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Slither, soar, and swing througha © jungle of fun! Beth L. Blair & Jennifer A. Ericsso Animal Puzzle & Activity Book Slither, Soar, and Swing Through a Jungle of Fun! By Beth L. Blair and Jennifer A. Ericsson Adams Media Avon, Massachusetts EDITORIAL PRODUCTION Publishing Director: Gary M. Krebs Production Directar: Susan Beale Managing Editor: Kate McBride Production Manager: Michelle Roy Kelly Copy Chief: Laura M. Daly Series Designers: Colleen Cunningham, Erin Ring Acquisitions Editor: Kate Burgo Layout and Graphics: Colleen Cunningham, Production Editors: Bridget Brace, Jamie Wielgus Rachael Eiben, John Paulhus, Daria Perreault, Erin Ring Cover Layout: Paul Beatrive, Matt LeBlanc Copyright ©2005, F+W Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, exceptions are mace for brief excerpts used in published reviews and photocopies made for classroom use An bverything* Series Book. Everything® and® are registered trademarks of F+W Publications, Inc. Published by Adams Media. an F+W Publications Company 97 Littlefield Street, Avon, MA 02327, U.S.A. ISBN: 1-59337-305-8 Printed in the United States of America J1HGFEODBDBCEA This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering lepai, counting, or other professional advice. If legal advice or cther expert assistance is requirec, the ser- vices of a competent professional person should be sought. —From a Deciaration of Principles jointly adopted by a Com: American Bar Association and a Committee of Publishers and Associations Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. When those designations appear in this book and Adams Media was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed with initial capital letters. Cover illustrations by Dana Regan. Interior illustr s by Kurt Dolber. Puzzles by Beth L. Blair. ‘This kook is available at quantity a For information, please cai See the entire Everything” series at ‘ scounts for bulk purchases. 1-800-872-5627, Contents Introduction / v Chapter t: Aretic Animals / 1 Chapter 2: Ocean Animals / 13 Chapter 3: Mountain and Woodland Animals / 25 Chapter 4: Desert. Animals / 37 Chapter 5: Grassland Animals / 49 Chopter 6: Rainforest Animals / 61 Chapter 7: Farm Animals / 73 Chapter 8: Pets / 85 Chapter 9: Endangered Species / 97 \ppendia Ll: Resourees / 109 Appendix 2: Now Where Did [See That...? / 110 Purzle Answers / 111 DEDICATION From Beth and Jenny, to all the animals we have inved (but especially Ester and Wheezer). fe oS Introduction 4 he world is full of wild and wonderful creatures. Some live on land, some live in the ocean, and some live in your house. Some animals fly, some slither, 5 . and some can run as fast as your mom or dad cen drive a car! Each animal i is fascinating—and we've tried to create puzzles that represent the uniqueness in all of them. It was impossible for us to fit all the animals of the world into the pages of this book, There are more than a million different species of just insects! That's three times as many species as all the other kinds of animals put together! But we did try hard to include a wide variety of the biggest, the fastest, the most beloved, and the most interesting. We also tried to offer you many different types of puzzles. There are mazes and word searches, codes and hidden pictures, acrostics and math puzzles, dat-to-dots and criss-crosses. To give you a little taste of what's inside, see if you can find the hidden words in this word search that all describe A-N-I-M-A-L-S. Hint: There is one word for each letter OO ZHaHer O2ZZCrRZH ZAHN Sp NAGE m7IAMm HEuWUunmMacH TEMVHCHRM HEAmMonrD ASmatzarnv m>anrmvcn Zi et ie im HWHmbtomoa = > Dp Zz EXTRA FUN: After you have found the seven hidden words, read the leftover letters from top ta bottam and left to right. They will spell out an amazing animal fact! The pvERVTHING Kl Animal Puzzle & Activity Book The Everything® Kids’ Animal Puzzle & Activity Book is divided into nine sections. Most chapters focus on animal habitats like the Arctic or the rainforest, but the book wouldn't be complete without a section on our favorite pets and a careful look at endangered species. We hope you have a great time with the puzzles, but we also hope that you'll come away from this book with a greater appreciation for the many species that surround us. We certainly did! Happy Puzzling, Beth L. Blair and Jennifer A. Ericsson P.S. Remember to laok for Mervin the mouse—he's hidden on every puzzle page! Extra Extra Pun: Use your fovorite erayons bo color in all ' the chapter opene: Chapter 1 Aretie Animals NPR nea us a Eicecickcs Cold Creatures Criss-Cross Even though the Arctic is one of the coldest places in the world. there are animals that live there year-round. Can you fit all of the Arctic residents from the ward list into the grid? We've left some chilly wards to get you started! WORD LIST Ptarmigan Lemming Polar Bear ‘Snowy Qui Walrus Muskox Carnbou Beluga Whale Harp Seal Arctic Fox VVVVVVVVVVVVVV VV VV VV VV VV Vy ee ‘here Are We? = Color in all the penguins that have X, ¥, or Zon them. Read the remaining letters from left to right, tap to bottom to get the answer to this riddie: What do you call a colony of penguins living in the Arctic? ANAAAAAnAnAAA MMARAASARAHAL AADADAAAAAAA Aen MMM AE MMRDA MORAN A AYALAVAVALGVOLOUEYELLON EXTRA FUN: What's the difference between the arctic and Antarctica? Check out the great maps and fascinating fun facts at this Web site: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 3 AAA AA AADADDAAAAAAAAAAA AAA AAADAAAAAAAADAAAS SO +> =P tbr pi? z ==> top => seb Spr 3p EPSP WAAdAbAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA av al alan nel lll cal a lac White in Winter in with the snow. They do this wv. Fill in the letters to lear the spe: id their predators. Break the code d for this survival technique. Where’s the l'ox? This is a picture of an arctic fox in a snow storm! However, during the summer, the arctic fox’s fur becomes darker. To see what he looks Ike in warm weather, use a brown crayon or colored pencil to fillin each box that has 4 small dot in the upper right-hand corner. The arctic Re Me Re Re Be Me Me Re Re Be Be Qe Qe Qe Behe lehe dee Pe beQe dels SBRRELEEEEEEELEEKEELEKRKRS 4 S animals like the ptarmigan, arctic fox, and arctic hare turn white in the win only as big as a large house cat! in the fox is “| FBeARACREFERERREEREREE EE OOK I rhe ( oe Se ob wpe a a a ae, Polar Bear Treats Each of these scrambled words is something a polar bear likes to eat. Unscramble ther and read the circled letters from tap to bottom. They wil spell out a polar bear's very favorite food! MALONS =() SRIBEER RALSWU MIGNELMS GESG onl . | p Totally Cool is Animals that live in the arctic are very hardy! They are able to survive long periods of dark- ness and freezing cold. Five words that mean Lt a the same thing as “cold” are hidden in this grid. Ta find them, take one letter from each column moving from left to right. Each letter can only be used once, so cross them off