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Soil science

1. Sub soil has accumulation of Fe and Ai oxides ,humus and amorphous clays?
a. Spodosol

c. Vertisol

b. Ultisol

d. Oxisol

2. It is an organic soils?
a .Histosol

c. Mollis

b. Spodosol

d. Inseptisol

3. Is an highly weathred soil with B horizon containing mainly 1:1 (kaolinite) clays?
a. Entisol

c. Vertisol

b. Oxisol

d. Spodosol

4. Limited change in parent material due to dryness?

a. Alfisol

c. Oxisol



5. What is the actmixing of organic matter to the mineral matter thereby darkening the soil?
a. Melanization

c. Illuvation



6. Is the transfer and accumulation of calcium carbonate ( Ca Co3 ) in particular soil horizons?
a. Alkalization

c. Calcification

b. Delkalization

d. Desalination

7. Is the reaction of water which the mineral resulting in the elestraction of the original chemical structure
and the formation of acid and base?
a. Hydration

c. Sulotion

b. Carbonation

d. Hydrolysis

8. By virtue of its definition, no amount of organic matter added can alter soil texture since it is
determined by proportions of the in organic components namely?
a. Sand, silt, and clay

b. Sand, loam, and sandy loam

c. Clay loam, sandy clay loam, sandy

d. Silt. Sand .sandy clay loam

9. The attraction between water molecules is called?

a. Cohesion

c. Adhesion

b. Osmosis

d. All of the above

10. The water molecules and solid surfaces is called?

a. Osmosis

c. Cohesion

b. Adhesion

d. All of the above

11. Digest organic and mineral matter passing through their bodies as much as 30 tons per hectar per

a. Protozoa

c. Nematods

b. Bacteria

d. Earth worms

12.These organism also attack and simplify complex and resistant organic compounds such as cellulose,
chitin and phospholipids?
a. Bacteria
b. Nematods

c. Actinomycetes
d. Fungi

13. Are probably the most important soil organism in terms of their effect on soil?
a. Nematods

c. Earthworm

b. Bacteria

d. Fungi

14. Are the most adaptable and versatile of soil organism?

a. Fungi

c. Protozoa

b. Bacteria

d. Nematods

15. Is the movement of ions from a zone of high concentration to a zone of low concentration?
a. Contact exchange

c. Mass flow

b. Diffusion

d. All of the above

16. Is a process whereby nutrients are carried by mass movement of water, as water is absorbed by the
a. Diffusion
b. Absorption

c. Contact exchange
d. Mass flow

17. The horizon is soft, dark, friable, high in organic matter content and base saturation in greater than
a. Mollic
b. Anthropic

c. Histic
d. Plaggen

18. Has also the characteristics of mollic that contains more than 250ppm citric acid soluble P2 O5?
a. Ochric

c. Antropic

b. Histic

d. Umbric

19. Has an accumulation of clay and humus to the extend of 15% of the soil volume?
a. Natric

c. Oxic

b. Agric

d. Spodic

20. Has an accumulation of free ion oxides and organic matter?

a. Natric
b. Oxic

c. Argillic
d. Spodic

21. Light in color, has very low organic matter content of less than 50% and horizons is very thin?
a. Plaggen

c. Histic

b. Umbric

d. Ochric

22. A young soil with moderate profile development?

a. Inceptisol

c. Mollic

b. Aridisol

d. Alfisol

23. It may be absorbed by the roots of plants in ionic force or as complex organic salts?
a. Manganese
b. Iron

c. Copper
d. Zinc

24. It is absorbed by plant roots as the ion Z n 2+, and may also absorbed as a molecular complex of such
clelating agents as EDTA?
a. Iron

c. Molybdenum

b. Zinc

d. Cooper

25. The essentiality of molybdenum has only recently been established?

a. Molybdenum

c. Zinc

b. Cooper

d. Iron

26. It is absorbed as the chloride ion CI-, and has only recently been classified as an essential element?
a. Silicon

c. Chlorine

b. Sodium

d. Cobalt

27. It is definitely considered an essential nutrient for the green alga (scenedemus) , but proof of its
essentiality for the growth of higher green plants has not been shown?
a. Clhorine

