Biological Cybernetics: Self-Organized Formation of Topologically Correct Feature Maps

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Biol. Cybern.43, 59-69 (1982)

9 Springer-Verlag1982

Self-Organized Formation of Topologically Correct Feature Maps

Teuvo Kohonen
Department of TechnicalPhysics,HelsinkiUniversityof Technology,Espoo, Finland

Abstract. This work contains a theoretical study and

computer simulations of a new self-organizing process.
The principal discovery is that in a simple network of
adaptive physical elements which receives signals from
a primary event space, the signal representations are
automatically mapped onto a set of output responses
in such a way that the responses acquire the same
topological order as that of the primary events. In
other words, a principle has been discovered which
facilitates the automatic formation of topologically
correct maps of features of observable events. The
basic self-organizing system is a one- or twodimensional array of processing units resembling a
network of threshold-logic units, and characterized by
short-range lateral feedback between neighbouring
units. Several types of computer simulations are used
to demonstrate the ordering process as well as the
conditions under which it fails.

1. ln~oducfion
The present work has evolved from a recent discovery
by the author (Kohonen, 1981), i.e. that topologically
correct maps of structured distributions of signals can
be formed in, say, a one- or two-dimensional array of
processing units which did not have this structure
initially. This principle is a generalization of the formation of direct topographic projections between two
laminar structures known as retinotectal mapping
(Willshaw and Malsburg, 1976, 1979; Malsburg and
Willshaw, 1977; Amari, 1980). It will be introduced
here in a general form in which signals of any modality
may be used. There are no restrictions on the automatic formation of maps of completely abstract or
conceptual items provided their signal representations
or feature values are expressible in a metric or topological space which allows their ordering. In other

words, we shall not restrict ourselves to topographical

maps but consider maps of patterns relating to an
arbitrary feature or attribute space, and at any level of
The processing units by which these mappings are
implemented can be identified with concrete physical
adaptive components of a type similar to the
Perceptrons (Rosenblatt, 1961). There is a characteristic feature in these new models, namely, a local feedback which makes map formation possible. The main
objective of this work has been to demonstrate that
external signal activity alone, assuming a proper structural and functional description of system behavior, is
sufficient for enforcing mappings of the above kind into
the system.
The present work is related to an idealized neural
structure. However, the intention is by no means to
assert that self-organization is mainly of neural origin;
on the contrary, there are good reasons to assume that
the basic state of readiness is often determined genetically. This does not exclude the possibility, however,
that self-organization may significantly be affected and
sometimes even completely determined by sensory
experiences. On the other hand, the logic underlying
this model is readily generalizable to mechanisms
other than neural.
There are indeed many kinds of maps or images of
sensory experiences in the brain; the most familiar
ones are the retinotopic, somatotopic, and tonotopic
projections in the primary sensory areas, as well as the
somatotopic order of cells in the motor cortex. There is
some evidence (Lynch et al., 1978) that topographic
maps of the exterior environment are formed in the
hippocampus. These observations suggest that the
brains of different species would also more generally be
able to produce maps of occurrences that are only
indirectly related to the sensory inputs ; notice that the
signals received by the sensory areas have also been
transformed by sensory organs, ganglia, and relay


nuclei. If the ability to form maps were ubiquitous in
the brain, then one could easily explain its power to
operate on semantic items: some areas of the brain
could simply create and order specialized cells or cell
groups in conformity with high-level features and their
The possibility of constructing spatial maps for
attributes and features in fact revives the old question
of how symbolic representations for concepts
formed automatically; most of the models of automatic
problem solving and representation of knowledge have
simply skipped this question.

Definition. The system of Fig. 1 is said to implement a

one-dimensional ordered mapping if for i t > i z > i 3 > . . . ,

2. Preliminary Simulations
In order to elucidate the self-organizing processes
discussed in this paper, their operation is first demonstrated by means of ultimately simplified system models. The essential constituents of these systems are:
1. An array of processing units which receive coherent
inputs from an event space and form simple discriminant functions of their input signals. 2. A mechanism which compares the discriminant functions and
selects the unit with the greatest function value.
3. Some kind of local interaction which simultaneously
activates the selected unit and its nearest neighbours.
4. An adaptive process which makes the parameters of
the activated units increase their discriminant function
values relating to the present input.

