Hydrogen Peroxide

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The Truth


Food Grade
If people let government decide
what foods they eat and what medicines they take,
their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state
as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.
Thomas Jefferson

James Paul Roguski

I drink hydrogen peroxide everyday and my ingesting of hydrogen peroxide

didnt poison me at all. It cured my arthritis and it did so for a total of $6.
If this is con artistry, its the cheapest ripoff in history.
Walter Grotz
President of ECH2O2 (Educational Concerns for H2O2)
Hydrogen peroxide is a cheap substance that seems to help so many people
with so many ills for so little money that its very mention is anathema to the drug monopoly.
Tom Valentine
Everybody reading this is a bag full of dirty fluid.
I have been telling everyone for many years that the ultimate cause of ALL disease
is a LACK OF ENOUGH OXYGEN to clean our inner fluid environments.
Mr. Oxygen Ed McCabe
author of Flood Your Body With Oxygen
The real problem with peroxide is that it wont bring in money.
It is a natural substance and therefore cant be patented.
There is really nothing the drug companies can do about it
except scare people into thinking that it is bad for them.
George Borell
author of The Peroxide Story
Hydrogen peroxide is involved in all of lifes vital processes.
It must be present for the immune system to function properly.
It is truly a wonder molecule.
William Campbell Douglass, M.D.
author of Hydrogen Peroxide Medical Miracle
Hydrogen peroxide therapy can help achieve a multitude of therapeutic outcomes
that would be unthinkable with a single drug or mainstream medical procedure.
When levels of oxygen increase, the potential for disease decreases.
Nathaniel Altman
author of The Oxygen Prescription
Oxygen is the conductor of the orchestra of life.
It is the spark for the furnace of human metabolism.
It is the primary nutrient of life.
Majid Ali, M.D.
author of Oxygen and Aging
No other chemical compound comes even close
to hydrogen peroxide in its importance to life.
Hydrogen peroxide is involved in all of lifes vital processes.
Alwyne Pilsworth
If oxygen had to be approved by the FDA, it wouldnt be.
Dr. Gregory Buckley
Associate Professor of Surgery
Johns Hopkins University

The Wallet-ectomy
The worlds most common medical procedure.

The Problem With Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide

In truth, there are no problems with hydrogen peroxide.

The problems rest with people.
Some people are skeptical. It all sounds too good to be true,
so they never try.
Some people are impatient. They dont think that it works.
They try a little, dont receive miraculous, Divine
intervention that results in immediate healing of their lifelong health problem, so they claim that it is a fraud.
Some people are overly-aggressive. They want results, and
they want results NOW, so they take too much, suffer
natural cleansing reactions and then go and say something
stupid like... That hydrogen peroxide is dangerous! or
Im allergic to hydrogen peroxide or Hydrogen peroxide
made me sick! or Hydrogen peroxide makes me
nauseous! Its the American Way. If a little is good, then
a lot must be better, right?
Most doctors are afraid of the medical establishment. They
are also super-skeptical, hypocritical and closed-minded.
They say that they want scientific proof, but when a patient
explains the results that they observed, they say that type of
scientific data is anecdotal and they claim to need
information that is peer-reviewed. When you show them
peer-reviewed scientific articles by the dozen, they wont
even look at them and pathetically argue that it isnt
approved by the FDA. When you point out that hydrogen
peroxide was in common use prior to the law that created the
FDA and that it has been used by millions of people for more
than a century, they say it isnt safe. When you show them
that the pharmaceutical medications that they recommend
every day, (even when properly prescribed and administered
in a hospital setting) KILL over 100,000 people every
year, but properly administered hydrogen peroxide (even
when used by regular people under their own guidance) has
been shown to be 100% safe and has never killed anyone
even after hundreds of thousands of treatments, they say that
its not covered by insurance. Exasperating!

Heres my point, and my point is simple. Its right here

on page one. You dont have to read this entire book to
get it.
Hydrogen peroxide is a naturally occurring NUTRIENT
that SHOULD be found in all of our water and all of our
food. Mother Nature puts it there, on purpose, and with
good reason. Then we process it out!
I believe that every human ailment is aggravated by a
nutritional deficiency of hydrogen peroxide.
My goal in writing this book is large. I hope that one day,
everyone on earth will realize this and make it a habit to
supplement their diet with hydrogen peroxide every day
and also use hydrogen peroxide as a replacement for
numerous toxic chemicals that they currently use. I hope
that millions of people will make it a habit to prevent
disease so that the industry that has grown up around
treating the symptoms of disease will simply wither
and die. Its a big goal.
The achievement of this goal starts with you. Are you
willing to learn? Are you willing to try? Do you
understand that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound
of cure? Are you in it for the long haul?
Most people only become interested in their health after
they have misplaced it. Then they want a quick cure, an
instant remedy for their dis-ease. Please dont be like
most people. An ounce of prevention truly is worth a
pound of medication.
I encourage you to make food grade hydrogen peroxide
a part of your life. Its inexpensive and easy. Drink it.
Bathe in it. Spray it up your nose. Rinse your mouth with
it. Stick it in your ears. Soak your feet in it. Brush your
teeth with it. Use it in every way possible.
I am sure that its benefits will absolutely astound you.

Thank you.

James Paul Roguski

The Truth

Food Grade
If people let government decide
what foods they eat and what medicines they take,
their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state
as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.
Thomas Jefferson

James Paul Roguski

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Under the Radar Publishing

No Copyright 2009

James Paul Roguski

No rights reserved

This book may be reproduced in whole or in part and may be transmitted in any form without permission of any kind. Any part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted
in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or other, without permission
of any kind. The whole point of this book is to expose the lies of the medical and the pharmaceutical
industries by sharing this information with as many people as possible. Please feel free to copy and
share this book with everyone that you know and love. Their lives depend upon it!

The recommended methods of using hydrogen peroxide found in this book are in no way meant to be
interpreted as medical advice, because hydrogen peroxide is not medicine. Hydrogen peroxide is not a
drug. Hydrogen peroxide is a naturally occurring substance that is made by Mother Nature and is
also made by every cell in your body. All of the information in this book is designed to encourage you
to realize that hydrogen peroxide is a necessary NUTRIENT that your body desperately needs.

I am not going to blindly and obediently tell you to ask your doctor about hydrogen peroxide before
using it, because the odds are very good that your doctor has absolutely no knowledge or understanding of the scientific information that is provided in this book. I will advise you to give your doctor a
copy of this book and encourage them to read it. I will also advise you to get a new doctor. Preferably
one who is listed in Appendix C at the end of this book. The material in this book is intended for education. It is also meant to be construed as advice that is designed to help you keep yourself healthy and
balanced. This is not medical advice. This is health advice. It is not designed to treat any dis-ease.
By definition, drugs are unnatural substances that are not found in the body and are designed to treat
your symptoms. On the contrary, the information in this book will show you how to address the most
fundamental nutritional needs of your body. It is far better to strive to maintain health rather than to
merely attempt to doctor up the symptoms of ones dis-ease. It is suggested that you rely upon your
bodys own inner wisdom as your primary reference for the care and maintenance of your own health.

In my wildest dreams of the future, I see a world where doctors, pharmaceutical drug dealers, hospital
administrators, health insurance claims adjusters, FDA bureaucrats and fundraisers for disease/ cureseeking causes find themselves standing in the lines at the unemployment offices throughout the
country for the simple reason that everyone else has learned the secret to vibrant health and no longer
needs their services.

You are encouraged to take full responsibility for your own health and for your own actions.


Section 1
An overview of hydrogen peroxide
and a sampling of the published scientific literature
that documents its unquestioned safety and amazing effectiveness.
All of the published scientific references are printed in RED ink.

Section 2
A collection of official FDA notices
and other government documents.

Section 3
Directions (printed in blue)
which detail the safe and effective use of
the most amazing nutritional supplement
in the world...

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide

Section 1

Everything you ever wanted to know about

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide,
but didnt know who to ask...

Having collected and studied medical texts from the early part of the 20th
Century, I have discovered many treatments and some actual cures for
diseases existed that were commonly utilized, which we are now told
remain mysteriously incurable. Medical politics has corrupted our health
care system and as a result, curative means for correcting the ravages of
chronic disease were expunged from the knowledge base of the medical
profession, due mainly to greed on the part of medical politicians of
powerful position. Medical education textbooks were systematically
re-written by the way of the influence of wealthy robber barons of the
Industrial Revolution in order to expand their riches and control the
worlds population and their governments through the sale of regulated
pharmaceutical drugs. Many simple and efficacious non-drug treatment
methods disappeared from the medical curriculum in all philanthropically
subsidized schools practically overnight.
Licensing restricted medical practice by the establishment of standards of
acceptable practice along with oversight medical licensing boards which
ordained rules of conduct and procedure that demanded that only the most
profitable modalities were authorized for use in treatment. Physicians who
dare to cross the demarcation line in the sand of the established dogma are
promptly erased from the membership roster of the antiseptic club.
Medicine is profit based and the status quo is to palliate symptoms rather
than address the cause of the offending disorder. The profits are in the
treatments, not in the cure.
Medicine for profit is inherently evil.

Carmi Hazen
author of Cancer, Its Cause and Treatment Without Operation

For centuries, people who have worked in the health

sciences have been seeking to identify the primary
biochemical cause of all disease, and the cure-all that this
basic principle would yield. The cause and the cure have
been found, but their utter simplicity makes them difficult
to accept at first. It seems that if its really that simple,
we should have discovered it ages ago and we should have
been using it all along.

Human beings can go for several months without food and

even for several days without water, but we all require a
continual supply of oxygen in order to survive. We cannot
live without oxygen for more than a few minutes. If you had
to guess which vital nutritional compound you most needed
to supplement, wouldnt you be inclined to guess...

Well, Ive re-discovered it. I am absolutely NOT the first

to do so. Ive been using it and I know that it works (as do
many thousands of other people). It is literally right under
your nose, and you cant see it!

Of all the nutrients needed by the body, only oxygen is in

such constant demand that its absence brings death in just a
few minutes. Most people tend to get caught up in the small
details of nutrition and tend to overlook the fundamental
necessity and importance of oxygen and the role that its
deficiency plays in every disease or illness. What if you
could very easily add that oxygen to water and consume
it directly? Well, Mother Nature beat you to it. Did you
know that hydrogen peroxide is simply oxygenated
water? Hydrogen peroxide is water that has extra oxygen in
it. Made up of two hydrogen atoms and two oxygen atoms,
it is known chemically as H2O2.


Please start by doing a very small, very simple experiment
with me right now...
Just stop breathing. Dont take a deep breath first. Just hold
your breath right where it is right now. Just stop breathing.
Quietly start counting. As soon as you begin to feel any
discomfort whatsoever, start to breathe again. Ready? Set?

I humbly suggest that you stop focusing on inconsequential

details and start focusing on the most important
NUTRIENT in the world...

How long did you last? Ten seconds? Twenty? This experiment quickly shows you exactly how important oxygen is to
you. I will bet my last dollar that, at the count of 30 or
above, you were definitely NOT thinking about how glad
you were that you eat organic food. You were definitely
NOT thinking about how well your multivitamin was
serving you at that moment. You were definitely NOT
thinking about the benefits of the anti-oxidant formula that
you have been consuming. You werent even thinking about
that bottle of water that you are always drinking. I would bet
my last dollar that you were thinking about getting your next
breath of OXYGEN!

Hydrogen peroxide was first discovered by the French
chemist Louis-Jacques Thenard in 1818, who very
appropriately named it eau oxygenee or oxygenated water.
In Spanish, hydrogen peroxide is known as agua
oxigenada and in Italian, it is called acqua ossigenata.
Low grade pharmacy/grocery store hydrogen peroxide is
well-known to most people. When we apply it externally to
an open wound, hydrogen peroxide produces a bubbling
sensation, which is just the extra oxygen being released.
Unfortunately, pharmacy grade hydrogen peroxide is filled
with toxic stabilizers designed to prolong shelf life
(phenacetin, acetanilide, sodium stannate and others). These
toxic chemicals are also added in order to prevent you from
using hydrogen peroxide internally in ways that can result in
nearly miraculous health benefits.

When something as vital as oxygen is taken away in a

dramatic, immediate manner, its importance becomes quite
obvious. However, if that same oxygen is slowly and
methodically removed from our system by pollution, poor
diet and a host of other means, it is less obvious.

Hydrogen peroxide occurs naturally within the Earths biosphere. Heres how Mother Nature makes it... Plants take in
water from soil. During the process of photosynthesis, they
remove the hydrogen atoms from the water (H2O) and then
combine the hydrogen with carbon dioxide (CO2) from the
air to make carbo-hydrates/hydro-carbons/sugar. The plants
then breathe out the oxygen that is left over from the water
that they have de-hydrogenated. This oxygen is lighter than
the air at ground level, so it rises higher up into the
atmosphere. At high elevations (from 6-22 miles) this
relatively stable form of oxygen (O2) is bombarded by
photons of light in the ultraviolet range of the

Please get a medium sized paper or plastic bag. Hold it

over your mouth and nose so that the only air that you can
breathe in comes directly from the inside of the bag. OK?
Now hold it there for the rest of your life!
Breathing this way is analagous to living in New York,
Tokyo, Los Angeles, Mexico City or just about any other
city in the world. With limited oxygen intake, how long do
you think it will be before you begin to develop chronic
symptoms such as fatigue, irritability, aches and pains and so

nanometers). This radiation splits the O2 in half and these
oxygen atoms (O1) immediately attach themselves to the
nearest molecule. Many of the oxygen atoms attach
themselves to molecules of O2 to form ozone or O3.
Contrary to popular media propaganda, the ozone layer
does not protect us from the suns radiation. The oxygen
(O2) that was split by radiation is what did the protecting
and the ozone layer is the result of that protection. Since
ozone (O3) is heavier than the oxygen (O2), it begins to fall
back toward the surface of the earth. As it comes into
contact with molecules of water vapor, the ozone donates
its third oxygen atom to the water, which forms H2O2
(H2O + O), which is known as hydrogen peroxide.

Just like any other important nutrient, when tissue levels of

hydrogen peroxide increase, the potential for disease
decreases. Germs, parasites, fungi, bacteria and viruses
along with diseased and deficient tissue cells are all killed by
hydrogen peroxide. Healthy cells not only survive when the
concentration of hydrogen peroxide increases, but they
become stronger and healthier. The main difference
between human cells and pathogenic bacteria, viruses, fungi,
mold and parasites is that human beings (obviously) need
oxygen to survive, and pathogens tend to thrive in low oxygen environments that accompany stagnation, decay and
death. This is due to their more primitive evolutionary origins when the earths atmosphere was nearly devoid of oxygen. When your oxygen levels drop below that which is
optimal for human life, your body becomes a growth medium for pathogenic anaerobic organisms (think sewer!)

This oxygenated water (hydrogen peroxide) falls to earth in

rain and snow. It acts as a natural disinfectant in lakes,
rivers and oceans. If it were not for the hydrogen peroxide
in rainwater, the earths surface would be putrid from bacterial overgrowth. Clean, fresh spring water, glacial melt and
fast flowing streams all have relatively high amounts of
hydrogen peroxide. Maybe the Fountain of Youth that
was so passionately sought by Ponce de Leon and others was
right there, in the sea underneath their ships the entire time!

Oxygenation is simply increasing the amount or percentage
of oxygen. Breathing is the major way in which the body is
oxygenated. In the human body, diatomic oxygen (O2) that
is breathed in through the lungs is transported by hemoglobin, a protein that is found on red blood cells. This insures
that it gets to where it is needed and does not react with anything else along the way. Oxygen has the ability to accept
electrons from other elements and molecules in order to
combine with them and form new compounds which are
often known as oxides. Oxygen rich red blood cells carry a
negative electrical charge. If oxygenation is uniform and
complete, individual red blood cells repel each other and
travel through capillaries in single file. If an individual red
blood cell is de-oxygenated or damaged to the point that it
obtains a positive electrical charge, it will attract two negatively charged blood cells and clump together, blocking
blood flow and increasing blood pressure.

Hydrogen peroxide has also been found in many of the healing springs of the world, including Fatima in Portugal,
Lourdes in France and the Shrine of St. Anne in Canada.
Legend has it that on February 11, 1858, the Virgin Mary,
our Lady of Lourdes, appeared to a fourteen year old girl,
Bernadette Soubirous, at the Grotto of Massabielle in
Lourdes, France. Amongst other things, she told Bernadette
to bathe in and drink from the waters in the grotto. The
water in Lourdes is purported to contain hydrogen peroxide.
If Lourdes was in the United States, the FDA would probably try to shut it down as a health hazard!
Hydrogen peroxide is absorbed by the roots of plants along
with water and it is an important component of plant life.
Small amounts are found in practically all vegetables and
fruits, including fresh cabbage, asparagus, green peppers,
watercress, oranges, apples, watermelons and aloe vera until
it is removed along with water when any food is dehydrated.
Honeybees collect fresh, hydrogen peroxide rich nectar from
flowers and, as a result, the honey that they produce has
antibacterial properties that can be attributed to its hydrogen
peroxide content. Hydrogen peroxide is also found in the
animal kingdom and is involved in many of our bodys natural processes. Numerous strains of beneficial bacteria
found in our digestive tract produce hydrogen peroxide.

As an oxygenator, hydrogen peroxide is able to deliver

small quantities of oxygen to the blood and other vital systems throughout the body. Bright crimson colored blood
carries far more oxygen than darker, maroon colored blood.
Arterial blood is generally a brighter red because it has
recently passed through the lungs and picked up oxygen.
Venous blood is usually darker in color because it has just
passed through the capillaries and dropped off oxygen for
the bodys tissues.
The findings suggest that these fluids [blood, plasma]
become supersaturated with oxygen following the breakdown of exogenous hydrogen peroxide. The quantity of oxygen in solution was found to be equivalent to three to twelve
atmospheres of oxygen depending on the time of sampling
following the addition of hydrogen peroxide.
(B.E. Jay, W. Finney, G.A. Baila, and J.T. Mallams, The
Supersaturation of Biologic Fluids with Oxygen by the
Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide, Texas Report Biol
& Med, 1964, Volume 22, pages 106-109)

Let me make this very simple and clear. Food contains

nutrients that are vital to human health. Hydrogen
peroxide is such a NUTRIENT. The food that you eat is
deficient in hydrogen peroxide! You should use liquid
hydrogen peroxide as a daily nutritional supplement in
order to compensate for your dietary deficiencies.

We can prove with blood samples that we can hyperoxygenate your bloodstream better with hydrogen peroxide than
by breathing oxygen. Better than by infusing ozone, which
we used to do, either rectally or into the bloodstream directly. Better than by putting the patient into a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. We can increase the oxygenation level in the
body tremendously. You can see the difference, in the color
of the blood, of a patient who has had hydrogen peroxide
infused into them. Oftentimes, if youve ever seen a person
who is not well cut themselves, the blood has a dark bluish,
purplish color that is obviously not healthy. When you start
infusing hydrogen peroxide, the blood we draw when we
take samples is a bright, healthy color that looks good.
(Dr. Kurt Donsbach, D.C., N.D., Ph.D.)

of our ailments. They quote various scientific facts

about the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere now and in
the past and imply that getting more oxygen is all that is
needed to restore ones health. Well, if that was so, all anyone would need to do is rent an oxygen tank, stick a hose in
their nose and breathe in order to cure their ailments.
Oxygen (O2) doesnt work that way, and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) doesnt work that way either. There is a huge
difference between the functions of the oxygen that we
breathe (O2) and the very unique and specific functions performed by hydrogen peroxide. It is important to understand
that, in addition to providing oxygen, H2O2 actually stimulates important detoxifying enzymes. Dr. Charles Farr discovered that intravenous injections of H2O2 almost doubled
the metabolic rate of his patients.

When properly stored in its bottle, diluted hydrogen peroxide takes months, even years to break down. It is incredibly
stable, but it does slowly decompose spontaneously back
into the water and oxygen from which it was created.
(2H2O2 > 2H2O + O2) A 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide used to be known as a ten volume strength. This means
that one pint of (liquid) 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide
actually contains 10 pints of (gaseous) oxygen.




Over the past century, thousands of medical doctors have
infused dilute amounts of hydrogen peroxide into their
patients arteries, veins, mouths, noses, ears, vaginas and
even their rectums. Hydrogen peroxide therapy can help
achieve a multitude of therapeutic benefits that would be
unthinkable with a single drug or mainstream medical procedure. Simply put, hydrogen peroxide works medical miracles!

Increasing the level of oxygenation in the blood can be compared to cleaning the ashes and coals from a fireplace and
opening up the chimney flue in order to transform a smoldering, smoky fire into a clean, brilliantly burning flame.
The transformation which can take place in the body that is
nourished by blood that is superoxygenated is absolutely

The list of ailments that have been and can still be treated
with hydrogen peroxide is unbelievably extensive. For a
start, here is just one doctors experience...

When hydrogen peroxide is added to the bloodstream, it

comes into contact with two important compounds:
catalase and cytochrome C.
If the concentration of
hydrogen peroxide added to the blood is too high, the
enzyme catalase quickly converts two molecules of hydrogen peroxide into two molecules of water and one molecule
of diatomic oxygen (2H2O2 > 2H2O + O2). When this
happens, the blood becomes more highly oxygenated
(which is good), but the truly incredible benefits of hydrogen peroxide are lost.

I consider the use of hydrogen peroxide one of the most

important treatments in my medical kit bag. The hydrogen
peroxide compound I use is made in the laboratory, but it is
important to know that hydrogen peroxide is also produced
naturally in our own bodies. In my practice, I have used
hydrogen peroxide to treat a range of conditions - everything
from chronic fatigue immune disfunction syndrome
(CFIDS), migraine headaches, multiple sclerosis and
rheumatoid arthritis. Many patients with the conditions,
diseases or problems numbered below have seen improvement after a course of treatment with hydrogen peroxide.
Some have even been cured. But, in my opinion, simply
knowing there are viable options for sick people who want to
feel better, options they have not yet explored, is in itself

In 1984, J.M. Wrigglesworth found that low concentrations

of hydrogen peroxide formed a stable intermediate complex
with cytochrome C oxidase which persisted for up to thirty
minutes. This complex was not formed when higher concentrations were used. Cytochrome C oxidase holds on to
hydrogen peroxide long enough to enable it to find its way
to nearly every corner of the body where hydrogen peroxide
can then begin to work its wonders.
(J.M. Wrigglesworth, Formation and Reduction of a
Peroxy Intermediate of Cytochrome C. Oxidase by
Hydrogen Peroxide, Biochem J.,1984, 217, pages 715-719)

1. People experiencing cardiovascular problems,

such as angina or heart attacks (coronary artery disease),
could benefit from this therapy. Those who have strokes
(cerebrovascular accidents), peripheral vascular conditions
or arrhythmias have seen vast improvement in their conditions.

Many misguided alternative health enthusiasts have made

wild claims about oxygen deficiency being the cause of all

2. Many people who have been troubled by pulmonary (lung) disease (bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or emphysema) have, for many
years, found their breathing easier and had their energy
restored by a course of hydrogen peroxide treatments.
3. Inflammatory diseases, such as temporal arteritis
or rheumatoid arthritis respond favorably to hydrogen peroxide therapy, and patients notice less swelling and more
movement after treatments.
4. People with endocrine problems have responded
well to hydrogen peroxide. The endocrine glands, like the
adrenals, the pituitary and the thyroid glands produce one
or more internal secretions (hormones) that are introduced
directly into the bloodstream and carried to the parts of the
body they regulate. Type II diabetes and hypothyroidism are
just some of the conditions related to hormone regulation
that have been improved with this treatment.
5. People with neuromuscular problems, highly
prevalent today and with few, if any, solutions for their various physical manifestations, respond very well to hydrogen
peroxide. Such conditions as cluster, migraine or vascular
headaches can be cured. Chronic pain syndrome can see
great improvement, and even very serious neuromuscular
conditions, such as multiple sclerosis or Parkinsons disease, can be improved, although real cures are seldom
reported. People treated with hydrogen peroxide therapy do
find, however, that the therapy gives them more control over
their limbs and bodies and they feel stronger. Alzheimers
disease related dementia, different from vascular dementia,
does respond favorably to a course of treatment with hydrogen peroxide.
6. Infectious diseases are very good candidates for
treatment with hydrogen peroxide. Chronic bacterial infection, fungi (Aspergillus fumigatus, Blastomyces, or Candida
species), parasites (Entamoeba Histolytica, Pneumocytis
Carinii, or Trichomonas Vaginalis), viruses (herpes virus,
CMV, HIV, and others) are all very effectively treated with
hydrogen peroxide.
(Pavel I. Yutsis, M.D., Oxygen to the Rescue, ISBN 159120-007-5, p. 7, 83-85)

The following pages detail over forty articles that have been
published in respected, peer-reviewed medical journals,
going all the way back to 1888. The article references are
printed in red ink and the name of the journals are in bold
print. The number of scientific articles runs into the many
thousands. Clearly, the FDA simply chooses to ignore the
facts. One of the first books to document the benefits of
hydrogen peroxide is called The Therapeutical
Applications of Hydrozone and Glycozone by chemist
Charles Marchand (Marchands book was republished in
1989 by Walter Grotz - see Appendix B). The eighteenth
edition of this book was published in 1904. While the title of
this book is about ozonated water (Hydr-ozone, which is 9%
hydrogen peroxide) and ozonated glycerin (Glyc-ozone), it
also contains reprints of more than 140 articles that appeared
in medical journals from 1888 to 1904 on the uses of
peroxide of hydrogen (as hydrogen peroxide was
originally known). Several of these articles were
originally published in the Journal of the American
Medical Association! Among the diseases that were
treated successfully by hydrogen peroxide were...

bee stings
cancer of the womb
ear infections
gun shot wounds
insect bites
periodontal disease
piles (hemorrhoids)
poison ivy
Riggs disease
scarlet fever
sore throat
typhoid fever
whooping cough
yellow fever


If you were paying attention to the above quote by Dr.
Yutsis, you will see that he used the evil word cure. The
FDA does not like that word. If you were to ask, the United
States Food and Drug Administration would tell you that
they have received no evidence that proves the safety
and the effectiveness of hydrogen peroxide. True. True.
True. It is true that no corporation has yet decided that
it is worth the expense of millions of dollars to attempt to
get hydrogen peroxide approved as a drug by the
FDA. No one has attempted to put (naturally occurring)
hydrogen peroxide through millions of dollars of tests to
show the FDA what people with common sense already
know (and have known and used for over one hundred

Legionella pneumophila
(R.I. Jepras and R.B. Fitzgeorge, The Effect of Oxygendependent Antimicrobial Systems on Strains of Legionella
Pneumophila of Different Virulence, J. Hyg, London,
1986, 97, 1 pages 61-69)

Hydrogen peroxide must be present for our immune system
to function properly. Your white blood cells produce hydrogen peroxide that is used against harmful bacteria, viruses,
yeast and parasites. It has always been hydrogen peroxide
that naturally cures any and all types of infection within your
body. Even penicillins primary mode of action involves the
production of hydrogen peroxide! The cells in the body that
fight infection (white blood cells known as granulocytes)
produce hydrogen peroxide as a first line of defense against
harmful parasites, bacteria, viruses and fungi. When hydrogen peroxide levels are chronically low, our overall immune
response is weakened, making us vulnerable to a wide range
of diseases.

Treponema Pallidum
B.M. Steiner, G.H. Wong, P. Sutrave, et al., Oxygen
Toxicity in Treponema Pallidum: Deoxyribonucleic Acid
Singlestranded Breakage Induced by Low Doses of
Hydrogen Peroxide, Cancer Journal Microbiology,
1984, 30(12) pages 1467-1476)
Escherichia Coli
G. Brandi, P. Sestili, M.A. Pedrini, et al., The Effect of
Temperature or Anoxia on Escherichia Coli Killing Induced
by Hydrogen Peroxide, Mutat Res., 1987, volume 190,
issue 4, pages 237-240)

Neutrophils have multiple systems available for killing

ingested bacteria. Nearly each of these incorporates hydrogen peroxide, indicating its essential nature. Hydrogen peroxide is deposited intra-cellularly near bacteria within
phagocytic vacuoles where it can react to form toxic hyperchlorous acid (HOCl) and/or possibly singlet oxygen.
Hydrogen peroxide can also react with iron to form the highly toxic hydroxyl radical (OH*). Deficiencies of hydrogen
peroxide production frequently increases susceptibility to
(Dennis P. Clifford and John E. Repine, Hydrogen Peroxide
Mediated Killing of Bacteria, Molecular and Cellular
Biochemistry, 1982, volume 49, pages 143-149)

Mycobacterium Leprae
(S.J. Klebanoff and C.C. Shepard, Toxic Effect of the
Peroxidase-Hydrogen Peroxide-Halide Antimicrobial
System on Mycobacterium Leprae, Infect. Immun., 1984,
volume 44, issue 2, pages 534-536)
Group B Streptococci
(C.B. Wilson and W.M. Weaver, Comparative
Susceptibility of Group B Streptococci and Staphylococcus
Aureus to Killing by Oxygen Metabolites, J. Infect. Dis.,
1985, volume 152, issue 2, pages 323-329)

Hydrogen peroxide also helps to increase the production of

gamma interferon, a protein that promotes healing when
cells are exposed to viruses or cellular messengers
(T. Munakata, U. Semba, Y. Shibuya, et al., Induction of
Interferon-gamma Production by Human Natural Killer
Cells Stimulated by Hydrogen Peroxide, Journal of
Immunology, 1985, 134(4), pages 2449-2455)

Actinobacillus Actinomycetemcomitans
(K.T. Miyasaki, M.E. Wilson, R.J. Genco, Killing of
Actinobacillus Actinomycetemcomitans by the Human
Neutrophil Myeloperoxidase-Hydrogen Peroxide-Chloride
System, Infect. Immun., 1987, volume 55, issue 4, pages

Numerous studies have shown that hydrogen peroxide can

help control fungi...

It is well known that the actual diseases occurring due to
AIDS consist of a combination of viral, fungal and bacteriological infections. Medical science has long recognized that
hydrogen peroxide destroys viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. Unlike many individual drugs developed to fight specific pathogenic organisms, hydrogen peroxide simply kills
them all.

Candida Albicans
(M. Sasada, A. Kubo, T. Nishimura, et al., Candidacidal
Activity of Nonocyte-Derived Human Macrophages:
Relationship Between Candida Killing and Oxygen Radical
Generation by Human Macrophages, J. Leukocyte Biol,
1987, 41(4), pages 289-294)

Hydrogen peroxide is the PERFECT antibiotic!