as you use them. The first word is done for you. LROGTY 1,_CHILLY FRISED 2 FINERY 3. WH ETEN 4 PROZIX¥ &§. ' | O a a a cee a \ A 5 O° O@°O9S8 © @10°8 18° @ O° 2°08 © 8 € 68 9 8 8 @ @ ee ®e e@ 6 602 @6 @ ae a 8 @ 8 What's a “Whale-Horse”? % eins itis the Norwegian name for a big arctic animal with thick, wrinkled skin, flippers, and long ivory tusks. To discover the more familiar name for this creature, start at number 1 and connect all the dots. 12ae "25 bes "A 2 Re, ~lfy e wot ls ye 6 See 4 8 2 i @ 2 i err 6 = 0° 8 oe te ove ‘ @ ne é ac +31 8 at * a 8 wo 8 eee ae as one 4 fe me Se a se ep . sn hs @eeo @ @. ee ® ©2806 @€e @ 6 8 e 6 Common Cold Polar bears and caribou may look very different, but they have some- thing in commen that helps them to survive their arctic environment! Answer as many cluss below as you can. Fill the letters inta the grid. Work back and forth between the clues and the grid until you get the answer to this question: What is it that helps both polar bears and caribou keep in body heat and stay afloat in water? a 146 [15H [16H fae ial ef . - P* ee A. The sound a sheep makes E. Curds and BAA 3 2 es! sagas ia 8. Not in front of F. Sound an owl makes a mor G. Land at the edge of water *RERERRRES = Mighty Muskox Vee | zd Figure out where to put each of the scram- = bled letters in the puzzle gnd, below. They ail Ne | fitin spaces under their own column. When (=| you have correctly filed in the grid, you will é have the answer to this mighty mystery: ne yl | When a herd of muskox are threatened, now do they react? TUTE Caribou Moves TEETER As the seasons change, this herd of caribou moves from the forest to the tundra, looking far food. Can you find your way through the herd? Pick up the letters along the way to spell out the ning-letter word for this seasonal wandaring. COTTE TECTED EEE En Ge TOUTE Eee THEE EEE Cee SOULE Un aL ! 2 VUDUAEAEAU AGU UUA EECA AUER ED TEETER TEE 9 Close Up Oops! Our wildlife photographer gat his finger frozen to his camera's zoom lens. Can you tell what arctic animal is in each close-up picture? Match each photo to an animal name from the fist. Not all names are used. Write the number under the picture. 1, Snowy Owl 2. Walrus 3. Polar Bear 4. Muskax §. Caribou 6. Seal OO PL I ICI CII OD Polar Playroom A mother polar bear digs a den in the snow where she will have her babies and take care of them for several months. She often digs a playroom so her cubs will have room to move around. This mother bear seems to have gotten carried away with her digging! Can you show the cubs the way back to their mother? 10 ys te Vlippered Family Walruses and seats both belong to a group of arctic mammals that have flippers. To lean the funny name of this flippered family, finish these sentences about walruses and seals. Then fill the carrect letters inte the numbered spaces. They swim in the sen Ee P2345 They breathe _ _ _. 6768 A al 2 They reston _§ N_. o/ 9 10 if 1 ra ~O___ _E__S hunt them D 1314 15 16 17 = 18 19 20 21 22 2 Their babies drink iL ng around the g letters on Solve the math problams sv edge of this page. Write the m the correct lines below to answer the riddle. What's a perfect pinniped? Chapter 2 Ocean Animals How Many Buses Equal One Shark? The whale shark is the biggest fish in the ocean, weighing up to 15 tons! But how big is that realy? Use the “How Many Buses?" formula to figure cut how much a whale shark weighs in more familiar terms, Imagine this diver is 6 feet tall! There's another ocean animal that's even bigger than than any other animal on land or sea, including the biggest dinosaur that ever lived! Use the direc- tions to cross words out of the grid. Read the remaining words fram left to right and tap to bottom. LITTLE | ANIMAL Cross out all words... .. that mean “small” HOW MANY BUSES? 1 whale shark = 15 tons 1 ton = 2,000 pounds 1 school bus = 10,000 pounds a whale shark. In fact, this creature is bigger DOLPHIN LARGEST Wood .. that rhyme with “fin” .. that start with the letter *D ... that end in “Ing” . . With two letters, one of which is "A" THE «that rhyme with “big” th ele"00 JIG EXTRA FUN: This biggest-of-creatures can weigh up to 220 tons! Use the “How Many Buses” formula to see how many school buses that equals! id Water World There are more than 24,000 cifferent species of fish living in the waters of the word! Gan you find all the fish swimming in the grid? One has been highighted you. When you are done, read the unused letters fram left to right and tap to battem to discover just how much of the earth is a water covered habitat EXTRA FUN: BGPCBASSAETSMORETH Tyusngalhine A SOROMM™BKNHS AN TWOT run a single line of PSTBABATUTOC HIERBS:O es Rh bie 2 RaneReA FE Hie Ss. U final answer much AEUASC EGA EEE TD PPACEO yore sateen CTHSDK CS RPEGEF THEEA UREASALP KAS TR TAT SC DANE TEE AY Ss '@ VERE DB AUAEL 3 RBRTHWITHWA eo TROEWAHOOACETERTHA BARRACUDA KCMANGLERUCHTSHOWM eam WSMACKERELTKUCHOFT CARP STURGEONYWTMHISPUZ ee AHERRINGNRETZLETS€ coucams lay ERP MAL NAILIN OY EF RE Bb o MSARDINEESLNWITHTH GROUPER OAHNARIPLSUOQENAMES pees NGROUPERBEMWOFFISH LAMPREY OREOS SALMON SMELT TROUI MACKEREL PERCH SARDINE SOLE TUNA MINNOW PIKE SHAD STICKLEBACK WAHOO MULLET PIRANHA, SHARK STURGEON WRASSE NEHU RAY SKATE TETRA 45 - Create a Fish 1. * Some of these names of real * fish might give you ideas of » how to draw sh! Use the shapes provided to start your drawings. Color your < fish when finished! 2. ° PARROTFISH * CLOWNFISH = TRUMPETFISH PENCILFISH FLAGTAIL » DOTTYBACK n Crusty Fellow Look closely at the plants in this picture. They will tell you the silly » answer to this unlikely question: Why wouldn't the lobster share his toys? "5 Seo eeaeeeesaoeasesaneoeacesonneersereeseeseeneeeeoesereoserEe These creature Wn family Army of Arms Each of these four creatures has a head Surrounded by tentacles or arms. While an octopus has only eight, a nautilus can have more than eighty! Can you make it fram START to END through this grasping group without getting caught? Than 2 Funny Family These creatures all belong toa family with an odd, but descriptive, 3 name. What is it? Break the letter code and find out! Write your answer on the lines provided. END Seo e ents sees eee Oe eee eT ee eB OEE EES EES E EBERT EEE OBE OEE Wz Nice Neighbor What ocean animal has a snout like a trumpet, a pouch like a kangaroo, and a grasping tail ike a monkey? Copy the pattern in each numbered square into the proper place in the grid, and you will find out! 1 2 3 vel ies aaa mnA wm a nm > w >mo) A2 B3 @ OL I ar LAT PY eT (est Geary Laie in Reig alii warmed oan fli nie Feely eine ysl ii) fi tec Rune ies eer} and dark. Rererern who five down there must make cls Covi cea Use @ winte gel pen fo. connect cc acd ies 1 its oes be. ei ee 3 ae Se -Ceep-0 Ocean fe: get 3 : EXTRA FUN: When youare done; use a pale green crayon to Peete ene neue Ue Metis ve ee as) Reejeres Bea io RUC UOT Eetigeim ie} os and Cod to iS Reed renin 9 Sa a Se See Ocean Hink Pinks The answers to hink pinks are two rhyming words thal each have one syllable. We've provided you with one of the words far each answer in the word list. Figure out which word goes where, and think of another word to complete each hink pink. HINT: One is done tor you! . What a gilled water animal wants = FISH WISH | . 