you want to achieve is
realistic and determine a deadline. When writing S.M.A.R.T. Goals use concise language, but
include relevant information. These are designed to help you succeed, so be positive when
answering the questions.
Initial Goal (Write the goal you have in mind):
_____________ i will be big leader in ministry of education .
1. Specific (What do you want to accomplish? Who needs to be included? When do you want to
do this? Why is this a goal?)
_____________________ after graduate from college I will apply to be teacher , a good
teacher should do a hard work and after ten years ( 2026 ) I will become a perfect employee
in ministry after this all steps I will to become a big leader .
2. Measurable (How can you measure progress and know if youve successfully met your

LSS 1003

Life and Study Skills

_______ with hard work I will be successful for my goals and I have to make schedule for
my goals and follow the steps , after this I will receive to my goal
3. Achievable (Do you have the skills required to achieve the goal? If not, can you obtain them?
What is the motivation for this goal? Is the amount of effort required on par with what the goal
will achieve?):
___________ I have to be in a time always , reading and writing skills ( thats in all goals
should people have ) , thinking and understanding skills , strong memory to save
information . thats skills help to do a goals
4. Relevant (Why am I setting this goal now? Is it aligned with overall objectives?):
_______ yes , because my goal is aligned with my program in college , Im now studying
education to become a good teacher in future , also this program I think I can give more for
successful .

5. Time-bound (Whats the deadline and is it realistic?):

_____________ in 2030 I will be minister , thats realistic .
S.M.A.R.T. Goal (Review what you have written, and craft a new goal statement based on what
the answers to the questions above have revealed):
_________ I will take my bachelor degree in 2020 , after I will apply to be teacher after
years I will be minister in the education ministry in 2030

Taken from -

Task 3- Study Skills Checklist
a. Students will complete this checklist to identify the areas of their strengths and weakness.
b. Read each statement and determine if it applies to you. If it does, then mark Y. If it
doesn't, mark N. The purpose of this checklist is to provide you a basic self-assessment
of your study habits and attitudes, so you can identify study skills areas where you
might want focus on improving.

1. Y__ N__ I spend more time than necessary studying for what I am learning.
2. Y__ N__ It's common for me to spend hours cramming the night before an exam.
2. 3. Y__ N__ If I dedicate as much time as I want to my social life, I don't have enough
time left to focus on my studies, or when I study as much as I need to, I don't have time
for my social life.
4. Y__ N__ I often study with the TV or radio turned on.

LSS 1003

Life and Study Skills

5. Y__ N__ I struggle to study for long periods of time without becoming distracted or
6. Y__ N__ I usually doodle, daydream, or fall asleep when I go to class.
7. Y__ N__ Often the notes I take during class notes are difficult for me to understand
later when I try and review them.
8. Y__ N__ I often end up getting the wrong material into my class notes.
9. Y__ N__ I don't usually review my class notes from time to time throughout the
semester in preparation for exams.
10. Y__ N__ When I get to the end of a chapter in a textbook, I struggle to remember
what I've just got done reading.
11. Y__ N__ I struggle to indentify what is important in the text.
12. Y__ N__ I frequently can't keep up with my reading assignments, and consequently
have to cram the night before a test.
13.Y__ N__ For some reason I miss a lot of points on essay tests even when I feel well
prepared and know the material well.
14. Y__ N__ I study a lot for each test, but when I get to the test my mind draws a blank.
15. Y__ N__ I often study in a sort of disorganized, haphazard way only motivated by the
threat of the next test.
16. Y__ N__ I frequently end up getting lost in the details of reading and have trouble
identifying the main ideas and key concepts.
17. Y__ N__ I don't usually change my reading speed in response to the difficulty level of
what I'm reading, or my familiarity with the content.
18. Y__ N__ I often wish that I was able read faster.
19. Y__ N__ When my teachers assign me papers and projects I often feel so
overwhelmed that I really struggle to get started.

LSS 1003

Life and Study Skills

20. Y__ N__ More often than not I write my papers the night before they are due.
21. Y__ N__ I really struggle to organize my thoughts into a logical paper that makes
If you answered "yes" to two or more questions in any category listed below, we
recommend finding self-help study guides for those categories. If you have one "yes" or
less in one of the categories, you are probably proficient enough in that area that you don't
require additional study help. However, no matter how you score it's always advisable to
review all study guides to help you improve your study skills and academic performance.

Study Skills Categories

Time Scheduling - 1, 2, and 3.( two yes )
Concentration - 4, 5, and 6. |( one yes )
Listening & Note taking - 7, 8, and 9. |(one yes )
Reading - 10, 11, and 12.( two yes )
Exams - 13, 14, and 15. (two yes )
Reading - 16, 17, and 18. (three yes )
Writing Skills -19, 20, and 21. ( two yes )

Task 4- ReflectionReflecting on the results of the above checklist, write down 3 areas of strength and 3 areas where
you need improvement.
Study Skills- Strengths
1. Concentration take note , and be
attention in the class , that help me
to be successful in my study .

Listening & Note talking : I can listen

Study Skills- Areas of improvement

Reading : I dont like reading but I should
be good in reading because reading help
mind to thinking and take general
information .

Writing Skills : when I want to write i cant

remember the words that is my problem
with writing , I should write more to

LSS 1003

Life and Study Skills

carefully to others and respect there

talking , that help me to understand what
they talk with me .

Time Scheduling : organizing time and
make schedule for my work , that help me
to finish the work at the time always .


Exams : I feel stress when the week of

exam coming , I should be strong and dont
think the exam will be difficult I have to
think everything will be ok!

Task 5- Improving Study Skills by choosing different strategies and developing skills
a. Students will refer to the following resources to find out different study skills and

b. They will choose five study skills which matches their leaning style.

LSS 1003

Life and Study Skills

Study Skills



take note , thinking well when I be attention about some thing .

Listening &
Note talking

Respect who talk with me and listen carefully .

Time Scheduling

Be on time always and organize my work everyday .


Practice at online website .

Watch movie

Learning with watch and reply if I dont understand .

Task 6 Planning to achieve SMART Goals.

Instruction- Students will complete the table below using the information from the tasks
completed above. Part 2 on this assessment (in week 6) will require them to review these goals
and analyze their achievement.
SMART GOAL : I will take my bachelor degree in 2020 , after I will apply to be
teacher after years I will be minister in the education ministry in 2030
SMART academic

Write Three

Actions that will

Strategies to

Date for

LSS 1003

Life and Study Skills



academic skills
which you will
develop and
practice for two



support your

Read every day

two time .

achieve your

Scan the
words and
take a topic
information .

Writing what I Make small

said and write book to my
what I thinking writing and
about .
read that for
people .
Dont think about
Do what I love
anything out the
to study , and
exam subjects .
summary for
subjects .

completionTwo weeks
from the
starting date.
6 week

6 week

6 week

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