Call Flow.

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Telecom Signal Tracing (Call Flow)

Internal Use Only

How SMS Works

SMS messages are transmitted to a subscriber mobile number via an SMSC (Short
Message Service Centre). In general, a mobile operator owns an SMSC, but it is also
possible for 3rd parties to operate their own SMSC that is connected to a mobile
operator's network. SMSCs are not restricted to sending SMS just to the subscribers
of the mobile network the SMSC belongs to, they can send to any international
mobile subscriber that the mobile network, or its backbone provider, has
interworking or roaming agreements with. Therefore, a direct connection to the
SMSC of each destination mobile network is not required. The most widely used
technology for transmission and reception of SMS is GSM. Other standards include
CDMA, iDEN, and Satellite. CardBoardFish connects to approximately 70 global
SMSCs, which provides unparalleled coverage of over 200 countries, and the ability
to continue sending SMS without interruption even if multiple SMSCs experience
problems. Please see the article on SMS Reliability for more information.
SMS Specification
A standard GSM SMS offers the following features:

Up to 160 characters of plain text per SMS (utilises GSM Encoding)

Support for concatenated and long SMS (using multiple SMS parts)
Ability to set the originator (sender ID) to up to 11 alphanumeric characters

or 16 digits
Support for setting the data coding allowing for specific character sets and

data types including:

Unicode UCS2
Binary for ringtones, wap push, vCards etc
GSM encoding
Other SMSC specific character sets such as Greek ISO-8859-7
Delivery reporting with error codes
Validity period
Retry Schedule
Whats in a Mobile Number
MSISDN (Mobile Subscriber Integrated Services Digital Network number) is the
technical term used to describe a mobile number in international format. However,
the MSISDN is not a direct mapping to a mobile handset, or even to
the SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card. An MSISDN allows an SMSC to determine
the country and mobile operator that a subscriber number belongs to; and from that
Madhunath Yadav
BSS Engineer, EDR

Telecom Signal Tracing (Call Flow)

Internal Use Only
the SMSC can query this mobile operators HLR (Home Location Register) for
information used to route the SMS to the handset.
The international MSISDN 447973000000 is broken down as follows:

44 = Country Code for United Kingdom

7973 = A network prefix or exchange prefix for Orange UK
000000 = Subscriber number
The IMSI address is made up of 3 parts:
MCC (Mobile Country Code)
MNC (Mobile Network Code)
MSIN (Mobile Subscriber Identity Number)
SMS Delivery to Handset
After an SMSC has received the routing data from the destination network HLR, it
can then send an "mt-ForwardSM" transaction to the MSC address, addressed to the
IMSI. Note that the IMSI address is stored in the SIM, and it is this address that is
given to the MSC when delivering an SMS, not the MSISDN. The SMSC is notified by
the MSC if the SMS termination (in acknowledgement) was successful, therefore
allowing the SMSC to generate a delivery report indicating success. In case of SMS
delivery failure, the SMSC is also notified so that it can take steps to retry SMS
delivery. Please see article on SMS Reliability. This method of SMS transmission is
referred to as MT (Mobile Termination), which concerns the role of the SMSC in
delivering an SMS to a subscriber handset.

Madhunath Yadav
BSS Engineer, EDR

Telecom Signal Tracing (Call Flow)

Internal Use Only
In this case, the ESME (External Short Messaging Entity) refers to the party
originating the message.
Mobile to Mobile SMS
SMS that are sent from a mobile handset are referred to as MO (Mobile Originated).
This describes the process of a handset sending a Short Message Submission to its
servicing , and the MSC utilising the mo-ForwardSM transaction to send the <a datacke-saved & SMS to theSMSC for storing, and subsequent forwarding to the
destination mobile number. An acknowledgement is also sent back to the
originating handset.

SS7 Network
The majority of the worlds mobile networks communicate with each other via
Signalling System 7. This is a set of telephony protocols that enables the
transmission of voice, data, control/session management information, and of course
SMS. The SS7 protocol has layers based on the OSI (Open Systems Interchange)
model. The MAP (Mobile Application Part) layer provides the functionality required
for SMS transmission. The SMSC, HLR, VLRMSC communicate together over the SS7
network utilising MAP commands.