2.1. Definition of Ordered Mappings

Consider Fig. 1 which delineates a simple one-level
self-organizing system. Information about the events
A1,A2,A3,... taking place in the exterior world is
mediated in the form of sensory signals to a set of




Relaying network

SI[II- [ I Sill[

t/q(A1) : max {~/j(Aa)Ij = 1, 2,..., n}


qi2(A2) = max {tlj(Az)[j = 1, 2,..., n}


qi3(A3) = max
{t/j(A3)lJ = 1, 2,..., n}
The above definition is readily generalizable to
two- and higher-dimensional arrays of processing
units; in this case some topological order must be definable for the events Ak, induced by more than one
ordering relation with respect to different attributes.
On the other hand, the topology of the array is simply
defined by the definition of neighbours to each unit. If
the unit with the maximum response to a particular
event is regarded as the image of the latter, then the

mapping is said to be ordered if the topological relations

of the images and the events are similar.
2.2. Formation of Topological Maps
in a Two-Dimensional Array
with Identical Inputs to all Units
Consider Fig. 2 which delineates a rectangular array of
processing units. In the first experiment, the relaying
network was neglected, and the same set of input



processing units (shown here as a one-dimensional

array for simplicity) via a relaying network. The sets of
sensory signals Si distributed to each processing unit i
may be nonidentical and the number of signals in each
Si may be different; however, these signals are assumed
to be coherent in the sense that they are uniquely
determined by the same events A k. Assume that the
events A k can be ordered in some metric or topological
way such that A1RAzRA3... where R stands for a
general ordering relation which is transitive (the above
implies, e.g., that A1RA3). Assume further that the
processing units produce output responses to the
events with scalar values th(A0, t/i(A2). . . . .


111 ~

~.._.~._.~~.,,_.~....~~... uni
"J [





Fig. 1. Illustration of a system which implements an ordered


Fig, 2. Two-dimensional array of processing units




'W . ~ " ,

,-"~ :.._".;...-: .. ".:";.:... . .~ '-,.

1 2 "d4
5 o'7
. . . . .

I 2



. . . . . . . .



. . . . . . . .


"',, }1'-,-..:....c'.:,.:..v.
v..~.: .': 4 ." .'-". '.,:;":
t ,,",/
I . ? " : . . ","."':,:;

,%6 . . . . . . . .




[.-,-..--'' ,,:= :. :..'.

!~. ".-:'..'.'"


," -:1

"::''. L : . ;.'::. _= -..'4


i F,::.,:-.::..:_

" "", "" '-"- ":" ":0, "

9. ~.x.." ',':" ~, ",'-;r

" : ~"" ' ' ": ' r


q . . . . . . . .


. . . . .







( ~r


;:--.~"'>-.~ >-< >--:: :----<?=-'-(-.>--< ..:.--<


(Z 1":,[2~'(2 z',(2 4"{a5Xz ;~,iz zXa s)

::---<~< >-< ...'>--I,[::-~..'.--~.~< >-=;
3 1',(3 zY., 3X3 4 ~ 5 t,3 6)<3 ;),.~ ,.,/






5r . . . . .

,, ,,.":'~)L<}':'~>-'<,;>~<.,,,
, . ,~.
.>-< >-< >-< >-<,>-<,,>~..'_~5-, ~-~

(7 ~',(7..',~z.-.'b,4)
-~....g ".~,.~" ;t,.-'~Xz?,(,-'~)
~,._ _,' % .
'" -~"~ 84 4 (-~~ 5 y:~?,o
~ . ~ X a , : s)
',:J ,~.. ',.j


Fig. 3. a Distributionof training vectors(front viewof the surfaceof a unit spherein Ra).The distribution had edges,each of which containedas
many vectors as the inside, b Test vectors which are mapped into the outputs of the processingunit array, e Images of the test vectors at the
signals {41, ~ 2 ' ' ' " ~n} was connected to all units. In
accordance with notations used in mathematical system theory, this set of signals is expressed as a column
vector x=[~l,~2,...,~,]TeR" where T denotes the
transpose. Unit i shall have input weights or parameters #~l,#iz,-..,#~, which are expressible as another
1T E Rn
column v e c t o r mi=Fflil,#i2,...,i.~in
. The
shall form the discriminant function

~= ~ ~u~j=mrx.



A discrimination mechanism (Sect. 3) shall further

operate by which the maximum of the q~ is singled out:
ilk = max {th}.


