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Stacey Snyder

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Computer Applications Syllabus

Mrs. Stacey Snyder
Trimester 2 - 2016-2017
Class Location: Rm 1120 (Mrs. ONeills Classroom)
Class Expectations:
1. Respect Yourself
2. Respect Others and the Property of Others
3. Take Responsibility for Your Choices

Discipline & Consequences: I have high expectations for behavior and expect my students to abide by the
school rules and class expectations at all times. Those who choose to be disruptive or behave in a way that is not
acceptable for school will have one or more of the following consequences.
Loss of computer use for the remainder of the period
Phone call or email home to parent
AM detention with Mrs. Snyder
A discipline referral or write up

Equipment Needed: You will need to bring your school-assigned Chromebook and a pair of headphones to
EVERY class. Headphones will not be provided for you.

Extra Time in Class: Students finish projects and activities at different times. There will likely be times when a

student has spare time. This time can be used in several ways. Students may use spare time, not class time that is to be
spent on class work, to check PowerSchool, use one of the programs or applications we have available to us on our
computers, or to visit the Internet. Students must have approval to visit some websites. I have an approved list of websites
that students can visit located under the Spare Time tab of the class website.
**Students MAY NOT check their personal email, chat, visit websites that have not been approved by me or listen to
music during class. Students caught doing any of these things will lose the use of the computers for the remainder
of the class period. If this becomes a repeated problem there will be further consequences.

Parents/Guardians: You should have received an email inviting you to receive weekly updates through Google

Classroom. I highly suggest you do this so can receive accurate information about what students are learning in class.
Much of what we do in this class will be cloud-based in the Google for Education Suite that the district has provided us to
use. This means your child will not have any physical papers to bring home to keep you updated on progress. When you
receive the weekly updates through Google Classroom, you will have access to all of this information. Grades will be posted
on PowerSchool as well.
**I am piloting a new version of the PowerTeacher Gradebook so please let me know if you see any errors in grading
or have trouble viewing your childs grade.

Class Assignments
All assignments will be posted in Google Classroom and will need to be turned in by digital file to
Google Classroom. Failure to do so will result in a grade of a zero.
Week(s) of



Week 1

Introduction to Class
Chromebook Basics

Overview of course materials and expectations

Exploration of Chromebook tutorials and shortcuts
Creation of Chromebook Shortcut Guide

Week 2

Digital Citizenship
Keyboarding Practice

Discussion of digital citizenship topics such as online

safety and cyberbullying
Daily keyboarding practice using

Week 3-5

Google Classroom
Google Drive
Google Docs

Students will learn how to turn in assignments correctly

using various methods.
Students will organize their Google Drive and continue to
monitor this organization throughout the school year.
Students will complete online tutorial activities and then
complete activities using application of these skills using
Google Docs

Week 6-8

Google Sheets
Midterm Keyboarding

Students will complete online tutorial activities and then

complete activities using application of these skills using
Google Sheets
Students will be observed on their keyboarding skills and
assessed using a rubric.

Week 9

Google Forms
Google Drawings

Students will complete and create various Google Forms

and analyze the data using Google Sheets.
Students will create a business logo using Google

Week 10-11

Group Project with Google


Students will work in small groups to develop a business

plan to create a restaurant of their choosing.
Students will use Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google
Forms, Google Drawings and Google Slides to create an
integrated project.
Students will present their project as a group.

Week 12

Final Keyboarding
Makerspace Tic-Tac-Toe

Students will be observed on their keyboarding skills and

assessed using a rubric.
Students will complete various Makerspace challenge
activities and get to explore GWs Makerspace.

Make Up Work:

Students are welcome to turn in missing work throughout the trimester. However, missing work

from the first half of the trimester will only be accepted until midterm time. It will not be accepted after the midterm. If work is
from the second half of the trimester it will only be accepted until the week before the end of the trimester. In order to get
credit, students MUST add a PRIVATE COMMENT in Google Classroom so that I receive an alert that they have turned
something in after the due date. Otherwise, I will not know the assignment is turned in. Quizzes and Tests may not be
redone for additional points.

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