7 Hey! You . Genuine snake-like fish = y have a | PALE TAIL! Metal fish part= - . Slow moving bunch of mollusks= _ xp SP sant Hidden Treasure es iS Sa Giant blue clams can grow over a yard wide and can live for 100 years! Over time, ( they can produce something valuable. Use ) a simple number substitution code (A=1, \ B=2,0=3.. .} to find out what that is. ( Wow! Agilent m2 ( He's bigt eu Sete ; chest A Se 4 =. aa ‘ f <= 2 aaa ( ( ue ae aa ee aed 7 oo Where's Dinner? “Toothed whales” have sharp teeth that they use to catch a tasty dinner of fish or Squid. But first they have to find their food! These whales send out a special kind of sound, and listen for the echoes that bounce back to them. These three whales have each sent aut a sound. ADD the numbers in the shaded path from the whale to the fish. SUBTRACT the numbers on the unshaded path on the way back. The whale with the lowest number is closest to eating dinner. He's the winner! What did the sperm whale say 3 to the dolphin wha e jastodiod uo splashed him? a yeu PIP NO, Who’s a Whale? There is a very familiar ocean mammal that you will be surprised to find is a toothed whale. Add the missing lines to spell his name! ie Killer whale Blue Baby One kind of ocean baby is bom blue ar gray to blend in with the dark ocean, But this baby looks very different when it grows up! Use a dark crayon to fill in all the boxes with a dot in the upper left-hand comer. To break the letter-shifting code, fill in the letters either one before or one after the letters shown, Which is it? = land that borders the ocean You Sea? SEA = fried clams or baked haddock Hanan eer SEA _ = mammal with flippers instead of feet words do you know? = vehicle that can land on water Finish each word by writing the correct s EA letters on the dotted lines provided. — — — —= charbor used by ships = hard covering of a clam —___ = dizzy from the rolling of a boat s SEA _ = something to sit on SEAR __ = plant that grows in the sea 22 At the Shore ope ial fe A a a alee Not all ocean animals live in the deep sea. Many of them X ee) can be found at the shore, where the land meets the water. crab scallop How many of each animal can you find in this picture? HINT: Some animals are where you might expect to find them, and some are hiding in unexpected places. Don't ‘ie forget to look for Mervin jellyfish starfish a FIT ETH .- * Home Sweet Habitat. m, and shallow, special places have formed that Fit the creatures the sh ted below into their proper place to leam what this wonderful habitat is called. We left youa M-A-N-T-A R-A-Y to show you the way! SPONGE, SEA ANEMONE, SHRIMP, ANGELFISH, OCTOPUS, SEAHORSE, CLOWNFISH, HERMIT CRAB, JELLYFISH S| || Lt | be Ht Qe Se NULL 24 Chapter 3 Mountain and Woodland Animals , Serombled Eg¢s izzly bear will eat almost anything—and a lot of it! Unscramble these hich are all favorite bear foods. Then, try to fit he food items into the ss. We've left some B-E-A-R F-O-O-D to get you started, AGRSS OWEFLRS SOBIN AVELES NEHOY, PHEGORS, GSEG EDER LBBUS TANS. RBHES ZALIRD. OTROS RRIBEES. LMOSAN UIRRSQEL RBAGAGE Fit this word into the Griss-cross, 100: —CARRION— Do you know what it is? Read the secret 1 A 3 M \\ ml T 9 a message to find out! 26 Mountain What? The Mountain Goal is not really a goat at all. To find out what type of animal it is, find the correct path up the mountain from START to END. The letters on the rocks along the way will spell out the answer. eeeeeoes SeCeCeoeeoseeeeasseeeceaseaeeoeseeeene Zee _G | | | | - _ : os King of = the Mountain = ) | [= 5 223 Which animal has been nickname —_ “King of the Mountain”? Connect the 27 dots from 7 to 76 to see his picture: #24 Then, add a single straight or curved line to finish each of the istters and eam the “King’s” name es) oe. 25 , itt tte eee eee eee ee eee ee ey 28 e e e e o a 2 e ° ° e e e e e e e ° e e ° SS eS a All Mixed Up These mountain and woodland animals have gotten themselves all mixed up. Can you figure aut which two animals have combined in each stnng of letters? HINT: Remove one name ang the second name is left. LDEWOERLF = DEER+ WOLF Uamas are camel-like creatures native to the Andes Mountains in South America. Their wool is soft and cuddly, and they look so cute with their long eyelashes. Can you guess what such a sweet creature does wien it is angry? To find out. cross cut all the L-L-A-M-A, from the letter grid. Read the remaining letters left to right, and top to bottom. |2.RACOPOCOOSSUNM = Something 3 sure is ee eT mixed up 3.BECOAVUGERAR = around + 4.SQUPORIRREUPELINE = epee eee oe | 5.MOOSKUSENK = | oo nn AELYLA | MSALLM | Lovely Llamas? mountain Where’s My Poult? Loos at all the animals around the edge of these two pages. Can you match each mountain or woodland mammy to their special baby? Write the names for each adult-baby pair on the lines below. ADULT BABY mountain goat white tailed deer pup 30 kitten grizzly iol What Do Skunks Have... ? fawn Fil in the letters that are nat D, V, O, or P to discover the answer to the riddle, 2 38 Pe o What do skunks have that no other animals have? DEVOAOR VYORBRPDYD ta OSOKPUY NOKDYSO kit Answer: er 31 wild turkey Silly Sentences 2 A . Minny Each sentence can be comp! by picking one letter of the alphabet = "ty, to fillin the blanks. HINT: You will use six different letters! = EXTRA FUN: % 1.__ erry oose _ ake __ any __ essy __ ittens. eee 2. orcupine __ arents aint __rickly __ ictures. %, times fast? € 3.__ aby ears _ ake __ eautiful — rown __ read. omy ys 4.__ ive __urry_ oxes ry __resh __ rankfurters. Be eary olves heel ooden heelbarrows. 6. _idiculous __ accoons ead __ obot __ jddles. TATA The Seavenger wong, = Ge an't eat A squirrel spends most of its lite gathering food. What it d immediately, it hides for later. First, find this squirrel's ac om START to END. Then, see haw many other acerns you EXTRA FUN: ni stash by can find hidden in the woodpile! @ AL 6 SLO \eoy S aes KEN ASG o : SNAKE > RABBIT: OWL+LYNK- BEAR: V.LM. (Very Important Marmot) ‘The hoary marmot looks ike a big woodshuck, It is known for making a shrill whistle that can be neard up to. a mile away! However, whistling is not what makes the marmot important. Look in the word grid for the names of six animals who rely on the marmot to help them survive their harsh mountain habitat. ‘You can choose from the names around this puzzle, First circle the names, then read the leftover letters to learn why these animals need marmots. Ths AM>OCMM CAb>d>AHB-S HEY EF LiLo KE¢xX OEON TMY ¥ FEOL MOT 7 OWES Be J a ee ate ae Bee) WOLE>GOAT -SPIDER:JA EAGLE* MOUSE- COYOTE: TROUT: SHEEP 33 e Poronnenx Wild yaks can be found in remote areas of the Tibetan plateau. They to the highest altitude of any mammal. To see how high they go, solve the equations in each colurnn, then read the five digit number across the