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Athropoda Bite


Learning Objective:

Able to explain the medical important

of athropoda which have toxin such as;
Able to explain the pathogenese of
athropodas toxin in the human body
Able to manage the toxin of
athropodas bite

Its body consists of
cephalothorax dan abdomen;
at the end of the abdomen the
last segment is round in shape
with sharp edge which
functioned as stinger and
venomous gland.
Its importance in medicine :
venomous sting by species
such as: Centruroides sp.
Its active venom contains
neurotoxin and hemotoxin

It produce toxins:
neurotoxin and hemotoxin.
May cause death in children
by respiratory paralysis.
The sting wound: painful,
erythema- edema, shockdeath

Its body consists of cephalothorax and

bulblike (round in shape) abdomen; it has
thread-forming gland located at the end
of the body (spineret) and the place to
lay its eggs(cocoon)
Is importance in medicine: its venomous
sting may cause severe pain, necrosis,
and systemic toxicity; some members of
this family:
Latrodectus mactans (Black widow
Loxosceles sp.


Lives in the forest

After copulation, the male () will be
eaten by the female
has hour glass at the ventral of its
has red median line and white ventral
line at the dorsal of its abdomen.
Toxin: neurotoxin
the sting wound is
severely painful; reddish -blue-ish swelling
is formed, surrounded with white circle.
It may cause: severe pain and necrosis at
the sting wound
Systemic: 18-36 hours caused by
respiratory paralysis.


Vespidae (wasps/tawon)
Formed its nest on trees, bushes,
under the ceiling.
This insect does not collect flower
juice and does not produce honey.
It consumes other arthropodes as its
food, such as: spider, butterfly, etc.
It can be quite harmful, depends on
the quantity of the attacking wasps.
On a prominent attack 80% of cases
ended up in death.
Its stinger does not have hooks,
therefore there is no hook-remnant
is seen after attacking its prey.
It does not die after it stang its
Minor hair.


Its stinger has hooks and the hookremnants are left in the wound of its
prey after the attack
It will soon die after it attacks its prey
Major hair
Collect flower juice and produce
The produced toxin contains: melitten
which is neurotoxic, also
phospholipase A and Hyaluronidase
which may cause hemolysis.


Its sting can cause angio-edema, nausea,
dyspnoe, facial edema, coma, and may cause
death; particularly for sensitive individuals 80%
chance it may end up in death.
Do not directly pull out the hook-remnants,.
Gently press the wound with knife or fingers
until the hook-remnants come out.
Immerse a cloth pad/dressing in cool
water/ice, put it as compress to the wound.
If required, additional corticosteroid
cream/salve can be applied to the wound.
If there is sign of systemic toxicity : adrenalin
injection, anti-histamine, and corticosteroid.

Long body, segmented, and dorsoventral.
Each segment, except the last one, has a a
pair of legs. It has extra claw located at its
mouth which contains neurotoxin
It has a pair of antenna
The bite wound : intensity of the pain is
proportional to the size of the biting animal,
local swelling and redness, lymphangitis at
the bitten extremity area, headache,
palpitation, nausea and vomiting, anxiety,
local itch and burning sensation.
Physical findings maybe as follow: the
penetration wound : local swelling and
redness, small, may form circular pattern and
possibility for ulceration and necrosis.

Treatment: Mitigate the pain with
combination of analgesic, non-steroid antiinflammation, anti-histamine and
anxiolytics, if it is required and considered
safe depending on the case.
Elevate the extremity and administration
of diuretics if there is possible danger of
compartment syndrome.
Tetanus toxoid vaccination,
Under intensive observation for at least 4
Other complications: secondary infection
and necrosis of the bite wound which must
be treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics
and wound treatment standard rules.

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