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Fact is, Clinton didnt lose, she was robbed

By Drew Mendelson
Forget the stories about Donald Trump scoring a great upset that won him the
presidency. Yes, there was a surge in white, rural, male voters that made the election
closer. But it was aggressive Republican voter suppression efforts in key battleground
states, keeping droves of Democratic voters away from the polls, that pushed those
states into the R column and handed Donald Trump the presidency.
In both his presidential runs because Barack Obama won the popular vote by large
margins 9.5 million in 2008 and 5 million in 2012 such Republican chicanery was
But the 2000 election in which W Bush won Florida and (thus defeated Al Gore in the
electoral vote) by 537 votes, the victory came through a combination of factors, yes that
included the butterfly ballot and hanging chads. The biggest impact came from Floridas
purging 58,000 supposed felons from the voter rolls. An NAACP post-election lawsuit
found that about 12,000 of those voters should not have been prevented from voting. In
fact, Gore won and was kept from the presidency by a Republican vote suppression
The 2016 presidential election is now all over but the shouting (Of which there is still
plenty.) We know this: Hillary won the popular vote by more than 1.26 million votes but
Donald Trump apparently gained a majority of the electoral vote and by that measure,
the presidency.
Or did he?
Journalist Greg Palast, who has followed the voter purge for decades, notes that:
Before a single vote was cast, the election was fixed by GOP and Trump operatives. 2
Republican voter suppression actions this year were a reprise of 2000, this time on
steroids. In a suppression program designed by Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach
and dubbed the Interstate Voters Crosscheck Program, 27 states, most with
Republican-led election systems, compared their voter rolls. If similar names were found
when state lists were compared, (Say Jimmy Martin Brown in Kansas and James
William Brown in North Carolina) the names were purged from lists in all those states.3
In all, at least one million voters were purged from the rolls, the bulk were minorities
who would have likely voted Democratic.

How did it affect the election?

In North Carolina, where Trump won by 177,000, a total of 589,393 voters were purged
from the rolls because they allegedly appeared on the voter rolls of other states. Put
those improperly purged voters back on the list and add North Carolinas 15 electoral
votes to Hillary Clintons total.4 The Charlotte Observer reported that in heavily
Democratic Mecklenburg County the states largest, with about one million residents
Republican board members voted to eliminate 238 early-voting hours.5
The Trump victory margin in Michigan was 13,107. Add just a majority of the 449,922
votes that Crosscheck purged from the Michigan rolls and Michigans 16 electoral votes
join the Clinton side.
In Arizona, Crosscheck purged 270,824 voters. Trump won there by 85,257. So give
Arizonas 11 electoral votes to Clinton.
In Pennsylvania, Trump won by 68,000 votes. Politics USA reported that, more than half
of the voter intimidation reports being logged in the entire country by Election Protection
came in from the must-win state of Pennsylvania.
In Ohio a Reuters investigation revealed that state had removed tens of thousands of
voters from registration lists because they hadnt voted on a regular basis (since
2008). Voters have been struck from the rolls in Democratic-leaning neighborhoods at
roughly twice the rate as in Republican neighborhoods, Reuters reported. In the
three biggest counties, at least 144,000 voters have been removed. This is in addition
to a federal judges June ruling that the states laws on absentee and provisional
ballots were unconstitutional. Hamilton County, Ohio, where Cincinnati is the county
seat, removed 75,000 voters this year, 2016.
In central Cincinnati, where the poverty rate in the Clifton Heights neighborhood is
double the city's average, Hamilton County officials so far removed 27 percent of the
voters. Six miles west, in the almost exclusively white Cheviot neighborhood, where the
poverty rate is half that of the region, the county purged just 9 percent of voters. 6
Add Wisconsin, where Donald Trump won by about 27,000 votes, 300,000 voters could
not get the required photo ID from the DMV. Had they voted (almost certainly a majority
of them Democratic) Clinton would have won the state and its 10 electoral votes.7
Even if Hillary Clinton had won only Ohio, North Carolina, Michigan and Wisconsin, the
swing would have been 59 electoral votes, giving her 291 electoral votes and the

My conclusion: she wuz robbed.

Links for fact checking:


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