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Paragraph Three: International Action

First Sentence: Show that your country recognizes the international importance of this
Thinking about international effects of youth violence and crime on the world, what
is your countrys attitude towards the topic?

Sentence Thinking about international effects of youth violence and crime on the
world, what is your countrys attitude about the topic? :

Second/Third/Fourth Sentence (WHAT): What has your country done on the

international scale in order to address the debate about youth violence and crime?
Are you a member of any international organization that has taken action on this

What conventions, treaties, resolutions, etc. has your country supported on the

What individual actions has your country taken on an international scale?

Sentences: What has your country done on an international scale to address (deal
with) youth violence and crime? (The use of quotes or statistics would be very
effective here):


Fifth/Sixth Sentence (WHY/HOW): What do these international actions show about your
countrys position on youth violence?
So why should the UN care that you have taken these actions/supported certain
treaties, etc.?

How have these actions/treaties help to reduce youth violence/crime worldwide?

Sentences: What do these international actions show about your countrys position
on youth violence (Make sure your opinion is clearly stated). Use all the information
from the previous paragraphs):

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