For unit k and all the eight of its nearest neighbours

(except at the edges of the array where the number of
neighbours was different) the following adaptive process is then assumed to be active"

mi(t+ 1)=


IImi(t) + c~x(t)llE'


where the variables have been labelled by a discretetime index t (an integer), ~ is a "gain parameter" in
adaptation, and the denominator is the Euclidean
norm of the numerator. Equation (3) otherwise resembles the well-known teaching rule of the
Perceptron, except that the direction of the corrections
is always the same as that of x (no decision process or
supervision is involved), and the weight vectors are
normalized. Normalization improves selectivity in discrimination, and it is also beneficial in maintaining the
"memory resources" at a certain level. Notice that the
process of Eq. (3) does not change the length of mi but
only rotates m i towards x. Nonetheless it is not always

necessary that the norm be Euclidean as in Eq. (3)

(Sect. 3.3).

Simulation 1. A sequence of training vectors {x(t)} was

derived from the structured distribution shown in
Fig. 3a. Without much loss of generality, the lengths of
the x(t) were normalized to unity whereby their distribution lies on the surface of the unit sphere in R 3. The
"training vectors" were picked up noncyclically, in a
completely random fashion from this distribution. The
initial values for the parameters #u were also defined as
random numbers. The gain parameter e was made a
function of the iteration step, e.g., proportional to lit.
(A decreasing sequence was necessary for stabilization,
and this choice complies with that frequently used in
mathematical models of learning systems.)
To test the final state of the system after many
iterations, a set of test vectors from the distribution of
Fig. 3 a, as shown in Fig. 3 b, was defined. The images of
these vectors (i.e. those units which gave the largest
responses to particular input vectors) are shown in
Fig. 3 c. It may be clearly discernible that an ordered
mapping has been formed in the process. The map has
also formatted itself along the sides of the array.
What actually caused the self-ordering ? Some fundamental properties of this process can be determined
by means of the following argumentation. The corrective process of Eq. (3) increases the parallelism of
the activated (neighbouring) vectors. Thus the differential order all over the array will be increased on the
average. However, differential ordering steps of the
above kind cannot take place independently of each
other. As all units in the array have neighbours which
they affect during adaptation, changes in individual
units cannot be compatible unless they result in a global
order. The boundary effects in the array delimit the

100 j.--~--~--..+ ,

~- 1



2000.f..-~--------~ ......

f . . . . . . ~---...







R, "

/,,,, ':~~-~_-% / /



~ ~ _ ~

~' /

Fig. 5. Same as Fig. 4 except that a longer interaction range was used


10000f t -.----------~ ....~*"~"x

/'''/ r-'g'2-~~





Fig. 4. Distribution of the weight vectors rn~(t) at different times. The

number of training steps is shown above the distribution. Interaction
between nearest neighbours only

format of the map in a manner somewhat similar to the

way boundary conditions determine the solution of a
differential equation.

Simulation 2. A clear conception of the ordering process is obtainable if the sequence of the weight vectors
is illustrated using computer graphics. For this purpose, the vectors were assumed to be three-dimensional.
Obviously the distribution of the weight vectors tends
to imitate that of the training vectors x(t). Since the
vectors are normalized, they lie on the surface of a unit
sphere in R 3. The order of the weight vectors in this
distribution can be indicated simply by a lattice of lines
which conforms with the topology of the processing
unit array. A line connecting two weight vectors m~ and
mj is used only to indicate that the two corresponding
units i and j are adjacent in the array. Figure 4 now
shows a typical development of the vectors mi(t) in
time; the illustration may be self-explanatory.
Simulation 3. This experiment was made in order to
find out whether the ordering of the weight vectors
would proceed faster if Eq. (3) were applied to more
than the eight nearest neighbours of the selected unit.
A number of experiments were made, and one of the
best methods found was to apply Eq. (3) as such to the
selected unit and its nearest eight neighbours while
using an adaptation gain value of c</4for those 16 units
which surrounded the previous ones. A result relating
to the previous training vectors is given in Fig. 5. In
this case ordering seems to proceed more quickly and

more reliably; on the other hand, the final result is

perhaps not as good as before.

Comments. Something should be said here about simulations 1 through 3. There are eight equally probable
symmetrical alternatives in which the map may be
realized in the ordering process. One way to break the
symmetry and to define a particular orientation for the
map is to define "seeds", i.e. units with fixed, predetermined input weights. Another possibility is to use
nonsymmetrical distributions and arrays which might
have the same effect. We shall not take up this question
in more detail.
2.3. Formation of Feature Maps
in a One-Dimensional Array
with Non-Identical but Coherent Inputs
to the Units (Frequency Map)
The primary purpose of this experiment was to show
that for self-organization non-identical but coherent
inputs are sufficient.

