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SOLSTICE 2010: Divine Dispensation thr ough our Sun


Combined with 3 Powerful Back-to-Back Planetary Events!

June 21: Solstice: Divine Dispensation Arrives

June 26: Full Moon: Lunar Eclipse

July 11: New Moon: Solar Eclipse

Join Children of the Sun in Unified Grid Field during these three super-charged
occurrences. The planetary Crystalline Grid is a massive support structure during this
period of frequency acceleration and resulting turbulence in the Earth's restructuring
process. This diamond light matrix brings balance and stabilization to our
transformational processes by providing a pure means from which to access and remain
connected to a higher harmonic and our solar point of origination at the Galactic Center.

The Crystalline Grid is the transitory bridge into our New Earth golden octave!

Solstice 2010 and the New Dispensation

Leap up Children of the Sun, Angelic Winged Ones, Sun Runners, Rainbow Warriors
and other Luminous Ones!

This Solstice, we are gifted with grand opportunity to enter into a brand new Golden
Octave through our Sun, the awe empowering and intelligent luminary for Earth by which
we are profoundly influenced and given life.

The cosmic solar energy is radiating to our physical Sun and through to the Earth like
never before. With it comes a brand new dispensation for all life on this sweet
transitioning planet. The veils are lifting and those with pure hearts and illumined minds
are progressing further into a more direct channel with the Great Central Sun, our solar
seat of intelligence and ultimate expression of origination, unity and completeness... the
Alpha and Omega.

The Great Central Sun is our Galactic Center in the Milky Way. It is the place of
illumination from which all stars, planetary bodies and life in this galaxy are born. It is
comprised of vast creation energy, home to many great cosmic beings and holds
unimaginable glory beyond any comprehension. As humans, connecting more directly
with Source energy with greater access to universal light intelligence is the absolute
greatest gift we can receive and use here on Earth in the form of Love Divine. This IS
the Divine Dispensation we have been waiting for!

Our Sun, which serves as a stepped down transformer of the Great Central Sun and all
of the universal solar bodies, is emitting the highest vibrations of Divine Love energy that
our planetary body can withstand in this cycle. It is our physical living Sun that reads our
vibrations and then feeds to us what we need to evolve. It understands the exact
consciousness each of us carry, along with all other life forms on planet Earth. Our
benevolent Sun is the feeling heart center and it knows how to correct imbalances within
all life in its system. It holds our new Divine Blueprint encodings and is reaching out,
more than ever, to transcend our polarized natures and bring re-unification with Source.

Allow the Sun In

As we merge with the Sun's rays, we expose and open ourselves into the great surge of
cosmic solar energy. We open more greatly into our immortal electronic Causal Body to
bring forth our many gifts including Divine Intuition, the ability to decode the body's DNA
and embodiment of the universal Language of Light. As this Causal Body is activated,
we absorb more deeply into our Supreme Presence and actually become a radiating
Sun. Together, may we become a million Suns!

The energies are already arriving and heralds in a brand new cycle of supporting solar
energy into our lives. Prepare for the rate of thought/feeling manifestations and personal
abilities to undergo unfathomable expansion in service to Humanity and with Gaia.

This Solstice, may we honor and embrace the incoming rays of our Sun. Let's surrender
to the magic of Sun Light and create a powerful surge of transformation to "transmute
the limitations of the old myth of duality and separation, birthing the miracle of unity and
peace on Earth".

Join us during the Solstice Planetary Grid Transmissions

The Miracle is Manifesting on Earth!

A Solstice gift of REMEMBRANCE to all children of light...

T he Mythic Call
From the Mayan Oracle

Once upon a time ... a Galactic Council was called and a mythic
call was sent out to countless beings: the Children of the Sun, the Angelic Winged Ones,
the Sun Runners, the Rainbow Warriors and other Luminous Ones from many star
systems. This great circle of light beings gathered from far and wide. At the appointed
nexus, the Love of the Spinning Galaxies, the Great Spirit, entered, gracing them all with
celestial light and the following words.

"You are invited to incarnate on a world where a great transformation will take place,"
began the Love of the Spinning Galaxies. "You who respond to this call will go to a place
of planetary evolution where the illusion of fear and separation are strong teachers. I am
calling those with the needed talents and gifts to act as my emissaries there, to lift and
transform the frequencies of planet Earth, simply by embodying and anchoring love's
presence there. In this myth, you will be the creators of a new reality, the reality of the

The Love of the Spinning Galaxies continued: "On other journeys, each of you has
proven to be a "feeling navigator," able to awaken your consciousness and align your
heart to the promptings of pure love and compassionate service. As sun runners and
torch bearers, you have already demonstrated that you will hold the light high. And so, I
invite you to incarnate en masse among the tribes of Earth to assist Gaia and all her
children in their transformation."

"It is part of the plan that you will be veiled in forgetting," the Mystery of the Spinning
Galaxies went on. "However, as you remember the feeling of childlike innocence and
trust, you will become the harmonic leavening in this cycle of initiation for Earth. You will
incarnate strategically, often in some of the most vibrationally dense areas of the planet.
To some, this illusion of separation from love may create feelings of hopelessness, lack
of support, and alienation. But by embracing your humanness, your love will transform
the depths of duality, and your light will quicken the many."

"Your participation on this quest is purely voluntary; however, this transformation shift on
Earth is very rare and precious. Should you choose to accept this mission, you will have
the opportunity to catalyze and synthesize all that you have been during many
incarnations, receiving a rarely offered quantum leap in consciousness. It is up to you to
choose how you will dance with Terra Gaia and her children as she completes her
ceremony of light!"

So spoke the Creator, the Light of the Spinning Galaxies. And so it was that the
luminous beings that formed the countless alliances, federations and councils of the
faithful of the stars chose to incarnate on planet Earth to assist in this crucial event, the
awakening of the planetary dream. There was even a fail-safe process built into the plan
to awaken these beings from the illusion of separation and the veil of forgetfulness that
is so rife upon Earth. The luminous ones who would journey to Gaia's assistance agreed
to spark each others remembrance. Thus, these starseeded ones were encoded in
many ways with sounds, colors, lights, images, words and symbols - a vibrational
resonance that would assist them in remembering their commitment to the light. It was
agreed that these coded clues would appear everywhere: in visionary art and music, in
penetrating looks, in speech and feelings - all creating a deep yearning to awaken and
become the embodiment of love.

So it is that you, the Children of the Sun, are now being bathed in the waters of
remembrance, prepared as Rainbow Warriors to fulfill the promise of the new and
ancient myth. By simply anchoring love's presence on Earth, you lovingly draw down the
mantle of the Gods, sending waves of healing and love throughout Gaia's eagerly
receptive body. As you emerge in this time, your gifts awaken and empower others.
Utilizing the tools of laughter, song, dance, humor, joy, trust and love, you are creating
the powerful surge of transformation that will transmute the limitations of the old myth of
duality and separation, birthing the miracle of unity and peace on Earth.

Utilize your gifts on behalf of Gaia. In a supernova of consciousness, Gaia and her
children will ascend in robes of light, forming a luminous light body of love, to be reborn
amongst the stars! The mythic call has been sounded. The great quest has begun.

Awaken rainbow warriors, sun runners, and luminous beings from galactic alliances,
federations and councils! Ancient skywalkers, newly formed in this moment, stand in the
beauty and power of your true identity as love's gift to Gaia. Set aside self-doubt. You
are a divine child of the Sun! Go where your heart draws you to share your great gifts.
Surrender to the magic and light. The miracle will be manifested on Earth.

The Miracle IS Manifesting on Earth!

H A P P Y S O L S T I C E !!

Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation

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