Chapter Lease

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General Provisions
ARTICLE 1642. The contract of lease may be of __________, or of __________ and
__________. (1542)
ARTICLE 1643. In the lease of __________, one of the parties __________ himself to
give to another the __________ or __________ of a thing for a price __________, and
for a __________ which may be __________ or __________. However, no lease for
more than __________ years shall be valid. (1543a)
ARTICLE 1644. In the lease of __________ or __________, one of the parties binds
himself to __________ a piece of __________ or to __________ to the other some
service for a __________ certain, but the __________ of __________ and __________
does not __________ between them. (1544a)
ARTICLE 1645. __________ goods cannot be the __________ matter of a contract of
lease, except when they are __________ to be __________ or when they are
__________ to an __________ __________. (1545a)

Lease of Rural and Urban Lands

General Provisions
Article 1646. The persons disqualified to __________ referred to in articles 1490 and
1491, are also __________ to become __________ of the things __________ therein.

Article 1647. If a lease is to be __________ in the __________ of Property, the

following persons cannot __________ the same without proper __________: the
__________ with respect to the wife's __________ real estate, the __________ or
__________ as to the property of the __________ or __________, and the __________
without special __________. (1548a)
Article 1648. Every lease of real __________ may be recorded in the Registry of
Property. Unless a lease is __________, it shall not be __________ upon third persons.
Article 1649. The __________ cannot __________ the lease without the __________
of the lessor, unless there is a __________ to the contrary. (n)
Article 1650. When in the contract of lease of things there is no express __________,
the lessee may __________ the thing leased, in __________ or in __________, without
prejudice to his __________ for the __________ of the __________ toward the lessor.
Article 1651. Without prejudice to his __________ toward the __________, the
__________ is bound to the __________ for all __________ which refer to the
__________ and __________ of the thing leased in the manner __________ between
the lessor and the lessee. (1551)
Article 1652. The sublessee is __________ liable to the lessor for any __________ due
from the lessee. However, the sublessee shall not be __________ beyond the
__________ of rent due from him, in __________ with the terms of the __________, at
the time of the __________ demand by the lessor.
Payments of rent in __________ by the sublessee shall be __________ not to have
been made, so far as the lessor's __________ is concerned, unless said payments
were __________ in virtue of the __________ of the place. (1552a)
Article 1653. The provisions governing __________, contained in the Title on
__________, shall be __________ to the contract of lease.

In the cases where the __________ of the price is __________, __________ shall be
made in __________ to the time during which the lessee __________ the thing. (1553)

Rights and Obligations of the Lessor and the Lessee
Article 1654. The lessor is __________:

(1) To __________ the thing which is the __________ of the contract in such a
__________ as to render it __________ for the use __________;
(2) To make on the __________ during the lease all the __________
__________ in order to keep it __________ for the use to which it has been
__________, unless there is a __________ to the contrary;
(3) To __________ the lessee in the __________ and __________ __________
of the lease for the __________ __________ of the contract. (1554a)
Article 1655. If the thing leased is __________ __________ by a __________ event,
the lease is __________. If the __________ is __________, the lessee may choose
between a __________ __________ of the rent and a __________ of the lease. (n)
Article 1656. The lessor of a __________ or industrial __________ may continue
__________ in the same business or __________ to which the lessee __________ the
thing leased, unless there is a stipulation to the contrary. (n)
Article 1657. The __________ is obliged:

(1) To __________ the __________ of the lease according to the __________

(2) To __________ the thing leased as a __________ __________ of a family,
__________ it to the use stipulated; and in the __________ of stipulation, to that

which may be __________ from the __________ of the thing leased, according
to the __________ of the __________;
(3) To pay __________ for the __________ of lease. (1555)
Article 1658. The lessee may __________ the payment of the __________ in case the
lessor __________ to make the __________ repairs or to __________ the lessee in
__________ and adequate __________ of the property leased. (n)
Article 1659. If the lessor or the lessee should not __________ with the obligations set
forth in articles 1654 and 1657, the __________ party may ask for the __________ of
the contract and __________ for __________, or only the __________, allowing the
contract to remain in __________. (1556)
Article 1660. If a __________ __________ or any other __________ intended for
human __________ is in such a __________ that its use brings __________ and
__________ danger to __________ or __________, the lessee may __________ the
lease at __________ by __________ the lessor, even if at the time the contract was
__________ the former knew of the __________ condition or __________ the right to
__________ the lease on __________ of this __________. (n)
Article 1661. The lessor cannot __________ the __________ of the thing leased in
such a way as to __________ the use to which the thing is __________ under the
terms of the lease. (1557a)
Article 1662. If during the lease it should become __________ to make some
__________ repairs upon the thing leased, which cannot be __________ until the
__________ of the lease, the lessee is obliged to __________ the __________,
although it may be very __________ to him, and although during the same, he may be
__________ of a part of the __________.
If the __________ last more than __________ days the rent shall be __________ in
proportion to the __________ - including the first forty days - and the part of the
property of which the lessee has been __________.