Simulation 4. Consider Fig. 6, which depicts a onedimensional array of processing units governed by
system equations (1) through (3). In this case each unit
except the outermost ones has two nearest neighbours.

i. . . . . . . . . . .
L__ ~__ _~'_ ...... __ ~r~___








Fig. 6. Illustration of the one-dimensional system used in the selforganized formatiou of a frequency map

Table 1. Formation of frequency maps in Simulation 4. The resonators (20 in number) corresponded to
second-order filters with quality factor Q=2.5 and resonant frequencies selected at random from the range
[1,2]. The training frequencies were selected at random from the range [0.5; 1]. This table shows two
different ordering results. The numbers in the table indicate those test frequencies to which each processing
unit became most sensitive

Unit i


Frequency map
in Experiment 1,
2000 steps











Frequency map
in Experiment 2,
3500 steps











This system will receive sinusoidal signals and become

ordered according to their frequency. Assume a set of
resonators or bandpass filters tuned at random to
different frequencies. Five inputs to each array unit are
now picked up at random from the resonator outputs,
so that there is no initial correlation or order in any
structure or parameters. Next we shall carry out a
series of adaptation operations, each time generating a
new sinusoidal signal with a randomly chosen frequency. After a number of iteration steps the array
units start to become sensitized to different frequencies
in an ascending or descending order. The results of a
few experiments are shown in Table 1.
Although this model system was a completely
fictive one, a striking resemblance to the tonotopic
maps formed in the auditory cortices of mammals (e.g.,
Reale and Imig, 1980) can be discerned; the extent of
the disorders in natural maps is also similar.

even hold the view that the cortical cell mass is

functionally organized in vertical columns. It seems
that such columns are organized around specific afferent axons so that they perform the basic inputoutput transformation of signals (Mountcastle, 1957;
Towe, 1975).
There is both anatomical and physiological evidence for the following type of lateral interaction
between cells: 1. Short-range lateral excitation reaching laterally up to a radius of 50 to 100gin (in


--_. -_



3. A P o s s i b l e E m b o d i m e n t o f S e l f - O r g a n i z a t i o n
in a N e u r a l S t r u c t u r e

The models in Sect. 2 were set up without any reference

to physical realizability. This section will discuss assumptions which lead to essentially similar selforganization in a physical, possibly neural system. It
will be useful to realize that the complete process, in
the earlier as well as present models, always consists of
two phases which can be implemented, studied, and
adjusted independently: 1. Formation of an activity
cluster in the array around the unit at which activation
was maximum. 2. Adaptive change in the input
weights of those units where activity was confined.
It is salient that many structures of the central
nervous system (CNS) are essentially two-dimensional,
let alone the stratification of cells in several laminae.
On t h e other hand, it is also rather generally agreed
that in the neocortex, for instance, which has a pronounced vertical texture, the cell responses are very
similar in the vertical direction. Many investigators




I" 1" IFl












Fig. 7. a Lateral interaction around an arbitrary point of excitation,

as a function of distance. Positive value : excitation. Negative value:
inhibition, b Schematic representation of lateral connectivity which
may implement the function shown at a. Open (small) circle:
excitatory synapse. Solid circle: inhibitory synapse. Dotted line:
polysynaptie connection. The variables (Pc and rh: see simulations


primates); 2. The excitatory area is surrounded by a

penumbra of inhibitory action reaching up to a radius
of 200 to 500 gm; 3. A weaker excitatory action surrounds the inhibitory penumbra and reaches up to a
radius of several centimeters.
The form of the lateral interaction function is
depicted in Fig. 7a, and a schematic representation of a
laminar network model that has the type of lateral
interconnectivity possibly underlying the observed interactions, is delineated in Fig. 7b.
This particular network model is first used to
demonstrate, in an ultimately simplified configuration,
that the activity of neighbouring cells, due to the
lateral interactions, can become clustered in small
groups of roughly the same lateral dimension as the
diameter of the excitatory or inhibitory region. The
second step in modelling is then to show that if
changes in the synaptic efficacies of the input con,
nections are changed adaptively in proportion to
presynaptic as well as postsynaptic activity, the process
will be very similar to that already discussed in Sect. 2.