Aspergillus Fumigatus
(S.M. Levitz and R.D. Diamond, Mechanisms of
Resistance of Aspergillus Fumugatus Conidia to Killing by
Neutrophils In Vitro, J. Infect. Dis., 1985, 15291) pages

Numerous studies have shown that hydrogen peroxide can

help control bacteria...
(N.A. Klapes, New Applications of Chemical Germicides:
Hydrogen Peroxide, Programs and Abstracts of the
American Society for Microbiology, International
Symposium on Chemical Germicides, 1990, 20, p 14-15)

Coccidioides Immitis
(J.N. Galgiani, Inhibition of Different Phases of
Coccidiodides Immitis by Human Neutrophils or Hydrogen
Peroxide, J. Infect. Dis., 1986, 153(2), pages 21-22)

The first medical use of hydrogen peroxide was reported in

the March 3, 1888 issue of The Journal of the American
Medical Association in an article by I.N. Love, M.D., entitled Peroxide of Hydrogen as a Remedial Agent. The article related Dr. Loves success in treating patients with a variety of diseases, including scarlet fever, diphtheria, nasal
catarrh, acute coryza (head catarrh), whooping cough, asthma, hay fever and tonsillitis. In these cases, treatment primarily involved administering a diluted solution of hydrogen peroxide into the nostrils with a syringe. Dr. Love commented:

Numerous studies have shown that hydrogen peroxide can

help control parasites...
Pneumocystis Carinii
(E.L. Pesanti, Pneumocystis Carinii, Oxygen Uptake,
Antioxidant Enzymes, and Susceptibility to OxygenMediated Damage, Infect. Immun, 1984, 44(1), pages 711)

The medicament to which I propose to direct your attention

in this paper is the Peroxide of Hydrogen... the commercial peroxide of hydrogen is a 3 percent aqueous solution.
From its very nature this agent should be a powerful antiseptic and a destroyer of microbes... The clinical application of a remedy is the best test of its value.

Toxoplasma Gondii
(H.W. Murray, Cellular Resistance to Protozoal Infection,
Annu. Rev. Med., 1986, (37), pages 61-69)
Schistosoma Mansoni
(J.W. Kazura, P. de-Brito, J. Rabbege, et al., Role of
Granulocyte Oxygen Products in Damage of Schistosoma
Mansoni Eggs in Vitro, J. Clin. Invest., 1985, 75(4), pages

Scarlet Fever and Diphtheria - R.H., aged four years, an

unusually intelligent and interesting boy, developed scarlet
fever December 22, 1887. A pronounced case, temperature
vibrating for several days from 102o to 104o, throat quite
sore, some disposition to ulceration upon both tonsils.
Within a week symptoms much modified, temperature ranging in the neighborhood of 100o, where it remained for four
days, child being quite playful but not permitted to get out of
bed. At this time diphtheria became a complication, involving the pharynx and the nasal passages. The secretions from
all the mucus surfaces were very profuse and purulent in
character, and suffocation at times seemed imminent from its
accumulation, and the odor was extremely offensive to the
patient as well as the attendants. A well organized fibrinous
exudation appeared over the surface of the nostrils well forward to the palate, and upward to the posterior nares. The
submaxcilary and sublingual glands were much enlarged
and engorged. Wherever a mucous surface was visible, if
not covered with diphtheria membrane, it was violently
inflamed nearly to the point of ulceration, and exuding a
purulent and almost disgusting discharge. Temperature
ranged in the neighborhood of 104o and 105o, and almost
constant paroxysmal cough was present, due to the general
irritation, and accumulated secretions, and at times a
marked asthma was present, owing to reflex irritation,
dependent upon the inflammation of the posterior nares.
The general conditions were alarming, the child being
almost in a state of frenzy, owing to his many discomforts.

Entamoeba Histolytica
(E. Ghadirian, S.D. Somerfield, P.A. Kongshavn,
Susceptibility of Entamoeba Histolytica to Oxidants,
Infect. Immune., 1985, 51(1), pages 263-267)
and viruses...
(R.A. Heckert, M. Best, L.T. Jordan, et al., Efficacy of
Vaporized Hydrogen Peroxide Against Exotic Animal
Viruses, Applied and Environmental Microbiology,
1997, Volume 63, Number 10, pages 3916-3918)
Its so simple that it befuddles the great minds. Unlike
healthy human cells that love oxygen, the vast majority of
disease causing microbes absolutely cannot live in active
forms of oxygen. Almost every virus, bacteria, fungi,
mycoplasm, parasite and other pathogen are facultative
anaerobes. Disease causing bugs cant live in active forms
of oxygen and proper [amounts of] active oxygen is safe and
harmless to humans! Put this all together and think about
how profound and simple this answer for all disease is, and
how its been under our noses all along.
(Ed McCabe, Flood Your Body With Oxygen, 2003, ISBN

Having been using the peroxide of hydrogen in various

strengths for some months as a purifying and stimulating
wash for purulent ulcers, sinuses and fistulae, as well as
diphtheria, I concluded to use it as an application in this
case. Diluting it with one part to two of water for application to the nasal passages by means of a syringe, and using
it in its purity by means of a probang [slender sponge tipped
rod] and absorbent cotton to the pharynx. I soon had the
satisfaction of seeing the pus, and accumulated mucus

Many of us have experienced influenza at least once in our
lifetime. Symptoms of fever, coughing, chills, body aches,
sore throat, headache and nausea are familiar to many flu
sufferers. However, some people, especially the very young,
the very old and others who are immunosuppressed can die
from the flu (or from the treatments they receive for it!)

cleaned out from all the surfaces as if by magic. The child

was a bright little hero, and, though semi delirious, he
helped materially in its application, and also in the removal
of the oxidized purulent matter. The nasal passages, front
and back, were soon cleared out, the fauces [cavity at the
back of the mouth] as well were kept in a comparatively
clean condition... Wherever the solution came into contact
with organic matter, a marked effervescence and bubbling
ensued, and a breaking down of the accumulation or exudation and throwing off of the same occurred. The beneficial
effect of the application was apparent, all the distessing
symptoms were much abated, and within three or four days
they had passed away... The success in this case was similar
to that in six other cases.
(I. N. Love, Peroxide of Hydrogen as a Remedial Agent,
The Journal of the American Medical Association, March
3, 1888, pages 262-265)

ing from the naso-pharynx. I felt it my duty to inform the

parents that death was the only result to be expected and that
they could be very thankful if their other children, six in
number, should escape. However, I gave them a bottle of
Marchands Peroxide of Hydrogen, and directed them to
syringe the nostrils and wash the mouth out with a solution
diluted to one-fourth employed. This was repeated every
hour, day and night. No other treatment was employed, and
whiskey was given with milk as the only food. The child
began at once to improve. The right tympanic membrane
gave way and then the solution was thrown in to the ear, and
bubbled out the nose. The urine began to be secreted more
freely, and the child was pronounced out of danger one week
from my first visit.
(W.M.F. Waugh, M.D., Scarlatinal Diptheria, The Times
and Register, Philadelphia, March 7, 1891)
The first published report of the use of intravenous hydrogen peroxide for influenza was reported in 1920 by British
physicians Oliver, Cantab and Murphy. The authors were
military physicians treating Indian Gurkha soldiers during
an influenza epidemic. They encountered an 80% death rate
among soldiers who developed pneumonia. One specific
soldier, who was profoundly ill, had been so delirious for
two days with a high fever that he had to be restrained to his
bed and he was feared to be near death. In desperation, they
decided to give the patient an intravenous infusion of two
ounces of 3% hydrogen peroxide diluted with eight ounces
of saline solution (0.75% peroxide) infused very slowly over
a fifteen minute period of time. The patient tolerated the
procedure without any pain or discomfort. Within approximately six hours, the patient was sitting up in bed and asking for food. His temperature gradually dropped down to
normal, he rested well and fully recovered.

Later in 1888, Dr. P.R. Cortelyou, M.D. reported his clinical

experience with hydrogen peroxide to treat disorders of the
throat and nose at the annual meeting of the Medical Society
of Georgia. Dr. Cortelyou diluted hydrogen peroxide and
used the fluid as a fine spray to treat people with chronic
pharyngitis, rhinitis, cough, sore throat, tonsillitis and diphtheria.
In peroxide of hydrogen we have a valuable remedy in all
cases of diseases of mucous membranes, whether simple or
the result of germs. I should also consider it to be useful in
indolent ulcers and sores.
(P.R. Cortelyou, 80 Years Ago: Using Peroxide of
Hydrogen in Diseases of the Throat and Nose, Journal of
the Medical Association of Georgia, September 1968,
pages 449-450 - Original article appeared in 1888)
A few years later, another positive report was published...

The mortality (48% 12 of 25 patients) compared favorably

with the 80% in similar cases not so treated, and moreso
when it is remembered that we only treated the most severe
and apparently hopeless.
(T.H. Oliver, B.C. Cantab and D.V. Murphy, Influenza Pneumonia: The Intravenous Injection of Hydrogen
Peroxide, The Lancet, February 21, 1920, 1, pages 432433)

I desire to place upon record a case that is unique in my

own experience. The case was that of a child under four
years of age. He had been attended by a dispensary physician during the first part of the illness, and this gentleman,
when he gave up the case, had given a gloomy prognosis,
with which I heartily coincided. On my first visit, I found the
childs throat covered with blackish sloughs, the lips and
tongue covered with fissures and ulcers, the nose discharging freely the irritating and offensive secretions of nasal
diphtheria, the pain in the forehead, so that the disease had
passed up into the frontal sinuses. Reddish spots and blotches appeared on the face and body. The stench was dreadful,
the urine totally suppressed, but the few drops that were
passed could not be saved for examination. The child had
been delirious for some time, not being able to recognize his
parents. The one good point was that his stomach retained
milk fairly well. It has not been my good fortune to witness
the recovery of many such cases. In fact, the more extended
is my experience with diphtheria, the more I dread it, especially when it has become firmly established in the
Schneiderian mucous membranes, and in the passage lead-

The Los Angeles Times newspaper reported on August 18,

2008 that researchers had determined that the vast majority
of deaths in th 1918 flu epidemic were actually due to
bacterial infections. Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the director of
the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
stated that We have to realize that it isnt just anti-virals that
we need! It has long been recognized that most flu
deaths are actually due to pneumonia caused by bacterial
Hydrogen peroxide helps stimulate the process of oxygenation in the lungs by increasing blood flow so that blood has
more contact with air. Hydrogen peroxide also helps red

blood cells and hemoglobin carry oxygen to the cells of the

lungs. This helps to remove foreign material, including dead
and damaged tissue, from the alveoli (the tiny air sacs in the
lungs where oxygen is taken into the bloodstream).

have breathed in years! I do this for my lung cancer

patients. Patients who could not lie down in bed to sleep can
lie down after one night of breathing the vapors of hydrogen
peroxide. Its amazing. Its a very simple thing to do.
(Dr. Kurt Donsbach, D.C., N.D., Ph.D.)

A landmark study to examine the effectiveness of intravenous hydrogen peroxide to treat patients with type
A/Shanghai influenza was undertaken by Dr. Charles H. Farr
in January, 1989. Symptoms of this strain are very pronounced and full recovery takes an average of 12-15 days.
The patients were divided into two groups of twenty people
each. The first group received conventional treatment
which included antibiotics, decongestants, and pain relievers. Some patients supplemented these treatments with over
the counter cold and cough preparations of their choice. The
second group was given intravenous infusions of 250ml of
0.0375% hydrogen peroxide according to their needs.
Eleven people received one infusion, seven people received
two infusions (all seven had a prior history of lung problems) and two people received three infusions.

There is nothing a doctor dreads more than seeing an

emphysema patient walk or wheelchair into his office. They
are usually thin (How can you eat, if you cant breathe?),
blue in the face, gasping for air and thoroughly exhausted
simply from trying to stay alive - a perpetually drowning
patient. We have little to offer these desperate people... The
first time I used intravenous hydrogen peroxide in one of
these patients, I couldnt believe my eyes when he returned
for a second dose three days later. Mr. R. D. had terminal
emphysema. He had arrived at that last rite of passage for
the emphysema victim: a wheelchair with constant oxygen
being delivered through his nose. His color was that of
slate, and his lips were blue in spite of the oxygen - an obviously hopeless situation. On his first visit to the Douglass
Center he had just been released from the hospital after a
bout of pneumonia. The next pneumonia attack was bound
to get him, if heart failure didnt. As with all of our patients
with lung disease, Mr. R. D. began to cough ten minutes
after the treatment was started... With the first treatment,
the patient will often seem to get immediately worse, with
violent coughing and production of copious amounts of
phlegm. You can actually turn the coughing on and off by
turning the infusion on and off... The oxygen seems to bubble up between the membrane lining [of the lung] and the
pus, thus propelling the pus upward. This stimulates coughing and removal of all the junk that has accumulated in the
lungs... After the third treatment, he had some difficulty
breathing. We cut the volume of fluid in his infusion by half,
and he had no further reaction. After four treatments, he
discarded his wheelchair and discontinued his nasal oxygen.
His face has become pink, and he sleeps flat in bed with no
difficulty. He was having to sleep propped up because of
inability to breathe. This amount of improvement is unheard
of in emphysema patients. Another sign of his remarkable
recovery was a return of appetite and a weight gain of eight
pounds. I am convinced that with peroxide therapy we finally have an effective treatment for these severely afflicted
patients... The end result is a very happy patient.
(William Campbell Douglass, M.D., Hydrogen Peroxide,
Medical Miracle, Second Opinion Publishing, 1996 ISBN

Among the group treated with the hydrogen peroxide, half

got better in less than two days, 75 percent got better in three
days and 90% got better in only 5.5 days. Overall the group
treated with infusions of hydrogen peroxide missed a total of
5 days of work while the control group that received the
conventional treatment missed 41 days of work!
(C.H. Farr, Rapid Recovery from Type A/ Shanghai
Influenza Treated with Intravenous Hydrogen
Peroxide, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, C.H. Farr, 1993)
Given that millions of people come down with different
varieties of influenza every flu season, the time, suffering
and money lost to absenteeism that can be saved through
hydrogen peroxide therapy could be significant indeed.
It turns out that intravenous hydrogen peroxide can do
something special, something that no other substance I know
of can do. It can clean the lungs! Ask a pathologist what
color a babys lungs are. Hell tell you theyre pink. At
autopsy, fifty or more years later, those lungs are grayblack... filled with soot and grime from the air we breathe
that could not be eliminated from the body. Its harder to
transfer oxygen from the air you breathe through soot covered air sacks. Well, heres great news... Intravenous hydrogen peroxide lifts it off the surface of the air sacks. Then you
cough this gunk up, get it out of your body, and you can
breathe easier after that. Nothing else in medicine has this
(Gordon Josephs, D.O.)

And finally, a very important case history from Dr. Charles

Have you ever seen someone with chronic pulmonary disease? Theyre sick all the time. They cant breathe. Theyre
coughing. They have a terrible life. As a physician, this has
been very disheartening because you want to help them so
much, but you just dont know what to do. Try to keep the
lungs as clear as you can, which is not very much, and watch

I will give you, in 30 seconds, a 20% benefit to all emphysemics. Twelve ounces of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide (per gallon of water) in a vaporizer every night in an
emphysemics bedroom, and they will breathe freer than they

them choke to death. Those alveoli, those air sacs in the

lungs, theyre full of all kinds of germs, all kinds of cells,
secretions, bacteria, all kinds of things. If this gas comes out
and goes back, this is what it might be doing: it may come
out in the bottom of the air sacs, underneath the accumulated toxins, undermining that material, and cleaning it out
from the bottom up. Wouldnt that be great, to be able to go
in there and sweep all that up, and clean it out at one time?
Killing the bacteria as it went through there. Then the oxygen goes back in. Keep somebody breathing until that
mucous and everything is cut loose, then they cough it out.
That was my idea. In practicality, it works. We had several
people with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases that we
had been treating for years and years. They were hypoxic,
no oxygen. They were sick all the time, running a fever
because they had constant bacterial infections which we
treated with hydrogen peroxide. What happened was this:

the time. I also dont want you to bombard me with radiation because I dont want to lose all my hair. And finally, I
dont want you to cut me open. I would really rather take
my chances with a series of intravenous infusions of diluted
hydrogen peroxide in order to help support my natural
immune function. Let me try it. Help me. If it doesnt
work, then we can try it your way.
Why is it that people have to leave this supposedly free
country and travel to Russia, Cuba, Mexico, the Bahamas,
Germany or France in order to exercise our God-given freedom of choice in regards to health treatments?
The rationale behind the use of hydrogen peroxide to treat
cancer is based on a discovery by Dr. Otto Warburg, who
was the director of the Max Planck Institute for Cell
Physiology in Berlin. Warburg was awarded the Nobel Prize
in 1931 for his discovery of oxygen transferring enzymes
that are vital to cellular respiration. In 1944, Warburg again
won the Nobel for identifying the enzymes that transfer
hydrogen in metabolic processes. According to Dr. Warburg,
the key precondition for the development of cancer is a disfunction of the cells ability to properly process oxygen at a
cellular level.

My first one, her name was Cliffie. I had been working with
her for several years. I had seen a tremendous breakdown
in her health over the past four or five years. She was getting worse, quick. I said: I dont know what this will do to
you. Ive got to prove it to myself. Its a very exciting substance. I wanted to make sure it was safe. I gave it to myself
for the first personal test. I know its real safe. We started
Cliffie on this hydrogen peroxide. Her first treatment,
hooked her up, I walked out of the room. All of a sudden I
heard her gagging and coughing and was sure she was
dying. I rushed back in there. She was coughing copious
amounts of material out. She couldnt really get her breath.
It was really dramatic. I went over and shut this stuff off. I
stopped it from running. The nurses were panicked. They
thought she was dying. We shut it off and within about twenty seconds or so, she quit coughing, or slowed back down to
her normal cough a minute. I talked to Cliffie and we decided she gagged on something else or maybe it was just one of
those things. I turned it back on again and she started
coughing again. I turned it back off and she quit. I sat there
and played with it. I turned it on, she would cough. I turned
it off and she would quit. What we were doing was this: we
were emptying her from the bottom up. Cleaning those lungs
out. She said: Let it run, I can take this. Its OK. We did.
We sat there while she coughed and coughed and coughed.
She went home and coughed some more. By the next day,
she was feeling better than she had felt in five years. We
have given her a treatment a week now, for about eight
treatments. She is feeling remarkably better. The chronic
diarrhea she had is gone. The chronic fever she had is gone.
She is coughing very little.
(Dr. Charles H. Farr, M.D., Ph.D., M.S.)

On June 30, 1966, two-time Nobel prize winner Otto

Warburg presented a lecture entitled :The Prime Cause and
Prevention of Cancer at Lindau, Lake Constance, Germany.
The title of the lecture says it all. In this lecture, Warburg
explained the prime cause of cancer...
Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary
causes but, even for cancer, there is only one prime cause.
Summarized in a few words, the prime cause of cancer is
the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal
body cells by a fermentation of sugar. All normal body
cells meet their energy needs by respiration of oxygen,
whereas cancer cells meet their energy needs in great part
by fermentation. From the standpoint of the physics and
chemistry of life, this difference between normal and cancer
cells is so great that we can scarcely picture a greater difference. Oxygen gas, the donor of energy in plants and animals is dethroned in the cancer cells and replaced by the fermentation of glucose. All cancer cells, without exception,
must ferment, and no normal growing cell ought to exist that
ferments in the body. Cancer metabolism has now been
induced artificially in body cells by the simplest conceivable
experimental procedure. If one provides an oxygen pressure
so reduced that the oxygen respiration is partially inhibited,
the purely aerobic metabolism of cells is quantitatively
altered within 48 hours. Oxygen pressures that inhibit respiration 35% can occur at the end of blood capillaries in living animals so that the possibility arises that cancer may
result when too low oxygen pressures occur. De-differentiation begins at once when respiration is inhibited in any

Why is it that cancer patients are unable to go into any clinic in this country and say: Listen, I really dont want to kill
my immune system by swallowing your poisonous
chemotherapy and I dont want to be nauseous and weak all

Warburg believed that, in cancerous cells, the metabolic

processes that produce energy via respiration are damaged
or defective. Cancerous cells are unable to properly utilize
oxygen in order to completely process sugars. As a result,
they produce large amounts of lactic acid and small amounts
of energy. These poorly functioning cells then produce the
acidic environment that can damage mitochondria and DNA
which can result in cancer and numerous other ailments.

the doses of these if a precancerous state has already developed.

If at the same time, exogenous carcinogens are excluded
rigorously, then most cancers may be prevented.
These proposals are in no way utopian. On the contrary,
they may be realized by everybody, everywhere, at any hour.
The prevention of cancer requires no government help and
no extra money. Nobody today can say that one does not
know what cancer and its prime cause be. On the contrary,
there is no disease whose prime cause is better known so
that today, ignorance is no longer an excuse. How long prevention will be avoided depends on how long the prophets of
agnosticism will succeed in inhibiting the application of scientific knowledge in the cancer field. In the meantime, millions of men must die of cancer unnecessarily.
(Otto Warburg, On the Origin of Cancer Cells, Science,
February 24, 1956, Vol. 123, Number 3191, pages 309-314)

In many human diseases, we find anaerobic fermentation of

sugar in which a relatively small amount of energy (ATP) is
extracted from a large amount of sugar. The muscle pain
that often results after athletic exertion is caused by large
amounts of lactic acid in the muscle tissue. Faced with large
demands for energy and insufficient amounts of oxygen to
fully oxidize sugar, muscle cells resort to fermentation. This
fermentation simply involves cracking molecules of sugar
in half to produce lactic acid.
C6H12O6 > 2C3H6O3
Glucose > 2(Lactic Acid)

Warburg believed that the metabolic processes that produce

energy in cancerous cells are damaged or defective.
Cancerous cells are unable to properly utilize oxygen in
order to completely process sugars. As a result, they produce large amounts of lactic acid and small amounts of energy. These poorly functioning cells produce the acidic environment that can damage mitochondria and DNA which can
result in cancer and numerous other ailments.

In fermentation, the energy that is released by the breaking

of molecular bonds in a single sugar molecule is trapped in
the form of two (2) molecules of ATP. Please note that NO
additional oxygen is needed to accomplish this. The fermentation of sugar to lactic acid does not require the presence of oxygen. It occurs anaerobically (without oxygen).

Internally, the toxic residues that are left over from this
incomplete combustion might be compared to the sludge
that builds up in your car engine when something is wrong
and the gasoline is incompletely combusted. The residues
that result from incomplete internal cellular respiration damage the energy producing mitochondria and overload the
protective mechanisms that rely upon energy (ATP). In the
extreme, these toxic residues damage cellular DNA and the
possibility of cancer dramatically increases.

On the other hand, in a process known as cellular respiration, oxygen is added to sugar in order to more completely
break down the sugar all the way back to the carbon dioxide
and water from which it was originally made.
C6H12O6 + 6O2 > 2CO2 +6H2O
Glucose + 6(Oxygen) > 6(Carbon Dioxide) + 6(Water)
This process breaks apart many more of the molecular bonds
in each sugar molecule and thus, respiration releases far
more energy than fermentation. Cellular respiration can
release enough energy from one molecule of sugar to generate 38 molecules of ATP. (Compare these 38 ATP to the 2
ATP generated by the process of fermentation!)

What everyone seems to overlook is that hydrogen peroxide

is involved in practically every aspect of cellular function.
It is not just the level of oxygen that matters, it is also the
level of hydrogen peroxide that matters! Long before
Warburgs important discoveries, numerous scientists
observed and reported upon hydrogen peroxides ability to
improve the functions within cells that are struggling and
faltering in their ability to process and control oxygen. As
long ago as 1928, A. Magat succeeded in curing tumors in
mice by using organic peroxides.
(A. Magat, Congresse allemande du Cancer, April, 1928,

Warburg also explained how to prevent cancer...

There exists no alternative. It is the first precondition of
the proposed treatment that all growing body cells be saturated with oxygen.
To prevent cancer it is therefore proposed...
First, to keep the speed of the bloodstream so high that the
venous blood still contains sufficient oxygen.
Second, to keep high the concentration of hemoglobin in
the blood.
Third, to add always to the food, even of healthy people, the
active groups of the respiratory enzymes and to increase

Dr. Pakenham-Walsh suggested using hydrogen peroxide in

1932 and, in fact, succeeded in curing rodents in 1947.
(R. Pakenham-Walsh, Med Press, 1947, Volume 217, p 246)
In 1954, Dr. Motawei reported on his successes over the past
three years using hydrogen peroxide by local infiltration and


by intravenous drip. He also confirmed Dr. PakenhamWalshs findings.

(A.M. Motawei, A New Chemotherapeutic Agent for Use
in Malignancy, 1954, Memphis Press, El-Mahdi, Cairo.)

Control mice were given unlimited tap drinking water.

Experimental mice were offered a solution of 0.5% hydrogen
peroxide beginning on the day of challenge and thereafter
during the course of the experiment. Mortality in the control
group averaged 84.8%; in the experimental group 26.9%.
Average tumor volume for the controls was 28.5 cubic millimeters and for the experimentals was 4.5 cubic millimeters.
(Winifred P. Wirth, The Effects of Hydrogen Peroxide on
the Ehrlich Carcinoma in Laboratory Mice -- A Second Year
Study, St. Thomas Institute, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1982)

In 1957, Reginald A. Holman tested hydrogen peroxide on

rats that had been implanted with Walker 256 adenocarcinoma tumors. The treatment consisted of adding 0.45% hydrogen peroxide to their drinking water.
The rate of cure is on the average 50-60%. The time taken
for complete disappearance of the tumor is usually 15-60
days. This, of course, depends on the size of the tumour
when treatment is started. So far, 72 rats have been cured.
Their condition is excellent and there is no sign of recurrence of the tumour. This treatment has recently been used
in four humans with very advanced inoperable tumours. In
two of the cases there has been marked clinical improvement
with decrease in size of the liver (which contained metastases).
(Reginald A. Holman, A Method of Destroying a Malignant
Rat Tumour In Vivo, Nature, May 18, 1957, Volume 179,
Number 4568, page 1033.)

In the early 1960s, major studies in the medical uses of

hydrogen peroxide were conducted at Baylor University
Medical Center in Texas. In an early study involving cancer,
researchers found that cells containing a high amount of
hydrogen peroxide responded more favorably to radiation
treatment than ordinary cells. In 1986, in a similar combination study, researchers at the City of Hope National
Medical Center reported that hydrogen peroxide enhanced
the tumor killing ability of various chemotherapy drugs.
These results suggest that drug-induced hydrogen peroxide
and hydroxyl radical production may play a role in the antineoplastic action of anticancer quinones.
(James H. Doroshow, Role of Hydrogen Peroxide and
Hydroxyl Radical Formation in the Killing of Ehrlich Tumor
Cells by Anticancer Quinones, Proceedings of the
National Academy of Science, June 1986, Volume 83,
pages 4414-4518)

The anti-tumor effects of hydrogen peroxide was also studied by Dr. Carl F. Nathan at Rockefeller University in New
York City. He reported:
Hydrogen peroxide contributes to the lysis [destruction] of
tumor cells by macrophages [immune cells that devour
pathogens] and granulocytes [white blood cells that act as
scavengers to combat infection] in vitro.
(C.F. Nathan et al., Extracellular Cytolysis by Activated
Macrophages and Granulocytes, Journal of Experimental
Medicine 149, January, 1979, page 109)

It has been done, but for some unknown reason, scientists

and physicians rarely administer direct injections of hydrogen peroxide into cancerous tumors.
In 2001, a group of researchers from the Department of Life
Sciences at Nottingham Trent University in England injected hydrogen peroxide solutions into solid tumors in mice
and found that the solutions had the potential to cause tumor
cell death without generating dangerous by-products. They
were very impressed with the findings and concluded that
hydrogen peroxide was a potent cytotoxic agent.

Apparently, cancer cells are less able to compensate for the

oxidative burden placed upon them by hydrogen peroxide
than cells in healthy tissue. Their research led them to conclude that hydrogen peroxide could exert a direct anti-tumor
effect in vivo and thereby prolong the survival of the patient.
Maallen and Fletcher found that patients with leukemia had
a 70% reduction in hydrogen peroxide produced by their
white blood cells. (Maallen and Fletcher, Appl., Environ.,
Microbiol., August 1980, 40(2), page 337)
In a later experiment, Nathan found that a mere 8 milligrams
of hydrogen peroxide was able to kill more than 90% of
P338 lymphoma cells.
(C.F. Nathan and Z.A. Cohn, Antitumor effects of
Hydrogen Peroxide in Vivo, Journal of Experimental
Medicine, 154, November 1981, page 1539-1553)

Hydrogen peroxide can act as an anti-cancer drug with

two distinct advantages over conventional therapeutic
agents : it produces minimal short and long term side effects
and is relatively cheap and cost effective.
(M.C. Symonds et al., Hydrogen Peroxide: A Potent
Cytotoxic Agent Effective in Causing Cellular Damage and
Used in the Possible Treatment for Certain Tumors,
Medical Hypothesis 57, July, 2001 pages 56-58)

In an unpublished study at the St. Thomas Institute in

Cincinnati, Ohio, which was completed in 1982, Winifred P.
Wirth reported upon the results of experiments that were
performed on mice that were injected with the Ehrlich carcinoma. The benefits were obvious.

We found immediately that many cancer patients were

aware of a sensation of heat in the area of the cancer, often
during the infusion. Sometimes this was unpleasant, but
more often it was merely a warming sensation. In some
close to the surface tumors as might be found in breast


cancer, we often observe a red patch appearing on the skin.

I have been so impressed with the results of the use of
hydrogen peroxide that every cancer patient receives
infusions of food grade hydrogen peroxide throughout their
entire stay. Many of our patients come specifically for this
treatment although I use other medications depending upon
the type of cancer and the condition of the patient. It should
be apparent where I rank hydrogen peroxide, since this is the
only substance I use in EVERY cancer patient. We have now
administered over 30,000 infusions of hydrogen peroxide
without a single problem. I am positive in my mind that this
methodology is a safe and effective tool in the treatment of a
wide variety of illnesses.
(Kurt W. Donsbach, D.C., N.D., Ph.D., Oxygen, Oxygen,
Oxygen, 1995, ISBN 1-56959-579-8)

different from the area not being infused. This difference

was marked by a decrease in the number and severity of
atheromatous plaques and an increase in flexibility and
elasticity of the vessel. When weighed samples of the vessels
were extracted and total lipids determined, it was found that
approximately a 50% reduction in total lipids had occurred
in the area being infused with hydrogen peroxide. The elution [removal] of lipids from the arterial wall by dilute
hydrogen peroxide has been accomplished by invitro and in
vivo procedures.
(J.W. Finney, B.E. Jay, G.J. Race, et. al., Removal of
Cholesterol and Other Lipids from Experimental Animal and
Human Atheromatous Arteries by Dilute Hydrogen
Peroxide, Angiology, April, 1966, Volume 17, p 223-228)
The researchers at Baylor University also discovered that
DMSO and hydrogen peroxide had an energizing effect on
the heart muscle that could be of great benefit to patients
suffering heart attacks.
(J.W. Finney et al., Protection of the Ischemic Heart with
DMSO Alone or DMSO with Hydrogen Peroxide, Annals
of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1967, volume 151,
pages 231-241)

According to Dr. William Campbell Douglass, maybe cancer is a peroxide deficiency.