Mobile Terminated (MT) SMS Flow

Here is a Simple Explanation of Mobile Terminated (MT) SMS Flow -

Madhunath Yadav
BSS Engineer, EDR

Telecom Signal Tracing (Call Flow)

Internal Use Only

SMS MT Call Flow :1. The Short Message is transferred from SMSC to SMS-GMSC.
2. SMS-GMSC queries the HLR (SRI) & receives the routing information for the
mobile subscriber (SRI-ACK).
3. The SMS-GMSC sends the short message to the MSC using "Forward Short
Message" (FSM) operation.
4. The MSC retrieves the subscriber information from the VLR. This operation
may include the Authentication Procedure.
5. The MSC transfers short message to the Mobile Station (MS).
6. The MSC returns the outcome of the "Forward Short Message" operation to
7. If requested by the SMSC, it returns a status report indicating Delivery of the
Short Message.

Mobile Originated SMS flow.

Madhunath Yadav
BSS Engineer, EDR

Telecom Signal Tracing (Call Flow)

Internal Use Only

Here is a simple explanation of Mobile Originated SMS flow.

SMS MO Call Flow :1. The mobile station transfers the short message to the MSC.
2. The MSC queries the VLR to verify that the message transfer does not violate
the supplementary services invoked or the restrictions imposed on the
3. The MSC sends the short message to the SMS-IWMSC (Inter-Working MSC for
SMS) using the forward Short Message operation.
4. The SMS-IWMSC delivers the short message to the SMSC (Short Message
Service Centre).
5. The SMSC acknowledges the successful outcome of the forward Short
Message operation to the MSC.
6. The MSC returns the outcome of the short message operation to the mobile

Madhunath Yadav
BSS Engineer, EDR

Telecom Signal Tracing (Call Flow)

Internal Use Only

SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) Call Flow:

Here we have also included PSTNs, so that the reader can co-relate the message of

A Number wants to call B Number which is catered by PSTN B.

PSTN A to MSS X protocol used in ISUP.

MSS X to MSS Y protocol used in SIP.

MSS Y to PSTN B protocol is ISUP.

Madhunath Yadav
BSS Engineer, EDR

Telecom Signal Tracing (Call Flow)

Internal Use Only
1) After receiving IAM from PSTN A with called party number as B number MSS X
after number analysis detects the B number has to be routed to MSS Y which is
connected by SIP. MSS X send a INVITE message.
Major components of INVITE are "Called Party", "Calling Party", "Bearer information",
2) MSS Y receives INVITE and responds with 100 (Trying) message.
This response indicates that the request has been received by the next-hop server
and that some unspecified action is being taken on behalf of this call (for example, a
database is being consulted). At the same time after number analysis its send IAM
to PSTN B.
3) MSS Y send 183 message to MSS X. This message is called as Session progress
indicated that session is in progress. In response to 183 MSS A sends PRACK. PRACK
(PRovisional ACKnowledgement) is like any another request within a dialog.
** PRACK is response for 1XX mesages
ACK is response for 2XX messages.
4) After analysis of B number PSTN B sends ACM with "Called Party status indicator
= no indication" to MSS Y. MSS Y sends 200 message to MSS X in turn MSS X
forwards ACM message to PSTN A.
5) When B number starts ringing PSTN B send CPG message with "Called Party
status indicator = Subscriber free". Indicates that subscriber is free and ringing.
MSS Y send 180 ringing message to MSS X.
Which is communicated to PSTN A in CPG message and A number can hear a
6) B number answers the call in response PSTN B send ANM message to MSS Y. MSS
Y send 200(With ANM) message to MSS X. MSS X responds with ACK , also forwards
ANM message to PSTN A. At this point of time speech path is through.
7) After conversation A number releases the call. REL is send from PSTN A to MSS X
in response MSS X sends BYE message to MSS Y. MSS Y send the REL message to
8) PSTN B release the resources and respond with RLC message to MSS Y. MSS Y
relays the 200(with RLC) message to MSS X. RLC is then forwarded to PSTN A. This
complete the release of all resources used for call.
Here we tried to explain very basic call flow from mobile to mobile.
To make it simple following assumptions have been taken. A) Call is in same MSC
and BSC. B) No Authentication, C)No Ciphering , D) Messages on Ater and Air
interface are not consider, etc.
Post Paid Call Flow:

Madhunath Yadav
BSS Engineer, EDR

Telecom Signal Tracing (Call Flow)

Internal Use Only

Call Flow Message Details:1. CM Service Request Message contains Global Cell Identity, Kind of Service
required by subscriber e.g Voice, SMS, Fax, USSD. Mobile Identity e.g
2. CM Service Accept Message is in response of CM Service Request.
3. Set Up - Message contains dialed number from Mobile A (i.e Mob B number)
and speech Codec.
4. Send Routing Info-Request (SRI) - After analysis of dialed numbers received
from A in set up message, MSC recognizes its own MSISDN series and send
SRI to HLR to get the Mobile station roaming number(MSRN). This messge
contains B MSISDN, Interrogation type e.g Basic Call etc.
5. Assignment Request - Message is to seize a channel for voice call for Mob A
between MSC and BSC. Message contains Circuit Identification Code(CIC).
6. Assignment Complete - Acceptance from BSC end that same CIC has been
7. Provide Roaming Number Request - HLR checks in its database to which VLR,
Mob B is registered & ask for roaming number from that VLR. Message
contains IMSI, MSISDN, VLR ID of Mob B.
1. Provide Roaming Number Response - Message is response of
roaming no. request and contains roaming number of Mob B.
This message is for HLR. In this VLR checks its database &
allocate one free MSRN from its MSRN pool for B number.
8. Send Routing Info-Response - In this HLR forward same roaming number
which it receives in above message to MSC.

Madhunath Yadav
BSS Engineer, EDR

Telecom Signal Tracing (Call Flow)

Internal Use Only
9. Paging Request - In this VLR checks the MSRN received from HLR & search
which MSISDN is against that MSRN, now MSC checks the VLR database of
that MSISDN to get the LAC & TMSI/IMSI of that MSISDN (Mob B) & initiates
the paging request message to that particular LAC on the basis of TMSI/IMSI
in that BSC. BSC now page to that LAC on the basis of IMSI/TMSI of Mob B.
Message contains LAC, IMSI/TMSI, DPC of BSC.
10.Paging Response - Mob B response to that paging with GCI (Global Cell
Identity) to BSC that intern forwarded to MSC.
11.Assignment Request - Message is to seize a channel for voice call for Mob B
between MSC and BSC. Message contains Circuit Identification Code(CIC).
12.Assignment Complete - Acceptance from BSC end that same CIC has been
13.Set Up - It is used to display Mob A number on Mob B handset.
14.Alert - This message indicates Mob A that Mob B is connected & its ringing.
The Ring Back Tone is send from MSC to Mob A.
15.Connect - Mob B answers the call & connect message from Mob B is send to
MSC, intern MSC sends connect message to Mob A indicating that phone has
been answered & connects those 2 voice channels which were seized during
the assignment complete message.
16.Connect Acknowledge - To acknowledge the connection.
Normal Prepaid (IN) Call Flow
As Prepaid Call Flow with MNP is already posted, but still many of our friends ask us
for detailed Normal Prepaid (IN) Call scenario, so here you go,

Madhunath Yadav
BSS Engineer, EDR

Telecom Signal Tracing (Call Flow)

Internal Use Only

The above flow describes a basic direct dial call scenario with normal call
1. Mobile A starts a new call by dialing Mobile B.
2. The MSC sends an IDP (Initial Detection Point) event, which notifies the IN-SCP of
the new call.
IDP Message Contains :- A-Party no, B-Party no., Service key=90, A Party
Location, Time stamp.
3. The IN SCP processes the request and after authorizing the user, the IN SCP
sends 3 IN messages to the MSC

AC (Apply Charging) :- Check the A-Party Balance / tariff related facilities &
provides maximum granted time for a call.

CIQ (Call Information Query) :- IN request from the MSC for call information,
like CAET - Call Attempt Elapsed Time (time between call ringing & user picks
the call), CCET - Call Connect Elapsed Time (Duration of a call), CST - Call
Stop Time (exact time when call disconnect), RC - Release Cause (Exact
release cause due to which call got disconnected).

RRBCSM (Request Report Basic Call State Module) :- IN again request from
MSC for detailed Release Cause.

