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Oriental Journal of Chemistry

Oriental Scientific Publishing Company

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Madhya Pradesh, India.
Phone: +917554282751, 9893222458

Instructions to Author
Printing Charges (upto 10 pages):
Rs 6000/Other countries: US$ 300/Oriental Journal of Chemistry is a quarterly research journal of pure and applied
chemistry and released four times a year. Submission of manuscripts implies that they
are not under consideration for publication elsewhere and that they had not been and
will not be published in whole or in parts in any other journal.
The following type of research communications are considered for rapid
1. Review Articles
The Review article must contain the detail chemistry, advancements and
applications on a current topic of chemistry.
The brief review article may be from six to ten pages while detail review
article may have fifteen to twenty pages.
The review article must have a through bibliography of last ten years work
on the particular topic.
2. Full Length Research Articles
(a) Manuscripts should not be more than twelve typed pages (Submitted
online) must be type written, double spaced with wide margins.
(b) The arrangements of full length article must be in the following

An abstract (not exceeding 100 words)

brief introduction
material and methods
result and discussion
acknowledgement (if any) and

(c) The number of tables and figures is to be curtailed to minimum and

submitted online in following formats (jpeg, tiff)

(d) Reference should be numbered sequentially as (1), (2), (3) etc. in
order to their citation in the text.
The style of references should be as under:
Journal: Last name of the author, then first initial, then last name of
the second author and initials in the same order as above. The
abbreviated title of the Journal in italics, year in bold letters, volume
number in italics, starting and the last page numbers should be normal.
Example : Deno, N. C.; Richey , H. G.; Liu, J. S.; Lincoln, D. N.;
Turner , J. O. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1965, 87, 4533-4538

Book: Authors name, title of the book, name and location of publisher,
volume and edition, and year of publication.
Example: Greenstein J. P. and Winitz M., Chemistry of Amino Acids,
Vol. II.; John Wiley. New York, (1961)

Brief Communications
(a) Reports on exciting new results, not exceeding two pages will be
considered for rapid publication.
(b) The manuscripts (in duplicate) should be type written, double spaced
without any subheadings but with a short abstract of about 50 words.

4. Due to online and open access facility the reprints will not be supplied to
the authors, they can download there articles and can have prints as many
as they like.

5. The Executive body of Oriental Journal of Chemistry may replace some

Editorial Board members by other freshly invited renowned chemistry
researchers in its annual review cum screening meeting.
6. Editorial Board reviewers reserve the right to condense or make necessary
alterations, like addition, Subtraction or modification in the manuscript.
7. Manuscripts should be strictly in accordance with the prescribed format of
the Journal. Proof(s) will not be sent to the author(s)
8. If a subscriber does not get a particular issue of Oriental Journal of
Chemistry, he/she must inform the editor before the publication of the next
issue i.e. within a period of three months from the date of publication of
that particular issue. No complaints will be entertained after the stipulated

Correction and Retraction Policy

Corrections are published if the publication record is seriously affected with regard to
the accuracy of published information. Corrections are published in the subsequent
issue under Corrections and addendum.
Retractions are done when the main conclusion of the paper is seriously undermined.
Readers should first contact the authors of the original paper and then write to the
journal, including copies of the correspondence with the authors. The editor will consult
reviewers for their comments.
The article will be retracted in cases such as multiple submission, plagiarism or
fraudulent use of data.
Article removal
The article can be removed in very rare circumstances when the article is defamatory,
or infringes others legal rights, or the findings might pose a serious health risk. In these
cases the title and author will remain and the contents will be replaced with a page
indicating that the article has been removed for legal reasons in online issue.

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