Hydrogen peroxide has been used to treat heart attack,
stroke, high blood pressure, cardiac insufficiency, high cholesterol levels, angina, atherosclerosis and a wide variety of
other problems relating to poor circulation.

Researchers also found that intravenous hydrogen peroxide

could supply up to 20% of oxygen needs.
(R.L. Fuson, J.A. Kylstra, P. Hochstein, et. al., Intravenous
Hydrogen Peroxide Infusion as a Means of Extrapulmonary
Oxygenation, Clinical Research, 1967, 15, page 74)

One of the interesting things about the oral consumption of

hydrogen peroxide is that many people have reported that
they have noticed that their high blood pressure begins to
drop to a more normal level after they began to consume it
on a regular basis. These people would then find that their
prescription medication was unnecessary and needed to be
reduced or stopped entirely.

Many researchers believe that heart disease is caused by

bacteria that irritate the lining of the arteries. It is hypothesized that the plaque that builds up is actually a protective
mechanism that is analagous to the way that mucous membranes in the sinus and throat manufacture mucous to protect
themselves from bacteria. This theory has led dentists to
recommend that their patients take antibiotics whenever they
have any dental work done in order to protect them from
infection via abrasions on the gums.

In 1946, H.S. Regelsberger, a German medical doctor, performed the first oxygen injection in veins of an unconscious
patient suffering of brain tumor, a therapy which came to be
known as oxyvenation. He noticed improvement in consciousness, brain congestion relief and detoxification. He
performed more than 50,000 such treatments in his life.

Researchers at Baylor University also studied the effect of

intravenous hydrogen on the accumulation of plaque in the
arteries. They found that not only could hydrogen peroxide
remove plaque buildup efficiently, but its effects were long
term. Repeated intra-arterial infusion has been found to
remove atheromatous [fatty] plaques and increase elasticity
of the blood vessel wall.
Hydrogen peroxide has been demonstrated to be an
adjunctive source of oxygen for the anoxic or ischemic heart
and can improve resuscitation in refractive arrhythmias or
cardiac arrest. Intra-arterial infusion of hydrogen peroxide
has been noted to reverse the atherosclerotic process and
serve as an excellent source of regional oxygen without significant systemic toxicity.
(Harold C. Urschel Jr., Cardiovascular Effects of Hydrogen
Peroxide: Current Status, Diseases of the Chest, February
1967, volume 51, pages 180-192)

In 1965, Dr. H.C. Urschel Jr. reported that ventricular fibrillation (a life threatening condition involving extremely
rapid, incomplete contractions of the ventricle area of the
heart) was completely relieved through the intravenous
administration of hydrogen peroxide.
(H.C. Urschel Jr., J.W. Finney, A.R. Morale, et. al., Cardiac
Resuscitation with Hydrogen Peroxide, Circulation 31,
supp. 2, 1965, pages 203-210)
Dr. J. W. Finney and his colleagues studied the ability of
hydrogen peroxide to remove cholesterol and other fats from
the arteries both in patients and in the laboratory.
The individuals received daily infusions [into the abdominal aorta] of 250ml of hydrogen peroxide with a concentration ranging from 0.36% to 0.48%. Upon gross examination, the segment of the aorta being infused was found to be


The intra-arterial infusion of hydrogen peroxide has been

employed by the investigators for the past six years. In some
patients so treated, a decrease in the severity of their atherosclerosis was observed. This phenomenon was studied and
confirmed by both in vitro [in the glass] and in vivo [in the
living] experimentation.
(Harold C. Urschel Jr., et al., Treatment of Arteriosclerotic
Obstructive Cerebrovascular Disease with Hydrogen
Peroxide, Vascular Surgery, June 1967, Volume 1,
Number 2, pages 77-81)

For more than fifteen years, Dr. Charles H. Farr successfully treated hundreds of patients suffering from candidiasis
with intravenous hydrogen peroxide at the Genesis Medical
Center in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. In his monograph,
The Therapeutic Use of Intravenous Hydrogen Peroxide,
Dr. Farr offered a case history of one of his patients:
Mrs. P.M., a 34 year old white female, has been treated
repeatedly over the past five years for Chronic Systemic
Candidiasis. Her history and symptoms are classic. Her
current problems had an onset after several episodes of
upper respiratory infections, about five years ago, which
were treated with large doses of various antibiotics.
Following this, she had repeated episodes of yeast vaginitis
and intermittent problems with diarrhea. These episodes
were then followed with the development of chronic fatigue,
acne, lethargy, migratory arthralgia [joint pain], frequent
headaches, menstrual irregularities, mental confusion, difficulty concentrating and a poor tolerance to environmental
and exercise stress.

Exposure to hydrogen peroxide can alter the structure of

blood and the way it flows through the veins and arteries.
The pile of coins erythrocyte (mature red blood cell or
corpuscle) formation, which is typical of arterial occlusion
disease, is reversed through changes in the electrical charge
of the erythrocyte membrane. At the same time, the flexibility and elasticity of the red blood cell is increased,
improving the bloods ability to flow through the blood vessels. This increases the supply of life-giving oxygen to the
heart and other vital body tissues.
(L.M. Snyder, N.L. Fortier, J. Trainor, et al., Effect of
Hydrogen Peroxide Exposure on Normal Human
Characteristics and Spectrin-Hemoglobin Cross-Linking,
Journal of Clinical Investigation, 1985, 76: pages 19711977)

She was treated with various elimination and rotation diets,

nystatin, nizoral, monostat, allergic desensitization and various natural anti-yeast preparations. Each time the therapeutic modality was changed, she would have a temporary
subjective improvement for a few days or weeks then relapse
to her pretreatment level. She had been unable to work for
over two years and had become totally dependent on her
mother for financial and physical support. She often did not
feel able to dress or feed herself.

I had a man come to me who was suffering from temporal

arteritis. Temperol arteritis causes terrible, one-sided head
pain around the eye and the temple. He had been to dozens
of doctors and top notch pain centers. He was loaded up on
every manner of drug. A smile came over this mans face as
the first intravenous was dripping. He could feel his pain
going away. He took a second treatment and it was gone!
That was six months ago, and he hasnt been back.
(Gordon Josephs, D.O.)

She was started on weekly injections of 250ml of 0.15%

hydrogen peroxide and after two treatments reported a significant improvement in alertness, ability to concentrate and
had an improved feeling of well-being. After the the third
treatment, she pointed out how her complexion was improving and her acne was considerably better. A menstrual period, the previous week, had been normal and previous signs
of vaginitis had disappeared. Her bowel function was
becoming more regular and normal and she was talking
about wanting to return to work. Her fourth, fifth and sixth
treatments were scored with continued subjective improvements from her previous complaints. After eight treatments
she was free of symptoms for the first time in five years.
Objectively she appeared much healthier and had more
vitality, smiling and happy for the first time since we saw her
as a new patient. When tested for candida sensitization subcutaneously, she now tested a one dilution compared to her
usual four or six dilutions during her more morbid times.
Two months after her last infusion, she was seeking employment, had redeveloped her self-confidence and had shown
no signs of relapse.
(C.H. Farr, The Therapeutic Use of Intravenous
Hydrogen Peroxide, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Genesis
Medical Center, 1987, pages 18-19)

I have had people coming into the office literally in the

process of having a stroke. They are practically unconscious. We hook them up to the hydrogen peroxide, and an
hour or two later, they walk out feeling fine.
(Dr. Charles H. Farr, M.D.)
Hydrogen peroxide can dilate (expand) blood vessels in the
heart, the extremities, the brain and the lungs. It is also able
to decrease heart rate, increase the cardiac output (the
amount of blood pumped by the left ventrical of the heart at
each heartbeat) and decrease vascular resistance (which
makes it easier for blood to move through the blood vessels).
Hydrogen peroxide can provide the heart and brain with the
vital oxygen they need by enabling the blood to flow more
freely through the circulatory system.


In one of the best designed and best reported experiments I

have ever encountered, researchers at the Boston University
Medical Center clearly demonstrated that human white
blood cells must have hydrogen peroxide in order to
control Candida Albicans. White blood cells must also
have a very important enzyme called myeloperoxidase,
along with iodine in order to use the hydrogen peroxide to
damage and/or destroy Candida Albicans. In their experiments, neutophils were obtained from the blood of people
who suffered from chronic granulomatous disease, which
means that they were unable to generate normal amounts of
hydrogen peroxide. They also obtained neutrophils from
people who suffered from a genetic inability to produce
myeloperoxidase. In both instances, the neutrophils were
unable to damage Candida in any way. Also, if chlorine was
used in place of iodine, the white blood cells were unable to
control the Candida. So, apparently myeloperoxidase (or
iron), hydrogen peroxide and iodine are all necessary for the
body to control Candida.
(Stuart M. Levitz and Richard D. Diamond, Killing of
Aspergillus Fumigatus Spores and Candida Albicans Yeast
Phase by the Iron-Hydrogen Peroxide-Iodide Cytotoxic
System: Comparison with the Myeloperoxidase-Hydrogen
Peroxide-Halide System, Infection and Immunity, March,
1984, volume 43, number 3, pages 1100-1102)

causes localized inflammation, because the battle against

Candida continues indefinitely and ineffectively. Adding
DMSO does not solve the problem, it merely causes a unilateral ceasefire by inhibiting the mechanism that the white
blood cells use to destroy Candida.
British researchers at the Maidstone General Hospital in
Kent undertook a clinical study involving twenty-three
women diagnosed with recurrent bacterial vaginosis. All
were given just one treatment with a vaginal infusion of 3%
hydrogen peroxide, which was left in the vagina for three
minutes and then allowed to drain. No side effects were
observed in any of the treated patients. Vaginal acidity was
restored to normal in 22 of the 23 patients. Two of the
patients saw no improvement in symptoms. Three patients
saw some improvement. Eighteen of the patients were completely cleared of their recurrent symptoms. The researchers
Hydrogen peroxide used as a single vaginal wash was as
effective as any other agent in current use in clearing the
vaginal malodour of bacterial vaginosis.
(S.J. Winceslaus and G. Calver, Recurrent Bacterial
Vaginosis: An Old Approach to a New Problem,
International Journal of STD and AIDS, Volume 7, number 4, July, 1996, pages 284-287)

The mechanism of action is believed to be that myeloperoxidas and/or iron combines hydrogen peroxide with iodine to
create hypo-iodous acid? (HOI) and hydroxyl radicals.

H2O2 + I > HIO + OH*
hydrogen peroxide + iodine >
Hypo-iodous acid + hydroxyl radicals

Researchers at Baylor University studied the ability of intraarterial hydrogen peroxide to heal wounds, especially those
caused by radiation treatment for carcinomas. The patients
in the study had been unresponsive to conventional modes of
therapy in treating their wounds. The researchers found that
not only did the patients skin lesions heal at a much faster
rate and with less scar formation than normal, they also
observed that the tumors being treated responded better to
treatment. The article reported that the treatment with hydrogen peroxide helped to speed the healing of persistent skin
ulcer caused by previous radiation, athletes foot, stasis
ulcers of the foot, leg and jaw, varicose ulcers, diabetic
ulcers and a draining osteomyelitis of the tibia.
(G.A. Balla et al., Use of Intra-arterial Hydrogen Peroxide
to Promote Wound Healing, American Journal of
Surgery 108, November, 1964, pages 621-629)

Hypo-iodous acid (HIO) is a powerful disinfectant. It is the

iodine analogue to the hypochlorous acid (HOCl) that is
formed when mixing chlorine with water. HIO is the active
ingredient responsible for disinfection by iodine solutions
used in the medical profession such as povidone iodine.
Both hypo-iodous acid and hydroxyl radicals are highly
damaging to most anything with they contact. Ideally, white
blood cells engulf Candida cells and direct their granules
towards them within a special compartment inside the white
blood cell. If the white blood cell is unable to engulf the
pathogen, then it may release the contents of its granulocytes into the interstitial space which surrounds the outside
of every cell, which can lead to...

Mucormycosis is a devastating and often lethal fungal disease. Physicians at Virginia Commonwealth University,
Medical College of Virginia in Richmond, Virginia reported
two interesting cases that did not respond to treatment with
intravenous amphotericin B, the medicine most often used to
control this disease. After the medication was deemed to be
a failure, the patients underwent soaks with half-strength

The researchers in the above study also found that DMSO

inhibited the white blood cells ability to destroy Candida
Albicans. Interestingly, the FDA has approved DMSO for
use in interstitial cystitis, which is a painful condition caused
by Candida overgrowth in the urinary tract. The inadequate
immune response generated by people with this condition


hydrogen peroxide which destroyed the Mucor fungi and

eradicated the disease.
(D.A. Blaine and M.A. Frable, Mucormycosis: Adjunctive
Therapy with Hydrogen Peroxide, Virginia Medical
Quarterly, VMQ 123, number 1, Winter 1996, pages 30-32)

Hydrogen peroxide has been used to remove warts.
(M. Manok, On a Simple and Painless Treatment of Warts,
Cumulated Index Medicus, September, 1961, Germany,
Hautarzt, 12, page 425)

Studies at the Middlesex Hospital Medical School in
England revealed that blood-stage murine malaria parasites
were killed in vitro by hydrogen peroxide at even tiny concentrations. In vivo studies on mice showed that hydrogen
peroxide was also able to kill the lethal varieties of
Plasmodium Yoelii and Plasmodium Berghei.
researchers concluded:

A diseased cell almost always has an altered outer membrane which is not as strong as the membrane of a normal,
healthy cell. Viruses seem to be able to take advantage of
this weakness and penetrate diseased cell walls easily. Once
they have taken up residence within the cell, they co-opt the
inner mechanisms of the cell in order to reproduce themselves in a massive, explosive scale. Once they have
exhausted their host cells resources, they leave, looking for
another debilitated cell to invade. Eventually, their waste
products begin to overwhelm our bodys ability to detoxify,
and various symptoms result. Hydrogen peroxide is very
effective in damaging lipid envelope viruses such as HIV,
Herpes, Hepatitis, Epstein-Barr and Cytomegalovirus.

We propose that hydrogen peroxide is in fact a possible

contributor to the destruction of at least some species of
malaria parasite.
(H.M. Dockrell and H.L. Playfair, Killing of Blood-Stage
Murine Malaria Parasites by Hydrogen Peroxide, Infection
and Immunity, January, 1983, pages 456-459)

One case study...

Mr. C.M., a 69 year old white male recently had a severe
emotional stress due to the sudden loss of a family member.
Approximately one week later, he developed a severe burning-itching pain over the right suprascapular area. This was
followed a few hours later with an eruption of herpetic
vesicles in the same area. We saw the patient three days
later and he was quite morbid. He had a severe eruption of
herpetic vesicles extending from the midline of his right
neck, across the trapezius, the suprascapular area and over
the deltoid to the middle of the right arm. He was given
250ml of 0.15% hydrogen peroxide intravenously and
reported within three days the pain had subsided considerably and the lesions were resolving. We saw the patient
again one week later and all the lesions were ruptured,
encrusted and drying. He was pain free and feeling much
better. We have treated Herpes Zoster with many different
therapeutic modalities with varying success using hydrogen
peroxide, as a therapeutic tool. In this case, it brought about
resolution two to three times faster than any modality we
have previously employed.
(Charles H. Farr, M.D.)

Today, there are approximately 16-33 million cases of
typhoid fever resulting in 500,000 to 600,000 deaths annually worldwide. Way back in 1891, Dr. F.H. Wiggin reported on his use of hydrogen peroxide to treat patients with
typhoid fever, which is caused by the bacterium Salmonella
Enterica Serovar Typhi.
Having had good results in using peroxide of hydrogen
locally in diptheria and tonsillitis, and in infected wounds, it
occurred to me, when a case of typhoid fever came under my
care, during my summer practice, that this remedy might be
beneficial, it being the most powerful non-poisonous germicide we possess. On August 24th I was called to see Abby
M., who gave a history of having been ill for a week with
fever and diarrhoea. On examination, I found a characteristic case of typhoid fever and temperature of 104 1/2o, pulse
130, rose spots, abdominal pain, tympanites diarrhoea and
mild delirium. I prescribed one ounce of 15-volume peroxide of hydrogen to eight ounces of water, to be taken every
three hours by the mouth (.5625%). On the following day I
found the patient more comfortable, temperature 103o, pulse
112, less tenderness in abdomen, and pain in the head
diminishing. On the 27th, temperature 100 1/2o, pulse 98, no
movement, tympanites disappeared and heat, though still
weak, clearer. On the 29th, temperature 99 1/2o, no movement. On the 30th, temperature normal, pulse 84, formed
movement. The case went on uninterruptedly to recovery,
with nothing further of interest to report. On the 9th of
September I discontinued my visits, the patient being discharged, cured.
(F.H. Wiggin, M.D., Peroxide of Hydrogen in Typhoid
Fever, New York Medical Record, November, 28, 1891)

In a three week trial using hydrogen peroxide cream, 92
out of 128 (72%) patients suffering from bacteriologically
verified impetigo contagiosa were classified as cured. When
the patients had been classified as healed, beta-haemolytic
streptococci were all eliminated in the patients treated.
(O.B. Christensen, S. Anehus, Hydrogen Peroxide Cream:
An Alternative to Topical Antibiotics in the Treatment of
Impetigo Contagiosa, Acta Derm Venereol, November,
1994, Volume 74, Number 6, pages 460-462)


addition to oxygenating bodily tissues and killing harmful

microorganisms, hydrogen peroxide also triggers a cascade
of complex immunological reactions within the body that go
much further to promote overall health and healing.
Hydrogen peroxide has an extraordinary capacity to stimulate numerous enzymes, which enhances many fundamental
cellular processes, and increases the bodys ability to perform a myriad of functions.

Trench mouth (Vincents infection, acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis) is a noncontagious infection of the gums
causing pain, fever and sometimes fatigue. The term
trench mouth comes from World War I, when many soldiers in the trenches developed the infection. Usually, trench
mouth begins abruptly with painful gums, an uneasy feeling,
and fatigue. Foul breath develops, the tips of the gums
between the teeth erode and become covered with a gray
layer of dead tissue. The gums bleed easily, and eating and
swallowing cause pain. Rinsing several times a day with a
hydrogen peroxide solution (3% hydrogen peroxide mixed
half-and-half with water) may be recommended instead of

Amongst other actions, hydrogen peroxide:

1) Stimulates the production of white blood cells.
2) Increases the release of oxygen from red blood cells, thus
increasing the delivery of oxygen to the bodily tissues.
3) Increases the flexibility of red blood cell membranes.
4) Increases the production of interferon and tumor necrosis
factor, which the body uses to fight infections and cancers.
5) Increases the efficiency of the antioxidant enzyme systems which neutralize excess free radicals in the body.
6) Accelerates the citric acid cycle, the main process for the
liberation of energy from sugars, fats and proteins.
7) Oxidizes and degrades petrochemicals.
8) Inhibits growth of tumors (Antineoplastic)

Hydrogen peroxide, used to rinse or irrigate the gums, is

often recommended to removed decayed gum tissue.
The implications of these studies are astounding!

Perhaps the most important medical research in hydrogen

peroxide therapy can be credited to the late Dr. Charles H.
Farr of Oklahoma, who held doctorate degrees in both pharmacology and medicine. Dr. Farr conducted more clinical
research in the field of hydrogen peroxide therapy than anyone else. In addition to having written over thirty-five scientific and medical articles and books, he was the founder of
the (now defunct) International Bio-Oxidative Medicine
Association. Dr. Farrs work in hydrogen peroxide has been
largely ignored by the scientific and medical establishment
in the United States. He wrote:

Dr. Edward Carl Rosenow of the Mayo Clinic isolated what

he called the neurotropic streptococcus, which invades the
central nervous system via the nasopharynx. Dr. Rosenow
extracted the organism, cultured it, and then injected it into
mice, pigs and rabbits. The animals developed the same
symptoms as found in mental patients.
Persons suffering from epilepsy and schizophrenia harbor
in [their] nasopharynx, in pulpless teeth and sometimes in
their blood, specific types of alpha streptococci of low general but high and specific neurotropic virulence. The
streptococci produce neurotoxins which have a predilection
for certain structures in the brain and thus play a role in
(Edward C. Rosenow, Bacteriologic, Etiologic and serologic Studies in Epilepsy and Schizophrenia III, Postgraduate
Medicine, pages 367-376)

When hydrogen peroxide is used as a therapeutic agent, it

soon becomes obvious that it is useful in treating a wide
variety of seemingly unrelated conditions. Yet the concept
that hydrogen peroxide may indeed be a panacea is not so
far-fetched when we begin exploring the role of the substance in body metabolism. It functions to aid [cell] membrane transport, acts as a hormonal messenger, regulates
thermogenesis (heat production), stimulates and regulates
immune functions, regulates energy production and has
many other important metabolic functions. It is purposely
used by the body to produce hydroxyl radicals to kill bacteria, virus, fungi, yeast, and a number of parasites. This natural killing or protective system has nothing to do with
increasing the amount of available oxygen. Hydrogen peroxide is manufactured by the body and is maintained at a
constant level throughout our life. It is part of a system that
helps the body to regulate living cell membranes. It is a hormonal regulator, necessary for the body to produce several
hormonal substances such as estrogen, progesterone and
thyroxine. Hydrogen peroxide helps to regulate certain
chemicals that operate the brain and nervous system. It has

Bacterial infection or intoxication may cause changes in

behavior. The data are tentatively considered to indicate
that incorrigibility, morbid compulsions and other
abnormal behavior which characterize this group of
criminally inclined persons may be due in part to a
specific neurotropic type of streptococcal infection!
(Edward C. Rosenow, O.F. Rosenow, Influence of
Streptococcal Infections on the Compulsive Behavior of
Criminals, Postgraduate Medicine, Volume 10, Number
5, November, 1951, pages 423-432)
Hydrogen peroxide is involved in all of lifes processes. In


a stimulatory and regulatory effect on the immune system.

Our studies demonstrate a positive metabolic effect. Its
ability to oxidize almost any physiological and pathological
substance, in addition to producing increased tissue and cellular oxygen tensions, has proved to have therapeutic
(C.H. Farr, Protocol for the Intravenous Administration
of Hydrogen Peroxide, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma,
International Bio-Oxidative Medicine Foundation, 1993,
pages 29-39)

to not be able to survive in an alkaline environment is that

when hydrogen peroxide breaks down (in the presence of
iron) into alkaline hydroxide ions, the hydrogen peroxide
also produces...
Hydrogen peroxide is NOT a free radical. In the presence of iron, hydrogen peroxide rapidly breaks down into
hydroxide ions and hydroxyl radicals. (H2O2 > OH- + OH*)
Lets take a look at these two compounds separately.
OH- designates a hydroxide ion. High concentrations
of hydroxide ions are THE definition of alkalinity.
OH* designates a compound known as a hydroxyl radical.
The hydroxyl radical is the second most highly oxidative
free radical known (The most powerful is fluorine).


pH is defined by the relative balance between hydrogen
ions (H+) and hydroxide ions (OH-) that come from water
(H2O). If there are more hydrogen ions, then the environment is acidic. If there are more hydroxide ions, then the
environment is alkaline. The pH scale is just a simple way
of talking about the relative balance of hydrogen ions and
hydroxide ions. A pH measurement of 7 is balanced or neutral. Higher numbers refer to a higher concentration of
hydroxide ions (more oxygen). Lower numbers refer to a
lower concentration of hydroxide ions (less oxygen).

Hydrogen peroxide is almost inert until it meets iron,

regardless of whether the iron is in solution or embedded in
a protein. Hydrogen peroxide reacts [really, really] quickly
with iron to generate hydroxyl radicals... Hydroxyl radicals
attack all proteins, lipids and DNA indiscriminately, initiating destructive free radical chain reactions that spread damage and destruction. Hydroxyl radicals are extremely reactive fragments, the molecular equivalents of random muggers. They can react with all biological molecules at speeds
approaching their rate of diffusion. This means that they
react with the first molecules in their path and it is virtually
impossible to stop them from doing so. They cause damage
even before leaving the barrel of the gun. If you ever hear
someone talking about antioxidants that scavenge hydroxyl radicals in the body, they wont know what theyre talking
about. Hydroxyl radicals react so quickly that they attack
the first molecule they meet, regardless of whether it is a
scavenger or any other molecule. To scavenge hydroxyl
radicals in the body, the scavenger would need to be present
at a higher concentration than all other substances put
together, to give it a higher chance of being in the way. Such
a high level of any substance, even if benign, would kill you
by interfering with the normal function of the cell.
(Nick Lane, Ph.d., Oxygen, The Molecule That Made the
World, Oxford University Press, 2002, page115-116, ISBN

The fundamental definition of acidity means that there are a
lot of hydrogen (H+) ions and not a lot of oxygen containing
hydroxide (OH-) ions. You can make any environment more
acidic by adding hydrogen ions or by removing hydroxide
ions. More simplisticly, acidic environments lack oxygen
(the O in the OH-)! If anyone talks to you about the dangers of being overly acidic, then the only thing that they
should recommend to you is that you increase oxygen
levels in your body in order to balance the over-abundance of hydrogen. The form of oxygen that is needed to
combine with the excess hydrogen ions is oxygen in single
atom form (OH-), not the diatomic (O2) that we breathe in.
People who are overly acidic should not do intense, strenuous exercise. This only aggravates the problem.



If anyone speaks to you about the importance of alkalinity,
and they do not speak to you about hydroxide ions and
hydrogen peroxide, then they have absolutely no understanding of the most basic fundamentals of acid-alkaline balance. You should very quickly run away from them and
whatever they are trying to sell you. I have heard many (supposedly knowledgeable) people say that cancer cells cannot
live in an alkaline environment. Their slogan is alkalize or
die! That may very well be true, but not for the reasons
that they will give you (and not because of the products that
they hope to sell you). The reason that cancer cells SEEM

To produce energy, mitochondria remove electrons from

sugars and use the resulting hydrogen (H+) ions to direct the
flow of energy into a vital compound known as ATP. In an
ideal world, these hydrogen ions are ultimately recombined
with oxygen to form water which can easily be excreted
(H+ + OH- > H2O). However, if exercise is too intense or
if oxygen intake is deficient, the hydrogen ions quickly pile
up, energy production slows down, and the inside of the cell
becomes overly acidic. When this happens, the cell can no
longer produce large amounts of energy(ATP) through the


efficient process known as respiration and it is forced to

switch to a relatively inefficient process known as fermentation. Fermentation produces less energy than respiration,
but it also produces fewer hydrogen (H+) ions. Instead it
produces lactic acid which can then be sent to the liver to be
converted back into sugar and reused.

Oxidation is not about oxygen. Oxidation is about giving

and taking electrons from one molecule to another. Oxygen
is often involved, but not always. Oxidation is about transferring electrons. At times, it is necessary to jump-start
oxidative processes rather than inhibit them. Please remember that oxidation is not about oxygen. Oxidation is about
moving electrons. Oxidation is about moving electrons.
Oxidation is about moving electrons...

During intense exercise, this switch from respiration to fermentation is PROTECTIVE. It produces less energy, but it
also results in less acidity inside the cell which is much safer
and enables the cell to avoid being internally damaged from
acidosis (too much acid). Nearly everyone knows that overexercise results in the buildup of lactic acid in the muscles,
pain and fatigue. It isnt just the lactic acid that causes the
pain and fatigue. Prior to switching over to fermentation,
the cell was already too acidic and oxygen deficient to continue producing energy via normal methods. If the internal
environment of the cell continues to be overly acidic to the
extreme in both intensity and time, damage to the
mitochondria and DNA results in genetic mutations. Your
individual cells make you stop before their mitochondria
and chromosomes are irreparably damaged. These events are
prescriptions for disease and cancer.

Electrons are stable when they are in pairs. If a molecule is
missing one of the pair, it is unstable. If a free radical tends
to steal electrons from other molecules, then it is known
as an oxidizing agent. If it tends to donate its unpaired electron, then it is known as a reducing agent. Many vital chemical processes involve the transferring of electrons from one
molecule to another. For anything to happen in our body, we
need oxidizing agents and we need reducing agents (especially for your belly fat, eh?)
In many chemical reactions, hydrogen peroxide may act as
an oxidizing agent when its environment is acidic and then
reverse that same process by acting as a reducing agent if its
environment becomes alkaline.

The best way to shorten ones lifespan is to over-exercise

and under oxygenate. Just look at the obituaries in the sports
section of your local newspaper. Athletes simply do not live
as long as you might think. On the other hand, very moderate activity along with deep breathing in an oxygen rich
environment (a walk in the park rather than a jog through
the inner city) can help alleviate over-acidity and actually
prolong life. (Golfers live longer than football players.)
Activities such as walking and rebounding on a mini-trampoline improve breathing patterns, stimulate lymphatic
drainage and improve cellular balance. The consumption of
fresh, oxygen rich foods (and hydrogen peroxide rich foods)
should be increased. The best alkalizer and the best oxygenator anywhere is hydrogen peroxide!

Hydrogen peroxide goes both ways!!!!!

Hydrogen peroxide is unusual in that it lies chemically
exactly half way between oxygen and water. This gives
hydrogen peroxide something of a split personality. It can
go either way in its reactions (gaining or losing electrons)
depending upon the chemical company that it keeps. It can
even go both ways at once, when reacting with another
hydrogen peroxide molecule. In this case, one of the molecules gains two electrons to become water, while the other
loses two electrons to become oxygen.
(Nick Lane, Ph.d., Oxygen, The Molecule That Made the
World, Oxford University Press, 2002, page117, ISBN 019-860783-0)

In recent years, we have all had the beejeebers scared out of
us regarding the dangers of free radical damage. There is
some truth in some of this information, but there is also
much ignorance. Most experts conveniently ignore the
reality that without free radicals and the oxidation that
they cause, we would all be completely dead, because every
metabolic process would grind to a halt. The world seems to
have been caught up in the idea that all biological oxidation
is harmful and everyone better take more and more antioxidants. If, as the authorities say, we are oxygen deficient,
then why do we all of a sudden need more anti-oxidants?

With the exception of only two known species, all bacteria
need iron to carry on enzymatic processes that are essential
to their existence. We play a game of iron keep away with
our bacterial foes. We hide iron in proteins such as hemoglobin. The concept is simple: inhibit bacterias ability to
obtain iron by binding it up tightly in various proteins, and
you will prevent bacterial growth and infection.
If the interstitial fluids of the body (between the cells) contain large amounts of hydrogen peroxide, any free floating
iron will cause the hydrogen peroxide to produce hydroxyl
free radicals that will immediately damage whatever is nearby. Any bacteria that may be in the neighborhood, seeking
iron for its survival, simply doesnt have a chance in this

In chemistry, the term oxidation does not really have anything to do with oxygen. This subject is very confusing and
I will guarantee you that no one you know is a free radical
expert, even though they may believe that they are.


free radical laden death trap. If the level of hydrogen peroxide in our bodily fluids is elevated only moderately,
our body becomes amazingly inhospitable to any type of
pathogenic organisms.

a pink, manganese containing enzyme that was very similar

in function to erythrocuprein (SOD). Human cells produce
at least three main different types of SOD. All versions
contain metal atoms at their catalytic centers (copper, zinc,
manganese, iron or nickel).

