Analyse Exhibits 1 and 2 and Report Your Inferences.: Exhibit 1

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3. Analyse exhibits 1 and 2 and report your inferences.

Exhibit 1

It can be observed that majority of TFCs viewership (45%) comprising of

20.295 million viewers were in the age group of 35 to 54 years, yet there are
no proper marketing strategies in sync with this particular age group of
viewers. On the other hand, CNN and Lifetime have their USP in tapping the
Male segment (24.225 million) and the younger female demographics

(35.343 million) respectively, thereby buying in a lot of ads.

Further, 33% of the viewership belongs to age group segment 18 to 34 years
on which future marketing strategies are targeted. By catering to these
segments, the TFC Ad Sales Team could achieve CPM pricing increases from

25% to 75%, i.e. from 2 to 3.5 thereby increasing Ad Sales revenue.

In 54-74 age group segment, TFC had 4.62 million viewership. CNN was
dominating in this segment with 6 million viewership but as this isnt the

premium segment, high marketing and advertising campaign is not required.

Competitors of TFC have more viewer base than TFC (CNN and Lifestyle have
4.4 million and 3.3 million viewers each whereas TFC has only 1.1 million
viewers). This indicates that TFC can cover up more market share with better
promotional and segmenting strategies in place.

Exhibit 2
It shows the market research survey done by GFE associates which comprised of 21
questions among the 100 plus questions asked.

It can be noted that 65% of the viewers like to watch special TV programs on
current fashion and CNN and Lifetime showcasing special programs appeals
to its viewers. Lifetime features fashion programs only from 9 to 11 pm in a
day and still has captured more viewership than TFC. This shows that TFC
should improve on its content to add more value from the viewers

It may be noted that 55% of the respondents have shown interest in keeping
up with the latest fashion news which shows there is enough potential in the
viewership market for fashion based content.

Despite TFC being a solely fashion based channel, 42% of the respondents do
not consider it as the best fashion channel. This points towards the fact that
the promotional and marketing strategies have not been up to the mark and
the company needs to work on it.

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