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Atividade avaliativa 8 anos -Teacher Fani

Para formar o Past Continuous preciso usar a forma do passado do verbo to be - WAS / WERE e o verbo principal no
gerndio - ING. Exemplo: I was studying.
1. Complete as sentenas com o Past Continuous dos verbos entre parnteses.
a) He

to the supermarket.(GO)

b) She

the computer. ( FIX)

c) My father

to our friends. (TALK)

d) Lisa
e) It

your car this morning.( DRIVE)

this morning, so we had to take an umbrella with us.( RAIN)

2- D acordo com a regra de pluralizao dos substantivos (PLURAL NOUNS) coloque no plural os seguintes
a) day:

b) table:

c) brush:

d) church:

e) lady:

f) wish:

g) family:

h) story:

i) book:

As questes abaixo esto destinadas ao trabalho com o Future Simple.

3- Marque a alternativa cuja frase no esteja no Simple Future.
a) We will travel next week.
b) She will watch TV tonight.
c) They didnt watch TV.
d) I will study for the test.
4- Qual a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase I ________________ free time tomorrow no Simple Future?
a) have will.
b) will to have.
c) have.
d) will have.
5. A forma interrogativa da frase The computers will decide our futuree:
a) The computers will decide our future?
b) The computers wont decide our future?
c) The will computers decide our future?
d) Will the computers decide our future?
6 Qual alternativa corresponde transformao da frase They dont have the usual signs para o Simple

a) They wont have the usual signs.

b) They will have the usual signs.
c) They have the usual signs.
d) They having the usual signs.

7. Complete a frase The stores ___________ early this afternoon com o verbo no Simple Future e depois
marque a alternativa correta.
a) will closing.
b) will closes.
c) will closed.
d) will close.
Interpretao de texto
Leia o texto abaixo e responda as questes de A a E
One day I will go to Brazil. I will visit the North and the South. I will eat typical food, like
feijoada and acaraj. I will talk to the people. I will make new friends. I will dance Brazilian
music, like Samba and Ax. Yesterday I watched a programme on TV about Brazil. It is a
beautiful place, I will love this country located in South America. I will see wonderful beaches
and I will learn Portuguese.
a = um, uma

love = amar (amarei)

and = e

music = msica

beautiful = lindas, bonitas

new = novos

dance = danar (danarei)

day = dia
eat = comer (comerei)
food = comer (comerei)

north = norte
on = em
one = um
Portuguese = portugus

friends = amigos

programme = programa

I = eu

see = ver (verei)

in = em
is =
located = localizado

south = sul
talk = converser

the = o, a, os, as

watched = assisti, vi

to = para

yesterday = ontem

A) Combine as colunas adequadamente com base no significado das palavras:

( 1 ) about

( ) pessoas

( 2 ) beach

( ) aprender

( 3 ) country

( ) sobre, a respeito

( 4 ) eat

( ) praia

( 5 ) learn

( ) como, tais como

( 6 ) like

( ) comer

( 7 ) make

( ) fazer

( 8 ) people

( ) lugar

( 9 ) place
( 10 ) wonderful

( ) maravilhoso
( ) pas

C) De acordo com o texto, escreva certo (C) ou errado (E) em cada frase a baixo:
1. ( ) Brazilian typical music is only Samba.
2. ( ) Portuguese is not Brazil official language.
3. ( ) Brazil is beautiful country.

D) Responda EM PORTUGUS segundo o texto: Quais tipos de msicas brasileiras

E) Responda EM INGLS segundo o texto: What are the typical Brazilian foods?

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