4. Connect :- After getting everything OK i.e. all request from IN side have been
done then IN sends a Connect message to MSC for further call processing & connect
Madhunath Yadav
BSS Engineer, EDR

Telecom Signal Tracing (Call Flow)

Internal Use Only
the call.
5. Activity Test :- After IN provides "connect" message to MSC, its a sort of ping
message which is unidirectional, sent by IN to MSC, to know the progress of a call.
6. Once the connection is made, an event report (for answer event) is sent to SDP
via IN-SCP.for preventing any revenue loss.
7. After conversation, when call gets disconnected, a new event report is sent to
SDP via IN-SCP, which in turn instructs to release the call.
8. Once the call is released, a new Apply Charging Report (ACR) is sent to IN-SCP,
which contains full time usage data of a call. This report is sent to SDP for accurate
& final call charging.
9. CIR (Call Information Report) :- By using the details which was noted in CIQ
message, MSC makes a report i.e. CIR (which contains CAET, CCET, CST, RC) &
sends to SDP via IN-SCP.
10. ERB (Evert Report BCSM) :- Another report send by MSC to IN, which contains
actual release cause in details, which may be - Abandon, B-Party Busy, B-Party no
answer, B-Party not reachable, route selection failure, disconnect.
11. Finally signaling terminates, which ends the call.
GPRS Call Flow
GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) is a packet based communication
service for mobile devices that allows data to be sent and received across a mobile
telephone network. It's a step towards 3G and is often referred to as 2.5G.
Its an upgrade to the existing network that sits along side the GSM network.
Many of the devices such as the BTS and BSC are still used. Often devices need to
be upgraded be it software, hardware or both. When deploying GPRS many of the
There are however 2 New Functional Elements which play a major role in
how GPRS works - SGSN & GGSN. In simple terms there are in practice two
In any GSM network there will be several BSCs. When implementing GPRS a
software and hardware upgrade of this unit is required. The hardware upgrade
consists of adding a PCU (Packet Control Unit). This extra piece of hardware
differentiates data destined for the standard GSM network or Circuit Switched Data
and data destined for the GPRS network or Packet Switched Data.

Madhunath Yadav
BSS Engineer, EDR

Telecom Signal Tracing (Call Flow)

Internal Use Only

SGSN (Serving GPRS Support Node) - It takes care of some important tasks,
including Routing, Handover and IP address assignment. Its a logical
connection to the GPRS device. One job of the SGSN is to make sure the connection
is not interrupted as you make your journey passing from cell to cell. It works out
which BSC to route your connection through. If the user moves into a segment of
the network that is managed by a different SGSN it will perform a handoff to the
new SGSN, this is done extremely quickly and generally the user will not notice this
has happened. Any packets that are lost during this process are retransmitted. The
SGSN converts mobile data into IP and is connected to the GGSN via a tunneling
GGSN (Gateway GPRS support node) - It is the last port of call in the GPRS
network before a connection between an ISP (Internet Service Provider) or corporate
networks router occurs. The GGSN is basically a gateway, router and firewall. It
also confirms user details with RADIUS servers for security, which are usually
The connection between the two GPRS Support Nodes is made with a
protocol called GPRS Tunneling Protocol (GTP). GTP sits on top of TCP/IP and is also
responsible for the collection of mediation and billing information. GPRS is billed on
GPRS Call Scenario :

A subscriber accesses the Internet with GPRS mobile phone to set the APN
(Access Point Names) & gateway IP address defined on subscription. In fact,
APN is a logical name indicating the external data network in GGSN. A
subscriber can select different GGSNs via different APNs. Currently, however,
only one APN can be activated at a time. The purpose of selecting different
APNs is to access the external network via different GGSNs, because without
GGSN, a subscriber cannot access the PDN (Public Data Network). An APN
consists of a fully qualified DNS (Domain Name Server) name e.g., which should be parsed by DNS to get the real IP address
of GGSN.

The call reaches the SGSN of the GPRS network. The SGSN triggers the
service in the corresponding SCP (Service Control Point) according to
subscriber's authentication information on the HLR interconnected to the
corresponding home SCP for processing.
Madhunath Yadav
BSS Engineer, EDR

Telecom Signal Tracing (Call Flow)

Internal Use Only

The DNS parses the APN and get the IP address of the GGSN.

The call is routed to the GGSN according to the IP address.

The GGSN assigns the IP address to the subscriber.