When supposed experts claim that cancer cannot live in an

alkaline environment, they are ignoring the effects of the
extremely shortlived hydroxyl radicals that also come from
the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide. The hydroxyl radicals
do their damage in a billionth of a second and the alkaline
hydroxide ions hang around for a much longer time. This
leads the experts to give credit to the innocent bystander,
(hydroxide ion), when it is really the harmful hydroxyl
radical that actually kills cancer cells, bacteria, viruses,
fungi, parasites and anything else that gets in its way.

SOD1 is a copper-zinc-SOD that is found in the cytosol

(inner fluids) of the cell. In supplement form, it usually
comes from bovine red blood cells. Human SOD1 is identical to that found in beef blood cells and beef heart.
SOD2 is a manganese-SOD that is found within the cells
mitochondria. In supplement form it usually comes from the
mitochondria found in chicken liver. Through the years, a
number of natural healing practitioners have incorporated
raw liver extracts in their protocols.

SOD3 (a different copper-zinc-SOD) is secreted from the
cell into the extracellular fluid. The most popular supplemental form of SOD is extracted from wheat grass and is
bound to the wheat matrix known as gliadin (a delivery
method known as Glisodin). Numerous healing protocols
recommend the use of freshly squeezed wheat grass juice.

Healthy cells in human tissues manufacture and maintain a

coat of numerous enzymes that are designed to activate and
then neutralize oxygen in its many different forms.
Diseased cells, cancerous cells, and pathogenic bacteria,
fungi, viruses and parasites are generally NOT able to maintain this protective enzyme coating as well as healthy human
tissue cells. Healthy human cells are able to generate damaging free radicals while, at the same time, they are also
able to protect themselves from those very same free radicals. Immune function depends upon the ability to
simultaneously activate and also neutralize oxidative free
radicals. If an immune cell is able to generate huge
amounts of free radicals while healthy cells in the vicinity
are able to protect themselves from those very same free radicals, then it can blast pathogenic organisms with free radicals in order to kill them while our own healthy cells are able
to remain safe.

Research on animals has revealed that those born with

genetic defects that produce defective SOD were pathetic
runts, severely anaemic, with a form of motor neuron disease that led to weakness (similar to Lou Gehrigs disease),
rapid fatigue, age-related muscle loss, earlier incidence of
cataracts, cardiac abnormalities and fatty deposits on their
livers. Their mitochondria were shot to pieces, especially in
the heart and brain. They barely survived for three weeks.
On the other hand, genetic studies on worms and fruit flies
have shown that substantial increases in cytosolic SOD levels dramatically extended their average lifespan by approximately 30%. Mice and rats with high SOD levels were
found to be resistant to strokes and heart attacks. Although
it has not yet been accomplished, increasing the levels of
mitochondrial SOD should have an even greater effect on

SOD (SuperOxideDismutase)
In 1968, Joe McCord and Irwin Fridovich showed that an
abundant copper-containing blue-green protein called erythrocuprein actually eliminated the free radical superoxide
and produced hydrogen peroxide and oxygen. Even though
the free radical superoxide is unstable and already reacts
very rapidly, erythrocuprein (copper-zinc-SOD) actually
speeds up this reaction by a factor of a billion. In their
seminal paper, they renamed erythrocuprein SuperOxide
Dismutase or SOD.
(J.M. McCord, I. Fridovich, Superoxide Dismutase. An
Enzymic Function for Erythrocuprein (Hemocuprein),
Journal of Biological Chemistry, Volume 244, 1969, pages

Most bacteria utilize a form of SOD that incorporates

iron! High amounts of hydrogen peroxide block the
function of SOD. Hydrogen peroxide is able to easily
pass through cellular membranes due to its similarity to
water. Iron in bacterial SOD triggers the breakdown of
hydrogen peroxide into hydroxyl radicals and hydroxyl
radicals damage everything they come into contact with.
Very simply, hydrogen peroxide and bacteria that utilize
SOD that is based on iron simply cannot co-exist!!!!!!
A crucial biochemical change that all cancers seem to
share and that might be their cause has been identified by
researchers at the University of Iowa and at Wabash
College. In fifty different cancers, some triggered by viruses or chemicals, Iowas Dr. Larry Oberly and Wabashs Dr.
Buettner found a breakdown in cellular defenses against

SOD eliminates the free radical superoxide and combines it

with two hydrogen ions to form stable hydrogen peroxide
and diatomic oxygen (2O2- + 2H+ > H2O2 + O2). It was
not long before other forms of SOD were discovered. In
1970, McCord and Fridovich again reported the discovery of


superoxides, destructive free radicals formed during aerobic

metabolism. All the cancer cells had little or no manganese
SOD, the enzyme that seems to protect the nucleus and mitochondria from superoxides. The fastest growing cancers
proved to have the least SOD.
(Medical World News, December 10, 1979, page 51)

the most common reports is that they notice that their

body temperature rises. This is often misinterpreted as a
fever but, in fact, it is simply an indication that their former, sluggish, hydrogen peroxide deprived metabolism is
finally kicking into gear. Do not be afraid of this rise in
temperature. It is a sign of improved health. Soon after,
users of hydrogen peroxide tend to notice increased energy levels and reduced levels of body fat!

Ask yourself a simple question. Why would Mother Nature

provide human cells with multiple versions of an enzyme
that would enable us to manufacture hydrogen peroxide at a
rate that is a billion times faster than one would observe if
the enzyme did not exist? Moreover, SOD has the fastest
reaction rate of any known enzyme. Doesnt that point to
the inherent importance of hydrogen peroxide? To further
drive home this point, please realize that, of the more than
100,000 types of protein in the human body, only four are
found in greater abundance than SOD!

We have all heard of the dangers of artificially hydrogenated oils (trans-fatty acids) and we have all been
warned about naturally occurring saturated fatty acids as
well. Did you know (and does your doctor know) that
enzymes found within your peroxisomes remove hydrogen atoms from saturated fats (de-hydrogenation) and
then combine these hydrogen atoms with oxygen to produce hydrogen peroxide?
(hydrogenated fatty acids)H2 + O2 >
(de-hydrogenated fatty acid) + H2O2)

The mere existence of SOD indicates that hydrogen

peroxide is an extremely important nutrient!

Other enzymes found in peroxisomes function to break

down uric acid, amino acids and oxalate (which can combine with calcium to form kidney stones). Energy (in the
form of ATP) which is released from all of these reactions
is exported out of the peroxisome into the cell for any and
all of its energy needs.

The next time that you visit your doctor, I suggest that you
ask them to tell you everything they know about peroxisomes! My guess is that you will be greeted with a blank
stare followed by the question: What is a peroxisome?
Such is the pathetic state of the education provided by our
medical establishment. Peroxisomes are extremely important compartments (organelles) that are located within every
cell of your body (except red blood cells). Some very
important processes (over 50) take place within these little
chemical plants which get their name (peroxisome) because
their activities produce and utilize peroxide.

Another very important enzyme found in peroxisomes is
known as catalase. Catalase takes the hydrogen peroxide
created in the above mentioned reactions and uses it to
detoxify numerous compounds including alcohol, phenols, formic acid and formaldehyde through a process
that, predictably, is known as the peroxidation reaction.

Most textbooks completely ignore peroxisomes. Take a look

at a traditional diagram of a cell and you will probably see
that peroxisomes are nowhere to be found. Even if they are
included, they will probably be treated as if they are unimportant. This is unfortunate, because every cell in your body
(except red blood cells), contain not one, not a few, but hundreds of peroxisomes. Peroxisomes are very abundant in the
liver and kidneys where they actively detoxify a variety of
compounds. Peroxisomes also manufacture numerous
important compounds including bile acids (to aid digestion),
phospholipids (to build cell membranes) and DHA (a vital
omega-3 fatty acid that is found in the brain, nerve cells and
the retina of the eye).

(toxic compound)H2 + H2O2 >

(de-hydrogenated toxic compound) + 2H2O
According to Charles H. Farr, M.D.....
Hydrogen Peroxide is a powerful oxidizer and will oxidize toxic and non-toxic substances. The clinical effects
we have observed from the intravenous infusions of hydrogen peroxide would best be described as Oxidative
(Charles H.Farr, M.D., Ph.D., The Therapeutic Use of
Intravenous Hydrogen Peroxide and its Adjunctive Use in
EDTA Chelation Therapy, November, 1986)

Your body is supposed to be able to burn fat in order to

generate energy and heat. This process is known as the
beta-oxidation of fatty acids. Did you know that this happens within peroxisomes? Does your doctor know this?
Obesity is a major epidemic in this country. Are you overweight? Are you often fatigued? Do you often feel cold?
Maybe your peroxisomes are not functioning up to par!
When people first begin using hydrogen peroxide, one of

Many supposed experts talk about detoxification, but far

too few realize the importance of hydrogen peroxide (and
oxidation in general) in the most fundamental processes of
biochemical detoxification.


Catalase is one of the most important enzymes known to

mankind. It can process up to two million molecules per
minute! Unfortunately, many textbooks and most websites
seem to ignore the important detoxification processes that
are performed by the team of catalase and hydrogen
peroxide and mistakenly focus only on catalases other
function, which is to maintain PROPER levels of hydrogen
peroxide. When hydrogen peroxide levels become higher
than is optimal, catalase easily converts the excess hydrogen
peroxide to water and gaseous oxygen.

The following are some of the most fundamental chemical

equations that occur within the body...
2O2- + 2H+ (+ SOD) > H2O2 + O2
(Superoxide free radicals are converted to water and oxygen
by the enzyme SOD.)

2H2O2 (+ Catalase) > 2H2O + O2

(Excess hydrogen peroxide is converted to water and oxygen
by the enzyme catalase.)

2H2O2 > 2H2O + O2


2H (from oils or toxic compounds) + H2O2 (+catalase)

> 2H2O
(Saturated fats and toxic compounds are de-hydrogenated by
hydrogen peroxide and the enzyme catalase.)

Whenever you use hydrogen peroxide to disinfect a cut or as

a mouthwash and you notice that it foams up, this is a clear
indication that the concentration that you are using is higher
than necessary. The catalase in your tissues converts the
excess into water and gaseous oxygen which forms bubbles
that many misinformed people claim is proof that it is
working. NO. These bubbles are proof that your body tissues contain the enzyme catalase. In fact, this is the classic
test to determine the existance of catalase.

H2O2 (In the presence of iron) > OH- + OH*

(Hydrogen peroxide is converted into alkaline hydroxide
ions and hydroxyl free radical in the presence of iron and
other metals.)

Hopefully, if will dawn upon the informed and interested

reader that the importance of hydrogen peroxide is on a par
with the importance of water and oxygen! The simple fact
that hydrogen peroxide is made from oxygen and water
should make this fact obvious but, unfortunately, our
scientific community, our government and our people in
general are intent at overlooking something so obvious.

Contrary to popular belief and contrary to what is written in

many books, published on many websites and repeated by
many authorities, this bubbling action is NOT what kills
various types of germs. (Please see the previous sections
on iron and hydroxyl radicals.) All that this bubbling means
is that the concentration that you applied was stronger than
needed and your body is converting the excess hydrogen
peroxide to water and gaseous oxygen. However, on the
positive side, this bubbling is a clear indication that both
catalase and hydrogen peroxide are present.

Hydrogen peroxide can produce the most potent alkalizing agent known to man (hydroxide ion) and it can
provide an incredibly powerful oxidizing agent
(hydroxyl radical) that can disinfect our human body
tissue from any and all known pathogens!

Through numerous processes and with the help of many

different enzymes and co-factors, hydrogen peroxide is vital
for helping the body control and manipulate elemental

Hydrogen peroxide holds the middle ground between

oxygen and water. It enables the body to manipulate
elemental hydrogen and elemental oxygen in countless
chemical reactions that make human life possible.

The basic (vastly over-simplified) concept is simple...

2H + H2O2 > 2H2O

If the importance of the fundamental chemistry of

oxygen, water and hydrogen peroxide has dawned on
you, then you should count your blessings.

The simplicity and elegance of this equation will be lost on

most uninformed and uninterested people. So as not to cast
my pearls before swine, this section has been saved for the
end of this chapter where it can be found by people who are
interested enough to read to this point.

You may never be ill again.

The left side of this chemical equation contains an excess of

hydrogen ions, which is the definition of acidity. The right
side contains only water, which is the definition of
neutral pH. The most simple, natural, fundamental way to
neutralize acidity is via hydrogen peroxide.


Section 2

The government says...


Title 21 -- Food and Drugs

Chapter 1 -- Food and Drug Administration, Department of Health and Human Services
Part 184 -- Direct Food Substances Affirmed as Generally Recognized As Safe
Subpart B -- Listing of Specific Substances Affirmed as GRAS


Despite all of the published studies,

Despite the thousands of clinical treatments,
The FDA still ignores the truth.
This section contains documents from the FDA and other
government agencies which clearly reveal how truly biased
they are against products that may improve our health in
favor of products that improve corporate profits.
Please see the previous page for a copy of the Code of
Federal regulations which documents the Generally
Recognized As Safe status of hydrogen peroxide.
Now, you may not be in the habit of bleaching tripe, herring
or beef feet, but as far as the federal government is concerned, you most certainly could legally use hydrogen peroxide in any amount or at any concentration necessary.
There is a lot of information on the previous page that I even
overlooked a number of important points for quite a while.
Please look closely at the previous page and you will see that
in a very straightforward way, the government recognizes
1) Hydrogen peroxide can be used as an antimicrobial at a
concentration of 0.05%.
2) Hydrogen peroxide can function as either an oxidizing or
as a reducing agent.
3) Hydrogen peroxide can be used to reduce or remove compounds such as sulphur dioxide.



Please look closely at the wording of the 1989 FDA notice

on the previous page

No one at health food outlets or in the alternative medicine world recommends that concentrated hydrogen peroxide should be used full strength. Of course that is dangerous.
Yes, it is true that less than a handful of people over the past
number of decades have mistakenly consumed concentrated
hydrogen peroxide, but let me ask you something. You
probably believe that it is generally safe to take one aspirin
if you have a headache. You probably think it is safe to put
a teaspoon of sugar in your coffee or tea. Right?

FDA said there is no proof that either the product or the

therapy has any medicinal value.
This concentration is not approved by FDA for any therapeutic purpose.
Indeed, no one has come forward with any evidence this
substance taken internally has any medical value.
FDA is not aware of any medical benefits from consuming
hydrogen peroxide in any form; no information or applications have been submitted to the agency to support any drug
claims for taking this chemical internally.

Would you take 700 aspirins?

Of course not.

Would you put 700 teaspoons of sugar in your coffee?

Well, 35% hydrogen peroxide is 700 times more concentrated than the amount that is considered safe.

If someone died after taking 700 aspirins, or got sick after
eating 700 spoonfuls of sugar, do you think that the FDA
would put out a warning regarding the dangers of taking
aspirin or using sugar at 700 times the safe dosage? Or
would that be stating the obvious?

Are they joking? How much proof do they need?

Please flip through the pages of this book and try to focus on
the color red. If you have an original copy of this book, you
will see that all of the references to peer reviewed studies
published in respected medical journals are highlighted in
red ink. (Please read through some of the reprints in
Appendix B. Many of these articles are more than one hundred years old. The FDA has ignored and buried this information for more than a century.) A casual search on Pub
Med reveals that over 40,000 studies on hydrogen peroxide
have been published over the past 100+ years. I guess no
one ever told the FDA. Maybe they dont know how to use
a search engine on the internet. Hey FDA! Take a look...

With any substance, (including hydrogen peroxide) toxicity

is always dependent upon the amount used. Even too much
water can kill you (and not just by drowning)! Every year,
approximately 25 people die because they drink too much
water, it dilutes the electrolytes in their system, and the electrical signals to their heart are unable to maintain proper
control of their heart beat.
The point is that anything and everything can be dangerous
if you use it improperly. Everything can be deadly. The
important issue is relative danger. Relative to pharmaceutical products, hydrogen peroxide is amazingly safe.

(enter hydrogen peroxide as a search criteria)
Despite the fact that hydrogen peroxide therapy has been
proven in clinical trials (and regular clinical practice) to be
extremely safe and amazingly effective, very few people
have heard about hydrogen peroxide therapy. An estimated
15,000 European practitioners use bio-oxidative therapies in
their practices. The number of doctors in the United States
who apply these therapies is less than two hundred! This is
due to the fact that information about hydrogen peroxide is
not provided in medical school. The medical establishment,
especially medical boards, often discourage licensed physicians from using hydrogen peroxide in their practices, and
will visciously attack them if they do. Clinics offering
hydrogen peroxide therapy have been closed down.
Practitioners using hydrogen therapy have had their licenses
threatened or revoked. Businesses selling hydrogen peroxide products have been raided and have had their products
seized and destroyed.


Properly administered prescription drugs KILL over
100,000 people per year! Not mistakes. Not overdoses.
Properly prescribed medications given to people in
hospitals are toxic enough to kill over 100,000 people per
year. (This study did NOT count all the deaths that occurred
due to drugs if the problem occurred at the persons home.)
(Jason Lazarou, Bruce H. Pomeranz and Paul N. Corey,
Incidence of Adverse Drug Reactions in Hospitalized
Patients, Journal of the American Medical Association,
April 15, 1998, Volume 279, Number 15, pages 1200-1205)
Where is the public warning?


Where is the uproar?


Please look closely at the wording of the 2006 FDA notice

on the previous page...

the corporate headquarters of a large pharmaceutical firm.

Their spokesperson replied:

The FDA is warning consumers not to purchase or to use

high-strength hydrogen peroxide products.

Father, I might as well be honest with you. You have to

remember that we are a commercial venture. I can see no
commercial value whatsoever in finding that hydrogen peroxide cures anything. You just cant make any money out
of it.

FDA recommends that consumers who are currently using

high-strength hydrogen peroxide stop immediately and consult their health care provider.

These products do not have FDA approval.
A major reason for the lack of interest in (and outright
antagonism toward) hydrogen peroxide therapies is that
hydrogen peroxide cannot be patented. There is simply no
financial incentive to use hydrogen peroxide in modern
medical practice. Hydrogen peroxide can be used to treat a
broad spectrum of health problems at an extremely low cost.
Compared to surgery, chemotherapy, radiation and pharmaceutical drug therapy, hydrogen peroxide is simply not a
money maker. Hydrogen peroxide poses a threat to the continued dominance of the medical establishment, which
includes the pharmaceutical industry, medical centers and
physicians who are accustomed to providing expensive
drugs, complex medical procedures and long hospital stays
in order to feed their large incomes.

This concentration is not approved by FDA for any purpose.

No one has presented any evidence that hydrogen peroxide
taken internally has any medical value.
FDA has never approved high-strength hydrogen peroxide
to be taken internally.
Ingesting hydrogen peroxide can cause gastrointestinal irritation or ulceration.
It sure seems like they just copied the notice from 1989.
The real problem with hydrogen peroxide is that it is
nowhere near as profitable as drugs. The only thing that the
FDA can do is to scare people into thinking that it is bad for
them. Through intimidation and legislation, not wisdom and
successful healing techniques, doctors have gained two very
interesting powers: The power to create the perception that
their drugs and therapies are needed, and a monopoly on
the legally controlled opportunity to satisfy that contrived
need. How many times have you been told to ask your
doctor or to consult a physician? Doctors want us to
believe that they and only they possess a secret knowledge
of the human body which only they have the ability and right
to interpret. They claim a monopoly over the definition of
disease and jurisdiction over illness regardless of their
inability to cure it.

The drug companies have representatives on nearly all the

committees in the FDA. They are on the verge of getting our
federal government to mandate universal health care. This
will not mean that health care will improve and it will not
mean that people will be more healthy. All this means is that
everyones tax money will be funnelled to the medical establishment with government approval and coercion. Please reread the quotation from Thomas Jefferson on the cover of
this book. Your health is in jeopardy.
Please think clearly for a moment. If, as a nation, we actually cut costs by improving the health of Americans, who
would receive less money?
If there is something which may be effective but might outsell and outperform a drug companys product, of course
they are not going to allow it to be accepted as common
practice. Almost all the medical research that is taking place
in industrialized nations is financed either directly or indirectly by pharmaceutical companies. In a country like the
United States, representatives of the drug companies sit on
FDA committees that decide what is to be studied. Since
there is no financial incentive to study the effectiveness of
hydrogen peroxide (which is extremely inexpensive and
cannot be patented), government approved studies on hydrogen peroxide will probably never be done, so it will never
be officially proven to be effective and so it will never be
approved by the FDA.

The net cost of the materials needed for an intravenous infusion of hydrogen peroxide in a clinical setting is about $25!
Even if you include the legitimate fees for the doctors professional assistance and the use of their offices and equipment, hydrogen peroxide is still an amazing financial bargain for the patient and a potential financial disaster for hospitals and pharmaceutical companies. Can you imagine the
financial disaster that the medical establishment would have
to endure if individual people actually took responsibility
for, and control of, their own health by applying the types of
hydrogen peroxide therapy that can be used safely at home?
Father Richard Willhelm, B.S., an early proponent of hydrogen peroxide therapy collected information regarding the
safety and effectiveness of hydrogen peroxide and took it to



Unfortunately, the United States FDA is not alone. Please

take a close look at the August 21, 2006 notice from Health
Canada on the previous page.

So I guess that, according to the BC Cancer Agency, medical literature now includes anonymous and personal!!
There is a very good reason why the powers that be are
trying so hard to scare you away from using hydrogen peroxide. What would happen if a cure was discovered for a
veritable laundry list of ailments ranging from the big ones
like heart disease and cancer down to the common cold?
How many doctors, nurses, pharmacists, drug sales reps,
hospital and insurance administrators would lose their jobs
if millions of people were suddenly cured of their ailments?
Do you really believe that these people really want a cure
to be found? No. They want new treatments to be developed. If they were to actually cure you, their money tree
would wither and die. If, instead, they can offer you the latest treatment for your incurable disease, their charade
can continue indefinitely. The medical industry has grown
to over 20% of our entire economy by providing treatments, not cures! Do you think that media outlets are
going to want to lose the billions of advertising dollars that
the pharmaceutical companies pay them? Do you think that
politicians in government are going to want to see their
wealthy donors lose the income that they use to make political donations? Do you really think that the American
Heart Association, the American Cancer Society and the
American (insert disease name here) Group really wants to
put themselves out of business by finding a cure for the disease that enables them to raise the billions of dollars that
pays for their salaries? The battle for your health is a conflict between Mother Natures truths and the goal of corporate profit. Just like any other business, the bottom line in
the medical industry is their profit, not your health. No one
in the medical establishment has any financial incentive to
cure you. The FDA will not allow anyone to even use that
word! Their only incentive is to keep you ill so that testing,
treatment and profits can continue indefinitely.

Health Canada is warning consumers and patients not to

drink products containing hydrogen peroxide for medicinal
purposes because they can cause serious harm or death when
ingested. Anyone who is currently using hydrogen peroxide
in this manner should stop immediately and consult a health
care provider.
Ingestion of hydrogen peroxide can cause serious harm or
death, as well as irritation or ulcers in the stomach and intestines.
Ooooooooooo. Scaaaaaarrry! Be afraid! But...
To date, no adverse reactions suspected to be associated
with the ingestion of hydrogen peroxide have been reported
to Health Canada.
Health Canada is busy warning Canadians about a problem
that, by their own clear admission, DOES NOT EXIST!
I kept digging and I found this gem on the BC Cancer
Agency website...
The role of your cancer health professional is to
create an environment of openness and trust, and to
alternative/complementary therapies... The Summary and
Professional Evaluation/Critique sections of this
Unconventional Therapies manual are cited directly from
the medical literature.
After studying the literature and other available information, the American Cancer Society has found no evidence
that treatment with hydrogen peroxide or other hyperoxygenating compounds is safe or results in objective benefit in
the treatment of cancer. Lacking such evidence, the
American Cancer Society strongly urges individuals with
cancer not to seek such treatments (CA).
Oral hydrogen peroxide would automatically be ineffective
since all of the hydrogen peroxide would be eliminated in
the stomach forming water and inert gaseous oxygen which
would then be lost in burping or passing flatus. No effect
would occur in the body (Personal)

Why does the government provide legal patent protection to

drug companies to be able to sell life and death medications at exhorbitant profits with no consideration for the millions of people who truly cannot afford to pay for them?
Why does the medical establishment insist upon treating
only the symptoms of disease rather than addressing their
cause and preventing them?
Why is it a criminal offense to simply state that a natural
substance such as hydrogen peroxide may be beneficial and
free of negative side effects, but it is perfectly legal to
promote pharmaceutical drugs that are known to be toxic,
and are known to cause seemingly endless lists of deadly
side effects?

When I followed the footnotes to the reference section,

I was absolutely shocked to find the following...
(CA): Anonymous. Questionable methods of cancer
management:hydrogen peroxide and other hyperoxygenation therapies. CA:a Cancer Journal for Clinicians 1993;
(Personal): Personal communication to BC Cancer Agency
Cancer Information Center - search file 1121G.

Is it ignorance? Or is it greed?
Do you think Im exaggerating?
Do you think that I am making this up?
Would you like some clear and obvious proof?



Formerly, facilities could purchase and use most any brand

of hydrogen peroxide. This has changed and the ONLY
hydrogen peroxide product that can legally be purchased and
used is PEROX-AID.
(Rosalie Schick, National Coordinator for Aquaculture New
Animal Drug Applications, January 15, 2007 Press Release)


The previous page contains a copy of an actual FDA notice
regarding the use of hydrogen peroxide in the fish industry.
Please take the time to read this notice and understand its
implications. This official letter is the clearest example that
I have been able to find in order to document just how
screwed up our system is.

Doesnt this sound a bit fishy?

But wait, it gets even better! The Upper Midwest
Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC) wrote the environmental assessment, performed the animal safety studies
and conducted the effectiveness studies in the lab and in the
field. The UMESC is a part of the United States Geological
Survey which is a part of the Department of the Interior of
the federal government. So, in essence, your federal tax dollars paid for all the work. All Eka Chemicals, Inc. did was
fill out the application for a new animal drug. They get an
exclusive monopoly for the use of hydrogen peroxide for
seven years, no one can use any other hydrogen peroxide on
any fish or fish eggs and our tax dollars paid for this.

Prior to May 2, 2007, as the letter states:

The FDA, under enforcement discretion, had previously
not objected to the use of hydrogen peroxide to control fungi
on all species and life stages of fish, including eggs.
But now...
Aquaculture producers raising fish for human consumption
should not use drug compounds other than the approved
product, because it can be unsafe for your fish.
People, please understand this. The only active ingredient
in PEROX-AID is hydrogen peroxide. Prior to this FDA
notice, the FDA, using only their enforcement discretion had always allowed fish growers to use hydrogen peroxide from any manufacturer in order to control fungus in
their fish. Now, fish growers throughout North America
must use PEROX-AID supplied by Eka Chemicals, Inc.
(Marietta, Georgia). There is only one approved distributor of PEROX-AID in the United States (Western Chemical
Inc.) and only one approved distributor in Canada (Syndel
Laboratories LTD.) Because the FDA decided to change
their enforcement discretion, these companies now have
an approved monopoly in the market for hydrogen peroxide.


Please also note that Syndel Laboratories LTDs specification sheet on PEROX-AID states that treating salmon eggs
for only 60 minutes at 500 parts per million is a safe, effective and FDA approved means to prevent and treat fungal
Well, I dont know about you, but if fish farmers can
safely use hydrogen peroxide on delicate fish eggs, then
Im going to use it on myself!*

Now, hydrogen peroxide is no longer considered to be a natural substance. Now it is a drug. You can no longer use
the natural substance. Now you have to use the drug.

* Dont use PEROX-AID. It definitely contains unknown

and undocumented preservatives and stabilizers. Only use
food grade hydrogen peroxide.