bottom. AAAI OOO 10| 7 3 6 4 o2 | +8.) <2 | 24 |) <3 24) cB] 8 | #3. || 260 Sf 26... | #3. | 35: | S4. HSE SIT eee | BAS |eeeGe SOU [ea Oi te | oO Yaks can climb this many feet high in the mountains! EXTRA FUN: A five-story building is about 65 feet tall. How many five-story buildings equal the highest mountain a yak can climb? SOOO OOOO DLO OOSODI OOO DIOOODOS IOI SOO OO OOOO IOI OHIO OOD AOE Nest Numbers A bald eagle can spread its wings over seven feet— that's bigger than the tallesi teacher in your school! What's more amazing is the size of a bald eagle's nest. An eagle will reuse the same nest, adding to it every year. Answer these questions, and add up the numbers. The total will be the number of pounds an eagle nest can weigh. Wow! # of cards in eight decks # of keys on eight pianos 580906005 # of days in two years eSOOdOL # of dimes in $200 # of pennies in six quarters It takes a big bird to make a big nest! HYOKRDOS 34 Here Kitty, Kitty? A mountain fon has many 40d more names names—at least in English and 5¢ in Spanish and Native Am languages! Some name: as Cougar and puma, are familiar. Figure out the rebus puzzles to learn five other colorful names for nt ones the mountain lion! Hi 1 d § iE There is the name of one mountain or woodland creature hidden a We OM ee in each of these sentences. Circle the ones you can find! 1, Mervin’s heel kept slipping out of his shoe. 2. When the cow says “moo,” see if she wants more hay. 3. At dusk, unknown insects start to buzz around. 4, Maybe Arthur is allergic to cats? 5. Let’s take a stab at catching some fireflies. 6. A bad germ in the water made the campers sick. 7. A mother owl must be a very good hunter. 8. We were in awe as elephants entered the circus ring. 35 Mystery Morsupials Marsupials are animals that carry their babies ina pouch (like a kangaroo). Do you knaw these two? This is the only marsupial who lives in the woodlands of North America. The species has been around for 80 milion years—that means they were neighbors of the dino- saurs! Connect the dots from 1 te 42 to See a picture cf this “living fossil.” Bh 5 ho «10 . * We rd a? 16° a3" os wir pee a) Be 41 ee 40 ave Break the code to finish the eH riddie, and lea the name of ey this mystery marsupial! Why does the mommy hate rainy days? The kids play inside! 36 This marsupial lives only in the forests of east Australia. It spends most of its life sleeping and eating the leaves of its favor- ite tree, the eucalyptus. Connect tha dots from 1 to 67 to see this shy creature. Color in the shape marked with an "N.” Finish this riddie by filing in each blank with a K, O, ar Al What soda does this marsupial drink after eating eucalyptus leaves? Ia (ae | ' et Fe "e = = = st oe = 2 Se S = Red Hot Deserts hot places during the day. LB L AZ Fil in the 5 below using the letters BALAZIG 7-E-DH-OT to make six other words that LAZANGBLA heat. HINT: You'll use BLNZBAZAN some letters more than ance! ZBGILBLAA BLAZAINGA LGNIZALBZ BU_NING ZAGNBLL LAGZI Eel = B..1ILING Blazing Hot SW _L ING sun long enough to find the one time the word BLAZING is spelled correctly in the ward grid above? Out of the Heat st ive to escape ers are filled 38 Ssssnakes * Light stripe down back * White diamond on forehead * Double diamond pattern on its body that looks like this —~ * Rattle on end of tail Pex A ke ri 39 Cactus Hotel The saguaro cactus is the largest cactus in the world. itis home and food for many smal animals. Unscram ble the names of all the animals that rety on this saguaro 40 Covered in Sand The sail in the desert is very sandy. See if you can figure out these rebus puzzles that show four familar words that all start with the lalters S-A-N-D. Grains of Sand See if you can find the S-A-N-D hiding in these three sentences! 1, My aunt Sandy lives in San Diego. 2. Cassandra brought chips and dip. 3. Susan dug a hole in the sandbox. Lea ping, Lizards A AS # Desert lizards can have very different shapes: geckos are soft and squashy; whiptails have long, thin tails; skinks are little and skinny; homed lizards are covered with spikes. Can you tell which two lizards do not appear on both sides of the page? ae 41 This man looks like he’s sitting on a sofa, but he’s really on 4 desert taxi! His bumpy ride is used in the hottest and most sandy countries ta carry gocds and people. Connect the dots from 1 to 87 to see the animal known as “ship of the desert.” Taxi Code EXTRA FUN; Break the letter code to find two familiar names for this terrific taxi! This creature is a TRETETT TEs or one-humped FUN FACT: Dromedaries may not need to drink water often but, when they do, they can drink up to 26 gallons at one timal aw 5 Many Meerkats 2 tough little animals ve in the Kalahari Desert of southern Africa. . They ive in groups and work together as a team to protect each other, find food, and raise the ‘They all share the work, and they all share the benefits! If the meerkats here gathered all the numbers hidden in this picture, then divided them equally, what number would each of them be left with? (e ‘\ Mystery Monster Even though monster movies and monster stories are very popular, it is difficult to find a real-life monster. One place to look is in the deserts of the southwestern United States. Complete the statements below using words from the word list. Write the one capital latter from each missing word on the ling at the end of the sentence where it belongs. When you are finished, read the letters from top to bettom to dis cover this mystery monster's name. Spends much of the day : Has a stubby that stores fal. Has strong, wide . Is most at night. Has in glands in its jaw. Isa -moving creature. It should be approached. Lives in Its bite is painful, but rarely : Eats bird , bugs, mice, and lizards. _ Has scales called beads. EXTRA FUN: This monster has Halloween colors! Color the sections of the drawing marked “B” black. Color the remaining sections bright orange. 45 tall faTal cLaws Active venoM Round Eggs underGround slOw tunnelS Small But Deadly s | This desert hunter stays shellered during the day. At night it | comes out looking for prey, which it injects with deadly venom. Fill in the blocks as directed to see this small, but dangerous Small Survivors | creature. Would you like to meet one? The desert is home to many small crea- ‘tures who seem to survive there without much difficulty. There are five of these hidden in the word puzzle below. To find ‘them, take one letter from each column moving from left to right. Cross them off | R 2 P * Find box 1 and copy the pattern into square 1 * Find box 2 and copy the pattern into square 2. * Continue doing this until you have copied all the boxes into the grid. as you gO—each letter can only be used once. The first creature has been done for you. ee ea) Sand Dune Surprise @. C y H >: rl tg R « ry MN Zo i O@ As night falls in the deserts of northern Alrica and Arabia, a surprising desert crea- ture comes out from its tunnel under the sand dunes. Fil in all the tri- angles (even z with squ les insice) to reves 10 this