After SCP verifies the subscriber, the subscriber begins to transmit data and
log in to the external web sites via the gateway whose IP address is set in the
mobile phone.

The subscriber may select the service from the portal web site to connect the
SP/CP web site that provides the service, or enter the IP address of the SP/CP
in the mobile phone to access the SP/CP web site.

GSM Mobile terminated call flow.








The main difference between a call to an MS and a call from an MS is that, the exact
location of MS is unknown. Hence, the MS must be located using paging before a

1. The PSTN subscriber dials the MSs telephone number (MSISDN), the MSISDN
is analyzed in the PSTN, which identifies that this is a call to a mobile network
subscriber. A connection is established to the MSs home GMSC. The PSTN
sends an Initial Address message (IAM) to the GMSC.
2. The GMSC analyzes the MSISDN to find out which HLR, the MS is registered
in, and queries the HLR for information about how to route the call to the
serving MSC/VLR. The HLR looks up the MSISDN and determines the IMSI and
the SS7 address for the MSC/VLR that is servicing the MS. The HLR also
checks if the service, call forwarding to C-number is activated, if so, the call
is rerouted by the GMSC to that number.
3. The HLR then contacts the servicing MSC/VLR and asks it to assign a MSRN to
the call. [MSRN - Mobile Station Routing Number].
4. The MSC/VLR returns an MSRN via HLR to the GMSC.
5. The GMSC sends an Initial Addressing message (IAM) to the servicing
MSC/VLR and uses the MSRN to route the call to the MSC/VLR. Once the
servicing MSC/VLR receives the call, the MSRN can be released and may be
made available for reassignment.
6. The MSC/VLR then orders all of its BSCs and BTSs to page the MS. Since the
MSC/VLR does not know exactly which BSC and BTS the MS is monitoring, the
page will be sent out across the entire Location Area(LA).

Madhunath Yadav
BSS Engineer, EDR

Telecom Signal Tracing (Call Flow)

Internal Use Only
7. When the MS detects the paging message to the BTSs in the desired LA. The
BTSs transmit the message over the air interface using PCH. To page the MS,
the network uses an IMSI or TMSI valid only in the current MSC/VLR service
8. When the MS detects the paging message, it sends a request on RACH for a
9. The BSC provides a SDCCH, using AGCH.
10.SDCCH is used for the call set-up procedures. Over SDCCH all signaling
preceding a call takes place. This includes: Marking the MS as active in the
VLR. Authentication procedure (Start ciphering, Equipment identification).
11.The MSC/VLR instructs the BSC/TRC to allocate an idle TCH. The BTS and MS
are told to tune to the TCH. The mobile phone rings. If the subscriber
answers, the connection is established.

GSM Mobile Originated Call Flow:

A Mobile User calling a Land Line Subscriber.

1. MS after dialing a number & pressing SEND key, sends Channel

Request(Chan_Req) message on RACH to ask for a signaling channel (Radio
Resources). [RACH - Random Access Channel]
2. The BSC allocates a Traffic Channel(TCH) using AGCH. TCH allocation assigns
a specific Frequency & a Timeslot on that frequency. [AGCH - Access Grant

Madhunath Yadav
BSS Engineer, EDR

Telecom Signal Tracing (Call Flow)

Internal Use Only
3. The MS sends a call setup request through SDCCH, to the MSC/VLR. [SDCCH
- slow dedicated control channel]. Over SDCCH, all signaling takes place. This
includes: marking the MS status as active in the VLR
4. Then comes Authentication Procedure which includes Ciphering (The channel
is ciphered so as to protect the call), Equipment Identification, etc.
5. The MSC/VLR instructs the BSC to allocate an Idle TCH (this message contains
the dialed digits and other information needed for call establishment). The
BTS and MS are told to tune to the TCH.
6. The MSC allocates a voice circuit on one the digital trunks between the MSC
and the BSS.
7. MSC informs the BSS about the allocated voice circuit. The call is also
switched from signaling to voice.
8. The BSS notifies the Mobile about the changeover to voice mode.
9. The MSC routes the call and sends the call towards the called subscriber.
10.The PSTN indicates to the MSC that it has received all the digits and the
called subscriber is being rung.
11.The MSC informs the mobile that the called subscriber is being alerted via a
12.The called subscriber answers the call.
GSM Mobile To Mobile Call Flow, Within Same MSC/BSC