No tests were done to show that other companies hydrogen
peroxide was dangerous or less effective. The new drug
is the same damn thing in a fancier bottle with a fancier
name. The only difference is that Perox-Aid has the official
FDA blessing. As of May 2, 2007, according to the FDA,
the hydrogen peroxide that they considered to be a low priority is now dangerous? But, if you are Western Chemical
Inc., or Syndel Laboratories LTD. and you put this same
hydrogen peroxide in a fancy bottle, and sweet talk the FDA
into approving your version, then your version is safe and
everyone elses version of the same God-given food grade
hydrogen peroxide is suddenly dangerous and not


I am wholly confused by the way I was treated in the pharmacy at the Burnley branch of Asda
(Walmart) in the UK when purchasing hydrogen peroxide, which I have bought for years. I can
think of only two occasions ever where the pharmacist had asked me what I wanted it for, and they
were both in Asda stores in the past two months. The assistant at the Burnley branch asked the
pharmacist if she was allowed to sell me two bottles, resulting in the pharmacist asking me what I
required it for. After saying that I used it for skin problems and other general uses, the pharmacist
told me that no, I could not have two bottles, but I could have one. Am I to take it that my answer
affected whether she could sell me two bottles? I enquired into why this is, and was told that people abuse this substance. I replied that if I needed two bottles, I would have to make two visits to
the store which is ridiculous, to which her reply was that if I was seen to be buying it regularly,
they would stop selling it to me. Now, what I want to know is... Is this the correct procedure for
a pharmacist to judge whether I am buying too much of this substance, and to ask me what I intend
to use it for? I am offended by such a question if it was to solicit whether I should be sold hydrogen peroxide on the basis of my answer. This puts the seller in the judge and jury position, and I
am not prepared to be judged when I am purchasing something. The substance has been a legally
saleable item to which there havent been any restrictions in all the years I have been purchasing
it. I have bought it in quantity in the past when I have been colouring my hair, and my friends
hair. I like to put about a pint in my bath from time to time, rinse my mouth with it, bleach my
teeth and disinfect the kitchen worktops and chopping board with it, even treat the aquarium and
garden with it, but judging by tonights experience in the pharmacy, I wont be able to purchase
that amount. Obviously, this all leads me to ask... What are my rights in this issue? Does someone in a pharmacy have the right to judge whether I can buy a product that is on the shelf. If so, I
am concerned that where I may be judged against, someone else may be judged for. Shouldnt
only a judge have those rights? Is this policy a matter of written law in the UK or anywhere else,
or an Asda (Walmart) policy?
D. from Manchester, England (7-31-2007)


Section 3

How to use
3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide

(And testimonials from those who have used it)


In December, 1985, I was diagnosed as having Hodgkins Disease. I had radiation treatments for
the first five months in 1986. Everything was supposedly going good. Then, in February of 1987,
the doctors found a new tumor on my left lung. From March of 1987 to March of 1988, I received
chemotherapy treatments. The treatments werent doing any good so my doctor decided to send
me to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. They told me I needed extensive chemo
treatments because the tumor was too aggressive. They also told me I needed a bone marrow
transplant to completely wipe out the cancer. Last year, from March through August I had three
surgeries. I also had my bone marrow drawn because the doctors wanted to use my own marrow
for the transplant. They stuck a needle into my lower back 175 times to get out the proper amount
of marrow they would need for the transplant. It was very, very painful.
The final decision was up to me, so we left home and went back down to the Mayo Clinic for the
bone marrow transplant. When we arrived, they gave me x-rays right away to compare with the
last ones I had gotten before the extensive chemo treatments. They found out the tumor was the
same size. They told me if they would do the transplant now, I would probably die during the
process. They also said if I didnt get the transplant soon, I could die. What a prognosis! What
was I supposed to do? They told me they were going to try some experimental chemo treatments
on me. They said there was a good chance it would ruin my breathing system (damage my lungs)
and it would ruin my blood platelet count so I would have to get transfusions for the rest of my life.
I thought I was going to die, so I cried.
We came back to Bismarck and went to see my doctor. She had everything set up for my
experimental treatments. My husband told her there was no way he was going to let them put that
garbage into my body. He told her I was hardly alive now and he wasnt going to sit back and
watch them kill me with their drugs. I had lost the feeling in my right hand because of a chemo
injection that was accidentally put under my skin instead of in my vein. It had damaged the nerves
in my thumb and index finger and my doctors told me it would never be normal again. I couldnt
write, hold silverware or put my earrings on. I didnt have to worry about holding a comb because
I didnt have any hair left. A friend of ours from our church had seen enough of what we had been
through. He told my husband there was an alternative for cancer treatments. He gave a tape to
listen to with a man named Dr. Donsbach telling about what he was doing for cancer patients at his
Hospital Santa Monica in Mexico. My husband was very excited about it and listened to it over
and over. He started doing some searching and finally got the phone number for the hospital.
When we arrived at Hospital Santa Monica, I was scared. I was doing something I had never done
before and I was 2,000 miles away from my kids. After the first day there, I loved it! I could have
a treatment and not throw up! The atmosphere at the hospital is so friendly. It felt more like we
were on vacation instead of facing a life or death situation. The food that is served is also
excellent. At breakfast we would sit in the dining room and watch the dolphins swim by in the
ocean. At suppertime we would watch the beautiful sunset on the ocean. It was very uplifting nothing at all like your normal hospital.
By the time I got home, I could use my hand again. It was one of the first things my parents noticed
because I could hold a fork and I could write normally again. I thank God my husband didnt
listen to my doctors. I feel excellent and my husband told me its nice to have me back. My
doctor gave me a clean bill of health a few months ago. The cancer is gone. Ive gone back to work
after being off for one and a half years. If it werent for your hospital, I dont think I would be here
ECHO Newsletter, Volume III, Number IV, Spring 1990


Lets start with the uses of hydrogen peroxide of which even

the FDA approves! Well, not really. The following uses
are not actually approved by the FDA, because they
simply dont have the authority to approve or
disapprove of these uses. For many applications,
hydrogen peroxide is considered to be a cosmetic and as
such, it is regulated differently. For many environmental
uses, the authority to approve or disapprove actually
rests with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

An expert advisory committee on antimicrobial agents

found that hydrogen peroxide was the only substance that
could safely and effectively be used for cleaning mouth
(Federal Register, Volume 46, Number 6, January 9, 1981)

I do not believe that our government agencies can be trusted

with control over our health. Please reread the quote from
Thomas Jefferson that is on the cover of this book. The only
hope that we have is to take responsibility into our own
hands. Every day in this wonderful world, there are literally thousands of people who routinely utilize diluted hydrogen peroxide in hundreds of different ways. They dont ask
their doctor if it is okay to do so, because they already know
by experience that it is more than okay. Most likely, they
have had to fight with their doctor and have already ignored
their doctors advice and found out for themselves that
despite the small danger posed by accidentally using too
much, using moderate amounts of hydrogen peroxide in the
following ways can seem absolutely miraculous!

Daily exposure to low levels of hydrogen peroxide present

in dentifrices is much lower than that of bleaching agents.
Studies in which 3% hydrogen peroxide or less were used
daily for up to six years showed occasional transitory irritant effects only in a small number of subjects with pre-existing ulceration. Prolonged use of hydrogen peroxide
decreased plaque and gingivitis indices. Wound healing following gingival [gum] surgery was enhanced due to the
antimicrobial effects of topically administered hydrogen
peroxide. For most subjects, beneficial effects were seen
with hydrogen peroxide levels above 1%.
(M.V. Marshall et al., Hydrogen Peroxide: A Review of Its
Use in Dentistry, Journal of Periodontology 66, number
9, September, 1995, pages 786-796)

It isnt a miracle. Its just good science.

In the early 1990s, following a report of tooth damage related to the misuse of an over-the-counter teeth whitening kit
containing an acidic pretreatment rinse, the FDA considered
changing the status of teeth whiteners from a cosmetic
(which are regulated differently) to a drug. This led to a
temporary ban of teeth whitening products in the fall of 1991
until June, 1992. This ban did not include hydrogen peroxide. The FDA ultimately decided not to reclassify teeth
whiteners as drugs and therefore the FDA does not regulate
these types of products.

Three percent hydrogen peroxide has long been a popular
and inexpensive mouthwash, used either full strength or
diluted by half in distilled water. This long accepted, common practice is based on proven scientific research.
Hydrogen peroxide has been used in dentistry for over
eighty years. It has been found to prevent plaque and gingivitis and it is helpful in healing infections of the mouth and

Interestingly enough, the form of peroxide that is commonly used in teeth whitening products is an ingredient called
carbamide peroxide, which is a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and urea, which is one of the main constituents of

In 1979, fourteen dental students at the Department of

Periodontology at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden
took part in a double-blind study. After a thorough dental
examination, half of the students were told to rinse their
mouths three times daily, after meals. The use of toothbrushes was NOT permitted! Measurements of plaque and
gingival index scores were taken after four, seven, and
fourteen days of the study. Bacteria from the mouth was
examined microscopically and analyzed after the first and
second weeks. The results showed that the mouthwash
containing hydrogen peroxide effectively prevented the
colonization of a number of types of bacteria, including
filaments, fusiforms, motile and curved rods as well as
spirochetes. The hydrogen peroxide also retarded plaque

Canker sores can certainly be treated with hydrogen peroxide. Even the National Institute of Health says so...
How can you treat painful canker sores in your mouth?
The easiest home remedy is to apply hydrogen peroxide with
a cotton swab on the canker sore (one part hydrogen peroxide to one part water)


Add four tablespoons (two ounces) of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide to one gallon of milk, water or other beverage in order to meet the Federal Governments Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) concentration of 0.05%.
(500 parts per million) There are 128 ounces in each gallon. Four tablespoons equal two ounces. Two ounces at 3% diluted by 128 ounces (2x3%/128) equals 0.046875%. Eight eight-ounce glasses per day is good for health maintenance.
Daily consumption of 3/4 of a gallon (96 ounces, 12-8 ounce glasses, or approximately 3 liters) is considered by many practitioners to provide a therapeutic amount of hydrogen peroxide.

formation and significantly retarded the development of

gingivitis. The researchers concluded:
It is suggested that hydrogen peroxide released by mouthwashes during rinsing may prevent or retard the colonization and multiplication of anaerobic bacteria.
(J. Wennstrom and J. Lindhe, Effect of Hydrogen Peroxide
on Developing Plaque and Gingivitis in Man, Journal of
Clinical Periodontology 6, 1979, pages 115-130)



My husband had been struggling with a sinus infection. He started taking hydrogen peroxide in
a glass of water a couple times a day. The second day, we doubled the dose and a few minutes later
a ball of disgusting yellow and green mucous came flying out of his mouth... I mean flying. It was
pretty impressive. The nest of the infection was gone.
Sarah from Baltimore, Maryland (4-7-2008)

Many years ago I met a man whom I mistook for a high school boy. He was actually in his 40s.
He told me about a hydrogen peroxide solution he made by mixing food grade hydrogen peroxide
with aloe vera gel and to rub it onto the entire body twenty or thirty minutes before showering,
daily. I did this for a while and noticed many improvements in my appearance as well as energy
Rhonda from San Antonio, Texas (3-11-2007)

My vanity for white teeth found me reaching for the peroxide sixteen years ago. A side effect was
that I was no longer experiencing cold sores (approximately six a year). My regime was brushing
teeth, gums, and tongue with peroxide a couple times a week. When I forgot to do this, the tingling sensation of an outbreak reminded me to do the peroxide treatment and no cold sore surfaced.
There have been a few times that I was out of peroxide and got the cold sore but it was gone within two days of getting peroxide and the sore was very mild. Apply directly in addition to brushing
the entire mouth. Ive had two cold sores in the last fifteen years. The one during my divorce and
the other after getting unjustly fired from my job. Both were mild attacks.
Renee from El Dorado, Kansas (5-28-2007)


your body, the following is a reality. The human body is

covered with billions of tiny mites. Many people believe
that they are a major cause of skin aging and blemishes.
Like all living creatures, these mites excrete waste. They
excrete their waste on your skin, in your pores, under your
finger and toe nails, in your sweat glands, under your dead
skin cells in your hair follicles, etc. Their waste contains and
attracts various bacteria, viruses and fungi which are all too
happy to consume it, grow and multiply (right there on your
skin)! Ordinary soap and water simply does not remove this
ongoing problem. Hydrogen peroxide does!

Oral Debriding Agent: For use as a gargle or rinse. Aids

in the removal of phlegm, mucus or other secretions associated with occasional sore mouth. As an oral rinse: Mix with
an equal amount of water, swish around in the mouth over
the affected area for at least one minute and then spit out.
Use up to four times daily after meals and at bedtime, or as
directed by a dentist or doctor.
(CVS pharmacy U.S.P Hydrogen Peroxide label, May 20,

Hydrogen peroxide can help remove dead skin or anaerobic

organisms such as bacteria, virus, fungi or parasites or any
of their excrement. I strongly suggest that you use 3% food
grade hydrogen peroxide on any acne that you may have.
Use 3% food grade hydrogen peroxidee on any kind of skin
blemish. Use it on any kind of rash, fungus, wart, etc. Use
3% food grade hydrogen peroxide anywhere your skin
seems to need any kind of help. A very easy way to do this
is to spray your body immediately after leaving the shower.
Just be careful to not get it into your eyes. I have personally seen hydrogen peroxide work miracles on skin problems!

I personally, strongly suggest that you follow the official
government/pharmaceutical advice and use 3% hydrogen peroxide as a mouth rinse and gargle four times a
day after meals and at bedtime. However, dont use the
toxic, stabilized pharmacy grade hydrogen peroxide,
instead use only higher quality 3% food grade hydrogen
peroxide. Using 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide as an
oral rinse and gargle four times a day is absolutely the
best, simplest, safest and most instructive way to introduce yourself to using hydrogen peroxide. Its safe, its
easy and its government approved. Your mouth will be
much healthier, your teeth will be much whiter, and you
will begin to become far more comfortable with the benefits of hydrogen peroxide in an introductory way which
will give you confidence to use hydrogen peroxide in even
more powerful ways. When you use hydrogen peroxide,
you are using the most fundamental ingredients of all
human life - oxygen and water.


If you read the federal regulations in the previous section,
you saw that the government generally finds it to be safe to
use hydrogen peroxide in a number of different ways.
According to the regulations, hydrogen peroxide (at a concentration of only 0.05%!) may be used as an anti-microbial
agent in milk that is used in the making of cheese. Hydrogen
peroxide may also be used in any amount sufficient for the
purpose to bleach tripe, beef feet, herring and instant tea!
This is not a new idea.
Hydrogen peroxide has considerable value as a germicide
for two reasons: First, the enormous reduction of numbers of
bacteria, and second, the harmlessness of the decomposition
(Heinemann, Journal of the American Medical
Association, March 24, 1913)

The typical bottle of pharmacy grade hydrogen peroxide
also says:
First Aid Antiseptic: For treatment of minor cuts and abrasions. First aid to prevent the risk of infection in minor cuts,
scrapes and burns. Directions: Clean the affected area,
apply a small amount of product on the affected area 1 to 3
times a day. If bandaged, let dry first.
(CVS pharmacy U.S.P Hydrogen Peroxide label, May 20,

Hydrogen peroxide is also approved for use by the aseptic

packaging industry. You are most certainly familiar with the
small boxes of juice and other drinks that do not need to be
refrigerated. Manufacturers spray the inside of those little
boxes with hydrogen peroxide before they are filled with
fluids such as fruit juice, milk, etc. Once the package is hermetically sealed, any hydrogen peroxide in the container
will prevent any bacteria, viruses or fungi from growing
within the container.

Again, I very strongly agree, but again, dont use the toxic,
stabilized pharmaceutical grade. Instead, use 3% food grade
hydrogen peroxide and use it on any skin issue you may

Hydrogen peroxide may be used to treat polyethylene foodcontact surfaces.

(Federal Register, Volume 46, Number 6, January 9, 1981,
21 CFR, Part 178, Section 178, 1005, (e), (1))

Although it is an unpleasant topic, and you will not want to

believe that this is actually going on under your skin, all over


Add four tablespoons (two ounces) of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide to one gallon of milk, water or other beverage in order to meet the Federal Governments Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) concentration of 0.05%.
(500 parts per million) There are 128 ounces in each gallon. Four tablespoons equal two ounces. Two ounces at 3% diluted by 128 ounces (2x3%/128) equals 0.046875%. Eight eight-ounce glasses per day is good for health maintenance.
Daily consumption of 3/4 of a gallon (96 ounces, 12-8 ounce glasses, or approximately 3 liters) is considered by many practitioners to provide a therapeutic amount of hydrogen peroxide.

While you should absolutely never use any form of hydrogen peroxide purchased from a drug store or grocery due to
the fact that they all contain toxic preservatives, stabilizers
and heavy metals, do take the time to look at a label of pharmacy grade hydrogen peroxide. It clearly states:

Ask yourself: If...

Now, if you ask them, the FDA will say that hydrogen peroxide is not approved as a disinfectant around the home.
They will say that hydrogen peroxide is not approved to
help fight mold, mildew, fungi, etc. These statements are
TRUE, TRUE, TRUE. The FDA has not approved hydrogen
peroxide for these uses. Not because hydrogen peroxide
isnt safe and effective, but simply because the FDA has
absolutely no authority to even rule on these uses. The
authority to regulate hydrogen peroxide for use in disinfecting your environment rests with the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) not the FDA!

The Code of Federal Regulations says that hydrogen

peroxide can be used to disinfect milk or to bleach tripe
and beef feet and...
The EPA says that hydrogen peroxide can be used to
destroy anthrax spores and...
The EPA registers the products that companies use when
spraying hydrogen peroxide vapor into hospital operating rooms in order to disinfect them, then...

The EPA has approved hydrogen peroxide for use as an antimicrobial treatment in agricultural premises, food establishments, medical facilities, home bathrooms, dairy processing
plants, food processing equipment, breweries, wineries and
beverage plants. In addition, hydrogen peroxide (along with
and oxidized form of vinegar) is one of the materials
approved by the U.S. Evironmental Protection Agency
(EPA) for use in anthrax decontamination efforts to reduce
spore populations.

Unless otherwise stated, all of the following

recomendations are for undiluted 3% food grade
hydrogen peroxide.
The FDA has approved the use of hydrogen peroxide as a
drug for use by fish farmers to help prevent the growth of
fungus on their fish eggs and hatchlings. (See pages 52-53).
The producers of Perox-Aid recommend short term exposure at 500 parts per million. Many tropical fish enthusiasts
(and professional aquarium managers) regularly maintain a
level between 30-100 parts per million in the water in their
aquariums. Reason would tell you to start with a very low
amount, see if it is adequate to the task at hand and gradually increase the amount as needed.

EPA reviewed data related to the safety and effectiveness of

using hydrogen peroxide [and an oxidized form of vinegar]
for the inactivation of bacillus anthracis[anthrax]. EPA
determined that the product could be used safely and effectively.
(Hydrogen Peroxide and Peroxyacetic Acid, Pesticides:
Topical and Chemical Fact Sheets, Washington D.C.:
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, July, 2007

Spray it in the shower to remove mold and mildew. Pour it
in the toilet tank (where the water is stored for the next
flush). Pour it down the sink, tub and shower drains.

The EPA also has approved disinfection systems used by

numerous companies throughout the world. These companies offer clean-room sterilization techniques that simply
spray a fine vapor of hydrogen peroxide into the room in
order to disinfect it completely. Please note the products
EPA registration. Even though it is used in a healthcare setting, the authority to register its use rests with the
Environmental Protection Agency!

A floor mopped with hydrogen peroxide is a vast improvement over the sickening and toxic smell of chlorine and
ammonia. Your pets will especially appreciate the improvement. To a dog, cat, or most other pets, a house cleaned
with ammonia smells like it has been invaded by an alpha
dog or cat who has marked the entire place with urine.

Vaporized hydrogen peroxide is registered by EPA as a

sterilant that inactivates bacterial spores on environmental
surfaces in an enclosed area. It is used to decontaminate or
sterilize sealed enclosures such as isolaters, work stations,
and pass through rooms. EPA reviewed data related to the
safety and effectiveness of using liquid hydrogen peroxide
vapor for inactivation of Bacillus Anthracis spores. EPA
determined that the product could be used safely and effectively, and that no unreasonable adverse effects would occur
from the requested uses.


Spray the container before you put in the leftover food and
then spray the top of the food before you close the container.
Spray on outdoor or indoor plants to remove any fungus or
mold. Add to all the water you use on all your plants. When
hydrogen peroxide soaks into the soil, it neutralizes dangerous fungus in the soil, and as oxygen gas is released, the


Add four tablespoons (two ounces) of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide to one gallon of milk, water or other beverage in order to meet the Federal Governments Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) concentration of 0.05%.
(500 parts per million) There are 128 ounces in each gallon. Four tablespoons equal two ounces. Two ounces at 3% diluted by 128 ounces (2x3%/128) equals 0.046875%. Eight eight-ounce glasses per day is good for health maintenance.
Daily consumption of 3/4 of a gallon (96 ounces, 12-8 ounce glasses, or approximately 3 liters) is considered by many practitioners to provide a therapeutic amount of hydrogen peroxide.



At 69 years of age, my muscles were so tight that to get out of bed I would lay on my stomach
and back out onto the floor, then push down on the bed and stand up. I was convinced that hydrogen peroxide was what I was looking for, but how should I get it into my system? I decided that
the easiest and most efficient way was to inhale 3% peroxide solution through my mouth and into
my lungs. I just happened to have a nasal spray pump, so I dumped the contents and refilled it
with 3% peroxide. How many times should I pump? I settled for one pump per inhale, four times
a day. That went on for about a month. Then, as I was laying down one day for a short rest, I
noticed that I was breathing freely - no forced inhale or exhale. That was the first result I noticed
from my therapy. Next I changed the times when I inhaled the peroxide. Now I inhale two times
in the morning and again at night. While deep inhaling I pump the spray as many times as I can,
usually eight to ten pumps for each inhale. Another thing I soon noticed was that I now sleep all
night with my mouth closed. I used to have heartaches that were very uncomfortable, but no more.
My wife and I have been inhaling peroxide for nine years now and have had no colds, sore muscles, aches or pains. I take no medications or vitamins. I am two years from my 80th birthday. My
lungs dont give out when I work in my garden or at other chores around the house.
April, 2006 ACRES USA
Bill Munro can be contacted via email at land@landrights.com
or watch him in action on YouTube...

My sister-in-laws cat was a very butch, husky male. Long hair, gorgeous. He suddenly lost half
his weight and became very docile. My sister-in-law basically left him to die, but I had a soft spot
for him, and took him to the vet: liver cancer. Hes got six weeks at best. Surgery was possible,
but it would cost $$$. My sister-in-law would never bother. I put hydrogen peroxide in his drinking water daily. He began to throw up daily, but kept gaining weight. His fur became thick again,
one happy, fat kitty. I believe he was throwing up the cancer in a healing crisis. Whatever he was
throwing up, it didnt look like his food, and it was nasty. This was six months ago. Hes just well
Kelly from Vancouver, Canada (4-14-2007)


biodegradable and remain in the environment for long periods of time.


To disinfect and neutralize allergens from the air, add one
pint 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide to each gallon of distilled water.

Mixed with baking soda and a small amount of hand soap,
hydrogen peroxide is effective in removing skunk odor, any
other kind of pet odor, or any other offensive odor.

Please read the testimonial on the previous page from
Bill Munro. Breathing in hydrogen peroxide is the most
direct method available to oxygenate the HEART! Try to
visualize the anatomy of your lungs. Visualize hydrogen
peroxide enriched air as it enters the alveoli in the lungs,
travels into the vein that goes directly to the left side of
your heart. With each heartbeat, the highest amount of
oxygen possible will be powerfully pumped into your
aorta and into the coronary arteries that feed your heart.
I believe you should use this method as often as possible.
In addition, simply get a humidifier and breathe hydrogen peroxide in your own home, 24/7!


Subliminally, your body knows that the toxic chemicals in
most swimming pools and hot tubs are to be avoided and so
many people find that their facilities go unused despite the
huge investment. These same people find that they actually
use their hot tub and/or swimming pool more often than ever
once they have switched to using hydrogen peroxide.
No respectable healing spa in the history of mankind has
ever recommended that their patients should bathe in hot
chlorine bleach for their health. The water found in most
healing springs contains not chlorine (or bromine) but
hydrogen peroxide (Lourdes). Most swimming pool
experts would not make any money from you if they told
you to use hydrogen peroxide instead of their expensive,
toxic chemicals, so dont expect to get an honest and
informed answer from your pool person! People who have
learned the benefits of hydrogen peroxide recommend draining all of the toxic crap out our your pool, cleaning it thoroughly, refilling it and then shocking the new water with
a higher concentration (875 parts per million, 0.0875%)
of food grade hydrogen peroxide than you need for
maintenance (30-100 parts per million 0.003-0.01%).

Spray countertops, garbage containers, dishwasher, refrigerator, cooktop, sink and pour down the drain and garbage
Spray washer, pour down washer drain, add to wash to
whiten clothes. Be careful with brightly colored clothes.
Mineral deposits on shower heads, sink fixtures, etc. can be
removed with hydrogen peroxide.
(Family Handyman, July/August 1988, page 96)

So far, I have been able to find one company that offers a

hydrogen peroxide Oxidizer for use in swimming pools
and hot tubs. According to its label, Baquacils Oxidizer
is 27% hydrogen peroxide and 73% distilled water. I have
not yet been able to find out if it contains any preservatives
or stabilizers. It is available at many pool supply stores, and
just walking into one of those places immediately makes you
want to never use chlorine in your pool ever again. I found
a distributor within a ten minute drive of my home, and
when I walked into their store, the chemical smell nearly
made me vomit. I cannot believe that people can work in
such an environment, and I cannot believe that people would
actually swim in a pool or bathe in a hot tub that was filled
with those chemicals, but... they did have the hydrogen
peroxide that I wanted. The details of maintaining a swimming pool or hot tub are far beyond the scope of this book.
Baquacil offers a guide to the use of their products. This is
not necessarily an endorsement, but it will give you an idea
of what is required to convert your pool or hot tub to a much
healthier maintenance system.

Place fish, chicken, beef, pork or other meat in a non-metallic casserole dish, and soak in 50/50 mix of distilled water
and 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide.
Hydrogen peroxide has been used successfully to decontaminate broiler chickens by soaking them for ten minutes in
0.5%-1.0% concentrations of food grade hydrogen peroxide.
(Poultry Science, Issue 66, 1987, pages 1555-1557)
You can be sure that any chicken used in my home that is
purchased from the supermarket first goes into a 3% peroxide solution!
(Walter Grotz)
Before you start spraying anti-mold/mildew products that
contain chlorine into your shower, why not try hydrogen
peroxide instead? When chlorine based products come into
contact with organic compounds they form toxic and cancerous organochlorines (such as dioxin) that are not


Add four tablespoons (two ounces) of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide to one gallon of milk, water or other beverage in order to meet the Federal Governments Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) concentration of 0.05%.
(500 parts per million) There are 128 ounces in each gallon. Four tablespoons equal two ounces. Two ounces at 3% diluted by 128 ounces (2x3%/128) equals 0.046875%. Eight eight-ounce glasses per day is good for health maintenance.
Daily consumption of 3/4 of a gallon (96 ounces, 12-8 ounce glasses, or approximately 3 liters) is considered by many practitioners to provide a therapeutic amount of hydrogen peroxide.

increase in volume lifts the soil and softens it so that roots

and worms can more easily move through it.

Some years ago I lived in the Torres Strait islands where the air is very salty and filled with
microorganisms. Getting a nick or cut, particularly a coral cut, can lead to severe tropical ulcers
on the skin. These ulcers can grow to the size of a dinner plate if left untreated. I used hydrogen
peroxide on some small ulcers on my leg and they cleared up in no time.
Pauline from Cairns, Australia (6-8-2007)

I started with melanoma in 2005 on my face. Had extensive surgery, but they could not get it all.
In March, 2007 it had spread to my chest behind my heart. Had another extensive surgery to
remove it. In August, 2007 I found out it had spread to my face/neck/and chest. Doctor told me
that they couldnt operate. Did some internet research and read about hydrogen peroxide and how
it puts oxygen back into your cells, rejuvenating them. Well, I decided to try it. I either take half
a bottle and soak my feet in it with warm water or take a whole bottle and take a bath in it. Well,
last PET scan in November there were no new growths and the ones from August were less intense.
It is the peroxide, cant say for sure, but I wont stop it. Will try to keep you posted on my progress.
What an easy cure this would be. Better than dying from metastasized malignant melanoma.
Pat from Newton, New Jersey (12-18-2007)

Ive had warts on the bottom of my right foot for months. The doctor would freeze them off and
I was given cream. They would always come back. One day in the bathroom, I was looking at
them and said, What the heck. I poured hydrogen peroxide over my foot. I didnt wash the peroxide - I let it dry on. The next morning they were gone and never returned. That was six years
Ben from Portland, Oregon (1-25-2007)


The following pages contain information
that the FDA, the medical establishment and
the pharmaceutical drug industry
do NOT want you to know!

In 1997, studies performed at Virginia Polytechnic Institute

by food scientist Susan Sumner showed that a simple procedure using hydrogen peroxide followed by vinegar (or viceversa) killed all the microbes associated with contaminated
red meat (including salmonella, shigella and E coli). In her
studies, Sumner observed that vegetables tend to hold more
microbes than meat due to their larger surface area and
unusual shapes, and that the vegetables also tend to hold on
to those microbes more tenaciously than meat.

From this point forward,

the FDA and the AMA absolutely
do NOT approve of any of the information
and/or opinions contained in this section.

How you can use

3% Food-Grade-Hydrogen-Peroxide
to dramatically improve your health!

Studies have also shown that merely dipping eggs twice in

6% hydrogen peroxide reduced the number of salmonella
typhimurium by 95%.
(M. Padron, Egg Dipping in Hydrogen Peroxide Solution to
Eliminate Salmonella Typhimurium From Eggshell
Membranes, Avian Disease, Jul-Sep, 1995, Volume 39,
Number 3, pages 627-630)

For the remainder of this section, my personal opinions

and the details of my own personal use of 3% food grade
hydrogen peroxide will be given. If you want to be as
unhealthy as the government, the medical establishment
and the pharmaceutical companies would like you to be,
then only do what they tell you to do. If you want to be
as healthy as me, then maybe you should consider doing
what I do. The choices are clear. The choice is all yours.

Today, over 2,000 municipalities around the world, including Montreal, Paris, Los Angeles and Moscow purify their
drinking water using ozone, which bubbles up through the
water and reacts with it to form hydrogen peroxide.

Hydrogen peroxide is a NUTRIENT that is necessary to

healthy functioning of the human body. You are grossly
deficient in this important NUTRIENT. Technically,
hydrogen peroxide is not a vitamin, because the human
body can actually manufacture it from within but, since it
is made by the body, it is classified as a food or food supplement, not a drug.

3% hydrogen peroxide is great for streak free windows.


The most common cause of human death worldwide is
waterborne disease. What we need to do is continuously
put a harmless, weak solution of food grade hydrogen
peroxide into all water before it is used for drinking.
Doing this would eventually kill almost all waterborne
[pathogens] inside and outside the body. What would
happen to these anaerobic viruses and bacteria if they
were to be completely surrounded, or flooded, with a very
active, energetic and aggressive form of oxygen... slowly
and harmlessly introduced into the body on a daily basis,
over the course of a few months? What if we eventually
evenly saturated all the bodily fluids and cells with it?
Wouldnt the disease causing microbes that cant live in
oxygen cease to exist?
(Ed McCabe, Flood Your Body With Oxygen, 2003,
ISBN 0-9620527-2-8)


Add four tablespoons (two ounces) of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide to one gallon of milk, water or other beverage in order to meet the Federal Governments Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) concentration of 0.05%.
(500 parts per million) There are 128 ounces in each gallon. Four tablespoons equal two ounces. Two ounces at 3% diluted by 128 ounces (2x3%/128) equals 0.046875%. Eight eight-ounce glasses per day is good for health maintenance.
Daily consumption of 3/4 of a gallon (96 ounces, 12-8 ounce glasses, or approximately 3 liters) is considered by many practitioners to provide a therapeutic amount of hydrogen peroxide.


Add 4 ounces (one cup) of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide to a sinkful of cold water. Soak light vegetables (lettuce)
for 20 minutes and thick skinned vegetables (cucumber) for
30 minutes. If you dont have time to allow them to soak,
spray them, let them stand for a few minutes. Rinse and
allow to dry.