3.1. Dynamic Behaviour of the Network Activity

The CNS neurons usually fire rather regularly at a rate
which depends on the integrated presynaptic transmission. It is a good approximation to assume that
differential changes in the postsynaptic potential add
up linearly. The overall average triggering frequency/7
of the neuron is then expressible as

- 3a-1



l-b/3 11ili

Fig. 8. Definition of the ~, coefficients used in Simulation 5

Fig. 7a. The synaptic transmission and latency delays

At of the lateral couplings are assumed to be identical
since their variations are of no interest here. It is
essential to first study the recurrent process in which
the th(t) settle down to their asymptotic values in time.

Simulation 5. Most of the characteristic features of the

above process will already be found in a onedimensional model in which a row of cells is interconnected to yield a lateral excitability qualitatively
similar to that given in Fig. 7a. (The long-range excitatory interaction is neglected.) Let us write

~i(t)=~ q,~+ 2 ~,~+~(t-1),



where cr[-] defines a characteristic functional form

which we shall study in a few cases, the ~j are the
presynaptic impulse frequencies of all synapses, and
the flj now correspond to the synaptic efficacies. The flj
are positive for excitatory synapses and negative for
the inhibitory ones.
Consider an array of principal neurons as depicted
in Fig. 7; the interneurons have not been shown explicitly but manifest themselves through the lateral
couplings. In accordance with Eq. (4) we will write for
every output

,h(t)=,~ [q,~(t)+~ v~,/~(t-dr)],


where q3i(t) is the integrated depolarization caused by

all afferent (external) inputs, and the second term
represents inputs due to lateral couplings. Here S~ is
the set of cells connected to cell i. The coefficients 7k
depend not only on synaptic efficacies but also on the
type of lateral interconnections, and the Ykaround cell i
shall roughly depend on the distance according to

where we have made At= 1; the coefficients ~ have

been defned in Fig. 8. Moreover, cr[a] = 0 was chosen
for a < 0 , a[a] =a for O<-a<_A, and o-[a] = A for a>A.
In Fig. ga, the outputs stabilized to values proportional t o those of the cOi. The form of the distribution changed due to the lateral connections. In
Fig. 9b the tli(t) tend to stable clusters which have a
lateral extension of the same order of magnitude as the
excitatory center in the connectivity function. Such
clusters may have a relation to the physiological
"columns" of the cortical organization, although here
they simply follow from lateral interactions.
It ought to be realized that these clusters are
usually self-resetting ; they tend to decay due to habituation, fluctuation of activation, etc.
It should be pointed out that for good clustering
the width of the interaction function of Figs. 7 or 8
cannot be very small in relation to the curvature of the
input activation. Otherwise, the lateral interaction
tends only to enhance the borders of the input activation. Symptoms of such an effect are discernible in
Fig. 9b (also Wilson and Cowan, 1973) (see also
Sect. 4.3).


' I/-+,B~g,+o






50 0



Fig.9a and b. Developmentof activityin time overa one-dimensionalinterconnectedarray,vs. unit position.Input excitation: ~0~= 2 sin(nil50).
a The lateral feedbackwas below a certain criticalvalue (the parameters relatingto Fig.8 were: a = 5, b = 0.024, and the saturation limit was
= 10). b Same as in a except that the lateral feedbackexceededthe criticalvalue (b=0.039)

3.2. On the Analytical Model

of Synaptic Plasticity

The synaptic efficacy can adaptively depend on signal

values in many ways; potentiation and habituation
effects can have widely different durations and be
proportional to presynaptic or postsynaptic activity.
In complex learning situations in which associative
learning is present, the more permanent synaptic
changes seem to need both presynaptic and postsynaptic activation. This is roughly the law usually referred
to as the Hebbian hypothesis (Hebb, 1949). Some
experimental evidence for the presence of both presynaptic and postsynaptic factors in the plasticity of
cells in the visual cortex has recently been provided
(Singer, 1977; Rauschecker and Singer, 1979) (Levy,
However, the original hypothesis of Hebb, which in
effect stated that the efficacy of a synapse is increased
with simultaneous presynaptic and postsynaptic triggering, is unsatisfactory for at least the following
reasons: 1. Changes occur in one direction only.
2. There would be changes with background activity.
Therefore, a more natural possibility which also satisfies the essential requirements is that the sum of
synaptic resources of a cell during a relatively short time
span is approximately constant, and changes are induced
only in the relative efficacies of the synapses. This is
possible if the synaptic efficacy is mainly determined by
one or more postsynaptic factors which are redistributed
between the synaptic sites in proportion to their use
(Kohonen, 1977). Notice that for synaptic transmission
various chemical agents and energy must be supplied.
Their reserves are also limited.
It seems necessary to express the principle of
limited synaptic resources in one form or another, not
only for physical reasons but also since it seems to be

