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Republic of the Philippines

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

San Isidro Campus
San Isidro, Nueva Ecija



This descriptive study aimed to determine the
employability and evaluation of graduates Academic Year 20072015 of Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in MAPEH of
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology at San Isidro
Campus, San Isidro Nueva Ecija.
The definition of employability had been discussed over
the past years in terms of complex understanding of the
graduates employability. Professor Mantz Yorke led a number
of studies that can help researchers to have a wide range of
knowledge to know the value and concept of graduate
employability. The concept of graduates employability
designed by Professor Mantz Yorke in 2004 has been adopted by
many countries. According to the professor in the conference
he attended in the United Kingdom which is entitled UKs
Enhancing Student Employability Co-ordination Team (2004), he
stated that employability can be define as a set of
achievements, skills, understandings and personal attributes
that make graduates more likely to gain employment and be
successful in their chosen occupation which benefits
themselves, the work force, the community and the economy.
According to CBI (voice if business) in the report they
issued year 2009 entitled Future Fit: Preparing Graduates for
the World of Work, they stated that employability is set of
attributes, skills and knowledge that all labor market
participants should possess to ensure that they have
capability of being effective in the work place to benefit of
themselves, their employer and the wider economy. (pg. 8)
According to Kevin Lowden, Stuart Hall, Dr. Delly Elliot
and John Lewin in the research they conducted titled
Employers Perceptions of the skills of new graduates by
research commissioned by the Edge Foundation they stated that
despite the best intentions of academics to enhanced
graduates employability, the limitations inherent within the
agenda will consistently produce mixed outcomes. Furthermore,

Republic of the Philippines

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
San Isidro Campus
San Isidro, Nueva Ecija

it is argued that resources would be better utilized to

increase employment based training and experience, and or
employer involvement in courses, which were found to
positively affect immediate graduate prospects in the labor
market and therefore support graduates in the transitional
stage into employment. (Cranner 2006 pg. 9).
In order to analyze and expand the knowledge regarding
employability of graduates of MAPEH Majors of Nueva Ecija
University of Science and Technology at San Isidro Campus and
to answer our curiosity, we, the researchers decide to conduct
a thesis through the of research method which classified as
Descriptive type of study specifically tracer.
According to ( tracer study can be defined
as a standard survey of graduates from higher education
institutions which take place sometime after graduation
usually two years. They are a means of following graduates to
find out what they are doing with the education and training
they received. Common topics covered in tracer studies include
questions on study progress, the transition to work, work
entrance, job career used of learned competencies and current
John Jaca a writer said in the book Related Literature
about Tracer Study: Definition, Importance, Advantages,
Disadvantages, Methods, Gathering Procedure, and Findings that
tracer is used when one wants to follow up the development of
certain conditions or particular sets of people, tracer study
is a form of development or longitudinal study.
This descriptive study aimed to determine the
employability and evaluation of graduates Academic Year 20072015 of Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in MAPEH of
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology at San Isidro
Campus, San Isidro Nueva Ecija.
Over the past years, most of the schools, and other State
Universities (SUCS) especially Nueva Ecija University of
Science and Technology are concerned in the field of education
and employment which have been consistently rising for seeking
some evidences regarding to the different class levels of
educational attainment of graduates which molds them for
excellent performances in the field.
According to Peter Knight and Mantz Yorke in their book
entitled Assessment Learning and Employability One
explanation for a low level of engagement with employability

Republic of the Philippines

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
San Isidro Campus
San Isidro, Nueva Ecija