c. Sodium

b. Silicon

d. Vanadium

28. The organic forms of soil nitrogen occur as consolidated amino acids or proteins, free amino acids,
amino sugar, and other complex, generally unidentified compounds?
a. Inorganic nitrogen compounds
b. Organic nitrogen compounds
c. Organic mineral nitrogen balance in soil
d. Both A and B are correct
29. Soil organic matter is an ill defined term used to cover organic materials in all stages of
a. Organic mineral nitrogen in soil
b. Mineralization of nitrogen compounds
c. In organic nitrogen compounds
d. Organic nitrogen compounds
30. Moisture content of the soil has a decided effect on the effectiveness and rate of availability of applied
phosphorous in various form?
a. Soil moisture

c. Granule distribution

b. Rate of application

d. Effect of size of granule

31. It is absorbed by plants in larger amounts than any other mineral element except nitrogen?
a. Potassium Equilibria in soil

c. potassium

b. Origin of soil potassium

d. Potassium content of soils

32. The calcium in acid, humid regions soils occurs largely in the exchangeable form and as under
composed primary minerals?
a. Source of soil calcium

c. Source of soil magnesium

b. Behaviour of calcium

d. Form utilized by plant

33. Extensive deposits of soluble potassium salts are found in man y areas of the world, most of them will
beneath the surface of the earth but some in the brines of dying lakes and areas?
a. Behaviour of magnesium in the soil

c. Sodium

b. Source of magnesium

d. Potassium fertilizer

34. This is a double salt of potassium chloride and potassium sulphate with small amount of sodium
chloride, which are largely removed in processing?
a. Potassium nitrate

c. Potassium fertilizer

b. Potassium magnesium

d. Magnesium

35. This fertilizer material is also known as salt peter or niter?

a. Calcium and magnesium

c. Sodium

b. Potassium magnesium

d. Potassium magnesium sulphate

36. Almost all of the in organic sulphur in will drained arable soils occurs as the sulphate ion in
combination with cations such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium?
a. In organic sulphate sulphur
b. Movement of sulphate in soils
c. Rhizosphere effect of sulphur mineralization
d. Adsorbed sulfates
37. Is the one of the most widely applied of the microelement?
a. Iron

c. Cooper

b. Zinc

d. Boron

38. This element was not included with the essential microelements, but it is an important factor in crop
production in localized areas thoughout the word?
a. Solenium
b. Zinc

c. Boron

39. Which accumulate from running water (usually streams or river) as term as?
a. Ceoliam
b. Colluvium

c. Alluvium
d. Marine

40. Material that accumulated in former lake water are termed?

a. Glacial till

c. Colluvium

b. Lacustrine

d. Marine

41. Those that are carried and deposited by moving glaciers are termed?
a. Alluvium

c. Colluvium

b. Alluvium

d. Glacial till

42. Extensive soils around the Taal volcano developed from volcanic ash, gravity can also be an agent of
transport and the materials so deposited are called?
A. Colluvium

c. Lacustrine

b. Glacial till

d. Marine

43. Moraine and those by wind are?

a. Acolian
b. Culluvium

c. Alluvium
d. Glacial till

44. Net nitrogen immobilization in soil occurs if the C/IV is?

a. Less than 20.1
b. Greater than 20.1

c. Greater than 35.1

d. Less than 15.1

45. Which is not an agricultural resource?

a. Water
b. Agricultural man power

c. Air
.d. Policies

46. Individualy, which among the following soil organisms have the lest biomas?
a. Actinomycetes

c. Bacteria

b. Fungi

d. Protozoa

47. Which among the following soil organism are acid loving?
a. Fungi

c. Bacteria

b. Protozoa

d. Actinomycetes

48. Ammonia volatilization from NH4 +- bearing fertilizer is not favoured by which of the following?
a. High PH
b. High temperature

c. High CEC
d. A and B above

49. Soil organism degrade organic residues primary for?

a. Phosphorous and ATP

c. Nitrogen and energy

b. Carbon and energy

d. Phosphorous and energy

50. The root nodule bacteria to the genus?

a. Clostridum

c. Rhizodium

b. Azotobacter

d. Agrobacterium

51. The anacrobic non-symboiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria belong to the genus?
b. Clostridium

c. Azotobacter
D. Nitrobacter

52. Algae are considered as?

a. Autotrophs

c. Chemoautotrophs

b. Photoautotrophs
53. The source of energy for the blue- green algae is?