When the work is of such a __________ that the __________ which the lessee and his
__________ need for their dwelling becomes __________, he may __________ the
contract if the __________ purpose of the lease is to provide a __________ place for
the lessee. (1558a)
Article 1663. The lessee is obliged to bring to the __________ of the __________,
within the __________ __________ time, every __________ or __________ act which
any third person may have __________ or may be __________ __________ to carry
out upon the thing leased.
He is also obliged to __________ the owner, with the same __________, of the need of
all __________ included in No. 2 of article 1654.
In __________ cases the lessee shall be liable for the __________ which, through his
__________, may be __________ by the __________.
If the lessor fails to make urgent __________, the lessee, in order to __________ an
__________ danger, may __________ the repairs at the lessor's __________. (1559a)
Article 1664. The lessor is not obliged to __________ for a __________ act of
__________ which a third person may __________ on the use of the thing leased; but
the lessee shall have a __________ __________ against the __________.
There is a mere act of __________ when the third person __________ no right
__________. (1560a)
Article 1665. The lessee shall __________ the thing leased, upon the __________ of
the lease, as he __________ it, __________ what has been __________ or
__________ by the __________ of time, or by __________ wear and __________, or
from an __________ cause. (1561a)
Article 1666. In the absence of a __________ concerning the __________ of the thing
at the time the lease was __________, the __________ presumes that the lessee
received it in good __________, unless there is __________ to the contrary. (1562)
Article 1667. The lessee is responsible for the __________ or __________ of the thing
leased, unless he proves that it took place without his __________. This __________ of

proof on the lessee does not apply when the __________ is due to __________,
__________, __________ or other natural __________. (1563a)
Article 1668. The lessee is __________ for any deterioration caused by __________ of
his __________ and by __________ and __________. (1564a)
Article 1669. If the lease was made for a __________ time, it __________ upon the
day __________, without the __________ of a __________. (1565)
Article 1670. If at the __________ of the contract the lessee should continue
__________ the thing leased for __________ days with the __________ of the lessor,
and unless a __________ to the contrary by either party has __________ been given, it
is __________ that there is an __________ __________ lease, not for the __________
of the original contract, but for the time __________ in articles 1682 and 1687. The
other terms of the __________ contract shall be __________. (1566a)
Article 1671. If the lessee __________ enjoying the thing after the __________ of the
contract, over the lessor's __________, the __________ shall be __________ to the
__________ of a __________ in bad faith. (n)
Article 1672. In case of an __________ new lease, the obligations __________ by a
third person for the __________ of the __________ contract shall __________ with
respect to the __________ lease. (1567)
Article 1673. The lessor may __________ __________ the lessee for any of the
following __________:
(1) When the __________ agreed upon, or that which is __________ for the
duration of __________ under articles 1682 and 1687, has __________;
(2) __________ of payment of the __________ __________;
(3) __________ of any of the __________ agreed upon in the __________;
(4) When the lessee __________ the thing leased to any use or __________ not
stipulated which causes the __________ thereof; or if he does not __________
the __________ in No. 2 of article 1657, as regards the __________ thereof.

