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22 Years in Skokie!

149 Years Serving Chicagoland!

Stay Updated on Facebook @KesserMaariv
Shiurim at


Cubs Kiddush
We are planning a deluxe Kiddush Luncheon (if we
have enough sponsors; otherwise just a Kiddush) to
celebrate the Cubs' historic World Series Win! To
participate as a sponsor, please contact the office
ASAP. The Kiddush will take place on December 3.
Thanks to Sanford Schwartz for his help in organizing
this Kiddush.
Oneg Shabbat
On Friday night December 3rd at 7:30 pm we will hold
an Oneg Shabbat at the home of Chemda Bracha
Lazovsky (and her parents) at 9445 Kenton. Come for
good discussion, divrei Torah, refreshments and more!
Send-A-Kid-To-Israel Partnership (S.K.I.P.)
Kesser Maariv is proud to be a participating
Congregation in S.K.I.P. The program allows parents
to contribute money annually in partnership with the
synagogue and the Jewish Federation for an Israel trip
for their children. Students in grades 3-6, enrolled in a
day or afternoon school, who have finished paying
their annual membership to the shul are eligible to
participate. For additional details, a registration kit or
to enroll your child(ren) for the first time, please
contact Ben Zion Lazovsky at (847) 679-9800.
Misheberach List
If you have names for a misheberach, please send them
to the shul office or e-mail to
Happy Day Cards & Standings
Thank you to all who have re-joined the Standings!
For only $50 a year, your name will automatically be
included whenever a card is sent from our shul to
fellow members for a refua shlayma, condolence or
mazal tov. To join the standings, please contact the
office at (847) 679-9800 or
Also, cards are available for purchase from the office
for $1.50 each or 13 cards for $18. If you would like
us to send a card for you for $2, please contact the
Rabbi Meyer Juzints The Chain of Miracles
This amazing Holocaust memoir written by a teacher
of Rabbi Louis Lazovsky and a friend of Kesser
Maariv, is available for purchase from the office, and

We would like to thank you for joining us this High

Holiday Season. As you know, every year we bestow
upon our rabbi, Rabbi Louis Lazovsky, the honor of
reading the Maftir Yonah on Yom Kippur afternoon.
We ask that you please be generous in contributing for
this honor as a show of appreciation for all that the
Rabbi does for the shul and the community.
We thank all of you for the generous support
you showed during the High Holidays and hope to
celebrate many simchas together this year and beyond.
The Board of Directors

from for $20. Nechamas

Meyer - Mussar on Parsha is in final layout and we
hope it will be available for purchase before
December 31!
Parsha Podcasts
Rabbi Louis Lazovsky's morning Vorts on the Parsha
are available as podcasts online at (a link is on our homepage, On the Podomatic page you
can subscribe via iTunes
Daily Minyan
We have daily 6:00 am Shacharit. Please note that
after December 12th minyan will begin after 6:00 am,
due to sunrise being so late.
Sunday, Mincha-Maariv 10 minutes before sunset.
MondayThursday, Maariv only at 7:00 pm.
Pick up a Kesser Maariv Pushke (Tzedaka
Members may borrow books from our Lending
Library, located on the south side of the Social
Hall. Check out our new titles!
Rabbi Soloveichiks Sunday Parsha Shiur
Rabbi Moshe Soloveichiks Sunday morning Parsha
shiur meets at 9:15 am. All are welcome to attend this
fascinating shiur.
Rabbi Eli Lazovsky spoke before Selichot ...
Thanks to Sheryl & Bob Greenstein for organizing the
High Holiday Greeting Card...

Thank you to all of our Chazzanim - Rabbi Ben Zion

Lazovsky, Asaf Erez, Shabsa Lis and Rabbi Eli
Lazovsky - for leading the beautiful tefillot and making
the High Holidays very meaningful... We thank you,
our members, for your generous response to the
appeals and auctions during the High Holidays. As a
reminder, to contribute towards Rabbi Lazovsky's
Maftir Yonah honor, just send a contribution marked
"Maftir Yonah" to the office.
Thanks to the sponsor of the Simchat Torah
Israel Update
A few years ago, the KM community generously
donated a significant sum of money to Kibbutz Migdal
Oz, where friend of KM, Kenny Goldblatt, is head of
security, to purchase security cameras. These cameras
helped, in part, to stop a terrorist infiltration of the
Kibbutz on October 26th, 2016. The two terrorists
were apprehended.
The Adele Goldblum Women's Council will hold a
membership event on Monday evening December 5th
at the home of Lily Cherny at 6:45 pm. The program

Congregation B.H.H. Kesser Maariv A.L.