To make it simple following assumptions have been taken. A) Call is in same MSC
and BSC. B) No Authentication, C)No Ciphering , D) Messages on Ater and Air

Madhunath Yadav
BSS Engineer, EDR

Telecom Signal Tracing (Call Flow)

Internal Use Only





1. CM Service Request Message contains Global Cell Identity, Kind of

Service required by subscriber e.g Voice, SMS, Fax, USSD. Mobile Identity e.g
2. CM Service Accept Message is in reponse of CM Service Request.
3. Set Up - Message contains dailed number from Mobile A (i.e Mob B number)
and speech Codec.
4. Send Routing Info-Request (SRI) - After analysis of dialed numbers
received from A in set up message, MSC recognises its own MSISDN series
and send SRI to HLR to get the Mobile station roaming number(MSRN). This
messge contains B MSISDN, Interrogation type e.g Basic Call etc.
5. Assignment Request - Message is to seize a channel for voice call for Mob
A between MSC and BSC. Message contains Circuit Identification Code(CIC).
6. Assignment Complete - Acceptance from BSC end that same CIC has been
7. Provide Roaming Number Request - HLR checks in its database to which
VLR, Mob B is registered & ask for roaming number from that VLR. Message
contains IMSI, MSISDN, VLR ID of Mob B.
8. Provide Roaming Number Response - Message is response of roaming no.
request and contains roaming number of Mob B. This message is for HLR. In
this VLR checks its database & allocate one free MSRN from its MSRN pool for
B number.

Madhunath Yadav
BSS Engineer, EDR

Telecom Signal Tracing (Call Flow)

Internal Use Only
9. Send Routing Info-Response - In this HLR forward same roaming number
which it receives in above message to MSC.
10.Paging Request - In this VLR checks the MSRN recieved from HLR & search
which MSISDN is against that MSRN, now MSC checks the VLR database of
that MSISDN to get the LAC & TMSI/IMSI of that MSISDN (Mob B) & initiates
the paging request message to that particular LAC on the basis of TMSI/IMSI
in that BSC. BSC now page to that LAC on the basis of IMSI/TMSI of Mob B.
Message contains LAC, IMSI/TMSI, DPC of BSC.
11.Paging Response - Mob B response to that paging with GCI (Global Cell
Identity) to BSC that inturn forwarded to MSC.
12.Assignment Request - Message is to seize a channel for voice call for Mob
B between MSC and BSC. Message contains Circuit Identification Code(CIC).
13.Assignment Complete - Acceptance from BSC end that same CIC has been
14.Set Up - It is used to display Mob A number on Mob B handset.
15.Alert - This message indicates Mob A that Mob B is connected & its ringing.
The Ring Back Tone is send from MSC to Mob A.
16.Connect - Mob B answers the call & connect message from Mob B is send to
MSC, inturn MSC sends connect message to Mob A indiacting that phone has
been answered & connects those 2 voice channels which were seized during
the assignment complete message.
17.Connect Acknowledge - To acknowledge the connection.

Basic ISUP Call Flow

Madhunath Yadav
BSS Engineer, EDR

Telecom Signal Tracing (Call Flow)

Internal Use Only

Initial Address Message (IAM) First message sent to inform the partner
switch (here MSC2) that a call has to be established on the CIC contained in
the message. Contains the called and calling number, type of service (speech
or data) and many more optional parameters.

Subsequent Address Message (SAM) In case the IAM did not contain
the full called number, one or more SAMs may follow containing additional

Address Complete Message (ACM) Message returned from the

terminating switch (here MSC2) when the subscriber is reached and the
phone starts ringing.

Answer Message (ANM) Sent when the subscriber picks up the phone.
Normally charging starts at this moment.

Release (REL) Sent to clear the call when a subscriber goes on hook.

Release complete (RLC) Acknowledgement of the release the timeslot

is idle afterwards and can be used again. This is also sent (without a
preceding Release message) if the terminating switch determines that the

Madhunath Yadav
BSS Engineer, EDR

Telecom Signal Tracing (Call Flow)

Internal Use Only
call cannot be completed. The terminating switch also sends a Cause Value to
explain the reason for the failure, e.g., "User busy".

Madhunath Yadav
BSS Engineer, EDR

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