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100 Most Important Vocabulary words from The Hindu Editorial


Nudge (verb) prompt, encourage, coax, push; prod, poke, jab.

Bolster (verb) support, strengthen, boost, make stronger, reinforce.
Flag (verb) draw attention to; mark out, indicate, identify, point out.
Legacy (noun) footprint, achievement, feat, accomplishment; something
happened in the past/something that is coming from the past.
5. Hard nosed (adjective) tough-minded, realistic, pragmatic, practical.
6. Conundrum (noun) problem, difficult question, vexed question, difficulty,
7. Profound (adjective) great, deep, extreme, acute; complex, difficult.
8. Chaos (noun) disorder, confusion, disarray, disorganization; disruption,
confusion, havoc, furore, turmoil.
9. Extremist (noun) fanatic, sectarian, radical, fundamentalist, militant, partisan,
10. Fillip (noun) stimulus, boost, encouragement, incentive, impetus, motivation;
tonic, uplift, spur, goad, prod, push, prompt.

11. Articulate (verb) express, communicate, state, make public, announce.

12. Signatory (noun) the one (person/party/organisation/country) which signed an
official document.
13. Scuttle (verb) destroy, wreak, scrap, make something fail; make something to fail
14. Resilience (noun)- toughness, ability to bounce back, strength, flexibility; ability to
recover from tough time.
15. Innate (adjective) inherent, intrinsic, natural, inborn; chronic, congenital.
16. Heed (verb) pay attention to, take notice of, notice, take into account.
17. Ruling (noun) decision, pronouncement, resolution, decree; judgement, verdict.
18. Context (noun) circumstances, conditions, surroundings, situation, environment.
19. Aftermath (noun) repercussions, after-effects, by-product; consequences, effects.
20. Portent (verb) omen, sign, indication, forecast, prediction.

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21. Crackdown (noun) clampdown, getting tough, severe/stern measures,

suppression, elimination.
22. Spectrum (noun) range, gamut, sweep, scope; ambit, compass.
23. Bound to (adjective) certain, sure, very likely, guaranteed
24. Status quo (noun) the present situation, the current state, the existing state of
25. Purported (adjective) claimed, professed, pretended; alleged, asserted.
26. Thwart (verb) stop, impede, check, block, prevent, oppose, hinder.
27. Blunt (verb) weaken, decrease, lessen, diminish, reduce, dull.
28. Insurgency (noun) rebellion, revolt, uprising, outbreak, rioting.
29. Resentment (noun) bitterness, indignation, hostility, dissatisfaction, hatred,
resentfulness, hard/bad feelings.
30. Envisage (verb) foresee, predict, forecast, anticipate, expect; imagine,
contemplate, visualize, envision.

31. Predecessor (noun) forerunner, precursor, antecedent, former.

32. Lax (adjective) slack, negligent, remiss, careless, inattentive; soft, liberal, nonrestrictive.
33. Relinquish (verb) renounce, give up, give away; leave, resign from; discontinue,
34. Introspection (noun) self-observation, brooding, self-analysis; contemplation,
thoughtfulness, thinking.
35. Empower (verb) allow, permit, authorise, entitle; emancipate, unchain, set free.
36. Foster (verb) encourage, promote, endorse, stimulate, support.
37. Vulnerable (adjective) in danger, in peril, at risk, endangered; exposed to, wide
open to, susceptible to, subject to.
38. Humane (noun) compassionate, kind-hearted, good-natured, civilised.
39. Maim (verb) injure, wound, hurt, disable, impair, disfigure, deform.
40. Undermine (verb) subvert, weaken, impede, diminish, hinder, damage.

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41. Mobilise (verb) arouse, generate, induce, cause, bring into play, prompt.
42. Rote (noun) without thinking, unthinking, from memory, mechanically.
43. Defiance (noun) resistance, opposition, confrontation; non-compliance,
disobedience, dissent, subversion.
44. Provision (noun) facilities, services, amenities; funds, benefits.
45. Provision for (noun) preparations, planning, prearrangement, arrangements.
46. Provisions (noun) supplies, food and drink, stores.
47. Subsume (verb) include, absorb, cover, encompass.
48. Redress (noun) compensation, reparation, repayment; restitution, remedy.
49. Redress (verb) rectify, correct, make right, deal with, resolve, settle.
50. Intimidation (noun) frightening, menacing, terrifying; threatening, harassment,

