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Name: Ms.


Date/Time: 11-12-2016

Subject: English, 7th Grade

Lesson: Word Analogies

Setting and Assessing Student Learning Outcomes/ Knowledge of Resources

Learning Objectives: Content (1c-2)

Students have two tasks. Task one is students need to pick a vocabulary word from the list of 20 words provided to them and make a
mindmap including the definition, meaning, part of speech, an example using the correct part of speech, and synonyms. Task two is students
should create a minimum of 30-second movie to their picked vocabulary word. They need to define the word, give its meaning, part of speech,
give some synonyms, and use the word in a sentence for an example. They will create a podcast using their chromebooks.

Learner Characteristics (1b-1) (1b-4)

There are diverse learners in the classroom. But, all students can speak English, there isnt a ton of diversity, and religion isnt a big factor.
The diversity in learning comes from developmental and academic delays.

What do you want your students to know and do

in content areas? (Remember, these must be
observable and measureable and contain the
conditions, behavior, and criteria required for

Describe the relevant student characteristics (e.g.,

races, ethnicities, nationalities, languages, gender
identities/expressions, religions, political affiliations,
socio-economic backgrounds, and disclosed sexual
orientations) and any other relevant information
regarding the students you will be teaching.
Describe any students special learning and/or
medical needs.

There will need to be a helper (Paraprofessional) in the room because of slower learning that a few students have. There are a few who have
not had a lot of technology background. These few students also have an IEP. There are no severe developmental delays or medical
problems though.

Students Prior Knowledge (1a-2)

Students have been working on all of these content areas regarding a word. These vocab words are words that each student knows and have
seen within this last month. There are no surprises, we are just putting it all together now. Using previous lessons and assignments regarding
these words and content areas, students progress will be compared and analyzed through this assignment.

On-going (formative) Assessment (1f-3)

Students were assessed by the completion of their project, the length of the movie, the meaning and definition of the word, examples and use
of correct synonyms in their mindmap and podcast. As the teacher, I will walk around the classroom, provide assistance, and assess the
project as the students are creating. The final assessment will be to see if the students know of to share their podcast with me so I can play it
for the whole class. I will also put the mindmap up on an overhead projector at the same time because not every student is a visual or auditory

How will you know what prior knowledge your

students have in relation to these learning
objectives (e.g., data from previous lessons or
conducting pre-assessment as part of current

What will you do during the lesson and how

will you use technology to monitor and
promote student understanding?

Post Assessment (1f-1)

How is the assessment congruent to the
learning objective(s)?
How will you know that your students have
achieved the learning objective(s)?

Students will be given a new mindmap for each presentation to take notes for each word. I will then give a multiple choice test over the words
that were chosen and presented to the whole class. This will help me monitor their learning.

Based on previous assignment scores and the newest test scores, comparisons and analyzations will be done for each student. Progress will
be recorded changes will be made based on results.
Chromebooks, dictionaries, word list, sheets to take notes, paper and colored pencils to create mindmap

Materials (1e-2)
List materials/technology and attach any activity and
assessment sheet(s) used in the lesson.
Justify the use of the materials/technology used to
engage your students in meaningful learning.

Students need to be able to use technology efficiently, but also be able to look up a word in the dictionary because technology may not always
be available when needed. Hand written notes will allow students to work on their note taking skills, handwriting, and organization.

Lesson Sequence and Delivery:

Regardless of the model, write the lesson with enough detail and teacher talk/questioning that the reader can picture the teacher candidate teaching the lesson in its entirety and/or
another teacher could step in and use the plan with minimal assistance.


Differentiation (1e-1)



Introduction (1e-4)

Include students in knowing

what they will be doing and
why it is important (e.g.
to present student-friendly

Develop background,
foster connections,
facilitate motivation for
learning activity.

This assignment will work on using our technology skills,

dictionary skills, and note-taking skills using mindmaps.

Each of you has a list of the vocab words we have been working
on for the past month. You will pick one word and make
mindmap including the definition, meaning, part of speech,
synonyms, and an example using that word.
When you all finish the assignment, I will have you send me your
podcast link. I will play you podcast and show your mindmap at
the same time. Everyone else will be taking notes on the word
being presented using a mindmap. These notes will not be
graded, but will help you study for the test that will be given over
these words the day after all presentations are shown.
Do you remember how to build a podcast?
Do you remember how to use a mindmap?
Does anyone want to go over creating mindmaps or podcasts

Within Core Instruction (minimum), list technology tools, methods, and/or strategies to meet
differing student needs/interests.
Explain your rationale.

Paraprofessional will be there for more one on one assistance if needed.

Core Instruction (1e-4)

Pick a word from the vocab list

Find definition, part of speech, and synonyms in the dictionary.
Create example using the word.
Use information found to make your mindmap of the word.
Using the mindmap information, create a podcast restating that
information on your chosen word.
Send link to Ms. Erickson
Get blank mindmap sheets for notes on the other students words.

Closure (1e-4)

Does anyone have questions on this assignment?

Include appropriate lesson

content , clear sequence,
opportunities for practice
and application.

Include what you will

ask or say to students
to refocus students
on learning objective.

If we need to review the parts of speech, the pronunciation of the

words, or even what a synonym is, please speak up!
Taking notes through each presentation will really help you with
your test. It isnt mandatory, but it is advised!
Have fun doing this technology based assignment!

Step 2: Self-Reflection/Evaluation
Use the below rubric of the National Educational Technology Standards (NETST)and Performance Indicators for Teachers to self-evaluate your lesson plan:
1. The lesson plan creates technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active
participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress.
Please choose only one number:
3 4
2. The lesson plan is designed to customize and personalize learning activities to address students diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities
using digital tools and resources.
Please choose only one number:
3 4
3. The lesson plan is designed to provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments aligned with content and technology
standards and use resulting data to inform learning and teaching.
Please choose only one number:
4. The lesson plan is designed or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity.
Please choose only one number:

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