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Make sure you understand how to do these topics, by practising on questions 1 and 2. Check your answers
yourself using the solutions at the bottom of the page. Then do questions 3 and 4 in your homework books.
1) Standard Form:
Express as a normal number:
Express in standard form:

(a) 3.46 105

(b) 4.768 102 (c) 6.3 10-4
(d) 8 10-3
(e) 372400 (f) 0.0059
(g) 68430
(h) 0.0007

2) Significant Figures and Decimal Places:

(a) 3.4752 to 2dp (b) 5.0063 to 2dp (c) 2.49608 to 3dp
(d) 6.297 to 2dp
(e) 407.58 to 3sf (f) 72831 to 2sf (g) 0.0672 to 2sf (h) 57.348 to 3sf
3) Standard Form:
Express as a normal number:
Express in standard form:

(a) 7.39 105 (b) 3.798 104 (c) 9.7 10-3

(e) 7743000 (f) 0.000359
(g) 98370

(d) 8 10-7
(h) 0.00008

4) Significant Figures and Decimal Places:

(a) 5.8353 to 2dp (b) 7.4309 to 3dp (c) 4.6297 to 3dp (d) 9.708 to 1dp
(e) 347200 to 2sf (f) 406.47 to 3sf (g) 0.003417 to 3sf
(h) 537.42 to 2sf
1) (a) 346000 (b) 476.8 (c) 0.00063 (d) 0.008 (e) 3.724 105 (f) 5.9 10-3 (g) 6.843 104 (h) 7 10-4
2) (a) 3.48 (b) 5.01 (c) 2.496 (d) 6.30 (e) 408 (f) 73000 (g) 0.067 (h) 57.3

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