F.M. of Illinois writes: I experienced the outbreak of a coldsore (a form of herpes) on my upper
lip. These occur two or three times a year to me and always on my upper lip. Im so used to them,
I can predict their development and ultimate disappearance very accurately. This particular episode
involved three separate sores located very close together with some swelling of the lip. I knew that
I could expect to wait a minimum of ten days for these sores to heal. I decided to try hydrogen
peroxide. I was amazed at the results. Three applications of peroxide saturated gauze over a three
day period and all that was left was for the scabbed sores to fully heal. The fact is that the first
treatment, I believe, was all that was really necessary, as the scabs were formed in the morning of
the day after the first treatment. I zapped it again twice because I could not believe that these
nagging cold sores could be disposed of so easily. Suffice it to say that within five days of the first
application of hydrogen peroxide, the sores were non-existant.
ECHO Newsletter, Volume IV, Number VI, Winter 1992-1993

Speaking of hardening of the arteries, there is a man north of Minneapolis, Minnesota that had a
stroke in July of 84. The doctors opened up some arteries that were 100% and 90% plugged. They
put him on some medicine and said, Get your house in order. He was sleeping 19 hours a day, in
fact, his wife said, Why dont you just die and relieve us of the grief? So he said hw would do
anything. I referred him to a man not far from him who told him what hydrogen peroxide did for
him. He told him to do it properly and he would have him back to work in two months. He actually went back to work in 70 days. Then in October his daughter got married and he redecorated
the house. He had already sold his business and a lot of his personal property. Those who attended the wedding said he never missed a dance or the opportunity to kiss the young girls. Here is
what the man did: he took 55 drops of 35% hydrogen peroxide solution three times per day. He
made himself a colonic board and gave himself colonics with hydrogen peroxide solution. He
believes in hydrogen peroxide. He went back to the doctor and told him he thought he now had
circulation again. The doctor said, It cant be. It never happened before. The doctor put his hand
on his arteries and said, I can feel a pulse, but that may be false. So he took an X-ray and found
that the blood had channeled through. The doctor said, Come on and tell me what you are doing.
He said, I am drinking hydrogen peroxide. The doctor said that that will eat up his liver. The
man asked the doctor if water and oxygen could eat up his liver. No, its that stuff they put in it.
What stuff? You know that stuff. But I drink food grade. The doctor went away for a minute
and got a tape recorder and another doctor and asked him to repeat what he had been doing. Well
he went back to that doctor August, 1986 and the doctor gave him a physical like he had never
received a physical before and said that he was as physically fit as a 22 year old. The man asked
him to take him off of disability. The doctor told him he didnt know how...
It turned out that the doctor had received a $120,000 grant and planned to use the money to study
the mans health situation.
Walter Grotz


Think about what happens when someone begins a cleansing diet. When one stops eating lousy food with the desire
to begin cleaning out years of accumulated toxins, the detoxifying experience that commences may cause one to feel
uncomfortable and give up. This cleansing reaction is due to
obstructions being dissolved and dislodged. Whatever
sticky, gross, disgusting mucous, pus, drugs, toxins, undigested food and more are in your system must first leave
your cells, travel through the lymphatic system back into the
blood stream and out through your liver and digestive tract,
or through your kidneys and urinary tract or directly out
through your skin. While this waste is moving through the
body, you may feel lousy. If your cleansing systems get
overloaded and begin to overflow, you are in for what is
known as a...
When pathogenic organisms are destroyed by your immune
system (using hydrogen peroxide), the compounds that spill
out of their dead carcasses flood your bodily tissues.
Yecchh! In its attempt to discard these toxins, your body
has numerous choices. Skin eruptions (acne, boils, hives,
sores, ulcers), nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, runny nose,
tearing of the eyes, sweating, sneezing, coughing, urination,
menstruation and probably many more methods are all ways
that your body gets rid of garbage. One woman reported
experiencing a sudden, severe nose bleed with the elimination of two large blood clots from her right nostril. She can
now breathe through her nose for the first time in years.
Another person had bleeding from the mouth when he spit
up huge amounts of mucous. Another had rectal bleeding as
his hemorrhoids decreased. Another man reported green
slime oozing out of his skin.
If the load of toxic junk that you have stored in your body is
dredged up too quickly, your body may not be able to
excrete it as fast as needed. When this happens, you will
probably feel lousy. You will think that you are sick. If you
are like most people, you will say something stupid like
Im allergic to hydrogen peroxide or That hydrogen peroxide made me sick. In my experience, people always
seem to misinterpret their own natural bodily functions. A
cough is not bad, a cough is merely how your lungs expel
something that doesnt belong there. A sneeze is how your
sinuses do the same thing. Diarrhea is how your colon
quickly gets rid of a lot of garbage. A pimple is how your
skin removes toxic junk. These actions are NOT symptoms of disease. They are methods of cleansing. You
need to learn to embrace these functions and encourage them
because this is how your body cleans itself. These uncomfortable events are the price that is necessary to remove the
toxins that block the recovery of your precious health. Dont
be misled by fear. Cleansing reactions are good! Be grateful when they occur, for you have found the solution. If you
cant handle the intensity, I understand. Just slow down.
Take it easy. But do continue.

There are a couple of caveats, and maybe you should all

wake up now, just for a moment, if youre going to drink
hydrogen peroxide. Drink it on an empty stomach. Allow as
little reactivity as you can in the stomach so as much can be
absorbed as possible. If you have a lot of food in there, the
bacteria in that food is going to react with the hydrogen peroxide. Youre going to have foaming and the possibility is
youre going to vomit. Then youre going to say how can
you possibly get me to drink something that causes me to
vomit? Thats the first thing that happened to me when I
went down, full of fire, to try hydrogen peroxide on my sick
patients at the hospital. I had sick patients who were vomiting all over the place and threatening mutiny and telling me,
if I ever came close to them with another drink of hydrogen
peroxide, Id get a swift kick you know where!
(Dr. Kurt Donsbach, D.C., N.D., Ph.D.)


Add four tablespoons (two ounces) of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide to one gallon of milk, water or other beverage in order to meet the Federal Governments Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) concentration of 0.05%.
(500 parts per million) There are 128 ounces in each gallon. Four tablespoons equal two ounces. Two ounces at 3% diluted by 128 ounces (2x3%/128) equals 0.046875%. Eight eight-ounce glasses per day is good for health maintenance.
Daily consumption of 3/4 of a gallon (96 ounces, 12-8 ounce glasses, or approximately 3 liters) is considered by many practitioners to provide a therapeutic amount of hydrogen peroxide.

I started by ingesting diluted food grade hydrogen peroxide in juice two or three times a day. I did this for four
months. The first thing that happened was that my intestines
emptied accumulated waste matter heavily for three days.
My body finally had enough oxygen in it to clean itself out.
Then I came down with a fever for two weeks. The individual body cells began to be oxygenated, dumping out their
own accumulated toxins. My metabolic rate increased to the
point of fever, to burn up these toxins for elimination. Then
the extra oxygen released into my bloodstream started to
bubble out of the blood in the air-blood exchange area of my
lungs bronchial sacs. This happened underneath the coatings of accumulated toxins left over from my many bouts of
childhood bronchitis. The layers loosened, and, as they
broke up, I expelled them. I started coughing and expectorating. This lasted for about two months. I believe the reactions were all beneficial because I have not been sick since.
The process of flooding the body with oxygen is a gradual
one of slowly increasing the applications and dosages. Your
body, at some point, gets so much oxygen in it that it can
finally heal itself of many things. If you rush it, youre just
going to stir up more garbage [than your detoxification systems will be able to process], feel worse and compound the
possible cleansing reactions like diarrhea, cramping,
swelling, bloating or rashes that come from going too fast by
giving too much at first. At the very start of any uncomfortable cleansing reactions, cut the dosage in half, and stay
there till the reactions stop, and continue up again.
Ive talked to people who made the mistake of going against
sound advice and stopping the treatment abruptly.
They didnt detoxify properly. They didnt stay with it long
enough and they stirred up all their inner garbage, but when
they just stopped, the stirred up solution of old toxic sludge
all settled into different organs and gave rise to new
(Ed McCabe, Oxygen Therapies, ISBN 0-9620527-0-1)

I have been using Nasonex (a prescription nasal spray) for the past ten years or so, based on the
recommendation of a family doctor to alleviate my snoring. After viewing a recent e-mail that listed the many benefits of hydrogen peroxide, I filled an empty Nasonex pump and have given myself
the hydrogen peroxide for the last three nights. I converted a used (empty) Nasonex pump and used
it for a single shot into each nostril. Dont be surprised if the user sneezes several times after each
application. My wife reports no snoring. Short test, but promising.
Robert from Lebanon, Ohio (6-15-2006)

I just called my uncle to tell him about hydrogen peroxide (who has throat cancer, though its in
remission) and I got all excited about it. I had read here that it had cured some peoples cancers,
etc., and he just laughed, then said, Tara, thats why my cancer is in remission! He said he had
stumbled upon this treatment accidently, when twenty years ago he swallowed some hydrogen peroxide (not on purpose) while brushing his teeth one day. Then he said, It just made me feel better, so I continued to do it. Since then, hes been drinking one 16 ounce glass of water with a little hydrogen peroxide every day for the last twenty years. He said even though he still has a tumor,
it hasnt changed since he started this treatment, and like he said, hes still alive. The doctors are
baffled, because they think he should have died a long time ago. After reading about this therapy, then talking to my uncle, a lot more lives could be saved if we dropped the propaganda and
started having open discussions about human health, irrelevant of money and power.
Tara from Los Angeles, California (5-31-2007)

J.M. from Arizona writes that he suffered with asthma and emphysema for several years and was
always under medication. He was introduced to 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide after being
released from the hospital as an emergency asthma case. He started taking three drops three times
a day and followed through to 25 drops three times a day. He is now on 15 drops per week. Im
going on my fourth month and I must say, its a new life for me. Im feeling so good I just had to
write and thank you. He wrote again later to say he is very happy with his program, over six
months now and he hasnt had to take any kind of medication.
ECHO Newsletter, Volume II, Number III, Winter 1987



The Federal Code of Regulations states that hydrogen peroxide is Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) for use as
an anti-microbial agent for use in milk in the making of
cheese at a concentration of 0.05% (500 parts per million).
The Code of Federal Regulations recognizes that hydrogen
peroxide is safe to put in milk at a concentration of 0.05%.
It does NOT specifically mention putting hydrogen peroxide
into other beverages and foods but, come on! DO IT!!!!!

The skin is the largest organ in your body. It is an excretory organ, but too many people (YOU!) are constantly adding
soap residues, lotions, cologne, makeup, moisturizers, etc. to
their skin. These compounds block pores and prevent elimination from sebaceous (oil) glands, from sweat glands and
hair follicles. Hydrogen peroxide can oxidize and help to
loosen and remove the built up deposits that block these
pores, which enables them to better perform their excretory

If the beverage that you mix food grade hydrogen peroxide

into contains the enzyme catalase, then it may foam up,
overflow its container and make quite a mess. I recommend
that you mix it on a waterproof countertop and give it time
to foam up. Leave any lid on loosely so that any buildup of
gas pressure will not cause the container to burst. If a large
amount of foaming occurs, the potency of the hydrogen peroxide will be reduced. It is far more comfortable to have this
release of oxygen occur on your countertop, rather than in
your belly! Once the foaming has stopped, and the bubbling
has settled down, feel free to drink your beverage. It will
not contain as much hydrogen peroxide, but it clearly contains the enzyme catalase and a lot of oxygen. Ideally, any
and all consumption of any hydrogen peroxide should only
be done on a completely empty stomach. NEVER mix
hydrogen peroxide with any food, nutritional supplement or
medication. Excessive consumption, or consuming hydrogen peroxide with other substances may cause a bloated
feeling in the stomach. Always consume any diluted food
grade hydrogen peroxide on a completely empty stomach at
least three hours after or one hour before any meal.

On the other hand, skin is also an organ of assimilation.

A typical 200 pound man can absorb up to four pounds of
water during a twenty minute bath. Numerous medications
are available in patch forms, which clearly indicates that
even the medical profession recognizes that your skin
absorbs whatever you place on it directly into your
bloodstream. Why not absorb some food grade hydrogen
peroxide while you sit in your hot tub?

Your First Bath: Scrub your bathtub well with a cleaner

that is non-toxic. Rinse your bathtub to remove absolutely
all residue of the cleaner that you just used. Be very thorough. Fill your bathtub with warm water. Add NOTHING
to the water except for 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide.
Add one quart of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide to the
tub after it is filled with water. Jump in and soak for as long
as you wish. You might want to put a shower cap on your
head because it may lighten your hair a very, very, very little bit. (Its nowhere near as strong as a hair stylists peroxide bleach product). Use a skin brush, loofa or other material to help exfoliate your dead skin. If you feel any irritation, simply get out of the bath, towel off and be done with
your first bath. If you put one quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide into a bathtub that holds 30 gallons of water, the result is
a tub filled with 0.025% hydrogen peroxide, which is one
half of the concentration that is Generally Recognized As
Safe to drink! This is very, very, very mild.

I also strongly recommend that you put four tablespoons
(two ounces) of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide into
every gallon of DISTILLED drinking water that you
consume. This is absolutely the easiest way to get additional hydrogen peroxide into your system in a very economical way. Since hydrogen peroxide can react with
any dissolved minerals found in tap, spring, bottled or
any type of water other than pure, DISTILLED water,
you really should only use DISTILLED water. If you
want to be cautious, start with a lower concentration in
order to test your own personal tolerance level.
Hydrogen peroxide does have a unique flavor and it may
alter the taste of the beverage into which you mix it, so
use your best judgement. I have successfully used natural lemon, orange, peppermint and vanilla extract to
improve the flavor of my water. Try It!

Subsequent Baths: Increase the amount of 3% food grade

hydrogen peroxide that you use. Use two quarts. Use a gallon. The choice is yours. It is a free country and you can do
what you feel is appropriate in the comfort and privacy of
your own bathtub. Ease your way up in terms of concentration. A general rule of thumb is to take such a bath every
other day but, again, it is always up to you. Do whatever
YOU feel will be fine for you. Take it slow. Be cautious,
but be brave also.
Many individuals have reported improved energy levels and
improved overall wellness. Some people have observed
absolutely ungodly colored fluids bubbling out of their skin
into the bath water (green sludge from their pores!) To my
knowledge, no one has ever died because they put 3% food
grade hydrogen peroxide into their bath in any amount.

Simply use the hydrogen peroxide infused water that you
would drink (500ppm) into your ice cube trays and use them
exactly as you would use any other ice cube.


Add four tablespoons (two ounces) of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide to one gallon of milk, water or other beverage in order to meet the Federal Governments Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) concentration of 0.05%.
(500 parts per million) There are 128 ounces in each gallon. Four tablespoons equal two ounces. Two ounces at 3% diluted by 128 ounces (2x3%/128) equals 0.046875%. Eight eight-ounce glasses per day is good for health maintenance.
Daily consumption of 3/4 of a gallon (96 ounces, 12-8 ounce glasses, or approximately 3 liters) is considered by many practitioners to provide a therapeutic amount of hydrogen peroxide.


My fourteen month old son has constantly been sick and had ear infections. We kept going to the
doctor and they just kept putting him on antibiotics. It turns out that the infection never healed,
causing the area behind his ear to become swollen. We went to the emergency room and they just
gave him another round of antibiotics. Three days later we went back to his pediatrician and they
put him on steroids for the swelling because they said it was lymph nodes. Two weeks later his
ear was still swollen, red and very tender to the touch. The poor baby was just miserable so we
made another appointment to go back to the pediatrician. Since we use hydrogen peroxide for
cleaning out infections and getting rid of ear wax, I put some in his ear that night, let it sit for five
minutes and then drained it. The next morning the swelling was down by half but it was still
noticably swollen. We had his pediatrician appointment that day, so we went and they referred us
to a hearing specialist. As soon as that doctor walked in the room he said he was going to have to
schedule my son for surgery to put tubes in his ear. After talking for a while I told the doctor that
the ear was actually getting better (I left out the hydrogen peroxide part). He gave me the option
to do another round of antibiotics and see what happens but, if it got worse, then I had to bring him
in for surgery. I did a total of five treatments of hydrogen peroxide in his ear. I did it right before
bed and when he woke up in the morning his ear was less tender and swollen. This morning when
he woke up, his ear was completely back to normal. I cant believe it! My baby is happy and doesnt need tubes put into his ears anymore. Thank you God for giving us hydrogen peroxide.
Sarah from Battle Creek Michigan (4-18-2008)

J.M. sends the following testimonial: I returned from Vietnam April 16, 1969 with a fungus on my
right foot. I thought to myself, What the ----, it will go away. It did not. On May 15, 1990, a
good friend mixed hydrogen peroxide and hot water and told me to soak my feet for one hour. As
a matter of fact, he sat with me for the first soaking! It was an amazing hour to watch my feet and
the million bubbles plus the coloring of the water. Almost grotesque!! I continued to soak for one
hour a day and since that first six weeks I eased off to every other day to twice a week. My feet
look normal with white toe nails, a quick on all nails, no more cracking, no more bleeding and
that infernal itch is gone. I consider my feet 99% cured and if only I had been aware of hydrogen
peroxide 21 years ago, all of the wrapping, soakings, doctors, missed work, discomfort, untold
dollars and hours of pain would have been avoided. I would strongly recommend this same
simple inexpensive solution to any person with some type of skin problem on his or her foot.
It works.
ECHO Newsletter, Volume III, Number VI, Winter 1990-1991


Spray feet and shoes to relieve foot odors.
Most peoples feet are relatively tough and calloused, so
many people feel comfortable soaking their feet directly in
3% food grade hydrogen peroxide. Again, as always, it is
advisable to start with a weaker concentration, gauge your
sensitivity and adjust your own treatment level to fit your
own observations.
More is not necessarily better.
Remember, 30 parts per million is strong enough to disinfect a swimming pool or hot tub. That is 0.003%.

I have found that concentrated hydrogen peroxide that is
available in pool supply outlets is the most cost efficient
way to add hydrogen peroxide to your bath. If its good
enough to put into your swimming pool or hot tub, then
its also good enough to put into your bathtub for a soak!
Baquacils Oxidizer is the only product that I have so
far been able to locate. Its package states that it is 27%
hydrogen peroxide. Four ounces of 27% in a 30 gallon
bathtub would result in a 0.028% concentration of
hydrogen peroxide. Put more if you wish. Be very careful with 27% peroxide. It is extremely caustic.

My personal recommendation is to go to your local hardware store and purchase a five gallon plastic bucket/pail
with a tight fitting, waterproof lid. Then go to your grocery store and purchase at least three gallons of distilled
water. Come home, place a thick beach towel on the
floor in front of your most comfortable chair, place the
plastic pail on top of the towel, pour three gallons of distilled water into the bucket and then add one quart of
3% food grade hydrogen peroxide. Stick your foot in the
bucket, sit down, and read a book, watch TV, play a
video game or do whatever you want while you soak your
foot. I personally like to soak only one foot at a time.


NEVER use hydrogen peroxide in colonic treatment. It

is NOT necessary. The best tactic is to do a standard
colonic treatment as defined by a practitioner that you
are comfortable and familiar with, and then follow it
with a retention enema (see below) using hydrogen peroxide if you wish.

Feel free to physically manipulate your feet while they

are soaking. Use a non-metallic fingernail file to clean
under your toenails and around your cuticles while they
are under water in order to get more hydrogen peroxide
under your nails. Use a loofa or other mild abrasive to
help loosen dead skin cells. Use a pumice or other device
to remove a portion of any callouses, corns, etc.
Massage your feet, wiggle your toes and scratch your
skin to get as much blood flowing as possible. When
youve had enough, dry off your feet, put the lid on the
bucket and store it someplace cool for the next night.
You can most certainly reuse the foot soak water. Add
more water or more hydrogen peroxide as needed. After
numerous soaks, use your best judgement as to when
you should dump it all out and start with a fresh mixture.
The used water is great for potted plants or for your garden or yard.

Feel free to tilt your head on its side and drip a few drops of
3% food grade hydrogen peroxide into your ear as often as
you like. Leave it in for a few minutes and then carefully
place a tissue over your ear to prevent any drips, sit up and
let it drain back out. It will certainly disinfect your outer ear
and help to eliminate wax buildup. I have personally witnessed quite a lot of misunderstanding involving ear problems. Please remember that you have an eardrum. A
healthy eardrum does not let fluid pass through it in any
appreciable amount. Most peoples ear problems are actually located in the eustachian tube which runs from the area
behind your eardrum to the back of your throat (pretty much
right behind your nose). Treating ear problems really
requires you to treat the eustachian tube, which is pretty
damn near impossible. The best alternative is to treat the
sinus, throat and mouth area to the best of your abilities.
Most cases of ear wax blockage can be treated at home.
Drops such as hydrogen peroxide may aid in the removal of

Since most underarm odors are actually caused by bacteria
that live there, simply soak a cotton ball in 3% food grade
hydrogen peroxide and wipe your underarms on a regular
basis to control odor by killing the bacteria that cause it.


Add four tablespoons (two ounces) of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide to one gallon of milk, water or other beverage in order to meet the Federal Governments Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) concentration of 0.05%.
(500 parts per million) There are 128 ounces in each gallon. Four tablespoons equal two ounces. Two ounces at 3% diluted by 128 ounces (2x3%/128) equals 0.046875%. Eight eight-ounce glasses per day is good for health maintenance.
Daily consumption of 3/4 of a gallon (96 ounces, 12-8 ounce glasses, or approximately 3 liters) is considered by many practitioners to provide a therapeutic amount of hydrogen peroxide.

I would like to encourage you to try a bath in this oxygenrich substance. It invigorates. It stimulates your mind. It
reduces stiffness and soreness like no other treatment. We
give all our patients a whirlpool bath with the equivalent of
one gallon of the 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide every
other day. Do this early in the day because it can be very
invigorating and you wont want to go to bed right afterward
(Kurt W. Donsbach, D.C., N.D., Ph.D., Oxygen, Oxygen,
Oxygen, 1995, ISBN 1-56959-579-8)

Hydrogen peroxide has cured my toothache. I had a nasty cavity that was causing a lot of pain.
I couldnt chew or put any pressure on my teeth on the left hand side. I read about the amazing
cures with hydrogen peroxide and decided to try it. I took a shot glass and diluted it 50/50. From
the very first time I swished the rinse to the present, it has worked like magic! Not only has my
toothache gone away, but my gums look and feel so much better.
Julie S. from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida (5-2-2007)

At first sight of ringworm, I used hydrogen peroxide on a cotton ball, placed it on the ringworm,
taped down with a band-aid. By morning it was completely gone.
Yolanda from Tampa, Florida (9-12-2006)


I have been using the following method to treat all colds for the past fifteen years and since first
trying it, use nothing else to treat colds. I use the cap from the peroxide bottle and put 1/4 cap of
peroxide and the rest of the cap is filled with water. I put a finger over one nostril and sniff the
mixture up the other nostril. I repeat this with the other nostril. One capful will usually treat both
nostrils. When the solution drains down the nostril passage to the throat I spit it out and blow my
nose. Guess what? Instant relief, then and there, not ten minutes later. When you blow your nose
you will be amazed at what comes out. This is especially great for head colds, but also sore throat
and coughing colds as well. I usually only have to do this twice at about eight hour intervals. After
that, or by the next morning, were talking... What cold? I sniff rather than spray the mixture as
I found that spraying does not atomize and coat the entire nostril passage as well as when the mixture is sniffed. Try it and you will also be amazed.
Grant Greene from Lafayette, Colorado (4-21-2007)


Even though studies have used 3% food grade hydrogen

peroxide straight from the bottle, six tablespoons of 3%
food grade hydrogen peroxide per quart of distilled water is
commonly recommended as a starting dosage. Again, as
always, it is advisable to start with a weaker concentration,
gauge your sensitivity and adjust your own treatment level
to fit your own observations. More is not necessarily better.

The proper way to use hydrogen peroxide in the colon is to

first perform a regular enema (or a series of them) in order
to ensure that the inside of the colon and rectum are as
squeaky clean as they can be. THEN and only then, should
a diluted mixture of hydrogen peroxide and distilled water
be allowed entry into the rectum via the enema. Let me put
this in very plain English. There is no reason to use hydrogen peroxide to disinfect the fecal matter in your rectum and
colon. This is a waste of time, effort and money. As much
as possible, you should endeavour to flush such waste out of
your system with pure water first. Again, if 500 parts per
million is considered safe and effective, this is the amount
to consider for use in a retention enema AFTER you have
cleaned the bowels with regular enemas. Start with a very
small amount of fluid so as not to put too much pressure on
the inside of the rectum and colon. One pint is a reasonable
place to begin. To prepare a pint of diluted hydrogen peroxide (500ppm), you need one-eighth as much hydrogen peroxide as you would need to make a gallon. One half of a
tablespoon of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide added to
one pint of distilled water will result in a dilute mixture that
is 500 parts per million (0.05%) hydrogen peroxide. Feel
free to start with less fluid or a lower concentration.

3% food grade hydrogen peroxide is a bit harsh on the delicate membranes found in the sinuses.
In order to preserve hydrogen peroxide it must be slightly
acidic; on this account a disagreeable irritation and smarting may be caused by its use on mucous membranes. This
can be avoided by mixing it fresh at the time it is to be used
with equal parts lime water, or spraying with lime water
first. [baking soda also works].
(Warren Brown, M.D., Peroxide of Hydrogen, The
Medical Sentinel, February, 1896)
The very first article regarding hydrogen peroxide appeared
in The Journal of the American Medical Association
(I. N. Love, Peroxide of Hydrogen as a Remedial Agent,
The Journal of the American Medical Association, March
3, 1888, pages 262-265). The patient was a 4 year old boy,
and the doctor scrubbed his sinuses, mouth and throat with a
sponge on the end of a stick after having soaked the sponge
in straight 3% hydrogen peroxide. Dr. Love also used 1.5%
peroxide in a syringe to wash out the mouth, throat and
sinuses. If a 4 year old boy with scarlet fever and diptheria
could handle it...?



Take a small lid from a used water bottle, fill it with 3% food
grade hydrogen peroxide and carefully place it over any
small area of skin that you want to treat. Hold it firmly for
as long as you wish and let the hydrogen peroxide soak into
the skin. If you notice any tingling at all, stop immediately,
remove the lid and flush with lots of water.

I cant describe it any better than the testimonial to the left.



In humans, all body tissues and fluids contain an abundance

of the enzyme catalase which limits the level of hydrogen
peroxide by converting it to water and oxygen. This is NOT
the case in dogs, chickens and other animals. When compared to humans, laboratory rats have about 25% the amount
of catalase, dogs have 11% and chickens only have 0.7%.
(A.L. Lorincz, J.J. Jacoby, H.M. Livingstone, Studies on
the Parenteral Administration of Hydrogen Peroxide,
Anesthesiology, 9, page 162)

Now we are getting into territory where knowledge and

experience is needed. If you have never given yourself an
enema, DONT start with a hydrogen peroxide enema!
Practice a few times with a plain water enema. Get the hang
of it. Understand the process. Immediately prior to performing a retention enema using hydrogen peroxide, you
should always do a regular enema in order to clean out the
area. Do a couple. Do it a dozen times.

PLEASE, PLEASE, be careful when using hydrogen peroxide with your pets! Many people have reported benefits for
their pets when using hydrogen peroxide, but keep remembering that animals and humans are very different.

The concept behind a retention enema is different than a regular enema. The purpose of a regular enema is to clean out
your lower colon and rectum. The purpose of a retention
enema is to hold a fluid in your rectum for a period of time
so that it will provide a treatment to the tissues of the colon
and so that some of it will be absorbed into your bloodstream. The inner surface of the colon contains a vast array


Add four tablespoons (two ounces) of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide to one gallon of milk, water or other beverage in order to meet the Federal Governments Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) concentration of 0.05%.
(500 parts per million) There are 128 ounces in each gallon. Four tablespoons equal two ounces. Two ounces at 3% diluted by 128 ounces (2x3%/128) equals 0.046875%. Eight eight-ounce glasses per day is good for health maintenance.
Daily consumption of 3/4 of a gallon (96 ounces, 12-8 ounce glasses, or approximately 3 liters) is considered by many practitioners to provide a therapeutic amount of hydrogen peroxide.

of capillaries that can actively absorb fluid from the colon.

This area is probably the most efficient place to introduce
any water soluble compound into the body.


My boyfriend started using psyllium a few weeks ago to clease his intestinal tract. He felt great
but, my God, his breath became so foul! After a few days of being polite, I finally figured that I
needed to say something and help him find a cure. I figured it had to have been caused by a change
in his intestinal flora from the psyllium. The change must have caused severe candida overgrowth.
His tongue was coated in white -- a sure sign. This is going to sound gross, but I made him open
his mouth to detect whether the stench was coming from his breath, or from his teeth. I have a
particularly good smell and pinpointed that the smell was coming from the upper right side of his
mouth. Well, after that, I had him soak his mouth in straight hydrogen peroxide for about three
minutes. Once it foamed up, I had him do it again. That was the cure! No more bad breath! The
peroxide did make his tongue sensitive for a few days so I would suggest to anyone trying this that
they dilute the peroxide in water. I read on the internet that it can take up to three weeks to cure
bad breath. Well, this took a few minutes with the peroxide.
Sharon from New York City (12-15-05)

After using Nair hair remover on my bikini area, I developed a huge disgusting razor bump in a
very embarrassing place. I immediately went online to find out how to get rid of it and all sites
said Leave it alone. The ingrown hair will eventually force its way out. So I did. And two days
later it was even bigger and I could see that it was infected (was like a big pus bubble. Yes GROSS). So, since I use hydrogen peroxide on everything else that ails me, I said why not. I
soaked a cotton ball in hydrogen peroxide and used a band-aid to secure it in that spot overnight.
By morning that bump had shrunk to at least 3/4 of its original size and all that infection was out
of it. I love hydrogen peroxide.
Khalisa from Memphis, Tennessee (10-4-2007)

Hydrogen peroxide cured sluggishness, lack of energy and a general constant ill feeling.
I started taking diluted food grade hydrogen peroxide about a month or six weeks ago and the
change is amazing. I have energy. I do not spend hours and hours and hours on the sofa.
I actually do stuff. I feel so much better in general. I definitely feel as if I can breathe. I dont feel
100%, but gosh, I sure feel better and I finally feel its possible to eventually feel 100%.
Jules from Palm Springs, California (2-15-2006)



Hydrogen peroxide is being used in various ways to increase

the growth rate and productivity of plants. Mushroom farmers find hydrogen peroxide a cheap and efficient way to promote mushroom growth and protect mushrooms from harmful spores.

The list really is endless. You can certainly try hydrogen

peroxide for any purpose. Here are just a few more...
Cleaning grout between ceramic tile
Removing ink, perspiration, and rust stains
Oven cleaner, Disinfect cutting boards
Soak your toothbrushes between uses

Farmguard Products of Minnesota reports that non-bearing

fruit trees are able to produce fruit when given water containing hydrogen peroxide. Non-productive rice paddies in
Japan were able to bear crops after being irrigated with
water mixed with hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is
also used by farmers to make an effective nonpolluting
insecticide in the field and can be used by home garden
enthusiasts as a spray for home and garden plants.
(Hydrogen Peroxide Uses in Agriculture, Glencoe,
Minnesota, Farmguard Products)

(Q) What causes hydrogen peroxide to foam up?
(A) There is an enzyme in human skin called catalase that
rapidly converts hydrogen peroxide into water and gaseous
oxygen. (2H2O2 > 2H2O + O2) When hydrogen peroxide
comes into contact with skin, the catalase in the skin produces oxygen which forms the bubbles that you see. These
bubbles do NOT disinfect your skin! It is the action of invisible hydroxyl radicals that are also formed that actually kills
bacteria, viruses, fungus, mold, yeast and parasites. Large
amounts of bubbling only means that the concentration
being used is probably too high.

As an inexpensive way for farmers to purify drinking water,

hydrogen peroxide can be added to drinking water for farm
animals. In addition to serving as a catalyst for promoting
oxygenation of the blood and killing harmful viruses and
bacteria, hydrogen peroxide added to drinking water helps
to eliminate worms and other parasites from the intestines.
Food grade hydrogen peroxide is also used to rinse milk
cans and bulk tanks to destroy bacteria and other pathogens.
It is diluted with water and used as a spray to clean barn
walls and floors. Hydrogen peroxide mixtures are used to
clean wounds and wash the udders of cows, which results in
a lower bacteria count in their milk.