51. Vicious (adjective) brutal, harsh, violent, ruthless, heartless.

52. Revamp (verb) renovate, reconstruct, rebuild; modernize, update, renew;
53. Stem from (phrasal verb) originate from, arise from, come from.
54. Apathy (noun) lack of interest, indifference, unresponsiveness, dispassion,
55. Pertinent (adjective) relevant, appropriate, suitable.
56. Promulgate (verb) make known, make public, publicize, communicate.
57. Tangible (adjective) real, actual, substantial, well defined, clear; touchable,
palpable, visible.
58. Semblance (noun) appearance, outward appearance, approximation, apparent
form; resemblance; similarity (archaic).
59. Reiterate (verb) repeat, say again, restate, iterate, recapitulate.
60. Explicit (adjective) clear, direct, obvious; precise, exact, definite.

61. Cognitive (adjective) related to the mental processes (cognition) of thinking,

understanding, learning, remembering.
62. Impinge (verb) affect, have an effect/impact on, influence, have a bearing on.
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63. Impinge (verb) encroach on, intrude on, infringe, strike, hit, collide with.
64. Metaphor (noun) figure of speech, figurative expression, comparison, image,
65. Emanate (verb) emerge, flow, ensue, come out, arise; originate from; exude,
spread out.
66. Ramifications (noun) consequence, result, aftermath, outcome, effect;
development; outgrowth.
67. Evasive (adjective) avoiding, dodging, escaping, eluding.
68. Impetus (noun) motivation, stimulus, encouragement, inspiration, boost.
69. Adept (adjective) expert, skillful, proficient, talented; brilliant, outstanding,
70. Potent (adjective) powerful, strong, vigorous, mighty; forceful, convincing,
compelling, persuasive.

71. Persuade (verb) convince, prompt, influence, prevail on, coax.

72. Persuade (verb) cause, lead, move, motivate, induce.
73. Prejudice (noun) partiality, bigotry, bias, discrimination, inequity.
74. Rebuff (verb) reject, refuse, decline; repulse, repel, dismiss.
75. Contend (verb) assert, acclaim, state, pronounce, insist, argue.
76. Contend for (verb) compete, challenge; strive, struggle, fight.
77. Contend with (verb) cope with, face, deal with, take on; resist.
78. Exploit (verb) use, utilize, make use of, capitalize on; take advantage of.
79. Sustainable (adjective) maintainable, dependable, defensible.
80. Cede (verb) give up, surrender, concede, relinquish; handover, assign, grant
(power /territory).

81. Reinstate (verb) restore, return to a former position, return to power, bring back,
82. Impending (adjective) imminent, at hand, close, nearing, approaching, looming
large, threatening.
83. Dissident (noun) dissenter, objector, protester, disputant; rebel, revolutionary.
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84. Grievance (noun) complaint, criticism, objection, protestation, problem, charge.

85. Unfold (verb) narrate, reveal, make known, disclose.
86. Outreach (noun) the level/act of reaching out, activity, effort; activity, process,
involvement, influence.
87. Engulf (verb) affect, overwhelm; inundate, overflow, flow over.
88. Restive (adjective) tense, restless, nervous; disorderly, out of control; rebellious.
89. Inertia (noun) inactivity, inaction, apathy, dullness, lethargy.
90. Detrimental (adjective) harmful, damaging, dangerous, disastrous, adverse,
unhealthy, bad.

91. Behest (noun) instruction, request, wish; command, order, direction.

92. Propriety (noun) decorum, respectability, courtesy; etiquette, formalities, rules of
conduct, standards.
93. sheer (adjective) utter, total, complete, thorough, absolute.
94. Continuum (noun) a series of things with a particular quality, but differed by
minute angles.
95. Visceral (adjective) deep inward feelings and emotions; full of strong emotions
without any logic; not intellectual, instinctive, unreasoning.
96. Lopsided (adjective) asymmetrical, off-centre, uneven, unequal, to one side.
97. Objective (adjective) impartial, unbiased, equitable, fair.
98. Subjective (adjective) personal, irrational, individual, instinctive, intuitive.
99. Unequivocal (adjective) unambiguous, unmistakable, indisputable; clear, well
defined; direct, straightforward, blunt.
Fallout (noun) bad effect/result, adverse effect/result.

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