4341 W. Golf
Skokie, IL 60076
(847) 679-9800
fax (847) 679-5041
Rabbi Louis A. Lazovsky
Steven D. Goldrich, President
Rabbi Ben Zion Lazovsky,
Associate Rabbi & Executive Director
Sandy Miretzky, Nasrin Kheradyar & Saretta Lazovsky,
Co-Presidents, Adele Goldblum Womens Council
Committee Contact Information:

Saretta Lazovsky
Happy Day Cards
(847) 676-0556 or
Chesed Fund Anne Elovic (847) 673-2904
Donate Books & Siddurim Office
(847) 679-9800 or
Endowment Rabbi Louis Lazovsky
Kiddush & Seudat Shlisheet Judy Whisler
Membership 8/677-2281
Social Hall Rental
Tree of Life
Yahrzeit Plaques (847) 679-9800

will include mentalist Fred Zimmerman. See the

enclosed flyer.
Past Events
Shabbat lunch was enjoyed with the women of the
Libenu home...Rosh Hashana gift bags were sold in
memory of Dr. Tammy Kaplan. Thanks to Sandy
Miretzky, Eleanor Greenspan, Susan Goldrich and the
committee for their hard work.
Mazel Tov to: Mazal Tov to Marty & Sandy Miretzky
on the birth of a grandson, Mordechai Tzvi, to Eitan &
Chaya Sara Miretzky...Howard and Barbara Pomper on
the engagement of their granddaughter, Rifka to Yair
Warner...Dan and Faith Harris and Rabbi Moshe &
Debra Soloveichik on the Bat Mitzvah of their
granddaughter Ruti Soloveichik...Dinora Ingberman on
the birth of a granddaughter Esther Michal, born to
Gabe & Chani Valobov...Larry and Lora Frazin on the
engagement of their son Jonathan to Shaina
Campbell...Gilda Allswang on the wedding of her
grandson Binny Allswang to Shira
Goldschmidt...Rabbi Neil and Debbie Brill on the Bat
Mitzvah of their granddaughter, Melanie...Tina and
Maury Pressburger on the engagement of their son Eli
to Avital Silver, and on the birth of a grandson,
Emanuel Shalom, born to Korey and Shevy
Pressburger...Cookie Goldrich on the engagement of
her grandson Ari Orloff...Sanford and Shelley
Schwartz on the engagement of their granddaughter,
Shaked Kline.
Condolences to: Nasrin Kheradyar on the loss of her
brother Youssef Parvia Kashizadeh ... Anna Vinitsky
on the loss of her grandmother.
We are saddened by the passing of our friend Jerome
B. Mann, who produced much art and donated many
stained glass panels and paintings to Kesser Maariv.
Some of his work at Kesser Maariv may be seen at or in the shul.
Thank you to our recent Kiddush Sponsors: Rabbi
Benzie & Channah Lazovsky; Moishe Kipnis, Maya
Kucher and Simona Cheskis; Pomper and Bolotin
Families; Marty & Sandy Miretzky; Jeff & Sandy
Cagan; The Fox Family; Zellmer & Judi Fromm; Steve
and Sue Goldrich and anonymous sponsors.
Thanks to the anonymous sponsor of the Simchat
Torah Lunch.
Thank you to our recent Seudat Shlisheet Sponsors:
Rabbi William Fertig; Leon & Anna Vilinsky; Dr. Joel
& Sally Feder; Gilda Allswang; Judy & Larry
Weinger; Sandy and Marty Miretzky; Maury & Tina
Pressburger; the Lazovsky family.

Chanukah - Saturday night December 23 Sunday
January 1
This year we light the first Chanukah candle
after Shabbat on December 23rd. We add one candle
each night through Saturday evening, December 31st
(last candle is also lit after Shabbat).. Remember, on
Friday December 30th the Chanukah candles are lit
before lighting Shabbat Candles. We make certain that
nights candle will burn until at least 5:45 pm, which
is 75 minutes after sundown, so use a longer candle or
use more oil.
What does Chanukah commemorate? The
Syrian-Greeks, in about 150 BCE, tried to make the
Jews adopt some of their pagan practices, and they
banned Brit Milah, Shabbat and keeping the Family
Purity laws. They also tried to introduce the sacrifice
of unclean animals in the Temple. The Maccabees, a
family of Jewish priests-turned-warriors, managed to
vanquish the marauding Syrian-Greek armies.
However, the Syrian-Greeks tried to defile all the pure
oil for the Menorah by breaking the seals on the
bottles. The Maccabees found one vial of pure oil,
enough to kindle the Menorah for one day. The
Sanhedrin, the Jewish Religious high court, decided to
light all of the oil and fulfill the mitzvah
(commandment) as required, and a miracle occurred.
The Menorah burned for eight days, allowing the
Maccabees the requisite time to sanctify themselves
and prepare more oil. It was decided to light candles
in areas visible to passers-by to publicize this great
miracle. We light one candle the first night, and add
one every night until the end of the holiday.
There are many special Mitzvot,
Commandments, and customs that are observed on
Chanukah. In addition to lighting the candles, we eat
foods fried in oil like latkes (potato pancakes), and
sufganiyot (jelly rolls) to recall the miracle that took
place with the oil. We also add the prayer of Hallel, a
prayer of praise and thanks to G-d as well as the Al
Hanisim, a prayer thanking G-d for His miracles,
which is added to the Amidah and Grace after meals.
Children play with dreidels to remind us
how we deceived the Syrian-Greeks, whose plan called