furry hunter is. Does he look familiar? UUUALULE LLU LELATUTTIELS OD LTYLLETLEUTLLLLSAUAM ELLA TCU ELLMECLALTYELU TATTLE a Beep Beep The roadrunner is a dasert bird known for his racing speed. Not many people know that the road runner is also especially good at catching rattlesnakes! See if you Can find the shadow that match- és the drawing of the roadrunner with his dinner MUL ULLTL LOU LALO PILL OLU UU LLILLT LTTE TDL OLLU LULU LOOTED UOT TAU ELD LLOLELUULU LDU OL EDD L OULD LULD EILEEN a LULU OU UT LLU OTTO LEUO OLA L TOUT TLTCTLTTEUTT ELT ATU UCD CUULLLEDST TEDL ULI UU LUT ATLTELLTLIOLLLATULLL OULU OUT LLLLULTE UL IDIU LALIT IIA SOLA LEILA LULU ALL OU TULLE ALLEL OLED U LEED OEE TEE TET TL 48 Grossland Animals \ | | = SNE | ee yf), fill \ NU \\\ MA df {/ A Ni Hy AN eae NE ns WwW iit de MT df a ‘Wh me Did the Lion Cross the Grassland? le ‘i Oo Peg E 6 iw whe | ee We 42 Ware DA nN aa ey ci Ny “a TAL \ is | ly y i WO Mi YT i (——— Gane ae na === wea SSS Nh lou e a <> = je Lvsallybr WAR fh WH PA y ( \ FO cient lM ‘ ee ie vey we A EP lind cu Die Ne tpacceee:, Ie | 50 r | Kangaroo Hop | There are many sper throughout the grasslands of Australia, Tasmania, and New Guinea. Sorne are | big and seme are small, but all hop to get around. See if you can hop your way through this puzzle. Al the words end in | OO, just like kangaroo! | pown | 1. A large monkey with a face like | adog 2. What a cow | Says | 5. Big barnyard bird witha | long neck | 6. Toy musical instrument | that buzzes when you hum | through i+ | 7, Sound of crying | 9. Bird who pops out of a clock | every hour | 12. Noise of a sneeze | 14. 4 small injury as of kangaroo ACROSS 3. 4. 8 11, 13. 15. 16. if: Picture etched inte the skin with ink Where you go to see animals from many lands . Masked animal you might see in your backyard 10. Pandas eat this tall and woody grass What you use to wash your hair What a ghost says Black-and-white lake bird with a mournful cry Caterpillar’s home before it becomes a butterfly Round house made from blocks of snow EXTRA FUN: We've included six | | | | | animals that also have | animal. Its name means “little one" because it has leathery around its bedy, a long, scaly , and its face and ears are covered with thick, skin. When scared, these creatures will jump straight in the air! Originally from , this “tiny tank" has moved north. In fact, it is the state mammal of ! Connect the dots to see one, and solve the rebus 14. “10 puzzle to learn its name. “ tse te ons a #53) ope Word List Texas up armored bands tail bumpy strange South America A World Full of Grass Grasslands have dilferent names depending on where you are in the world. The five travelers below are going to visit five different grasslands. Fit the letters of each i person's first name into the blank spaces of the place where they are traveling. You wil to get the name of the grassland there. HINT: Each sentence is a rhyme! 1. Rae B. Hairy is going to the PR_I_T_. J North America Wee 2, Anna Banana is visiting the SAV. Australia 3. Pete Prep will travel to the S__ P__ Asia & E. Europe i 4. Sam and his compass look for the P__ PA_. ed, South America’ \\ | Anna 5. Pam Lampost wants toseetheC___OS, Equator Cs) 6. Lani wants rain when she goes to the P_ ese Africa ARH \ : . To be sick . Remove hair with razor . You barbecue on this . To fight verbally . As little as possible AY. What Do You Get if You Cross a Kangaroo with on Elephant? These two grassland anima’s don't live in the same place, but what if they did? Answer as many clues below as you can, and fill the letters you have into the grid. Work back and ferth between the grid and clues until you discover the answer to the ricidle, 7 i 2 5 TGpIRS 23 15 29 12 i@ io 2 9 is 4 28 a aes 5 17 20 30 24 6 PPAR LN PLL NLS 54 620165057 6°8(0560 @aeeaueeese Tallest of All Giraffes are the tallest living animals, standing as high as 20 feet! You wouldn't think a creature this tall could easily disappear, but giraffes can! Their Spots are the secret. These brown blotches blend in with the moving Shaciows from the tail, thin trees found where the giraffes liva. Can you find seventeen items @ hiding with this tall twosome? Look for: bird- $ ss, bulierfly, star, sock, book, hammer, kite, heart, comb, question mark, mug, capital H, e lamp, teapot, ghast, candle, and you know whol e ha Fastest of All Fast Fact: Using a simple number sub- Did you know that stitution (A=1, B=2,C=3...) giraffes have blue break this code to find the name @ tongues? ‘af the fastest grassland animal. B é 6 EXTRA FUN: Add up all the code 5 numbers—plus ten more—to see how many miles per hour this cat can really run! a What kind of cat should you never play cards with? Acheetah! a OBL 20S l9 19 °O0Sl OO lS [ONBlO 18 CO Ol Ele (Ole ere) @086°0@°580-@ 8 6 a. SoBrece 55 You Snooze, You Lose if yOu move slowly in the grasslands, you will probably be caught by a predator. Can you help these antelope find the correct path through this grid using only “fast™ words? You can move up and down and side to side, but not diagonally. START SPRINT SPEED SLEEP 60 STOP j STAND HURRY RACE LAZY STROLL DAWDLE PAUSE SCURRY GALLOP MUSTLE END : HideandEat =GRASSGRASSGRASS 5 Grepeaigs ined many herds of ROPPTHGRA LIONG6G plant-eating animais (herbivores), A G R A Sac G R A § R Ss G B R | Meson tat the meat- Ss N B G R H ASS'GAR 4 UA ting animals (carnivores) that | este lookeaouiyioind STIGZEBRARFARZS Sandhighightaltheherbwores GDSRAEGRASFSOZS = in the RWOLFTRAESEG SAG pone AGNRGAASLGARTRR Try using different colared mark- 5 R A H R H 5s L E 0 P A R b A esto fommesciiypehew SASSY AGSGPARSISS Sitar ee GAEL ERUGRACSS RSGNSGRAASSRHGG AGRASASGNRASSRR i SGRASVULTUREAAA SMERVINGRASSGRS ; GRASSGRASSGRASS Phenecorseseso00007070Ioeoeo eo COOOOOOOIIIIIIIIING ou > RUN STOP DOZE SMILE = SWF Herbivores: Zebra Gazelle Giraffe Bison Hippo Elephant Ostrich Mervin Carnivores: Cheetah Hyena Lion Vulture Buzzard Leopard Dingo Wolf Playing in the Mud Grassland animals like the hippo, rhina, and elephant like to roll in the mud and get all dirty. Why? Each of the letters in a column belongs in one of the boxes directly below it. When you fit all the letters in the proper boxes, you wil be able to read what mud does for these animals. Some letters are already Gone for you! HINT: Black boxes are the spaces between words. Drew, | want you to go cut and get nice and dirty today! Aw, mom! Do | have te? 5a SN rvelous Meadowlark The meadowlark is one of the most common birds of the American grasslands. More than 121,000 Kansas schoolchildren voted to award this beautiful black and yellow bird a special honor. Collect the letters hidden in each section of this field. Unscramble them to see what award the meadowlark won S I) 7 | A Wei W771 | kos | for acres ne. To kee} in the wrong bun ittle 8 tersh other when they meet to make sure 2y are from the same family. Can you help this little deg find his way home for a smooch? Fast Fact: The largest prairie ; ue : dog town on record al was home to an START ; é ; 7 estimated 35 million oe = animals and covered 10 square miles. “tee 58 Designed to Disappear Many grassland animals have patterns on their skin to hel them blend in with the grasses that surround them. Do you think this pattern helps him to blend into the grassland? 