(Q) Are there any side effects?

(A) A noticeable effect of overconsumption is a sense of
stomach bloating or gas. As with any emergency, accident
or overdose involving hydrogen peroxide, the solution is to
drink large amounts of water in order to dilute the hydrogen
peroxide. Diarrhea and the passing of worms in the bowel
movements are a the most commonly reported side effect
of ingesting hydrogen peroxide. Sounds like a benefit to me.
The catalase enzyme is also found in cells that line the stomach and intestine. It is designed to reduce levels of hydrogen peroxide that are simply too high. If you are sensing gas
and bloating in your digestive system, you are simply consuming amounts of hydrogen peroxide that are too concentrated.

When given to dairy cows, it can increase both the milk production and its butterfat content. One farmer relates his
experience with hydrogen peroxide:
In 1990, I was administering hydrogen peroxide to a dairy
herd, at 30ppm, added to their drinking water. All the water
on the farm was treated, so it was also in the cleanup water,
etc. The cows became extremely healthy. Bacteria counts
dropped and butterfat went up. Those two criteria convert
immediately to money for the farmer. He is paid more for his
milk the very next pickup. So, I started taking it myself.
(Letter from Randall Prue to Oxytherapy.com, March 15,

(Q) Is the oral consumption of hydrogen peroxide FDA

(A) No. Then again, the oral consumption of regular water
and the breathing of oxygen are not FDA approved either.
When we need government approval to obtain and ingest
the most vital necessities of life, its either time to throw in
the towel or its time for another revolution.

Probably the most famous use of hydrogen peroxide on animals involved The Birdman of Alcatraz. Robert Stroud,
while in the penitentiary serving a life sentence, cared for
many wild songbirds. One of his most basic treatments was
to add a 0.75% concentration of hydrogen peroxide to their
drinking water. He summarized his knowledge in a book
that was entitled A Digest on the Diseases of Birds which
was the inspiration for the movie Birdman of Alcatraz
which was released in 1961 and starred Burt Lancaster. Buy
the book. Watch the movie.


There are endless scams on the internet offering oxygen
pills, capsules or pills that claim they are superior to hydrogen peroxide. The benefits of hydrogen peroxide are not
simply due to the fact that it contains oxygen. Get that idea
out of your head. It simply doesnt work that way.


Add four tablespoons (two ounces) of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide to one gallon of milk, water or other beverage in order to meet the Federal Governments Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) concentration of 0.05%.
(500 parts per million) There are 128 ounces in each gallon. Four tablespoons equal two ounces. Two ounces at 3% diluted by 128 ounces (2x3%/128) equals 0.046875%. Eight eight-ounce glasses per day is good for health maintenance.
Daily consumption of 3/4 of a gallon (96 ounces, 12-8 ounce glasses, or approximately 3 liters) is considered by many practitioners to provide a therapeutic amount of hydrogen peroxide.


In 1975, due to ulcers, the doctors removed one half of my stomach and my gall bladder. In 1979,
arthritis appeared in my spine and joints. In August of 1989, my left leg was amputated as a result
of my doctor telling me for months that the excruciating pain in my lower left leg was due to shin
splints. By then, I was walking with crutches as I couldnt bear weight on my left foot. I obtained
a second opinion and the doctor referred me immediately to the hospital for a set of x-rays. The
x-rays showed a tumor on my shinbone that had eaten its way through the bone and spread into my
foot and over the knee. I had a rapidly spreading cancer working its way to my back and other
parts of my body. My doctors recommended that I undergo a series of chemotherapy treatments.
The first series left me violently ill, resulting in double pneumonia, loss of hair, loss of appetite,
muscle spasms, diarrhea and overall weakness. At this time, around Thanksgiving, I learned about
hydrogen peroxide. I then refused to undergo any additional chemotherapy. A friend of mine had
been taking hydrogen peroxide after being sent home from the hospital with farmers lung and
asthma. The doctors claimed there was nothing they could do for her. She began taking 75 drops
(of 35% hydrogen peroxide) daily and within two months returned to normal health. I decided to
try taking 100 drops (of 35% hydrogen peroxide) per day, due to my multiple medical problems
and suffered no side-effects. Within two weeks I noticed that there was a great improvement
throughout my body. The first week in January, 1990, I returned to the hospital for a checkup to
see where I stood medically with the cancer. A cat scan revealed that the arthritis which I
previously had in my spinal column had disappeared. There was no indication of cancer. A blood
test revealed that there were no cancer cells in my bloodstream. The doctors still recommended that
I continue chemotherapy treatments. I refused but agreed to have my blood tested on a three month
basis. To this date, there still has been no indication of cancer reappearing.
ECHO Newsletter, Volume IV, Number IV, Spring 1992

I read a book about hydrogen peroxide and started using it for cleaning out my mouth and
brushing my teeth. I put on a white shirt and discovered it had blood stains on it from working out
in the yard. The stains were really set since I had washed the shirt. Being too lazy to change shirts,
I soaked the spot with straight hydrogen peroxide while still wearing the shirt. The stain was very
set but getting a little lighter, so I kept soaking it over and over until the stain was pretty much gone.
It seemed like the skin under this soaked shirt was getting softer and lighter. Now about ten days
later, you can still see on my skin where the hydrogen peroxide had been soaking it. Theres a line
across my arm... on the one side, my aging sun and weather damaged skin with age spots... on the
other side, lighter, more supple, soft skin (almost like a babys skin), with the age spots definitely
lighter in color too.
Jean from Franklin, Wisconsin (4-18-2008)



There are a number of ways to manufacture hydrogen peroxide. Small quantities of hydrogen peroxide can be made
in the laboratory by...
1) Reacting barium peroxide with sulfuric acid.
2) Exposing water to ultraviolet light
3) Bubbling ozone through water
4) Running electricity through water (electrolysis)
5) Exposing ether to sunlight
6) Impinging a hydrogen-oxygen flame on ice
From 1920 to the 1950s, electrolysis (4) was the primary
method used to produce very pure hydrogen peroxide.
Today, nearly all commercially available hydrogen peroxide
is manufactured by a process known as the Riedl-Pfleiderer
process which involves the oxidation of chemicals known as

Hydrogen peroxide is a very simple molecule that is produced purposefully by nearly every cell in the body. It is
involved in protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism,
immunity, and any other system you might wish to explore.
There are a number of commercial products that claim to
contain more oxygen than hydrogen peroxide and they
would love for you to interpret this as meaning that their
product can somehow have more biological activity than
hydrogen peroxide. Oxygenation is not a credible basis
for the promotion of these products. Manufacturers of products which claim to have the same effect as hydrogen peroxide may not have a good understanding of the many biochemical roles of hydrogen peroxide in the body. Cancer
and many other degenerative diseases are thought to be the
results of poor cellular oxidative processes, not merely low
oxygen levels! People with anemia or severe lung disease
often suffer from severe oxygen deficits, but are not more
likely to have cancer. The problem is not the delivery of
oxygen to the cells, but the cells faltering ability to properly utilize and control that oxygen. Hydrogen peroxide dramatically boosts metabolic rates because it takes part in so
many metabolic functions. Oxygenated products cannot
and simply do not perform the same functions as hydrogen

Hydrogen peroxide can be found in a variety of grades:

3% Hydrogen Peroxide (common pharmacy grade)
This grade is most commonly found in pharmacies and grocery stores. Hydrogen peroxide found in pharmacies and
grocery stores contains a variety of stabilizers such as
phenol, phenacetin, acetanilide, phosphoric acids, sodium pyrophosphate, nitrate, phosphoric acid, colloidal
silicate and sodium stannate (tin). Because of these
added toxic chemicals, this cheap product should
NEVER be used. Acetanilide was found in 1948 to cause
methemoglobinemia and can cause damage to the liver and
kidneys. The drug acetaminophen (Tylenol) is a metabolite
of acetanilide. Phenacetin has a depressant action upon the
heart, has been shown to be carcinogenic, to cause renal
necrosis (kidney damage) and hemolysis (red blood cell

Why do so many of the products which are sold as liquid

oxygen or vitamin O fail to tell you what and how much
they really contain? Many of the compounds marketed in
this category are not much different than watered down
Clorox bleach. If you suspect that this is true, simply put a
few drops on your thumb and rub them together with your
middle finger until they evaporate. Smell. If you detect the
unmistakable odor of chlorine, then the product contains
either chlorine dioxide, sodium chlorite or chlorous acid,
none of which provide the benefits of hydrogen peroxide
and all of which leave toxic chlorine residues behind after
they decompose.

6% Beauty Salon Hydrogen Peroxide

Everyone has heard of the bottle blond! These products
contains an activator that makes them effective bleaching
Legally, according to Department of Transportation regulations, any hydrogen peroxide that is concentrated to
8% or greater is classified as an oxidizer and must be
treated as a hazardous material.
30% Technical Grade

Be cautious around products with proprietary formulas or

proprietary manufacturing processes.

One of the major industrial uses of hydrogen peroxide is in

the bleaching of cotton textiles and, to a lesser extent, wool,
silk, and certain vegetable fibers. At the turn of the century
(1900) a large market for hydrogen peroxide was the bleaching of straw hats which were very much in vogue. It is also
used to bleach chemical pulps, in linoleum and to improve
the color of certain waxes and oils. In addition, hydrogen

Be cautious around products that do not clearly document

the amount (%) of hydrogen peroxide that they contain.
Do not be fooled. Do not accept substitutes.


Add four tablespoons (two ounces) of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide to one gallon of milk, water or other beverage in order to meet the Federal Governments Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) concentration of 0.05%.
(500 parts per million) There are 128 ounces in each gallon. Four tablespoons equal two ounces. Two ounces at 3% diluted by 128 ounces (2x3%/128) equals 0.046875%. Eight eight-ounce glasses per day is good for health maintenance.
Daily consumption of 3/4 of a gallon (96 ounces, 12-8 ounce glasses, or approximately 3 liters) is considered by many practitioners to provide a therapeutic amount of hydrogen peroxide.

Hydrogen peroxide is important to human metabolism

because it is hydrogen peroxide. You cannot expect a completely different chemical compound to perform the same
functions as hydrogen peroxide. If you look at the ingredient list, you will find ingredients such as magnesium peroxide, sodium chlorite, or various make believe words such
as stabilized oxygen or anaerocidal oxygen or stabilized electrolytes of oxygen which can never provide the
benefits that can be provided by food grade hydrogen peroxide.

Im just trying to help in any way I can, because no one should have to go through what I went
through - numbing devastation and fear. If this helps you, please spread the word! Thank God!!
Wow! Im still shocked it worked and it took only a week! How is it possible that people dont
know about this is beyond me. Over the period of two years, two cancerous growths appeared on
my face (nose). One of them was growing very slow, the other one faster. Then in less than a year,
another one appeared on my face as well - on the other side of my nose, very close to my eye. That
one was growing at an alarming rate. All those growths hurt with unusual intensity when touched
and had tiny veins, but they were not moles. They were kind of the color of my skin except more
red and at times really red. I was getting worried and felt helpless. I begged God to help me and I
searched a lot. I found this great site and read that there have been reports that hydrogen peroxide
cured melanoma. At first it didnt seem to have any effect at all. I was getting so worried by that
point because the spot close to my eye was growing even faster and by then it was about five millimeters in diameter and just a few months ago it was a tiny spot.
How I used it:
I took a cotton swab and soaked it in hydrogen peroxide and kept rubbing the cancerous growth
with the hydrogen peroxide soaked cotton swab until the growth was white. It stung badly, but
I didnt care, I just wanted these things gone. I was so desperate, my eyes watered every time
I looked at the spots on my face. After soaking and making it white, apply a cotton ball soaked in
hydrogen peroxide on the growth, and when the cotton gets dry, wet it with more hydrogen
peroxide. The soaked cancerous growth, after a while, formed a crust much like what happens in
a normal sore. The strangest thing is I see no scars. It flattened it out like it was never there,
IN A WEEK!!! Even the fastest growing one! Im still in shock. I tried so many things. Thank
God! Thank God!
John from Birmingham, Alabama (3-3-2007)

A dermatologist diagnosed a spot on my wifes face as a non-cancerous tumor and he made an
appointment for her to have it removed by a surgeon. He said it should be done soon so it would
not leave a larger scar. It had been coming up and bleeding with just a slight touch for about two
months. We had just heard about your experiences with hydrogen peroxide so she called the
surgeon and cancelled the appointment and started using the 3% hydrogen peroxide on it and it
became smaller and smaller. When we received the 12% she used it a few times. Within six weeks
time it was gone with no scar. Cost less than $1.00... compared to what the surgeon would have
charged and NO SCAR.
ECHO Newsletter, Volume I, Number III


35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide

This grade is approved for use in the food industry as a nontoxic disinfectant. Added to water, it is sprayed on cheese,
eggs, vegetables, fruits and whey products to keep them free
of unwanted bacteria. It is also used to disinfect aseptic food
containers (milk and juice boxes). It is also an ingredient in
contact lens cleaners, eye drops, aloe vera extracts, mouthwashes and tooth-whitening products. In addition, food
grade hydrogen peroxide is used in the dairy industry as a
disinfectant and bactericide. Luckily, the FDA is unlikely to
remove hydrogen peroxide from the marketplace because,
without it, the agriculture and food processing industries
would pretty much come to a standstill. This is not to say
that the FDA isnt going to try (See Section Two!!!)

1) with alkalis to form peroxides.

2) with potassium iodide, in the presence of ferrous sulfate,
to release iodine.
3) with lead sulfide (PbS - brown) to form lead sulfate
(PbSO4 - white). This is sometimes used to brighten oil
paintings that have darkened with age.
4) with lead dioxide to form lead oxide.
5) with sulfites to form sulfates (in alkaline solutions)
6) with nitrites to form nitrates
7) with arsenites to form arsenates
8) with ferrous compounds to form ferric compounds.
9) with chromic compounds to form chromates.
10) with permanganates in acid solution to form manganous
compounds plus oxygen of twice the volume available from
the hydrogen peroxide
11) with dichromate in cold acid solution to form perchromic acid.
12) with titanic salt solutions to form pertitanic acid.
(Van Nostrands Scientific Encyclopedia, 4th ed., page 873)

90% Hydrogen Peroxide

This grade is actually used by the military and in space
exploration as a propulsion source for rocket fuel. It has
been used as a propellant in both the U.S. and British military for over fifty years, primarily in torpedoes and missiles.
It was also used by NASA in Mercury spacecraft and other
programs. It is a highly unstable conpound that can explode
unless handled very carefully.
(David Andrews, Advantages of Hydrogen Peroxide as a
Rocket Oxidant, Journal of The British Interplanetary
Society, Volume 43, Number 7, July 1990, pages 319-328)
99.6% Hydrogen Peroxide
This grade was first made in 1954 as an experiment to see
how pure hydrogen peroxide could be made.

When you look at how hydrogen peroxide is used in industry, you can see its obvious benefits in health when it is used
in the human body. In industry, hydrogen peroxide is used
to oxidize hydrogen sulfide, mercaptans, amines, aldehydes,
chlorine, reduced sulfur compounds (thiosulfates, sulfites,
sulfides), cyanides, nitrites, and hydrazine. Hydrogen peroxide is also used to hydrolyze formaldehyde, carbon disulfide, carbohydrates, organophosphates and nitrogen compounds and numerous water soluble polymers. With the
assistance of metallic catalysts (iron, copper, manganese)
hydrogen peroxide can detoxify phenols, BTEX pesticides,
solvents, plasticizers, and virtually any other organic compound. Hydrogen peroxide helps to break complex organic
compounds into smaller, less toxic, biodegradable fragments. Hydrogen peroxide is used to remove biogrowth
or microbial slime that blocks the drainage pipes in septic system leach fields. If hydrogen peroxide can do all that,
dont you think it might help you clean the crap out of your

Hydrogen peroxide is effective in very minute amounts.

Please take a look at the information below. Please realize
that 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide is actually quite
concentrated compared to the amounts that are found naturally in food and rain and spring water. It can be diluted by
a factor of 1,000 and still be strong enough to disinfect your
swimming pool or hot tub!
Concentration added to sanitize water supplies by many
30 parts per million = 0.003%
Concentration needed to disinfect swimming pool or hot
30-100 parts per million = 0.003%- 0.01%
Most common concentration given intravenously:
375 parts per million = 0.0375%


Add four tablespoons (two ounces) of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide to one gallon of milk, water or other beverage in order to meet the Federal Governments Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) concentration of 0.05%.
(500 parts per million) There are 128 ounces in each gallon. Four tablespoons equal two ounces. Two ounces at 3% diluted by 128 ounces (2x3%/128) equals 0.046875%. Eight eight-ounce glasses per day is good for health maintenance.
Daily consumption of 3/4 of a gallon (96 ounces, 12-8 ounce glasses, or approximately 3 liters) is considered by many practitioners to provide a therapeutic amount of hydrogen peroxide.

peroxide is used to de-ink waste paper in the recycling

process. These industries like using hydrogen peroxide
because it is environmentally friendly. When hydrogen peroxide decomposes, it yields only water and oxygen.
Hydrogen peroxide, when added to industrial and residential
sewage and wastewaters, is able to kill harmful pathogens,
making effluents safe for the environment. Hydrogen peroxide removes toxic and foul smelling pollutants from
industrial gas streams and can also limit chlorine concentrations in water supplies. Hydrogen peroxide is used in the
production of a wide variety of organic and inorganic chemicals, as well as in the manufacture of household bleaches.
Hydrogen peroxide is also used in the mining industry.
Hydrogen peroxide reacts...

Heres a remedy that no one may have thought of -- a treatment for tinea cruris, commonly
known as jock itch. I had an issue with this for several months and during this period, several times
a week, I used Cruex and other over-the-counter options to eliminate it, spending $20 to $30 to no
avail. I knew hydrogen peroxide was effective in killing bacteria so, as a last resort, I cut the 3%
grade 50%, just like the mouth wash, and used it. In two days the itch and soreness was gone! No
joke. Total cost: 20
Joe from Somerville, New Jersey (2-4-2007)

Gargling with hydrogen peroxide cured my peritonsillar abscess. I was facing a very painful
procedure to drain a peritonsillar abscess and I read on a different site that gargling with hydrogen
peroxide sometimes helps. I did two gargles about two minutes apart. Less than ten minutes later
I coughed up (I know, GROSS) a whole bunch of blood and pus. Instantly, my throat felt better.
Brandee from Longwood, Florida (1-1-2007)

G.F. from Illinois writes that her son developed a severe case of folliculitis (inflammation of the
hair follicles) over his buttocks and down his legs. She spent $50 on a dermatologist visit, plus
another $60 on prescription salve. The condition took three weeks to clear up. After receiving the
information about hydrogen peroxide and buying some food grade, her daughter developed a
severe case of folliculitis from shaving her legs with a dull razor. She mixed up a 3% solution of
hydrogen peroxide, applied it with a cotton ball and it cleared up in three days.
ECHO Newsletter, Volume II, Number III, Winter 1987


3% Food-Grade-Hydrogen-Peroxide is 60 times more

concentrated than the government says is safe and
effective. 3% hydrogen peroxide is 1000 times more
concentrated than the minimum needed to disinfect your
swimming pool or hot tub. More is not better!
Be patient. Be consistent. Keep your bodily levels high
enough to kill pathogenic organisms, but nowhere near
high enough to kill you! All you need is enough. More is
NOT better. There is no benefit to using too much. The
point of using hydrogen peroxide is to overwhelm the
weaker anti-oxidant defenses of pathogenic bacteria,
viruses, fungi, yeast, mold and parasites while NOT
damaging your own healthy bodily tissues.

Concentration recognized by the FDA as safe to add to

fish eggs in order to prevent fungal growth (Perox-Aid):
500 parts per million = 0.05%
Concentration that I personally drink:
500 parts per million = 0.05%
Concentration used to shock a swimming pool:
875 parts per million = 0.0875%


Concentration (purported) of the healing water at
2,500 parts per million = 0.25%

The primary factors that contribute to the degradation of
hydrogen peroxide are increased temperature, increased
alkalinity, contamination (especially from metals such as
iron, copper, silver, manganese, etc.), and to a lesser degree,
exposure to ultraviolet light. Lower concentrations are
extremely stable and decompose at the rate of less than 1%
per year. Hydrogen peroxide will keep for years, but it is
guaranteed to NOT provide any benefit if you leave it in the
bottle. Dont store it. USE IT!

Foot soak using 3 gallons of water and one quart of 3%:

2,500 parts per million = 0.25%
Concentration of drinking water fed to experimental animals to successfully treat tumors:
4500 parts per million = 0.45%
Concentration often recommended by health practitioners in purging protocols:
5,000 parts per million = 0.5%

Keep hydrogen peroxide out of the reach of children. Never

transfer hydrogen peroxide into unlabeled or improperly
labeled containers. Store hydrogen peroxide in a cool, dark
place. Under 68o F is best. Wrap the bottle in black plastic
and label it clearly. You can store 35% in the freezer, but
there is no need to. Lower concentrations (12%, 8%, 3%)
will turn slushy or freeze and should NOT be stored in the
freezer. Do not leave containers open. It is possible that,
over time, water can evaporate from the container, which
may cause the concentration of hydrogen peroxide to
increase to unknown, possibly dangerous levels.

Concentration used by the Birdman of Alcatraz:

7,500 parts per million = 0.75%
Highest concentration given intravenously:
7,500 parts per million = 0.75%
Concentration approved by the FDA for mouthwash and
15,000 parts per million = 1.5%

Properly stored hydrogen peroxide (3%) is extremely stable.

Higher concentrations (35%) decompose about 1% per year.
As highly concentrated hydrogen peroxide degrades into
water and oxygen gas, it begins to exert pressure in the
container in which it is stored. For this reason, it may not be
wise to store hydrogen peroxide in a glass bottle, unless the
cap is specially designed to release any pressure buildup.

Concentration approved by the FDA for topical application as a disinfectant on the skin:
30,000 parts per million = 3%
Concentration that the FDA has warned people about
and recommends people should not drink (Duh!):
350,000 parts per million = 35%
Hydrogen peroxide can disinfect your swimming pool or hot
tub at a minimum concentration of 30 parts per million.
The Federal Government says that it is safe to add hydrogen
peroxide to milk and fish eggs (see the next pages), in a
concentration of 500 parts per million. Why would you
want to do more?? At 500 parts per million, hydrogen
peroxide will kill bacteria, viruses, fungus, mold, and
parasites while it is safe for humans.

If you have any artificial parts in your body, you must

seriously consider the risks of using hydrogen peroxide.
No one really knows what these risks are.
An extremely rare condition known as acatalasia
[no catalase in the blood] has been observed in Japan.
(J.B. Stanbury, J.B. Wyngaarden and D.S. Fredericksen, The
Metabolic Basis of Inherited Disease, Chapter 44,


Add four tablespoons (two ounces) of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide to one gallon of milk, water or other beverage in order to meet the Federal Governments Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) concentration of 0.05%.
(500 parts per million) There are 128 ounces in each gallon. Four tablespoons equal two ounces. Two ounces at 3% diluted by 128 ounces (2x3%/128) equals 0.046875%. Eight eight-ounce glasses per day is good for health maintenance.
Daily consumption of 3/4 of a gallon (96 ounces, 12-8 ounce glasses, or approximately 3 liters) is considered by many practitioners to provide a therapeutic amount of hydrogen peroxide.

Concentration recognized by the Code of Federal

Regulations as safe to add to milk during the making of
500 parts per million = 0.05%

I should explain that when I first wrote to you for the information on the hydrogen peroxide, I was
practically bedridden. I have a longstanding heart condition which deteriorated badly four years
ago. My heart surgeon wished to operate, but did not think I was strong enough to survive the eight
hours under anesthesia. Before the deterioration in my heart condition, I had been waiting for a
hip replacement and this operation, too, was postponed. I had been out very little in the past few
years. A walk of 200 yards exhausted me completely. In the home, I could not manage stairs very
well, and even short trips in my car tired me. Most of my life was spent lying in a recliner. I could
sew a little, but knitting tired me too much. I never thought about the hip, I did too little on my
feet for it to be a problem any more. I have kept a daily record of my progress from the 20th of
June, but to sum it up briefly: I have been taking three teaspoons of 6% hydrogen peroxide in three
doses since June 20th. By the end of June I was taking my dog for short walks each day and had
begun to do my own cooking and housework. By mid July I was taking long walks daily, no
breathlessness, no hip pain -I discarded my walking stick. In August I was able to wash, hang out
and iron clothes, etc., and at the end of the month, I spent a week away from home demonstrating
craftwork at a Midlands leather museum. On September 1, I swam in the sea (the last time I was
able to swim was over 13 years ago in 1977). I have been in the sea on most days since and shall
continue to swim daily. Yesterday I played my first game of tennis in 25 years (badly, but I played)
and tomorrow Im off to Tywyn to choose a mountain bike. I cant remember the last time I cycled.
I havent seen a doctor or the specialist who has been looking after me since last May. I cant wait
to hear their comments when I next see them. Truly, for me, hydrogen peroxide has transformed
my life. I hadnt really realized just how ill I was. It was only when I began to feel well that I
appreciated how weak I had been. I am 53 now and I can honestly say that I feel better than I have
felt for 30 years.
ECHO Newsletter, Volume IV, Number V, Summer 1992

F.M. of Missouri writes: A few weeks ago our German Shepherd dog was bitten on the foreleg by
a copperhead snake. They are a poisonous snake common here in the Ozarks. In just a few
minutes the entire leg was swollen to twice its normal size. The dogs respiration rate became
extremely rapid and labored. Her body temperature, as evidenced by feeling her mouth, became
high. She appeared to be in extreme distress and unable to move. We were unable to reach our vet
and we thought the dog was going to die. In desperation we decided to try hydrogen peroxide.
My wife poured a large shot of Dr. Donsbachs Cherry Berry Super Oxy Plus in a glass and we
dumped it in the dog. We guess there was about three ounces. In about ten minutes the respiration
rate came down, body temperature seemed to drop and the dog wagged its tail. Although the
swelling persisted for several days, the dog came back to normal.
ECHO Newsletter, Volume III, Number VI, Winter 1990-1991



In countless numbers of medical research studies it has been

clearly established that external and internal use of hydrogen
peroxide in dilute aqueous solutions is completely safe and
non-toxic. The only problems occur when too highly concentrated solutions are accidentally consumed or spilled.

I would greatly appreciate your feedback

(good and bad), suggestions, observations,
experiences, information and recommendations.
I am constantly updating this book
and I would love to include your input.

Diluting with large amounts of water is the basis of all emergency/accident procedures.

Please dont be afraid to call me directly.

If you have any questions, I can be contacted directly at:

Any use of hydrogen peroxide should never cause any pain

of any kind. Even a tingling sensation means that you are
using hydrogen peroxide in a concentration that is too high.
Stomach irritation has occurred in some cases when hydrogen peroxide was consumed with well water which had a
high iron content. When these people switched from well
water to distilled water, the stomach irritation ceased.

James Paul Roguski

(310) 619-3055

If hydrogen peroxide is accidentally spilled on the skin,

flush the area immediately with large amounts of water.
Skin contact with very concentrated hydrogen peroxide (8%
and above) may cause a whitening under the skin. This is
simply trapped oxygen and usually returns to normal without any damage. Blistering may occur if contact continues
for long periods.

Thank you for reading this book.

Please take a look at my first book

If hydrogen peroxide is accidentally ingested in a quantity or

concentration that is greater than recommended, drink large
amounts of water in order to dilute it. NEVER induce vomiting. This can cause the hydrogen peroxide to enter the
lungs. If stomach bloating is excessive or if there is severe
pain, a tube should be inserted by emergency personel in
order to relieve the gas pressure.


If hydrogen peroxide accidentally gets into the eyes, immediately flush with large amounts of water.

and also visit

Your Doctor Is A Liar!


Hydrogen peroxide fumes can be highly concentrated. The

warning sign is a stinging sensation in the sinuses or eyes. If
this occurs, ventilate the area and leave the area.


FDA considers the potential exposure to hazardous chemicals in workplaces to be under the jurisdiction of the
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA),
Department of Labor. Under the recommendation of the
American Conference of Governmental and Industrial
hygienists, OSHA has adopted 1ppm or 1.4 milligrams per
cubic meter of air as the permissible exposure to 90 percent
hydrogen peroxide in workroom air
(Federal Register, Volume 46, Number 6, January 9, 1981)




Add four tablespoons (two ounces) of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide to one gallon of milk, water or other beverage in order to meet the Federal Governments Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) concentration of 0.05%.
(500 parts per million) There are 128 ounces in each gallon. Four tablespoons equal two ounces. Two ounces at 3% diluted by 128 ounces (2x3%/128) equals 0.046875%. Eight eight-ounce glasses per day is good for health maintenance.
Daily consumption of 3/4 of a gallon (96 ounces, 12-8 ounce glasses, or approximately 3 liters) is considered by many practitioners to provide a therapeutic amount of hydrogen peroxide.


I tried the hydrogen peroxide remedy for acne and it has been simply amazing! I was in the bath
one evening and I had a bad flare up on my right cheek of probably about five or six pimples that
I had popped. I got out some hydrogen peroxide and poured a bit on to a piece of tissue paper and
held it to my cheek for roughly ten minutes. The stuff literally flattened all those inflamed pimples
I had which felt super smooth. I was so relieved. I thought, hey... Im going to try this every day!
I rub the solution on my face about three times per day. My face is so clear now with no pimples.
I have a history of red marks left over from ten years of acne and the hydrogen peroxide has
lightened them significantly and its only been about a week since Ive been doing it. If I get a
breakout, I hold a soaked cotton ball to the area for a few minutes, then later on the redness is gone
and the pimple is flat. I love this stuff and I think all acne sufferers should try it. Works so fast!!!
Ella from Alberta, Canada (9-14-2007)


Appendix B
Members of the
American College for Advancement in Medicine.
According to their online profiles,
these practitioners provide
Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy.

If you have a serious ailment, dont fool around. Go ahead,
follow all of the advice in this book, but realize that this
information is designed to maintain your health. You need
to find a QUALIFIED medical doctor to guide you to
improved health.
Hydrogen peroxide can be administered by intravenous infusion to help improve a wide range of health conditions.
Many studies have shown that intravenous hydrogen peroxide will kill bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites and has also
been shown to destroy certain tumors. Hydrogen peroxide
can be considered a universal agent which can almost
always be tried for an illness, often with remarkable success.
Many different pathological conditions seem to respond to
intravenous therapy.
If you have a serious ailment, seek out a properly trained
physician who has been taught exactly how to safely administer hydrogen peroxide intravenously. Qualified practitioners are taught a very specific protocol. They use hydrogen peroxide that is prepared in a very specific way. To prepare the intravenous solutions, many physicians start with
30% reagent grade hydrogen peroxide. The 30% solution is
diluted with an equal amount of distilled water to make a
15% solution. This 15% solution is passed through a
Millipore 0.22mm medium flow filter for removal of particulate matter. One quarter of a milliliter of the 15% hydrogen peroxide is added to 100ml of 5% dextrose in water.
This results in a 0.0375% hydrogen peroxide, 5% dextrose
solution that is then used in the intravenous solutions.
Some practitioners add other ingredients. Magnesium is
commonly added because it seems to reduce the possibility
of irritations at the injection site. Vitamin C is NOT added.
The final solution is given intra-venously or intra-arterially.
DO NOT try this at home!
The hydrogen peroxide therapy procedure is very simple.
The combination is administered slowly, by intravenous
infusion, over 90 to 120 minutes. When properly performed,
hydrogen peroxide therapy is comfortable, safe and effective. Hydrogen peroxide therapy has a cumulative effect so
that each treatment builds on and enhances the effects of previous treatments. For acute problems, frequent treatment
may be necessary initially.

