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Engineered Material Arresting System (EMAS)

Ram air turbine

Al Dionisio
CFOE 1 - 2010

Engineered Material Arresting System (EMAS)

Its a passive way to reduce speed an stop an aircraft at the
end off a runaway.

Engineered Material Arresting System (EMAS)

Design and applications in restricted airport sites (in
development by ICAO and FAA).
The EMAS must be designed to decelerate the design
The ANAC is considering the installation of EMAS in
So Paulo Congonhas;
The aircraft runway exit speed of 70 knots is
considered a standard based;

An engineered materials arrestor system or

engineered materials arresting system (EMAS) is
a bed of lightweight, crushable concrete built at
the end of a runway.
The EMAS installed at New
York City's John F. Kennedy
International Airport in 1999
has successfully stopped three
aircraft, including one 300 ton
Boeing 747.

The purpose of an EMAS is to stop an aircraft overrun with

no human injury and minimal aircraft damage (usually
none). The aircraft is slowed by the loss of energy required
to crush the concrete blocks.
The EMAS must be
constructed on a paved
surface capable of supporting
the occasional passage of the
critical design aircraft using
the runway and fully loaded
Aircraft Rescue and Fire
Fighting (ARFF) vehicles
without deformation of the
base surface or structural
damage to the aircraft or

Ram air turbine

A ram air turbine (RAT) is a
small turbine that is connected
to a hydraulic pump, or electrical
generator, installed in an aircraft
and used as a power source. The
RAT generates power from the
airstream due to the speed of the

Ram air turbine on F-105 Thunderchief


The energy of an aircraft

comes from the engines and
APU, but both uses fuel to
If the aircraft dont have fuel,
it will be without energy for
navigations instruments,
hydraulic system, surfaces of
control and others systems.
The Ram Air Turbine
generates power from the
airstream due to the speed of
the aircraft.
Ram air turbine on Boeing 757
commercial airliner

This is a list of aviation incidents involving a ram air turbine:

Air Canada Flight 143; better known as the Gimli Glider

Air Transat Flight 236.
The hijacking of Ethiopian Airlines Flight 961.
Pinnacle Airlines Flight 3701.
US Airways Flight 1549.

It was used at beginning by

Military Aircraft and in
Weapons, but today many
civilian have it, how A380,
B757, B767 and others.

First Airliner use of a RATs

Vickers VC-10 - 60s

Rocket with RAT - WWII

Messerschimitt Me-163

Crop Dust using a

RAT as pump

Engineered Material Arresting System (EMAS).

Ram air turbine.

then, your flight is

being a safety flight
dont be worred about
some ideas

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