59 Hop to It! Grasshoppers can be found anyplace in the world where there are lots of leaves to eat. That's why they love the grasslands! Grasshoppers can leap about 20 times the length of their own body! Help this grasshopper hop from the bottom row of the grid to the top row by jumping only on squares that are evenly divisible by 20. You can move up, side- ways, or diagonal, but only one box at a time. If you were five feet tall and could jump like a grasshopper, you would land 100 feet away! n ite vi for running if é s FUR ace) onl Coif iS Cinta to @ Belt hc sy 62 Pretty Poisonous o = 5 oison-Dart Frogs are very small, multicolore bright colors signal 9 63 Deena mee we renner eee RSS ES ESSE ESE EE EEE SEE ESE ETOEH EEE H OTTER ETERS EEE STEER OUEST TH OTEE We Need Rain! Complete the name of each rainforest animal below by adding letters from the word R-A-I-N. Then highfight these creatures where they are hiding in the letter grid. Read the leftover letters to find a rainy riddle and its answer! HINT: Instead of circling the narnes in the grid with a pencil, try using a colorful marker to highlight each name. ae TORRAPWHYDID CH_mp__zee DTHIGUANAEGO Hum eerie LiL ORAZ TEA Sy GUA ees Bol; BiG K Het SHE AB J_GUAR GEEEZNAPMIHC LEOP__D NOTFROGSHROR Lez 20 IPUGRHTHENUO O-ASeUT IN MAMSEBRELATC PROT MRLNGATOJTEO ars UDSATEEATURD es HFITITTOHAGMI TAA T Ube ae tye aE ANTLDUSTONIL foe PPEDARAINATE aA a INGREKANSREY Tone foe TARANTULAOET Dee c ecw e nee e een nese ce ween n eee HOUSES ESE ESS EE eR UTED ERT E Hes eSs eS Hoses EEEEEEED Big Beautiful Bills Sometimes a tasty piece of fruit is just out of reach, or has a rind that is hard to bite. No Problem! Connect the dots to see same of the mast powerful beaks in the rainforest. toucan 1-26 Extra Fun: Follow the color key and use cray- ‘ons or markers to reveal these bird's true colors! R - red A - gray G- green W - white 0 - orange LB - light blue Y- yellow DB - dark K - black blue 1-27 SF et SUNN Na gy ag ey egg ey iitig, Snake Super Bug B The biggest snake ever found was 28 feet The rhinoceros beetle is about the size of a cof- long, and 44 inches around the middle. Scien- fee mug. That's big for a bug! But more amaz- tists estimate that this snake weighed over 500 ing than his size is his strength. This rainforest pounds! What is this giant's name? Place a letter Superstar can support 850 times his own weight! in each space to make a three-letter word from This makes it the strongest creature in the ward. left to right (we gave you a few hints). When you Stronger than an elephant? Yes—an elephant can have done it correctly, you will find the answer Only carry one quarter of his own weight! spelled for you in the shaded boxes. Use the “Strong as a Bug” formula to figure out how many pounds you could lift if you were as strong aS a rhinoceros beetle. made of tin before two girls nickname frozen water cat chaser picnic insect hot even lunch sack Extra Fun: Ia minivan is 16 feet long, how many minivans long is this snake? 66 Slow as a Sloth The sioth doesn't do anything fast. He moves si that a kind of plant called algae grows on him! In the grid below are three words that also mean slow. To find them, take one letter from each column moving left to right HINT: Each letter can only be used once, SO cross them off as you go. In Hiding Sloths have such thick fur that they are the perfect camping place for smaller rainfor- est creatures, Scientists found one sloth that had three kini if beetles, and three kinds of moths living on it! Can you find the 12 other things hiding in this sloth’s fur? Look for an umbrella, cz . ft Paper clip, comb, feather, bowling pin, Christmas tree, fish hook, capital letter M, spatula, pencil 7YYVVWYY PYVTV UVTI VNT VUE YT Te Crocodile Bites Rainforest crocodiles might be a bit smaller than their relatives in other habitats, but they are just as fierce. One of these hungry crocs has bitten into a tasty fish. But which crocodile was it? HINT: These crocs always swallow their dinner headfirst! 68 CLUES; 1. Angry 2. Alphabet first 3. Truck fuel 4. Automobile Lonely Lemur The ring-tailed lemur is about three feet long including its tail-and more than half of that is its tail! This Strange-lcoking primate exists in only ‘one place in the whole world. To find ‘out in what country his rainforests are located, follow these rules: Rainforests are home to about half the world's ani- mal species! Just as there are a huge variety of ani- mals living in the rainfor- ests, there are many, many words “Itving” in the letters R-AL-N-F-O-R-E-S-T. Bet you can find at least fifty! * Answer each clue, above. = Fill the answers into the lemur's tail, Placing one letter in each ring. * Start from the top of the tal and work dovin. 69 Masi Relat I am the largest cat in the Americas. POET AeA Le Le POE ia eh ee I swim And climb very well. POS TLE eA Ch I snarl and Growl. Breezy Butterflies Believe it or not, there isn't much wind in a rain- forest! Most rainforest plants need the animals and insects whe live there to move their pallen and seeds around. Butterflies flit from flower to flower drinking nectar, and carry pollen from one plant to another as they go. Draw the second half of this butterfly to match the half shown, Use the grid lines to guide you. Batty for Fruit Frurt bats use their keen sense of smell to find rine rainforest fruit. By spitting out the seeds or dropping them as they fly through the forest, bats help v fruit trees to grow. Choose one of the dropped letters to add to each fruit. Then unscramble the letters and write the correct fruit names on the dotted lines. LLL LUT LLL LP LLL LTT LTT Ld é Borrel of Monkeys? The rainforest is home to monkeys and apes. People tend to get these two mixed up, but they are actually two different kinds of animals. However, when it comes to a good joke, apes and monkeys bath enjoy a good laugh! Collect all the words of the same number. Write them in the correct order on the numbered lines to get the answers. 3 5 4 2 4 6 1 5 2 3 4 | ons | sea] ape | oem 4 3 6 ave | cs | ais | ettmy | 1, Where's a good place for monkeys to swim? In the 2. What's a monkey's favorite Christmas carol? 