very favourable for many learning processes, including

the one discussed in this paper.
One of the simplest analytical expressions for
changing synaptic efficacy of the above type follows
from rather simple dynamics (Kohonen, 1977):
d#/dt = c~(~- ~b)tl ,


where # is the efficacy which corresponds to the input

weight expressed in Eqs.(1) through (3), ~ is the
presynaptic input (triggering frequency of the presynaptic neuron), ~b is an effective background value, t/
is the postsynaptic triggering frequency, and ~z is a
proportionality constant (which depends on the type
and location of the synapse). Notice that all plastic
synapses in the present model can be excitatory.
3.3. Demonstration of Self-Organization
in Networks of Neuron-Like Elements

We shall restrict ourselves below to physical models

which have been constructed to implement the two
partial processes mentioned at the beginning of this
subsection : clustering of activity (Phase 1), and adaptation of the input weights (Phase 2).
Phase 1. Many simulations performed on the complete
system models reported below have shown convincingly that it is immaterial how the activity cluster is
formed in Phase l, as long as it attains the proper form
(Sect. 4) ; consequently, one may experiment with many
differential equations for the system description. Since
the numerical integration of these equations is usually
rather tedious, it was considered permissible to speed
up this phase as much as possible. Several simplifications for the simulation of the dynamic process were
suggested. The most straighforward method, without
losing much fidelity with respect to the original pro-


cesses, was to make the increments of tli(t) fairly large

at every interval of t, in fact on the order of one decade.
Such a speed-up is normal in the discrete-time computing models applied in system theory.
It was then concluded that since the discrimination
process is in any case a weIl-estabtished phenomenon,
its accurate modelling might not contribute anything
essential when contrasted with the more interesting
Phase 2. Relying on the results achieved in modelling
Phase 1, the solution in each discrimination process
(training step) was simply postulated to be some static
function of the input excitations cpi= ~, #u~j. A simj=l

ple, although not quite equivalent way, is to introduce a threshold by defining a floating bias function
6 common for all units, and then by putting the system
equations into a form in which the solution is determined implicitly:

l~i=G[q~ i'j- k~S 'k~k--51'

5 = max {~3 -


The nonlinearity o-[. ] might be similar to that applied

in Eq. (6), and e is a small positive constant.
Perhaps the simplest model which can still be
regarded as physical first performs thresholding of the
input excitation and then lets the short-range local
feedback amplify the activity and spread it to neighbouring units.
cO'i=a[c&- 5],

Notice that the factor t/i(t) in Eqs. (t0) and (11) in fact
corresponds to the selection rule relating to Eq. (3); the
input weights of only the activated units change.
Proportionality to th(t) further means that the correction becomes a function of distance from the maximum response. However, in addition to rotating the m,
vectors, this process still affects their lengths.
It has been pointed out (Oja, 1981) that the factor
which is assumed to be redistributed in the "memory"
process actually need not be directly proportional to
the input weight; for instance, if the input efficacy were
proportional to the square root of this factor (a weaker
function than the linear one !), then the denominator of
Eq. (11) would already become similar to that applied
in the teaching rule Eq. (3). Another interesting fact is
that the Euclidean norm follows from a simple forgetting law. One may note further that a particular
norm, and a particular form of the discrimination
function should be related to each other; the most
important requirement is to achieve good discrimination between neighbouring responses in one way or
Many simulations with physical process models of
the above type were carried out; to make them
comparable to those performed on the more fictive
models of Sect. 2, three-dimensional vectors alone were
used. The following adaptive law was then applied:

~(t+ 1)= {~=~ #it(t) + c%(t) (r

eb) 1~/~"


5= max {~oi}- e ,


The results were not particularly sensitive to the value

of ~b which could be made zero.

All the above equations have been tested to yield

roughly similar activity clusters.

