3 Quick Test: Grammar Tick ( ) A, B, or C To Complete The Sentences

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Name ____________________________

Class ____________________________

3 Quick Test
Tick ( ) A, B, or C to complete the sentences.
Example: They ________ a holiday last year.
A didnt use to have B didnt have

C werent having

1 My parents ________ lunch when I arrived yesterday so I joined them.

A ate B were eating C used to eat
2 The man walked ________ those steps over there and disappeared.
A down B in C at
3 Where ________ to spend your holidays as a child?
A did you use B used you C did you used
4 Youll find some money ________ my wallet over there.
A next B between C inside
5 I ________ like my job, but now I think its quite interesting.
A didnt use to B did used to C didnt used to
6 A Excuse me. Do you know where a bank is?
B Yes. Go ________ this street and youll see one on the left.
A through B along C over
7 When ________ the last time you went to a party?
A did be B was C used to be
8 We ________ in a small village for several years.
A used to live B live C use to live
9 ________ a bicycle when she was a child?
A Did ride she B Was she ride C Did she ride
10 Are you any good ________ taking photos of people?
A to B at C by
11 The first time we ________ abroad was incredibly exciting.
A were flying B are fly C flew
12 I think I saw a mouse run ________ that chair over there.
A between B under C in
13 If he didnt know, why didnt he ask ________ his teacher?
A to B from C
14 Anna and Maria always ________ really hard for their exams.
A studied B were studying C used study
15 What were you worried ________?
A round B from C about
16 People ________ so much TV thirty years ago.
A didnt watch B not watched C werent watched
17 I ________ up in a small village in the north of Scotland.
A grew B growed C have grow
18 Sofia married ________ Juan two years ago.
A to B with C
19 Miguel reminds me a lot ________ myself when I was his age.
A from B of C to
20 What was she doing when you ________ her yesterday?
A saw B were seeing C did see

Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

3 Quick Test
a Tick ( ) the correct answer, A, B, or C.
Example: Hes a teenager.
A 45 B 9

C 13

1 Shes about 25 years old.

A in her early twenties B in her mid-twenties C in her late twenties
2 Hes 78 years old.
A a pensioner B a pre-teen C a toddler
3 Shes 15 months old and has just started walking.
A a toddler B a teenager C a pensioner
4 Hes four months old.
A a toddler B a pre-teen C a baby
5 Shes 17 years old.
A a pre-teen B in her early teens C a teenager
6 Hes middle-aged.
A 25 B 45 C 75
7 Shes 12 years old.
A a teenager B in her early teens C a pre-teen
8 Hes in his late forties.
A 49 years old B 40 years old C 44 years old

b Tick ( ) A, B, or C to complete the sentences. They are all related to describing a

Example: The youngest children are sitting in the _________.
A before B frontground C foreground
9 In the _________ corner you can just see my mother.
A bottom left-hand B left-hand bottom C left bottom
10 Two people are standing _________ top of a hill.
A on B at C in the
11 Theres an unusual building in the _________ of the photo.
A right-hand B behind C centre
12 In this photo, were standing opposite _________ the tower.
A of B from C
13 You can see the Rocky Mountains in the _________.
A distant B distance C far
14 The girl is sitting on a wall _________ of a big tree.
A the front B in front C at front

c Tick ( ) A, B, or C to complete the sentences. They are all related to taking photos.
Example: I had to _________ this photo as it was originally too small.
A increase B darken C enlarge
15 The light isnt very good for photos. Use the _________.
A lens B focus C flash
16 These photos are _________ because you moved when you took them.
A blurred B grey C clear
17 I used the _________ setting to take this photo of my grandfather.

Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

3 Quick Test
A people B person C portrait
18 The photographer _________ to get a close-up of the flowers.
A zoomed in B zoomed out C zoomed
19 Your camera isnt automatic. Thats why your photos are _________ focus.
A off B out of C out
20 A wide-angle _________ will include more of a scene in a photo.
A lens B camera C focus

a Which word has a different sound? Tick ( ) A, B, or C.
Example: A lived



B worked

C hoped

B picked C ended
B shaved C cooked
B decided C hated
B waited C described
B banned C stayed

b Which is the stressed syllable? Tick ( ) A, B, or C.

Example: A di|gi|tal


B di|gi|tal

C di|gi|tal

pho|to|ge|nic B pho|to|ge|nic C pho|to|ge|nic

au|to|ma|tic B au|to|ma|tic C au|to|ma|tic
pen|sion|er B pen|sion|er C pen|sion|er
pro|fe|ssio|nal B pro|fe|ssio|nal C pro|fe|ssio|nal
pho|to|graph B pho|to|graph C pho|to|graph
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total


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