Human Rights

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Right to Bail- is a security filed by an accused for his temporary release.

It is available
to any person arrested, detained or otherwise deprived of his liberty, whether or not an
information has been filed against him.
Right to against self-incrimination- this right protects the accused against any
attempt to compel a person, a right to remain silent and to have competent and
independent counsel preferably of his choice.
Right to Double Jeopardy- a right that no one shall be liable to be tried or punished
again for an offense for which he has already been finally convicted or acquitted in
accordance with the law and penal procedure of each country.
Ex Post Facto Law- is a law which punishes an act at the time of its commission is not
punishable or which imposes a penalty heavier than that already imposed.
Bill of Attainder- is a legislative act which convicts persons of and punishes them for
crimes without judicial trial.
Arraignment- is a formal reading of a criminal charging document in the presence of
the defendant to inform the defendant of the charges against him or her. In response to
arraignment, the accused is expected to enter a plea.
Habeas Corpus- is an order issued by a court of competent jurisdiction, directed to the
person detaining another, commanding him to produce the body of the prisoner at a
designated time and place, and to show sufficient cause for holding in custody the
individual so detained.
Involuntary Servitude- denotes a condition of enforced, compulsory service of one to
another. It includes slavery and peonage or the voluntary submission of person to the
will of another because of his debt.
Right to due process and equal protection of laws- there is no exact definition of
due process but there are 2 aspect of due process; these are procedural and substantive
due process of law. Procedural due process refers to the method or manner which
hears before it condemns, which proceeds upon inquiry, and renders judgment only
after trial. Substantive due process of law which requires that the law itself must be fair,
reasonable and just, that no person shall be deprive of his life, liberty and property. On
the other hand, equal protection of law signifies that all person guarantees equality
before the law.
Right to just compensation in eminent domain- it is the right or power of the State
or of those to whom the power has been lawfully delegated to take private property for
public use upon paying to the owner a just compensation to be ascertained according to
Rights against unreasonable searches and seizures- all illegal searches and
seizures are unreasonable. What constitute a reasonable or unreasonable search or
seizure in any particular case is a purely judicial question, only courts have the power to
rule upon the matter.
Probable cause- is meant such facts and circumstances antecedent to the issuance of
a warrant sufficient in themselves to induce a cautious man to rely upon them and act
in pursuance thereof.
Right to privacy of communication and correspondence- no one can intrude into
the privacy of correspondence except when intrusion is allowed by lawful order of the
court or when public safety or order requires otherwise as prescribed by law.

Liberty of abode and travel- is the right of a person to have his home in whatever
place chosen by him and thereafter to change it at will, and go where he pleases,
without interference from any source.
Right of Self-determination- this right includes the right to free determine their
political status and to pursue their economic social and cultural development.
Right to Information on matters of public concern- they are cognate rights,
resting on the premise that informed and critical citizens are in the best position to
promote, protect and defend the values of a democratic society.
Right to form association- is the freedom to organize or to be a member of any
group or association, union, or society, and to adopt the rules which the members judge
most appropriate to achieve their purpose.
Right to free legal assistance- the state has also the constitutional duty to provide
free and adequate legal assistance to citizens when by reason of indigence or lack of
financial means, they are unable to engage the services of a lawyer to defend them.
Rights of person under investigation- person under investigation have a right to be
informed of his right to remain silent, to have competent and independent counsel
preferably his own choice or to be provided with one, against the use of torture and any
violence and against other forms of detention.
Right of silence and counsel- this can only be waived by writing and presence of a
counsel to circumvent constitutional protection on human rights.
Right to presumption of innocence- it must be guaranteed that no person shall be
convicted of a crime except upon confession or unless his guilt is established by proof
beyond reasonable doubt.
Right to be heard by himself and counsel- which in all criminal prosecution, the
defendant shall be entitled to be present and defend in person and by counsel at every
stage of the proceedings, from the arraignment to the promulgation of the judgment.
Right to be informed of the nature and cause of the accused against him- this
right implies that the offense which the accused of be made known to him.
Right to have a speedy, impartial and public trial- speedy trial means one that
can be had as soon as possible, after a person is indicted, impartial trial implies an
absence of actual bias in the trial of cases, and public trial it is one so far open to all
who may inclined to watch the proceedings.
Right to confrontation of witnesses- the accused has the right to meet the
witnesses face to face. First is to give the accused an opportunity to cross-examine
witnesses against him to test their recollection and veracity. And last is the assessment
of the court of witness credibility, to give the judge an opportunity to see the demeanor
and appearance of witnesses while testifying.
Right against excessive fines- the question as to the amount of the fines that shall
be imposed is one addressed to the sound discretion of the court.
Right against cruel, degrading, or inhuman punishments- this right against
punishment which is degrading when it brings shame and humiliation to the victim, or
exposes him to contempt or ridicule, or lowers his dignity and self-respect as a human
Right to information- this liberty includes the right to disseminate information on
matters involving public concern and the right to access to information that is within the
control of the government.

Right against impairment of obligation and contract- a law which changes the
terms of a legal contract between parties, either in the time of mode of performance, or
imposes new conditions without the consent of the other.
Right to privacy- is one of the most basic rights of an individual. It includes the right
to be free from intrusion into certain thoughts and activities which include the
constitutional freedom of unreasonable searches and seizures, and freedom from selfincrimination.
Right to life liberty and security- these rights are basic human rights because only
through it can human beings enjoy all other rights.
Right against arbitrary arrest and detention- a right that prohibit the officials to
detain or locked a person in a prison cell which deprived his liberty.
Warrantless arrest- these are instances when a state police officer or private person,
without judicial warrant, may arrest a person who, has committed or is actually
committing or attempting to commit an offense in his presence or when an offense was
committed and he has the personal knowledge that the person to be arrested has
committed the offense, or a prisoner who has escaped.
Miranda Doctrine- ruling that during the investigation of a detained person, he has
the right to be informed of the charges against him and to be assisted by a competent
Right of confrontation- the right of the accused to meet the witnesses face to face is
intended to give the accused the opportunity to cross-examine them.
Right to appeal ones conviction of a crime- it is considered as a necessary
requirement of due process of it is granted by the statute as a means of correcting
possible substantial error committed by the trial court.
Right to compensation due to miscarriage of justice- this is to provide
compensation for victims of unjust imprisonment or detention, and victims of violent
Right to nationality- everyone has the right to nationality. It means belonging and
owing allegiance to a state.
Right to peaceful assembly for the redress of grievances- means the right to
meet peacefully for consultation in respect to public issues and petition the government
for redress of grievances.
Right to participate in government affairs and equal access to public serviceevery citizen have the right and opportunity, to take part in the conduct of public affairs,
to vote and to be elected and to have access on general terms of equality, to public
service to his country.
Right to suffrage- these rights include the right to vote and to be voted upon in
periodic election in order that the will of the people shall be determined, as the basis of
authority of the government.
Right to appeal in criminal cases- the accused, after having been convicted, may
appeal to a higher court, but the latter may raise the penalty imposed on him by the
lower court such is not second jeopardy.
Right to compulsory production of witnesses and evidences- the accused has
the right to have compulsory process issued to secure the attendance of witnesses and
the production of evidences in his behalf. An accused is entitled to have subpoenas

issued to compel the attendance of witnesses in his favour, including the warrant of
arrest if needed.

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