Simulation 6. These experiments were performed with

the simplest physical system model expressed in
Eqs. (9), and in general they yielded very good results
for many parameter values. The parameter e can be
used to control selectivity of the responses, and it also
affects the width of the activity cluster. In this simulation e was 0.05; on the other hand, if it was made
equal to or greater than, say, 0.1, an interesting
"collapse" phenomenon (Sect.4.4) occurred. A "contraction" phenomenon (Sect.4.2).due to boundary
effects has also taken place (Fig. 10).
With the more complicated system models simulations with varying degrees of success have been
performed. The reasons for different kinds of outcomes
are discussed in Sect. 4 in more detail.

rl,= Z 7kO'k.


Phase 2. The wanted operation in the self2organizing

process would be to rotate the weight vectors at each
training step in the proper direction. Straightforward
application of modifiability law of the type expressed
in Eq. (7) would yield an expression

#ij(t q- i ) -~ #ij( t) -F O~rli(t) (r j -- eb) "


This, however, does not yet involve any normalization.

Therefore it must be pointed out that Eq. (7) is already
an approximation ; it was in fact derived by postulating
that ~#u is constant. Therefore, a more accurate
version of Eq. (10) is the following
#o(t + 1) =

# , / t ) + ~n/t) ( r

Z [~ij(t) + atli(t) (r



(t 1)

where normalization based on the conservation of

"memory" resources (their linear sum)has been made.

Conclusion. The conditions described in this section

are in general favourable for the implementation of
self-organization in a physical system. Most of these
functions are also realizable with relatively simple
components. This raises an intriguing question about



i~:,'~-~.. '~X"~~,'.~~.-,',xyC:~

Y y.4 ....




/.~ ..,.-"" ~.,,/"





Fig. 10. a Distribution of training vectors used in a simple physical

system model, b Distribution of weight vectors m~ after 4000 training





4. Some Special Effects

4.1. The Magnification Factor

In this subsection an important property characteristic
of biological organisms will be demonstrated: the scale
or magnification factor of the map is usually not
constant but a function of location in the array which
depends on the frequency of input events that have
mapped into that location during adaptation. It seems
that the magnification factor is approximately proportional to the above frequency; this me,ins that the

network resources are utilized optimally in accordance

with need.
The optimal allocation of resources in the mapping
was demonstrated by means of the following series of
experiments. The distribution of the training vectors,
which was uniform over an area, was made variable; in
a given experiment one half, say the right-hand one,
had a different contingent of the total distribution, h
other words the relative frequency of vectors drawn
from this half was variable, and in every experiment
the mapping was permitted to settle down to the
asymptotic value. The relative fraction of the map into
which these vectors were then mapped, or the "occupation of memory", was evaluated vs. the relative
frequency of the vectors, and plotted into Fig. 11
(Kohonen, 1981).


-i-/4:- ..,,,~ ...,.."



+ . . . .


the realizability of this phenomenon in the neural

networks. At least if one does not stipulate that the
exact mathematical expression should be valid, but
allows some variance, which in any case retains certain
necessary conditions (good discrimination between
neighbouring responses and formation of activity clusters in one w a y or another), the conditions met in
neural circuits could also be conducive to this

~i. /


oo :







Fig. 11. Diagram showing the fraction of the processing unit array
occupied by pattern vectors of one half of the distribution, vs. their
relative frequency. Middle curve: optimal third-degree weighted
least-square fit. The other curves: standard deviation

4.2. Boundary Effects

Another effect which may deform the maps is caused
by the fact that the arrays of processing units had
borders. The outermost units had no neighbours on
one side with which they could interact. Since the
distribution of training vectors is usually bordered,
too, some kind of "boundary effects" can then be
observed. The most typical is "contraction" of the
distribution of weight vectors: on average the o u t ermost vectors are rotated more often inwards than
outwards. This effect will iteratively spread to other
vectors with the result that the whole distribution will
be contracted from that o f the training vectors. The
"contraction" effect was clearly discernible in
Simulation 6.
It must be realized that the distribution of weight
vectors on the one hand, and the output map on the
other have scales which are reciprocal to each other : if
the distribution of weight vectors is contracted, the
corresponding output map is expanded, and may even
overflow the array. In fact, this is the phenomenon
mentioned above, which, when occurring in modest
amounts, is useful and even essential for effective map
formation. It will format the map automatically along
the borders. In still other words, there seems to be a
kind of "pressure" in the map which tends to "mould"
it into the given form.
Further it has to be remarked that brain networks
do not have abrupt borders ; accordingly, such boundary effects need not be considered in this particular
form. Brain networks are often parcelled into subareas
each of which receives signals with different origin.