might be that, in the absence of a common definition of

employability, higher education teachers interpret it as an
intrusion on the proper concerns of academic life. In
contrast, our central claim is that a concern for
employability aligns with a concern for academic values and
the promotion of good learning. We do not mean this in a
trivial sense but argue that promoting employability means
highlighting and then taking seriously goals of higher
education that have often been left to look after themselves.
For example, it is often said that higher education
develops learner autonomy, but it is not always clear what
autonomy amounts to nor how it is fostered. Again, higher
education often claims to develop self-management, although
there are problems in reconciling this with the carefullystructured arrangements that many programs have developed to
support students and maximize achievement. Enhancing
employability means, then, taking seriously many of the longestablished goals of higher education and devising
arrangements likely to help most students to make stronger,
convincing claims to achievement in respect of them. This, we
shall argue, involves looking at the design of academic
programs, while being necessarily sensitive to module or
course design and appreciative of the enrichment provided by
elective courses, curriculum enhancements, optional
internships, placements and other work experience, as well as
the contributions of careers advisers and other student
support and guidance services. It is a complicated and
ambitious approach to a complex and ambitious goal, for
enhancing employability implies enhancing the quality of
learning, teaching and assessment. (pg 22.)
In the book written by Peter Knight and Mantz Yorke
entitled Learning Assessment and Employability it stated that
if the graduates did not achieve the work that they wanted
maybe there was a problem in the curriculum of the
institution. The aim of enhancing the employability of
graduates brings into the open of some long standing problems
with assessment and consequentially to the student learning.
There is a need to review the curricula in order to ensure
that there is sufficient opportunity in them. (pg. 17)
The Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology has been
conducting tracer studies since before. This research study
aimed to know if there was a significant relationship between
the work of the respondent and their educational attainment,
it also aimed to help the University to identify if theres a

Republic of the Philippines

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
San Isidro Campus
San Isidro, Nueva Ecija

mismatch between the training and knowledge provided by the

institution to the field. The Nueva Ecija University of
Science and Technology in San Isidro Campus were often asked
if the institution provides satisfactory in achieving learning
outcomes and training to the graduates, and if the graduates
were well prepared for their future that they will
encounter .In order to give solutions to these questions and
other queries, we designed and decide to investigate the
profile of the respondents, eligibility of work preference and
significant relation between the work of population and the
educational attainment of MAPEH graduates form batch 20072015. In addition, this study also focused in seeking the
quality of higher education and conditions in which graduates
have been employed and its role in job seeking, the length of
time where graduates took before getting employed and how the
areas of work of graduates of MAPEH are related to the
programs and curriculum of NEUST-SIC. Additionally the
findings of the study are aimed to give recommendations to the
University for the improvement of the curricula of MAPEH as
well as further studies.
What are Tracer Studies?
Tracer studies or Graduate Surveys describe a standard
survey (in written form) of graduates from higher education
institutions, which take place sometime after graduation,
usually two years. They are a means of following graduates to
find out what they are doing with the education and training
they received. Common topics covered in tracer studies include
questions on study progress, the transition to work, work
entrance, job career, use of learned competencies and current
Why are Tracer Studies important?
Tracer studies are important for the following reasons:
To find out what happened to graduates after they completed
their studies if they are employed, self-employed or whether
they are still looking for a job if their studies prepare
them well for the workplace, find out if graduates use the
knowledge and skills they have learned during their studies
and use graduates feedback to improve the quality of the
study programmes and more specific, to revise the
curricular, if necessary.
Prof. Lazarus Hangula
Vice Chancellor: University of Namibia

Republic of the Philippines

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
San Isidro Campus
San Isidro, Nueva Ecija

General Objective
This study aimed to determine the employability and
employment opportunities of MAPEH graduate batch 2005-2015 of
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology in San Isidro
Specific Objective
First, determine the profile of the respondents, second
identify the eligibility of the respondents, third is to
identify the employment of the respondents and last but not
the least,to know if there is a significance relationship
between the work of the respondent and their educational
The results show that there is a significant relation
between the respondent and their work.
Significance of the study

The researcher believed that the following will be benefitted

from this study:
FUTURE MAPEH GRADUATES. Through this study they would know if
the curriculum that they are taking is an effective tool in
putting them in their future endeavor.
THE SCHOOL. This study maybe used by the school as a guide in
knowing if the curriculum they offered in the MAPEH major
student is effective one.
THE PARENTS. This study may help the parents in deciding on
choosing the most appropriate major for the children.
THE TEACHERS. Through this research they would know if the
curriculum theyre using is an effective one or they need to

Republic of the Philippines

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
San Isidro Campus
San Isidro, Nueva Ecija

change the strategies they are using implementation on this

The study involved the MAPEH graduate of Nueva Ecija
University of Science and Technology San Isidro Campus year
2005-2015. This study shows the personal profile, eligibility
of work preference and significant relation between the work
of the population universe and educational attainment of them

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