3. What does a monkey learn in kindergarten? His 4, When do monkeys fall from the sky? 72 Chapter Z Farm Animals Break the letter-shifting code by writing the letters either Above the Barn | ve the B one before or one after the letters shown. Then color every Most people think of large animals like 3 square with a dot in the middie. HINT: You can write your cows and horses when they think of answer over the code letters with a dark crayon or marker, Hew tk wo com UIFZ FBU MPUT + BOE MPUT PG often see the darting shapes of tiny barn swallows flitting in and out. Many barns have small, round holes built into them especially far the swallows to use. Why do farmers like to have these | little birds around’? = In the Barn > Amazingly, there are a small number of barns in this country that are more than 300 years old! These buildings | were as important to farmers then as they stil are today—as a Safe home for farm animals. | | | | | Can you tell the names of the animals that live in this barn by the few letters showing through the windows? = Se SS Se Cat ond Mouse I if there is a bam full of grain, it is certain that there is a | ‘bam full of mice. That's why most farmers think it's a I good idea to have a cat or two who live in the barn. In fact, more than 4,000 years ago, the farmers in Egypt I first discovered how helpful it was to have a cat around I to protect their harvest! See who makes it to the pile of grain first—cat or mouse. After you find the correct paths through the maze, go back and count each corner turned as one point. The critter with the fewest points wins! I 75 FTN Moo Tunes ing to her favorite tunes and has d the most cups cf milk. EXTRA FUN: Can you figure out which cow is in love? 5 Thinking of dessert? Really happy? \ BAAA : any sf wy 2 ap eO000 SOD yd © 00 000 aise Bees 1 gallon = 2 half gallons = 4 quarts = 8 pints = 16 cups 16 VASILE REEGRAaS Wise “ 4 fab rs tea 1) ST ea oe el | ees * Pig Pen Ona hot day, a poor pig can't Sweat to cool off Ike you do. Pigs have no sweat glands! That's why pigs love to rollin nice, squishy mud. It not only cools them off, but helps protect their tender skin from the sun. Gan you find the ten differences between these two pig pens? 3} Sp SS} Sp Sp Bh > sh} Trick Question 1 Gan you spell PIG using nine letters? Sure you can! Use a simple number substitution (A=1, B=2,C=3...) to see how it is done. Trick Question 2 All of Farmer Jane's pigs are brown exceptone, and all of her pigs are pink except one. How many brown and pink pigs does Farmer Jane have? Sh) Sb Sh Sp Sp Fo Sh Bp Mp Mp Lh Sb Bp Sp se eh ch sh sh oh sh ah oh > a} SP Sp Sp Bh Sp SP 8} Sh SS > Sh sh sp Bh VWUMMKVLEKGCEEEoRaAAaEL 7 Move Along! Farmers all over the word rely on dogs to help move their flocks of sheep trom one place to ant These dogs learn to obey specific voice or whistle com- mands. Someti work, like running directions to help the dog proper pens. ‘Cross out the following kinds of words: * Four-letter words that rhyme with SHEEP * Two-letter words with A * Colors spelled with six letters * Words that start with GRE GRAY % PPURPLE © Al i ee ad Let KOREN, ee Fe eee" SGREET f _ oCpeppeet Tilo: OR: fitep: | fue ON. AT ONS ; ty AM * CHERRY. 3 Old MacDonald Hoda Form... Ht you know the next line of this famil- iar song, you'll know which letters are missing from the names of the farm animals below. Fil them in! HINT: We took the As and the Us, too. Next, fil in the numbered grid with the sound each animal makes. This time we lett you a few E-I-E-1-Os to help! Across Down 1G Si 1, DUNE Y Ce coe tli 3.¢_W 6.°R ST _ Ri “4. EH _ CK _N 2 Oks 5. b_& 10, Hi RS. eee 13.5 Hi *_. 8M il, T_ RK ¥ 1206 a Lawn Mowers [BARN | YARD stick | SOME [Boy | HOME | WORK | SHOP ee GUARD | ONE WORK | OUT | LIFT Tar HEAD BOOK Bir eel [ROAD | SIDE Old MacDonald wants to move his sheep from the bam to the roadside to eal the weeds that grow there. Travel one space al a time making compound words as you go. You can move up and down, and side to side—but not diagonally. END 9 Chicken Seratch Did you know that net all chickens are white with a red comb? Some have ‘spots, and some have stripes. Some have crazy feathers that make it look as if ‘they are wearing a dust mop on their head! There are more than 350 different combinations of chicken “styles.” See if you can answer the following questions: * How many different kinds of chickens do you see here? * Are there more striped or solid dark chickens? ® There is only one of which kind of chicken? fe Ong - Sg ag Sg Sg eee L Nobody Here But Us Chickens ; This chicken coop is iull of letters that will make OO words Can you figure them out using the clues below? 1. An ow! makes this sound, not a chicken = Os ., 2.When it's full, chickens can see at night = 0 Q_ 3. Chickens can't read this= O68 _ oo!6 UB _ 4. Chickens love to eat this=_ O@_ ak 5. Time of day when chickens eat lunch =_ © 8 . 6. The top part of the chicken coosp=_OO_ +. J 7. Most chicken coops are made from this =__ se : Barnyard Hink Pinks The answ to Hink Pinks are two rhyming words that each have one syllable. You might find all of these on a farm! 1. Escaped fowl with long neck= 2, Baby cow's giggle=_ 3. Quacker that can't move=_ 4. Baby sheep blocking the creek = _ 5. Being bumped by a young horse = _ 6. Canoe for a kid's dad = EXTRA FUN: The last Hink Pink has three rhyming words. , 7. Large swine hair=_ Core / % os = ~ ~ ; ~ - ~ ea Pg Pg Ma Png Pg Py ee 81 A If the Shoe F’ ee 6 wirlk| {s| fo ceeen esas HOC ISIG AlG |s1elG site sont A LIO|IFIEJEIO|HIOJE\SIN even though the nat have a horse! HINT: We left you one horseshae for luck What kind of allergy makes me! ToTU\ a horse sneeze? ; EEA WN.) Calor in all = 31.0] have the 3 A-C-H-O-1 re g to find out! Tee gS ZA ZTE $2 COUR U CEPR EEE E DEERE EAE EERE ERE S EOE E SHOE HOE EE OOO rem eEE Er ee EEE EeE EEE SHEE Ens enes Funny Farm Me : Not all farmers raise the usual cows, pigs, or chickens. @® ws : Some farmers choose animals that are a little more unusual! ue ( — =, . Connect the dots to find a picture of one animal that many Es & : 4 : people now raise on their farms. Do you know what country 63 7” is has this creature as a symbol of their nation? ei 3 : * : i ase . "35 : 67 : 95g : Bae 252 “70 % 5 e hi Tie a4 ‘. 5 az “45 7 3 40 "53 = « oe 2 . i 78 : ey 6 bau #103 2¢ 5 oo 1o9e "30 . as Boi ae 022 a 2 & i *, 121 498 «3 fe 1108 6 Fy sigh a al2 Ge acne _ #8 ie voor 1 1g 6 ee van 1220 124 13s 4H = OTe 999 a7 H a 8 yg HS H a98 dae ee een tea eee ewes enna et wees ene naan ees meee ena e nena eee nese sense eae eane 83 Where Is Everybody? Cow convinced all the animals to go somewhere. Crack the track code to find out where they went. eM OB OM ON AE a) H 84 wrens © S356 G>) 0 Sy Gf) O eS, 6 Here, Rover? B uddy Melly ea Here's a list of the top ten names that people Bailey $9 die o choose for their pets. To see which one is ~ the MOST popular, cross out the following: 3 Jake Sam S 1. Cross out all the names that start with S. 27 2. Cross out all the names that end with Y. 4 Ch 3. Cross out all the names with four letters. Max Maggie hs) 6 (> foToe 4. Cross out the name with GG. Nicky Coco G ecye ioe sete ere tiod I IN Ne Ramona eats after Rosie. Harry and Rosie eat together. Hungry Herd Rosie eats before Stormy, but after Neudge. Stormy always eats last. Who wil be the first pet Stormy ry Fy Rosie to gat breakfast? See + if you can figure it out Fee from the clues provided. Co) i Ramona Perfect. Parakeet There are many parakeets in this cage, but Andrew wants one in particular. Find the bird that has alll the following: * white body * 3 spots near beak © dark wing ® 3 stripes on forehead * long tail How many pet sounds can you maka from the letters listed below? Letters can be used more than once, but notice that not all the letters in the alphabet are available to you. Even so, we bet you can make at least ten | noisy words. ABEGHIKLM. OPQURSTWY lr 2: 3. 