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Your name: _____________________



You are going to watch a TED talk about suicide given by Kevin Briggs. Watch and complete the
missing information. Write NUMBERS or NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
Kevin used to work as a __________________ (1) in California.
According to Joseph Strauss, the structure of the Golden Gate Bridge makes it almost __________________ (2).
Officers working over the bridge are now being trained by __________________ (3) and _______________ (4)
Jason Garber told the story of the Pandoras box to indicate that his life is __________________ (5).
A suicidal person may show signs of hoplessness, __________________ (6), __________________ (7) and a loss of
interest in life.
Kevin believes that his grandfathers suicide made it impossible for him to __________________ (8).
Only __________________ (9) of the people who jumped off the bridge are __________________ (10).
Watch and listen for the synonyms of the following words in the extract.
1. __________________ = a piece of iron or steel that makes other metal objects move towards it
2. __________________ = an action which harms something or someone
3. __________________ = the time at which a situation starts to change in an important way
1. __________________ = to think of an idea, plan, solution or answer
2. __________________ = to support or defend a person
3. __________________ = to continue to do something

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