Nzalt Conference 2016

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Here you will find some notes from different

presentations, workshops and speeches at the

2016 NZALT conference in Nelson.
Collaborate, add your photos and thoughts as you go!
Folder from Day One from NZALT

Le lundi 11 juillet
*Opening welcome Martin East. Thanks to committee.
*Keynote: Steve Thorne. Living language and effortful engagement as catalysts for
language learning
Grim stats in USA for language learning in education = 3% move to advanced learning of
Teachers try to make salient the critical parts of language learning
Bilinguals have better performance on standardised tests that are non related such as maths
Improved objectivity as speaker of languages
High levels of effortful engagement result in positive outcomes
Pragmatics = high level of communicative repertoire
Tweeps at the conference: tag me if I have missed anyone @vanschaijik

Associate Professor Steve Thorne

Digital interaction starts early.

Project based learning-produce a public product at the end-go beyond the classroom. Long
term projects can go over a year or two.

Students to live their social lives through the target language. Centripetal flow= bringing the
outside in. Students interacting socially in meaningful situations using target language.
Language is about communication as opposed to high test scores. Become a more
interesting person by speaking languages,

Construction & maintenance of social relationships of significance. All human learning is

driven by social relationships.
People remember things when they are surprised. Structure opportunities to engage with
levels of unpredictability. How do we create experientially rich activities?
How do we encourage students to fill the gap between expertise of first and other
Language use in the wild (non educational setting) is immense
Fanfiction! All of us have students who are fans of something. Use this! High levels of
effortful engagement...what hooks them?
Strong purpose activities- find a way to do this in some way every week.
Teacher role is critically important-we are not being replaced.

Education Perfect
Craig wasnt here but he says hi & thanks for the support

Education Perfect bringing in speaking this space

Nigel Evans NZQA Digital Assessment Transformation
Check out the mosque in Taihape.
Nigels job is to get the exams written and marked, digitally. Without our input this doesnt
Whats going on at the moment & how are we moving to the future?
What innovative ways can we as teachers contribute to the future? How can NZQA work with
us to flesh out the innovation?
Qualify for a future world-new NZQA slogan
Think about design of content of exams to interest and engage our students.
Check out Sundar Pichai CEO of Google. Disruptive teaching. Technology is disruptive.
Press was hugely disruptive 600 years ago. What could these disruptive technologies look
like in the future?

The front end of the curriculum is the focus for looking at how we shift what assessment look
2016-online trial exams priority goes to pasfika and maori subjects.
French is part of pilot programme where students will gain credits
Expressions of interest until 1st August
12-23 september access to trial exams. Use as practise exams and use for derived grades.
All further info can be found in shared conference folder (watch this space for the link).

Schools can elect to be ready...or not! Some infrastructure in schools will mean some
schools cant be part of the process. Some languages departments are more forward
thinking that their management and other departments in the school.
This process will require patience, NZQA is just starting this process.
There is a fallback and each student will have a booklet to fall back on. They might answer 1
question digitally & the rest in the booklet. Markers will have training to cope with this.
NZQA having problems finding markers for exams!! They are each on individual contracts
and therefore PPTA support is not possible for pay etc
Q: student voice??? Yes NZQA is already working with focus groups of students.

School signs up to pilots, students get to decide if they do digital or not. Students can opt out
before or on the day.
Q: any practise material for onlines? Sample assessments conditioned by former booklet at
this stage. Substitution stage of the process. Available on NZQA website.
Readiness testing will help schools to know if they can be part of the trials/pilots.
Subject association presidents need to take a lead in this move forward.
Students will likely be critical. Get their feedback and get it to NZQA.
NZQA wants to hear from us. Contact via school relations manager. See Principals
Andrea Gray- Deputy Chief Exec Digital Assessment
Contact these people, theyre approachable. Make an appointment and get your voice heard
to cocreate solutions and move forward.
Nigel Evans is very open, supportive, and approachable.
Joe Dale Capturing the Zeitgeist
WORKSHOP OVERFLOWING, teachers turned away! Fingers crossed that Joe can present
again today!! Who else went and can add what they learnt?
Joe inspired me to try green screening. I have downloaded the DoInk App onto my Ipad and
have been experimenting. You can just hang up some green fabric or even green felt on a
chair if you want to use small figures like Lego. You can use this app for students to create
their own roleplays, advertisements, videos etc in the target language and they can set the
background anywhere (certainly in the target country or even the moon if you wish).
Joe spoke about the power of Twitter to connect with other Language teachers and share
ideas and as a means of receiving useful professional learning.
Jillian Symons Adomania
Textbooks that support task based methods
Dr Corinne Seals
Workshop was about interlanguaging It looked at examples of where there are languages at
home at allowing students to answer in more than one language. It looked at how studies
show this does not affect the TL. It is a way of identifying with the students background. The
classic NZ case is Te Reo incorporated into English.
It's a positive that students can speak and respond in any language they want to use. You
might use a book that has French text that is analysed in English.

Fiona Bamford and Susan Johnson

Teachers compared the setup of their 100 min sessions or 120 sessions in their situation and
the rationale at their school. It was a sharing of what to do in that time and how the language
acquisition is affected in 2 hours. What activities that can be done in this time vs 60 minutes
session eg cooking session, set up shops. Workstations and projects were suggested as a
good option too. Feedback from students was more positive for seniors than for juniors but
the questions as to what students are used to will depend on how they may find it.
Kathleen Duquemin
Using IWB in the primary Japanese Classroom
Kathleen showed us the advantages of using the computer program Class Dojo. There is a
free version or one that you pay a fee to use. As a Japanese teacher she puts her students
name in Japanese script with a picture beside it to help the students start to recognise the
characters. She uses this at the beginning of each class when she calls the roll.
Kathleen inspired us with the Power of Powerpoint to enhance language teaching. She
showed us how she creates animated stories in Japanese with effects and also how she
creates games to teach hiragana script recognition using the trigger and pulse features in
animations. She also showed how to make picture dictionary pages. The words are placed
behind the pictures so the students press on the picture to see the word come up for about 5
seconds. This is much more appealing for the students than using a paper dictionary or
wordlist. She also showed us how to make a simple animation to teach a language point.
She makes her animations available on her webpage so they can be accessed by students
and their parents at home. It was an interactive and inspiring presentation for all you
Scott Cardwell The Power of Virtual Reality to Learn Languages
Run down of all of the options for virtual reality equipment. Huge price point range.
Chrome browser
Scott showed us what immerseMe will look like
Virtual reality for language learners. Learners would have a head set on and have
conversations to move through the virtual reality world. I.e ordering a galette/caf
Scott is looking for schools to pilot this programme. Check out the website Registration form at bottom of website
Shirley Bain
Collecting evidence for NCEA internals. A few things clarified only one lot of feedback as this
interferes with authenticity. See the Conditions of Assessment. The work over the two pieces
needs to be consistent over both for the grade. Too many E grades for .2 and .5 in
Interact - Evidence from odd out of class record it on the phone.
The students need to know what's required.
Presentation - don't just mark the language but how they present it for an audience you
could use what you write about to inspire your presentation.
Some schools are doing cross-curricular things eg talk about Marae visit in French

Information sheet which is content which is French

Tattoos for art - you could have an interaction about
what you think about tattoos
Some photos from la Gournandise and Nelson
Lights - click here

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