Be aware that many medical professionals are unfamiliar

with the proper protocols that enable one to safely and
effective administer hydrogen peroxide intravenously.
Many medical professionals argue that hydrogen peroxide
can damage the veins. As with any intravenous procedure,
this is possible, but it can only occur if the procedure is not
performed according to the proper protocols. Many have
been grossly misinformed and they believe that such therapy will result in creation of a gas embolism which might
cause a stroke as a result of gas bubbles traveling to the
brain. This problem is caused by nitrogen gas, not hydrogen
peroxide. Others inaccurately believe that hydrogen peroxide is a free radical and can cause oxidative damage. Simply
not true. These opinions are erroneous and are based on
misinformation and/or ignorance on their part.
During and after the procedure, many people experience a
sense of well being or a gentle floating sensation. Some,
who have lung problems, may experience a mild fizzy
sensation in their chest. Since your blood contains more
oxygen during and immediately after hydrogen peroxide
therapy, some people notice improved skin color. If your
blood was drawn at this time, it would appear more bright
red than usual due to the increased oxygen content. You
may leave the clinic after completion of the hydrogen peroxide therapy. It will not interfere with your ability to drive.
Some patients receiving intravenous hydrogen peroxide
therapy often report that lights and colors seem to be
brighter. They also experience improved mental clarity,
mild feelings of euphoria and elation, easier breathing and a
sense of relaxation. These responses begin about ten to fifteen minutes after the start of intravenous hydrogen peroxide therapy. The reaction can last for as long as five to six
hours after the infusion has ended.
We have given intravenous infusions of hydrogen
peroxide in a variety of pathological conditions. Infection,
allergy reactions, flu syndromes and other toxic
phenomena had rapid improvement from their morbid
state with infusion of hydrogen peroxide without further
treatment. No distinct group of patients or classifications
of disease at this time can be considered the proper
selections. Since intravenous infusions of hydrogen
peroxide provide oxygenation to highly toxic tissue, kill or
inhibit certain bacteria, yeast, viruses, protozoa and
parasites, and, since it has a stimulatory effect on the
immune system, many different pathological conditions
seem to respond to intravenous peroxide therapy.
(Charles H. Farr, M.D., Ph.D.)

Andrea Angelucci
San Diego, California 92109
(518) 879-4144

Tracey Pinkston, MD
Gulf Breeze, Florida 32561
(850) 934-8138

Vigilanda Solijon, MD
Grand Terrace, California 92313
(909) 783-2773

Watson Alternative Health, MD

Milton, Florida 32570
(850) 623-3836

Allan Sosin
Irvine, California 92618
(949) 600-5100

Robert Erickson, MD
Gainesville, Florida 32606
(352) 331-5138

Carmelo A. Plateroti, DO, BPCT

Atascadero, California 93422
(805) 462-2262

Jack Young, MD, PhDm, APCT, H

Mount Dora, Florida 32757
(352) 385-4400

Howard Press, MD
Carmel Valley, California 93924
(831) 659-2172

Kirti Kalidas, MD, ND

Orlando, Florida 32819
(407) 355-9246

Deepta Saxeena, MD
Fremont, California 94536
(510) 790-2144

Chris Enriquez, MD, BPCT

Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33317
(954) 583-3335

Frank Shallenberger, MD, HMD

Carson City, California 89703
(775) 884-3990

Evangeline Lopez, MD
San Jose, California 95125
(408) 569-8863
(408) 885-0840

Eugene Lee, MD
Tampa, Florida 33606
(813) 251-3089
(813) 251-3096

Joseph Sciabbarrasi
Los Angeles, California 90025
(310) 268-8466

Robert Rowan, MD
Santa Rosa, California 95402
(707) 578-7787

John Monhollon, MD
Sarasota, Florida 34221
(727) 399-8600
(941) 955-6220

Ilona Abraham, MD
Encino, California 91316
(818) 345-8721

Terri Su, MD
Santa Rosa, California 95403
(707) 578-7787

Stephen Danielsen, ND
Thousand Oaks, California 91360
(805) 857-0749

Ron Kennedy, MD
Santa Rosa, California 95403
(707) 576-0100

Salvacion Lee, ND
Studio City, California 91604
(818) 505-1574

Bernard McGinity, MD
Carmichael, California 95608
(916) 485-4556

Hitendra Shah, MD
Diamond Bar, California 91765
(909) 860-2610


Ralph Luciani
Phoenix, Arizona 85021
(602) 242-4024
Bruce Shelton, MD
Phoenix, Arizona 85022
(602) 504-1000
Charles Schwengel
Mesa, Arizona 85203
(877) 668-1448
Kristy Anderson, ND
Mesa, Arizona 85206
(480) 985-0000
Laurence Grey
Chandler, Arizona 85225
(602) 999-8118
(905) 725-7000

David Howe, MD, BPCT

El Cajon, California 92021
(619) 440-7787
Les Breitman, MD
Oceanside, California 92054
(760) 439-9955

Alan Sault, MD
Sarasota, Florida 34239
(941) 957-4500
(941) 330-0564
Milton Fried, APCT, ABCMT
Atlanta, Georgia 30360
(770) 451-4857

Jonathon Singer
Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111
(303) 488-0034
Alexander Thermos
Lakewood, Colorado 80215

Alan Thai, MD
Kapaau, Hawaii 96755
(808) 889-5556
Richard Lippman
Honolulu, Hawaii 96816
(808) 373-3034


Juergen Winkler, MD
Oceanside, California 92054
(760) 439-9955

Deborah Viglione, MD
Gulf Breeze, Florida 32561
(850) 623-3836
(850) 934-8138

Stephen Thornburgh, DO
Nampa, ID 83651
(208) 466-3517

Terrill Haws, DO
Arlington Heights, Illinois 60005
(847) 577-9451

David Nebbeling, DO
Lansing, Michigan 48917

George Keanna, DDS, FIND, CJN, DANLA
Ralph J. Luciani, DO, MS, PhD, MD(H)
Lori Eanes, DO
1100 Lead Avenue, SE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106
(877) 392-8533
(505) 292-8533

Robert LaCava, MD
Elgin, Illinois 60123
(847) 695-6262

Rushikesh Mehta, MD
Purvis, Mississippi 39475
(601) 794-3777



Randee Miller, MSN, APRN, BC

Carmel, Indiana 46032
(317) 298 3850

Bonnie Friehling, MD
Columbia, Missouri 65203
(573) 446-1200

Linda Spencer, CPNP, FNCP

Indianapolis, Indiana 46254
(317) 298-3850


Wolfgang Haese, MD, DTM, APCT

Las Cruces, New Mexico 88012
(505) 373-8415

Dan Carter, ND
Bozeman, Montana 59715
(406) 586-2392


Marvin Dziabis, MD, PC

North Manchester, Indiana 46962
(260) 982-1400
Charles Turner, MD
Lafayette, Indiana 47909
(765) 471-1100
Alan Weiner, DO
Portland, Maine 04101
(207) 828-8080
Mark Silvieri, MD
Laurel, Maryland 20708
(301) 490-9911

John Neustadt, ND
Bozeman, Montana 59718
(406) 582-0034
Christine White
Missoula, Montana 59801
(406) 542-2147
Robert Milne, MD
Las Vegas, Nevada 89106
(702) 385-1393
Thomas Lee, ND
Reno, Nevada 89502
(928) 767-4743
(775) 284-4700

Paul Beals, MD, BPCT

Laurel, Maryland 20708
(301) 490-9911



Julia Greenspan, ND
Hollis, New Hampshire 03049
(603) 249-6783

Barry Elson, MD
Northampton, Massachusetts 01060
(413) 584-7787



David Fornfeld, DO
Middletown, New Jersey 07748
(732) 671-3730

Rodney Moret, MD, CA

Madison Heights, Michigan 48071
(248) 547-2223
Rick, Ng
West Bloomfield, Michigan 48322
(248) 851-1600

Philomena Marcus, AP, RN, BC

Albuquerque, New Mexico 87123
(505) 298-1024

Michael Schachter, MD
Suffern, New York 10901
(845) 368-4700
Gary Jean-Baptiste, MD
Brooklyn, New York 11217
(718) 398-8000
Richard Linchitz, MD
Glen Cove, New York 11542
(516) 759-4200
Christopher Calapai, DO
East Meadow, New York
(516) 794-0404
David Borenstein, MD
Hicksville, New York 11801
(516) 749-6447
(718) 758-1650
Robert Barnes, DO
Cheektowaga, New York, 14225
(716) 679-3510
Rashid Buttar, DO
Hunterville, North Carolina 28078
(704) 895-9355

Scott Greenberg, MD
Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08003
(856) 424-8222
(609) 238-3717
Stanley Hartanowicz, MD
Toms River, New Jersey 08753
(732) 255-8880
(732) 300-4224

Barbara Singer, DO
Lancaster, Ohio 43130
(740) 653-0017
Theodore Cole, MD
Cincinnati, Ohio 45241
(513) 563-4321



Charles D. Taylor, MD
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73118
(405) 525-7751

Joel Mack, NP
Frisco, Texas 75034
(972) 334-9900
(214) 619-1313

Gerald Wootan, DO, BOCT, M. Ed.

Jenks, Oklahoma 74133
(918) 299-9447
(918) 698-7735
Lance Hightower, DC
Tulsa, Oklahoma 94147
(918) 828-9011

John Ferrell, MD
Frisco, Texas 75034
(972) 334-9900
(214) 619-1350
Smart Idemudia, MD
Lewisville, Texas 75067
(972) 420-6777

Jose Saenz
El Paso, Texas 79904
(915) 613-4719
Francisco Soto, MD
El Paso, Texas 79912
(915) 581-2273
Rachel Burnett, ND
Salt Lake City, Utah 84111
(801) 363-8824

Victoria Lutskovsky, ND
Hilsboro, Oregon 97123
(503) 844-6667
Jeffrey Tyler, MD
Portland, Oregon 97220
(503) 255-4256
Virginia Osborne, BSN, ND
Portland, Oregon 97223
(503) 805-3438
(503) 697-0725
Terence Young, MD
Salem, Oregon 97304
(503) 371-1558
John Gambee, MD
Junction City, Oregon 97448
(541) 998-0111

Robert Gilbard, MD
Rowlett, Texas 75088
(972) 463-1744

Leila Zachrison, MD
Fairfax, Virginia 22030
(703) 359-9300

V. John Gonino, DO
Rowlett, Texas 75089
(972) 475-1500

Mitchell A. Fleisher, MD, DHT

Nellysford, Virginia 22958
(434) 361-1896

Frank Setzler
Tyler, Texas 75701
(903) 526-2323

David Schwartz, MD
Louisa, Virginia 23093
(540) 967-2050

Patricia Braun, MD
Lindale, Texas 75771
(903) 881-1929


Barry Beaty, DO
Fort Worth, Texas 76107
(817) 737-6464


Gerald Harris, DO
Fort Worth, Texas 76109
(817) 336-4810

Martin Gallagher, MD, DC, DO

Jeannette, Pennsylvania 15644
(724) 523-5505

Lynn Jennings, MD
Wichita Falls, Texas 76308
(940) 322-2400

Adrian Hohenwarter, MD
Palmyra, Pennsylvania 17078
(717) 832-5993

Robert Battle, MD
Houston, Texas 77077
(713) 932-0552

Robert Peterson, DO
Newtown, Pennsylvania 18940
(215) 579-0330

Kazuko Curtin
Austin, Texas 78746
(512) 306-1920

Andrew Lipton, DO
Narberth, Pennsylvania 19072
(610) 667-4601

Jeff Baker
Austin, Texas 78746
(512) 306-1920


Stephen Dalton, DO
Lubbock, Texas 79424
(806) 792-8843

Stephen Reisman, MD
Nashville, Tennessee 37212
(615) 320-1175

Nazanin Kimiai
Kirkland, Washington 98034
(425) 823-8818
Ralph Golan, MD
Seattle, Washington 98115
(206) 524-8966
William Correll, MD
Spokane, Washington 99203
(509) 838-5800

Appendix B
Various purging schedules
that have been promoted over the years.

Purging schedule for 35%

Dilute the drops into 5 ounces of distilled water (total of 15 ounces per day)

amount(drops of 35%)



(actual amount of pure H2O2)

x 15oz. =
0.00525 ounces

For more serious problems you may stay at 25 drops, 3 times per day, for 1-3 weeks.
Next, graduate down to 25 drops, 2 times per day until the problem is taken care of.
This may take from 1-6 months. Dont give up.
Purging schedule for 3% & 8%
Get a gallon of distilled water, take out 20 ounces of water and replace with 20 ounces of 3% hydrogen peroxide,
yielding approximately a .5% solution or one half of one percent.
(20 ounces of 3% H2O2 contains .6 ounces of pure H2O2 and 19.4 ounces of water.
.6 divided by 128 ounces in a gallon yields .46875 % concentration of hydrogen peroxide
This is stronger than any concentration listed above for 35%!!)
If you are using 8%, remove 8 ounces of water and replace with 8% hydrogen peroxide to get exactly a 5% solution.
(8 ounces of 8% H2O2 contains .64 ounces of pure H2O2 and 19.36 ounces of water.
.64 divided by 128 ounces in a gallon yields .5 % concentration of hydrogen peroxide
This is stronger than any concentration listed above for 3% or for 35%!!)
1 ounce the 1st day
x 1 oz. =
0.005 ounces
2 ounces the 2nd day
x 2 oz. =
0.010 ounces
3 ounces the 3rd day
x 3 oz. =
0.015 ounces
4 ounces the 4th day
x 4 oz. =
0.020 ounces
5 ounces the 5th day
x 5oz. =
0.025 ounces
then try
5 ounces 3 times a day for 7 days
x 15oz. =
0.075 ounces
(This is the highest level ever recommended: it is a mere 75 thousandths of an ounce of pure H2O2 per day!)
5 ounces 2 times a day for 7 days
x 10oz. =
0.050 ounces
5 ounces once a day for 7 days
x 5oz. =
0.025 ounces
5 ounces once every other day for 7 days
5 ounces once every third day for 7 days
5 ounces once every fourth day for 7 days
If you find that the amounts are more than you can tolerate, then back off on the amount of intake until you feel that you are
at a comfortable level. Stay at that level until you get the results you are looking for.
Remember, persistence pays off.

Add four tablespoons (two ounces) of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide to one gallon of milk, water or other beverage in
order to meet the Federal Governments Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) concentration of 0.05%. (500 parts per
million) There are 128 ounces in each gallon. Four tablespoons equal two ounces. Two ounces at 3% diluted by 128 ounces
(2x3%/128) equals 0.046875%. Eight eight-ounce glasses per day is good for health maintenance. Daily consumption of 3/4
of a gallon (96 ounces, 12-8 ounce glasses, or approximately 3 liters) is considered by many practitioners to provide a
therapeutic amount of hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide does have a unique flavor and it may alter the taste of the beverage into which you mix it, so use your best judgement. I have successfully used natural lemon, orange, peppermint and
vanilla extract to improve the flavor of my water. Try It!

My personal recommendation is to go to your local hardware store and purchase a five gallon plastic bucket/pail with a tight
fitting, waterproof lid. Then go to your grocery store and purchase at least three gallons of distilled water. Come home, place
a thick beach towel on the floor in front of your most comfortable chair, place the plastic pail on top of the towel, pour three
gallons of distilled water into the bucket and then add one quart of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide. Stick your foot in the
bucket, sit down, and read a book, watch TV, play a video game or do whatever you want while you soak your foot. I personally like to soak only one foot at a time. Feel free to physically manipulate your feet while they are soaking. Use a nonmetallic fingernail file to clean under your toenails and around your cuticles while they are under water in order to get more
hydrogen peroxide under your nails. Use a loofa or other mild abrasive to help loosen dead skin cells. Use a pumice or other
device to remove a portion of any callouses, corns, etc. Massage your feet, wiggle your toes and scratch your skin to get as
much blood flowing as possible. When youve had enough, dry off your feet, put the lid on the bucket and store it someplace cool for the next night. You can most certainly reuse the foot soak water. Add more water or more hydrogen peroxide
as needed. After numerous soaks, use your best judgement as to when you should dump it all out and start with a fresh mixture. The used water is great for potted plants or for your garden or yard.

I personally, strongly suggest that you follow the official government/pharmaceutical advice and use 3% hydrogen peroxide
as a mouth rinse and gargle four times a day after meals and at bedtime. However, dont use the toxic, stabilized pharmacy
grade hydrogen peroxide, instead use only higher quality 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide. Using 3% food grade hydrogen
peroxide as an oral rinse and gargle four times a day is absolutely the best, simplest, safest and most instructive way to introduce yourself to using hydrogen peroxide. Its safe, its easy and its government approved. Your mouth will be much healthier, your teeth will be much whiter, and you will begin to become far more comfortable with the benefits of hydrogen peroxide in an introductory way which will give you confidence to use hydrogen peroxide in even more powerful ways. When
you use hydrogen peroxide, you are using the most fundamental ingredients of all human life - oxygen and water.


Take a small lid from a used water bottle, fill it with 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide and carefully place it over any small
area of skin that you want to treat. Hold it firmly for as long as you wish and let the hydrogen peroxide soak into the skin. If
you notice any tingling at all, stop immediately, remove the lid and flush with lots of water.

I strongly suggest that you use 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide on any kind of skin blemish. Use it on any kind of rash,
fungus, wart, etc. Use 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide anywhere your skin seems to need any kind of help. A very easy
way to do this is to spray your body immediately after leaving the shower. Just be careful to not get it into your eyes. I have
personally seen hydrogen peroxide work miracles on skin problems!

Appendix C
Please make hundreds of copies
of the following letter/list.
Give a copy to your relatives and friends
and tell them to make hundreds of copies also.
Mail them to your...
FDA Commissioner
State Senators
State Representatives
Every media outlet you can find.
(Newspaper, television, radio, internet blog, etc.)

Physically hand a copy to absolutely everyone


(Be sure to keep a clean copy for your future use)

The White House
The Office of the President
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC
(202) 456-1111
Find your senator at the website below, but send a letter to as many as you can!

Find your representative at the website below, but send a letter to as many as you can!

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

The Office of the Commissioner
(Andrew C. von Eschenbach, M.D.)
Room 14-71
5600 Fishers Lane
Parklawn Building/Mail Code:HF-1
Rockville, MD

Please also send letters to your state senators and representatives.

Please also send letters to your local news organizations as well as any national media.


Dear ___________________________
The following information has recently come to my attention and I would like to now
bring it to your attention.
Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide has been shown to be very beneficial in the treatment
of quite a large number of very serious diseases, such as cancer, heart disease,
emphysema and influenza. Unfortunately, the government, the medical establishment and
the news media have, at best, ignored this information and, at worst, systematically
attempted to hide this knowledge from the American public.
I want you to DO SOMETHING to expose this coverup.
Please understand that this is not merely my opinion. These are scientific facts!
Enclosed you will find an abbreviated list of peer-reviewed, scientific studies that have
been published in respected medical journals. They all document the benefits of various
treatment protocols using food grade hydrogen peroxide.
Why does our scientific community not conduct further experiments to learn more about
the work that has already been done by these admirable, pioneering scientists?
Why does our medical establishment ignore these treatments?
Why has the FDA blatantly denied that this information exists?
Why does the FDA prevent doctors from applying these treatments and
why does it attack those who do?
It is in your power to investigate this situation. Please do so ASAP.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this important matter.



Why is this information being ignored?

The references listed here are clear scientific proof
that Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide is beneficial
to human health. These experiments have been
conducted by qualified scientists at respected
medical and educational institutions throughout
the United States and the world. Their independent work has been ignored and has even been
denied by the powers that be in our government,
our medical establishment and by the news media.
Please take the time to learn a little bit more about
this travesty and how it may have important implications for your health, the health of your family
and friends, and quite literally, the health of our
country and our entire world!
A simple search via the National Institute of
Healths Pub Med system lists over 40,000
published studies in addition to these listed here!
(enter hydrogen peroxide as a search criteria)
A Method of Destroying a Malignant Rat Tumor In
Vivo, R.A. Holman, Nature, May 18, 1957, number 4568,
page 1033
The Use of Hydrogen Peroxide as a Source of Oxygen in
a Regional Intra-Arterial Infusion System, J.T. Mallams,
M.D., J.W. Finney, M.A. and G.A. Balla, M.D., Southern
Medical Journal, March 1962, volume 55.
Application of Hydrogen Peroxide Infusion to
Maxillary Cancer, Hiroshi Sasaki, Tadao Wakutani,
Sikayuki Oda and Yasuo Yamasaki, Yonago Acta Medica,
volume 11, number 3, pages 141-149
Role of Oxygen-Dependent Mechanisms in AntibodyInduced Lysis of Tumor Cells by Activated
Macrophages, Carl Nathan and Zanvil Cohn, J. Exp. Med,
Volume 152, July 1980, pages 198-208
Anti-Tumor Effects of Hydrogen Peroxide In Vivo,
Carl F. Nathan and Zanvil A. Cohn, J. Exp. Med., Volume
154, November, 1981, pages 1539-1553

Damage to Candida Albicans Hyphae and
Pseudohyphae by the Myeloperoxidase System and
Oxidative Products of Neutrophil Metabolism In Vitro,
Richard D. Diamond, Robert A. Clark and Christian C.
Haudenschild, J. Clin. Invest, November 1980, Volume 66,
pages 908-917
Killing of Aspergillus Fumigatus Spores and Candida
Albicans Yeast Phase by the Iron-Hydrogen PeroxideIodide Cytotoxic System: Comparison with the
Myeloperoxidase-Hydrogen Peroxide-Halide System,
Stuart M. Levitz and Richard D. Diamond, Infection and
Immunity, March, 1984, volume 43, number 3, pages 11001102)
Cardiac Resuscitation with Hydrogen Peroxide,
Harold C. Urschel, et. al., Supplement II to Circulation,
volumes XXXI and XXXII, October 1965.
Removal of Cholesterol and Other Lipids From
Experimental Animal and Human Atheromatous
Arteries by Dilute Hydrogen Peroxide, James W. Finney,
et. al., Angiology, April, 1966, volume 17, pages 223-228
Cardiovascular Effects of Hydrogen Peroxide: Current
Status, Harold C. Urschel, Jr., M.D., Diseases of the Chest,
February, 1967, volume 51, pages 180-192
Cerebrovascular Disease with Hydrogen Peroxide,
Harold C. Urschel, Jr., M.D., et. al., Vascular Surgery, volume 1, number 2, pages 77-81
Protection of the Ischemic Heart with DMSO Alone or
DMSO with Hydrogen Peroxide, J.W. Finney, et. al.,
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1967, volume 151, pages 231-241
Release of Hydrogen Peroxide by Granulocytes as a
Modulator of Platelet Reactions, Peter H. Levine, Ronald
S. Weinger, JoAnn Simon, Kristine L. Scoon and Norman I.
Krinsky, The Journal of Clinical Investigation, April, 1976,
volume 57, pages 955-963
Hydrogen Peroxide Elicits Pulmonary Arterial
Relaxation and Guanylate Cyclase Activation, Theresa
M. Burke and Michael S. Wolin, American Journal
Physiology, Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 1987, volume 252, issue 4, pages H721-H732

Effect of Hydrogen Peroxide on Developing Plaque and
Gingivitis in Man, Jan Wennstrom and Jan Lindhe,
Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 1979, volume 6, pages
Effects of Topical Hydrogen Peroxide on Caries
Incidence and Bacterial Agglomerate Formation in
Rats, R. Schmid, A.R. Firestone, and H.R. Muhlemann, J.
Dent. Res, July 1980, volume 59, number 7, page1173,
Endotoxin-Inactivating Potency of Hydrogen Peroxide:
Effect on Cell Growth, Frank A. DeRenzis, J. Dent. Res.,
May, 1981, volume 60, number 5, pages 933-935
Peroxide of Hydrogen and its Use in Ear Diseases,
Walter B. Johnson, M.D., The Journal of the American
Medical Association, October 29, 1892
The Use of Peroxide of Hydrogen in Diseases of the
Nose, Throat and Ear, W. Scheppegrell, A.M.M.D., The
Medical Record, August 8, 1896
The Use of Hydrogen Peroxide to Clear Blocked
Ventilation Tubes, Arnold K. Brennan, M.D., Ruth M.
Milner, M.A., Cynthia R. Weller, M.A., The American
Journal of Otology, January, 1986, volume 7, number 1,
pages 47-50
Intra-Arterial Hydrogen Peroxide in Experimental
Gas-Gangrene, B.M.L. Kapur and S.C. Arya, Ind. Jour.
Med. Res., December, 1967, volume 55, number 12, pages

Studies on the Parenteral Administration of Hydrogen

Peroxide, A.L. Lorincz, M.D., J.J. Jacoby, M.D. and H.M.
Livingstone, M.D., Anestaesiology, Volume 9, 1948, pages
The Supersaturation of Biologic Fluids With Oxygen by
the Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide, B.E. Jay, J.W.
Finney, G.A. Balla and J.T. Mallams, Texas Report Biol. &
Med., 1964, Volume 22, pages 106-109
Peripheral Blood Changes in Humans and
Experimental Animals Following the Infusion of
Hydrogen Peroxide into the Carotid Artery, J.W.
Finney, G.A. Balla, G.J. Race, and J.T. Mallams, Angiology,
1965, volume 16, pages 62-66
The Oxygenation of Blood by Hydrogen Peroxide: In
Vitro Studies, D.C. White and P.R. Teasdale, Brit. J.
Anaesth., 1966, Volume 38, pages 339-344
Comparison of Effects on Tissue Oxygenation of
Hyperbaric Oxygen and Intravascular Hydrogen
Peroxide., Norman B. Ackerman, M.D. and Floyd B.
Brinkley, B.S., Surgery, February, 1968, volume 63, number
2, pages 285-290
Extracorporeal Oxygenation with Hydrogen Peroxide,
John A. Awad, M.D. and Wilfrid M. Caron, M.D., Journal of
Surgical Research, August, 1969, Volume 9, number 8,
pages 487-491
Generation of Hydrogen Peroxide in Biomembranes,
T. Ramasarma, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1982,
Volume 694, pages 69-93
Formation and Reduction of a Peroxy Intermediate of
Cytochrome C Oxidase by Hydrogen Peroxide, John M.
Wrigglesworth, Biochem. J. , 1984, volume 217, pages 715719

Peroxide of Hydrogen as a Remedial Agent, I.N. Love,.
M.D., Journal of the American Medical Association, Volume
10, Number 9, March 3, 1888, pages 262-265

Peroxide of Hydrogen as a Hoemostatic, M.F. Coomes,

A.M.M.D., Louisville Medical Monthly, September, 1896

The Necessary Peroxide of Hydrogen, Robert T. Morris,

M.D., The Journal of the American Medical Association,
August 9, 1890, page 216

Hydrogen Peroxide as a Topical Hemostatic Agent,

Fred M. Hankin, M.D., et al., Clinical Orthopaedics and
Related Research, June, 1984, Number 186, pages 244-248

Some of the Uses of Peroxide of Hydrogen in General

Surgery, Thomas P. Manly, M.D., New England Medical
Monthly, December, 1892


Peroxide of Hydrogen, Warren Brown, M.D., The

Medical Sentinel of Portland, Oregon, February, 1896

Extracellular Cytolysis by Activated Macrophages and

Granulocytes - I. Pharmacologic Triggering of Effector
Cells and the Release of Hydrogen Peroxide, Carl F.
Nathan, Linda H. Brukner, Samuel C. Silverstein and Zanvil
A. Cohn, J. Exp. Med., January, 1979, volume 149, pages

Extracellular Cytolysis by Activated Macrophages and

Granulocytes - I. Hydrogen Peroxide as a Mediator of
Cytotoxicity, Carl F. Nathan, Linda H. Brukner, Samuel
C. Silverstein and Zanvil A. Cohn, J. Exp. Med., January,
1979, volume 149, pages 100-113


Hydrogen Peroxide Metabolism in Human Monocytes

During Differentiation In Vitro, Akira Nakagawara, Carl
F. Nathan and Zanvil A. Cohn, Journal Clin. Invest.,
November 1981, volume 68, pages 1243-1252

Use of Intra-Arterial Hydrogen Peroxide to Promote

Wound Healing, G.A. Balla, M.D., et. al., American
Journal of Surgery, November 1964, Volume 108, pages

The Peroxide of Hydrogen (Medicinal); An

Indespensable Wound Sterilizer, George H. Pierce,
M.D., New England Medical Monthly, November 1892

The Effect of Intra-Arterial Hydrogen Peroxide in
Rabbits Infected With Clostridum Perfringens, Bruce
E. Bradley, et. al., The Journal of Trauma, Volume 5,
Number 6, 1965
Killing and Lysis of Gram-negative Bacteria Through
the Synergistic Effect of Hydrogen Peroxide, Ascorbic
Acid and Lysozyme, T.E. Miller, Journal of Bacteriology,
June, 1969

The following monograph was never published in a peerreviewed journal, but it should definitely be reviewed by
anyone interested in learning about hydrogen peroxide.
The Therapeutic Use of Intravenous Hydrogen
Peroxide and its Adjunctive Use in EDTA Chelation
Therapy, Charles H. Farr, M.D., PhD., (A Review, Clinical
Experience and Experimental Protocol, 1986)

Hydrogen Peroxide Mediated Killing of Bacteria,

Dennis P. Clifford and John E. Repine, Molecular and
Cellular Biochemistry, 1982, volume 49, pages 143-149

For more detailed information, visit...

Influenzal Pneumonia: The Intravenous Injection of
Hydrogen Peroxide, T.H. Oliver, M.A., B.Ch. Cantab,
M.D., and D.V. Murphy, M.B., The Lancet, Feb 21, 1920,
pages 432-433
Vicarious Absorption of Oxygen in Pulmonary
Obstruction, R.A. Reid, M.D., The Massachusetts
Medical Journal, September, 1901
Killing of Blood-Stage Murine Malaria Parasites by
Hydrogen Peroxide, Hazel M. Dockrell and John H.L.
Playfair, Infection and Immunity, January, 1983, volume 39,
number 1, pages 456-459
On a Simple and Painless Treatment of Warts, M.
Manok, Cumulated Index Medicus, Hautarzt, September,
1961, volume 12:425, Germany


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