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Hone your essential skills and take nothing for granted

The Mens Health Forum and
the Impotence Association are

This book, subtitled First Thoughts on Clinical Governance, is for

initiating a programme to
improve understanding of
erectile dysfunction. Call their
helpline on 0870 129 0100 or
visit their website at

aimed at physicians, in particular GPs, because the level is very

the absolute beginner in clinical effectiveness. I am surprised it is

basic. However, the book arose from research funded by a regional
evidence-based medicine union and the author knows what she is
talking about.
Apparently, GPs lack the most essential skills of library searching

Radcliffe Primary Care

'V,. Made Easy

whether via electronic databases or simply searching journals. These


are skills any graduate should possess and it is not made clear

Breast Cancer - Spot the

Symptoms Early, launched to

whether GPs never had them or lost them along the way.

coincide with Breast Cancer

Awareness month, features
advice on a range of breast
cancer issues. The leaflet is

self-assessment in clinical effectiveness skills, the reader is taken

available free by sending an

A5 stamped addressed

as the Cochrane database and Medline, with straightforward advice

The book takes nothing for granted. Beginning with a

through a process that includes formulating the right questions,
undertaking a library search, and appraising and applying evidence.


On the way, there are descriptions of a number of databases, such

on using them. Appraising evidence includes guidelines for reading
and evaluating papers in journals and gives a hierarchy of evidence,


Ruth Chambers
Radcliffe Medical Press
122pp, 17.95
ISBN: 1-85775-316-X

envelope to: Breast Cancer

leaflet. Imperial Cancer
Research Fund, PO Box 123,
Lincoln's Inn Fields, London

The chapter on clinical governance is very good and, for many

who are uncertain what it is about, I recommend the book for this short chapter alone. If the skills of those ^jY


who are to implement clinical effectiveness within a framework of clinical governance are as poor as this

with, of course, the randomised controlled trial at the top.

book suggests, this book is also the perfect antidote. No one should be in any doubt about the rudiments
of the process after reading it. The content could form the basis of a course on research skills and, as such,
many nurses would find it useful.
Roger Watson RGN, BSc, PhD

Whaley and Wong's Nursing

Care of Infants and Children
(sixth edition)

It is aimed at commissioners
and managers in the NHS, local

enhanced by expanded colour

authorities and voluntary and

Donna L Wong et al


private organisations responsible

2,119pp, 43.95
ISBN 0-3230-0150-5

will be of benefit to nursing

carers in line with the national

students in particular. It presents

strategy, Caring about Carers.

This perennial book remains a

multiple-choice questions and

useful resource for all nurses in

explanations for correct and

The CD-ROM is easy to use and

for developing local support for

The merit of this guide lies in

its practical illustrations for

this field, although

incorrect answers. The website

implementing local joint

non-Americans will find some of

contains similar and additional

strategies and initiatives.The first

information and the individual

code number provided with each

chapter sets out the conditions

and processes, such as top-level

comprehensive volume, covering

book allows easy access to a

commitment and carer

care from infancy to late

wider range of resources.

the text irrelevant.

The book is a unique and

holistic view of the child and

family. This familiar format is

adolescence. Donna Wong

If you are not comfortable with

involvement, that are essential to

the development of a joint

remains the main author,

American textbooks, this might

ensuring continuity with previous

not be for you. However, it

editions. However, this latest

represents better value than

detail at the practical steps that

partner agencies need to take.

approach to carer support.

The following chapters look in

edition features five new authors,

previous editions, and is larger,

Two new videos aimed at

reducing violence and

who have broadened the focus

cheaper and more comprehensive.

Partner agencies are encouraged

on community and family-

Anna Sidey RGN, RSCN, RN Cert

to reflect on their work by asking

aggression in general practice

have recently been released.
The first features role play

centred care in particular. With

scenarios while the second

explains simple techniques
such as body language and
practice layout. For further

what they are trying to achieve.

the book comes a CD-ROM, and

Taking Action to Support

website information.

Carers: A Carers Impact Guide

for Commissioners and

ensuring carers have a voice,

Penny Banks, Colin Cheeseman
King's Fund

strategic planning level, with

The format remains consistent.

Key features include the disorder
sections, which foster a clear
understanding of the impact of

information contact Linda

Marriott at Abbott
Laboratories, Abbott House,
Norden Road, Maidenhead,
Berkshire SL6 4XE. Tel: 01628

disease and the role of the famiiy

773355. Fax 01628 644345.

in health and illness.

Extensive information on health

There is a crucial chapter on

both at an individual level and a
interesting examples of how this
has been done.

63pp, 9.95
ISBN: 1-8571-7267-1

checklist for primary care teams

The final chapter provides a

This guide aims to offer practical

to meet the needs of carers and

promotion in the first part of the

information and advice on

deliver a quality service.

book establishes the emphasis on

developing a whole systems

Katrina McCormick BA, Dip Social

wellbeing and the value of a

approach to support carers.

Admin, Dip Research Methodology

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