Ordering within each subarea may thus occur independently and be only slightly affected at the demarcation zones.

4.3. The "Pinch" Phenomenon

Although the type of self-organization reported in this

paper is not particularly "brittle" with respect to
parameters, conditions in which this process fails do
exist. One of the typical effects encountered is termed
the "'pinch" phenomenon. This means simply that the
distribution of the memory vectors does not spread out
into a planar configuration, but is instead concentrated
onto a ring. Some kind of one-dimensional order of
vectors may be discernible along the perimeter of the
ring which, however, does not produce a meaningful
map in the processing unit array.
A typical condition for the "pinch" phenomenon is
poor selectivity in the discrimination process, especially
when the range of lateral interaction is too short. This
results in several "peaks" of activity, usually at the
opposite edges of the array. In consequence, contradictory corrections are imposed on the weight
vectors. Figure 12 exemplifies a typical distribution of
weight vectors (shown without lattice lines) when this
effect was fully developed.

4.4. The "Collapse" Phenomenon

Another pitfall related to the "pinch" phenomenon,

and not much different in principle from the contraction effect discussed in Sect. 4.2, should be mentioned. This is the outcome in which all weight vectors
tend to attain the same value. This is termed "collapse"
(of the distribution, not of the map). This phenomenon
was observed when the range of lateral interaction was
too long. For instance, a too low threshold in the
models of Sect. 3.4 resulted in the "collapse".
This effect is manifested in the output responses so
that large groups of units give the same response.


... " % .


Fig. 12. An example of a weight vector distribution when the "pinch"

phenomenon was due

4.5. The "Focusing" Phenomenon

This case is opposite to the "collapse". It may happen

that one or more array units take over, i.e., they
become sensitized to large portions of the distribution
of the training vectors. In this case there is usually no
order in the mapping. This failure is mainly due to
poor general design or malfunction of the system,
especially if the lateral interaction between neighbouring
elements is too weak. Another common reason is that
the normalization of the weight vectors is not done in a
proper way whereby discrimination between the responses of neighbouring units becomes impossible.

5. On the Possible Roles

of Various Neural Circuits Made by Interneurons

In view of the effects reported in Sects. 4.1 through 4.4

now seems possible to draw conclusions about the
meaning of certain structures met in neural networks.
Throughout the history of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology there has been much speculation about
the purpose of the polysynaptic circuits made by
various interneurons in CNS structures. Some investigators seem to be searching for an explanation in
terms of complex computational operations while
others see the basic implementation of feature detectors for sensory signals in these circuits. There are,
e.g., quite specific circuits made by some cells such as
the bipolar, chandelier, and basket cells in the cortex,
for which a more detailed explanation is needed.
However, the roles of the above-mentioned cells, as
well as the characteristic ramification of the axon
collaterals of most cortical cell types would become
quite obvious if the purpose was to implement a neural
network with a capacity for predominantly twodimensional self-organization. The bipolar cells, the
recurrent axon collaterals of various cells, and the
general vertical texture of the cortex warrant a high
degree of conductance and spreading of signal activity
in the vertical direction. On the other hand, if it were
necessary to implement a lateral interaction, such as
that described by the excitation function of the type
delineated in Fig. 8a, then the stellate, basket, chandelier, etc. interneurons, and the horizontal intracortical axon collaterals would account for the desired
lateral coupling.
The effects reported in Sects.4.1 through 4.4 indicate that although self-organization of this type is
not a particularly "brittle" phenomenon, the form of
the lateral interaction function needs some adjustment.
In a neural tissue this must be done by active circuits
for which the interneurons are needed.
It might even be said that the fraction of a certain
cell type in the composition of all neurons is a tuning


parameter by which an optimal form of local interaction

can be defined. The characteristic branchings of a
particular cell type may roughly serve a similar purpose to that of the different basis functions in mathematical functional expansions. This conception is
also in agreement with the fact that all cell types are
not present in different species, or even in different
parts of the brain: for some purposes it may be
sufficient to "tune" a certain interaction with fewer
types of cell ("basis functions"), while for more exacting
tasks a richer variety of cells would be needed. Such
recruitment of new forms according to need would be
in complete agreement with the general principles of
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Received: July 25, 1981

Prof. Dr. Teuvo Kohonen

Department of Technical Physics
Helsinki University of Technology
SF-02150 Espoo 15

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