for the assimilation of those that they conquered to

Syrian-Greek culture. Their laws prohibited Jews from
learning Torah. They had regular patrols to all Jewish
schools to assure that no Torah was being taught. The
Jews were dedicated to the Torah and devised a plan to
trick them. They learned Torah, but each school had
a sentry. When the sentry announced the imminent
arrival of the Syrian- Greek patrol, all the children hid
their books and took out dreidels, which were simple
gambling implements. The Syrian-Greeks were always
quite happy to see the progress being made by the
Jewish students who had seemingly abandoned the
road of Torah and had embraced gambling. Chanukah
calls upon us to fight assimilation and assume Jewish
continuity, a task as valid today as it was in 150 BCE.
Asarah B'Tevet - Sunday, January 8, 2017
Asarah B'Tevet, which means the 10th day of
the Hebrew month of Tevet, is a fast day. It was on
this day in 586 BCE that the Babylonians began the
siege of Jerusalem that eventually led to the
destruction of the first Temple. It also commemorates
the Yahrzeit of Ezra the Scribe, the leader of the Jews
at the beginning fo the Second Temple era. Today, on
this solemn occasion, we repent and return to our
heritage and observance of the commandments and act
with ahavat chinam, love of our fellow Jew, because
it was our departure from these traditions that caused
the Almighty to allow the destruction of both Temples.
May the Almighty have mercy on His children and
speedily redeem us on the merit of the good deeds we
all perform every day.
Bracha on Tallit and Tefillin
The Gemara says (Megilla 20a) that mitzvot whose
prescribed time is during the day, their ideal time is
after sunrise, but may be performed after dawn.
However, the mitzvot of Kriyas Shema, Tefillin and
Tzitzis depend on a minimum amount of light to see an
object or person (Brachot 9a and Shulchan Aruch
Siman 58).
Because of that, when sunrise gets late, we
cannot begin Shacharit at 6:00 am. Even after dawn,
when me may daven, it is still not light enough to
recite the Bracha on Tefillin and Tallit.

End of Year Tax Benefits

The Board of Directors thanks you for your generous response to the High Holiday appeals
and auctions. There is a tax advantaged way for you to support Kesser Maariv. If you
contribute appreciated property for example, stocks or bonds that you have owned for
over a year that have gone up in price since you bought them you can take the full value as
a deduction without recognizing any capital gain which would be due if you sold the
security and donated the cash. If you would like to contribute appreciated securities to
Kesser Maariv, please call Steve Goldrich at (847) 675-8730 or the office at 847-679-9800
for the necessary information.



Friday Mincha




Chayei Sara


4:02 pm

4:05 pm

8:45 am

2:50 pm

3:50 pm



4:00 pm

4:05 pm

8:45 am

2:50 pm

3:50 pm



3:59 pm

4:05 pm

8:45 am

2:50 pm

3:50 pm



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4:05 pm

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2:50 pm

3:50 pm



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4:05 pm

8:45 am

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4:10 pm

8:45 am

3:00 pm

4:00 pm


1/6-1/ 7

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8:45 am

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4:05 pm



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4:15 pm



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3:20 pm

4:20 pm



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4:45 pm

8:45 am

3:30 pm

4:30 pm



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8:45 am

3:40 pm

4:40 pm



4:58 pm

5:00 pm

8:45 am

3:50 pm

4:50 pm



5:08 pm

5:10 pm

8:45 am

4:00 pm

5:00 pm

If you have a chiyuv - obligation to daven or require an Aliya, please inform Rabbi Lazovsky before Shabbat.
To sponsor a kiddush or shalashudos, please call Judy Whisler at (847) 677-2281.
Minyan Times
Minyanim meet in the Kaufman Bais Midrash
Sunday: 8:00 am
Monday-Friday: 6:00 am
When sunrise is after 7:07 am (after 12/12),
Shacharit will begin after 6:00 am
Sunday: 10 minutes before sundown
Monday-Thursday Maariv at 7:00 pm

Sunday Morning at 9:15 am:
Weekly Sedra.
Given by Rabbi Moshe Soloveichik





Wednesdays at 7:15 pm (after Maariv): Talmud

S h i ur s t u d yin g Ge ma r a B r a c h o t ( E n d o f T h i r d
Chapter) given by Rabbi Ben Zion.
Shabbat afternoon, 1 hour before Mincha: Parsha Class, given by
Rabbi Louis Lazovsky
For more learning opportunities, contact Rabbis B. or E. Lazovsky

Malamud Reference Library

Come and Learn from any of the hundreds of titles in our library.
Lending Library
Members may borrow books from our Lending Library, located on the south side of the Social Hall.
Tape Lending Library
We have tapes and digital audio files on many topics including Chumash, Talmud and Mussar.



Light dairy supper

and entertainment

$30 includes
supper and

Guests: $15

Monday, December 5, 2016

6:45 p.m.
at the home of Lily Cherny
9321 Lowell Avenue, Skokie
We will be collecting new toys and games to be donated
to children for Chanukah. Please feel free to bring one to
the event and we will deliver it for you.
Reservations preferred: Contact Sandy Miretzky or (847) 676-4387

supper and
$54 $72 $100 $72

4341 W. Golf Road
Skokie, Illinois 60076

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