4. J) SS Eee C= 7 . 8. 9, 10. TOTO 87 Which of these shadows exactly matches Kate's kittens playing with their new toys? ( Kate's ) Kittens ap = 31 . = I i Lycee Lyecey |sescey [secre gg NN OO NO Og OO Od ea asl Nl i ™ _ 88 ont “oy oe %, FY Pets on the Run UN Some pets are tricky and sneak off when you're not looking! See if you A 4 can put all these pet words back where they belong. Choose from the Qt word parts around the page. Combine two, three, or even four parts to make complete words that answer the clues below. Each finished word will have @ P-E-T at either the beginning or the end! IA gn’ snails | PET PET Part of a flower = Af Hand toy = Fancy slip=__ Ap Gasoline = Ss qs Castle wall = S Turn into stone = Summer flower = Ri I Love My Pet Ask a friend or someone in your family finish this story. Don’t show them the story first! Ask your for the kind of v d for each blank bine (a description is written undemeatn), Write in the words your helper gives you, then read the story out loud. I have a very pet named descriptive word funny name He is feet tall and weighs pounds. He is a beautiful number number shade of , with color differant color pattern (stripes, etc.) on his . Tkeep himina body part container in the ‘ loves place in the house same name used on line one to eat ! I need to food action word him around the block _ times a day. I love my pet! number The Dog Walker Can you tell which leash goes to which pet? 1 Furry Friends Are there more white or gray mice? Are there more mice or gerhils? Do all the guinea pigs and rabbits have the same pattern? There is only one of which pet? Silly Sentences Each sentence can be completed by picking one letter of the alphabet to fill in the blanks. Can you say each sentence three times fast? —_arry's airy __amster __id __amburgers. —enny'’s __retty __arrot__erched __erpendicular. __red's__inest _ishes __ixed ive ences. __ara's __razy at __ooked __old __ucumbers. i 2 33 4,__avid's__irty og __rew __ancing __inosaurs. 5. 6.__imon's___even___nakes __ipped__ weet __odas. i __Sabel's ___tchy __guana ___gnored __nsects. Pet. Hair Is Everywhere No home with furry pets is complete without it! Finish the names of these familiar pieces of clothing and furniture by adding the'letters from P-E-T H-A-I-R. Annie just came home with her new pet. Can you figure out what it is? Cross off the pets Annie didn't get as you read these statements. When you're finished, only one pet will be left! Does not live underwater. Does not have fur. Does not have wings. Does not have eight legs Does not have a shell. Does not have spots. Too Close! James has taken pictures of all his friend's pets. | — Untortunately, he zoomed in too close, Can you ; 5 tell what kind of animals these are? - 1. i sf 8, 1 Kind of fizard 5, Short Friday r= 2. Hooting bird 6. Creative thoughts 3. Not quiet 7. Opposite of North \ 4. Can't hear Funny Fish Use the clues to fill in the spaces in all of What are the most expensive a ‘the fish. The last letter of one answer is aS the first letter of the next answer. When fish at the pet store? you are done, place the numbered letters ‘On the lines to answer the riddie! | Virst Fish | ATE | Sam has taken a lot of care to make sure the aquarium is just eg | rything he had COVER | right for his new fish, Ruby, Can you find e to get to keep her happy and well? Search for the aquarium . ee PUMP. l Supplies in the word gnd. Use a YELLOW marker or crayon to | color the squares containing the le GRAVEL EXTRA FUN: Color in the boxes according te the color key to FISH FOOD | st a picture of Ruby! | get a picture of Ruby FILTER | =¥ Wy c= | Y= YELLOW X= DARK BLUE ROCKS | 2=SAND B= LIGHT BLUE | G-areen PLANTS | | Listen to Your Pet! listening to what they say. Write the ans: 3 in the grid. We did ACROSS 4 “Dinner time!” 1 “Don't let the cat eat me!” 5 ‘I've had enough playing today!” 2 “| sure am thirsty!” ? “Let's go for a walk!” 9 “I'm covered with mud and gunk!" How do you keep a dog from Dog Talk barking in the front yard? Figure out the secret dog language and you'll know the answer to this riddle. ep PBARKUBARKTBARK HBARKIBARKMBARK IBARKNBARK TBARKHBARKEBARK BRARKABARKCBARKKBARK VBARKABARKRBARKDBARK 56 Endangered Species Once Upon a Time... Many spacies of animals that used to live on now Earth don't exist here anymore. Work backwards through the maze from the crocodile (NOW) to its ancient relative, the Deinosuchus (THEN). Collect letters along the path to spell a word that describes species that no longer exist. THEN We Love Dinosaurs! Although they have been extinct for more than 65 million years saurs fascinaling. Can you fit these seven dinosaurs into the crisscross? We've lett STEGOSAURUS you some D-I-N-O-S to get you started PT 2 still find dinc- NETS APATOSAURUS IGUANODON ALLOSAURUS TRICERATOPS T. REX Animals from the Past Fossils are the remains of an animal's body that have been tumed into stone over time. They show us how ancient animals looked, Some fossils are so delicate that you can see an insects wing. Some fossils are so huge they need to be moved with a truck! Can you find the i) six differences between these two fossils? Gil | &,’ = Going - beckwaea Extinction didn't only happen to dinosaurs. Extinction is stil going on today! All animals, including humans, need r to grow and food to eat. If two groups want me food, one group might get pushed right off the planet! Use a simple substitution code (A=1, B=2, C=3, etc.) to discover two things that can Gause a modern animal to become extinct. a 4,3 4R & Se12-9-I8-1-10 4-5-19-20-18-21-3-20-9- to live in the sai lace or eat the Moving, Forward While there are forces that work against animals causing them to become endangered or extinct, there are forces working to help protect animals, too! Use a reverse substitution code (A=Z, B=Y, C=X, etc.) to discover two things that can help endangered animais! KOZMGRMT Butterfly Blues Caterpillars of the Karner Blue butterfly like to eat Just one thing —leaves af the wild blue lupine. Unfortunately, a lot of wild lupine grows where people want to put buildings! Luckily, this caterpillar has found a little patch of lupine left. Cross out the leaves that have letters that appear lwo or more times. Haw many leaves are left to eat? aT I Ne! Deis ase Vest Ie ke BPEFREPPIK SOY 6 Butterfly Count. Mrs. Dilling's class is helping their local chapter of the North American Butterfly Association by having a butterfly count, How many of each butterfly on the list can you find? EXTRA FUN: Highlight each type of butterfly with a different color! MONARCH KARNER BLUE QUEEN SKIPPER VICEROY COPPER 7 VTIb-APVZMAArCCMmM-e PUAGOLHZmmMeHors THARARNAHVIUMAO VTFOKHAMPMOHNpcmmMmZzzZz074q CamOavaZOnanaoar PMVVOAHNHI<~OMmMAH< PASH UAADAPABRMIL BOHAVHTEHS+HADDOB e4Z2O

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