d. Both A and B above

a. Sunlight

c. Organic matter decomposition

b. Metabolism of glucose

d. Oxidation of inorganic

54. The predominant available form of N under flooded soil condition?

a. NO3 N
b. Organic N

c. NH4 N
d. NO2 N

55. The available form of nitrogen which predominates under upland condition is?
a. Ammonium

c. Nitrate

b. Nitrite

d. Microbial biomass N

56. The conversion of NO3 to N2 is referred to as?

a. Nitrogen fixation

c. Immobilization

b. Dinitrification

d. Volatilization

57. The percentage of organic N in the soil system by which of the following process?
a. 96 98 %

c. 68 75 %

b. 80 85 %

d. 50 60 %

58. Nitrogen is added to the soil system by which of the following process?
a. Leaching
b. Nitrogen fixation

c. Ammonia volatilization
d. A and B above

59. The conversion of organic N to inorganic or mineral N is termed as?

a. Immobilization
b. Nitrification

c. Mineralization
d. Ammonification

60. The conversion of N2 to NH4 is referred to as?

a. Denitrification
b. Nitrate reduction

c. Nitrogen fixation
d. Volatilization

61. Microorganism which do not require oxygen are called?

a. Aerobes

c. Obligate aerobes


d. Microaerophillic

62. The fixation and regeneration of CO2 in the biosphere is referred to as?
a. Carbon cycle
b. CO2 evolution

c. Respiration
d. Nutrient cycle

63. The optimum temperature requirement of thermophites is?

a. Greater than 45%
b. Less than 45%

c. greater than 3o%

d. Less than 30%

64. Microorganism which require organic compounds as source of carbon and energy are?
a. Anterotrohps

c. Chemoautotrophs


d. Photoautotrophs

65. Rhizobia are generally associated with nitrogen fixation in?

a. Rice

c. Corn

b. Peanut

d. Sorghum

66. Bacteria belonging to this genus are non- symbiotic nitrogen fixers?
a. Nitrobacter

c. Azotobacter

b. Aerobacter

d. Antrobacter

67. If a crop residues contains 60% organic carbon and 50% total nitrogen, its C/N ration is?
a. 10:1

c. 15:1

b. 12:1

d. 20:1

68. The C/N ratio of the soil microbial biomass is about?

a. 5-8:1

c. 15-20:1

b. 12-15:1

d. 20-25:1

69. The most abundant microorganism found in the soil are generally?
a. Fungi

c. Actinomycetes

b. Bacteria

d. Algae

70. The incorporation of inorganic nitrogen into microbial tisues?

a. Mineralization

c. Nitrification

b. Immobilization

d. Denitrifacation

71. Which of the following microorganisms is very sensitive to potassium levels in soil and therefore
useful in diagnosing potassium deficiency?
a. Pseudomonas denitrificaus

c. Aspergillus niger

b.Aspergillus flavus

d. Azotobacter chroococcum

72. A deficiency of this element will not enable a legume and its bacteria partner to perform nitrogen
fixation. This element is?
a. Boron
b. Phosphorus

c. Molybdenum
d. Zinc

73. The group of soil microorganism which responsible for decomposing organic matter is?
a. Heterotrophs

c. Phototrophs

b. Autotrophs

d. Chemoautotrophs

74. Organic material with wide C/N ratios are not ready sources of available nitrogen that they contains is
subject to?
a. Nitrification

c. Immobilizztion

b. Volatilization

d. Fixation

75. The soil microbial population is generally highest in the?

a. A horizon

c. C horizon

b. B horizon

d. B2 horizon

76. Chemototrophs are those organisms which derive their energy from?
a. Sunlight
b. Fermentation

c. Oxidation of organic material

d. Oxidation of inorganic substance

77.For soil bacteria, growth results in an increase in the?

a. Size of the individuals
b. Form of the individuals

c. Number of individuals
d. Size and no. of the individuals

78. the most efficient organic matter decomposers under scidic soil condition are the?
a. Bacteria

c. Fungi

b. Actinomycetes

d. Protozoa

79. Pesticides will be retained much longer in the soils with?

a. Low organic matter

c. 2.1 dominant clay type

b. High moisture content

d. Loss PH

80. Net mineralization of organic nitrogen in the soil will occur if the C/N ratio is less?
a. 20:1


b. 30:1

d. 50:1

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