The __________ of __________ of __________ lands is governed by __________

laws. (1569a)
Article 1674. In __________ cases where an __________ is taken the __________
granted in article 539, second paragraph, shall also apply, if the __________ court is
satisfied that the lessee's appeal is __________ or __________, or that the lessor's
appeal is __________ __________ __________. The period of __________ days
referred to in said article shall be __________ from the time the __________ is
__________. (n)
Article 1675. __________ in cases stated in article 1673, the lessee shall have a
__________ to make use of the __________ established in articles 1682 and 1687.
Article 1676. The __________ of a piece of __________ which is under a lease that is
not __________ in the Registry of Property may __________ the lease, __________
when there is a stipulation to the contrary in the __________ of __________, or when
the __________ knows of the __________ of the lease.
If the buyer makes use of this __________, the lessee may __________ that he be
allowed to __________ the fruits of the __________ which __________ to the current
__________ year and that the vendor __________ him for damages __________.
If the sale is __________, for the purpose of __________ the lease, the __________
vendee cannot make use of the __________ granted in the first paragraph of this
article. The sale is __________ to be fictitious if at the time the supposed vendee
demands the __________ of the lease, the sale is not recorded in the Registry of
__________. (1571a)
Article 1677. The purchaser in a sale with the right of __________ cannot make use of
the __________ to __________ the lessee until the __________ of the period for the
__________. (1572)
Article 1678. If the lessee makes, in good faith, useful __________ which are
__________ to the __________ for which the lease is intended, without __________
the __________ or __________ of the property leased, the lessor upon the

__________ of the lease shall __________ the lessee __________ of the __________
of the improvements at that time. Should the lessor __________ to reimburse said
__________, the lessee may __________ the improvements, even though the
__________ thing may suffer __________ thereby. He shall not, however, __________
any more __________ upon the property leased than is __________.
With regard to __________ expenses, the lessee shall not be __________ to any
__________, but he may __________ the ornamental objects, provided no __________
is caused to the principal thing, and the lessor does not __________ to __________
them by paying their __________ at the time the lease is __________. (n)
Article 1679. If __________ has been stipulated concerning the __________ and the
__________ for the __________ of the lease, the provisions or article 1251 shall be
observed as regards the __________; and with respect to the __________, the
__________ of the place shall be __________. (1574)

Special Provisions for Leases of Rural Lands
Article 1680. The lessee shall have no right to a __________ of the __________ on
account of the __________ of the land leased, or by reason of the __________ of
__________ due to __________ __________ events; but he shall have such right in
case of the loss of more than __________ of the fruits through __________ and
__________ fortuitous events, save always when there is a __________ stipulation to
the contrary.
__________ fortuitous events are understood to be: __________, __________,
__________, unusual __________, __________, earthquake, or others which are
__________, and which the contracting parties could not have __________
__________. (1575)
Article 1681. Neither does the lessee have any right to a __________ of the rent if the
fruits are __________ after they have been __________ from their __________,
__________ or __________. (1576)

Article 1682. The lease of a piece of __________ land, when its __________ has not
been fixed, is __________ to have been for all the time __________ for the
__________ of the fruits which the whole __________ leased may __________ in one
year, or which it may yield __________, although two or more __________ have to
__________ for the purpose. (1577a)
Article 1683. The __________ lessee shall allow the incoming lessee or the
__________ the use of the __________ and other means necessary for the
__________ __________ for the __________ year; and, __________, the __________
lessee or the lessor is under obligation to __________ the outgoing lessee to do
whatever may be necessary for the __________ or __________ and __________ of the
__________, all in accordance with the customs of the __________. (1578a)
Article 1684. Land __________ on __________ shall be governed by __________
laws, the __________ of the parties, the provisions on __________ and by the
__________ of the place. (1579a)
Article 1685. The __________ on shares cannot be __________ except in
__________ specified by __________. (n)

Special Provisions for the Lease of Urban Lands
Article 1686. In __________ of a __________ stipulation, the __________ of the place
shall be __________ with regard to the kind of __________ on __________ property for
which the lessor shall be liable. In case of __________ it is understood that the repairs
are __________ against him. (1580a)
Article 1687. If the __________ for the lease has not been __________, it is
understood to be from __________ to __________, if the rent agreed upon is
__________; from __________ to __________, if it is __________; from __________
to __________, if the __________ is weekly; and from __________ to __________, if
the rent is to be __________ daily. However, even though a __________ rent is paid,
and no period for the lease has been __________, the __________ may fix a longer

term for the lease after the lessee has __________ the __________ for over one
__________. If the rent is __________, the courts may __________ determine a longer
period after the lessee has been in __________ for over __________ months. In case
of daily __________, the courts may also fix a longer period after the lessee has
__________ in the __________ for over one __________. (1581a)
Article 1688. When the lessor of a __________, or part thereof, used as a __________
for a __________, or when the lessor of a __________, or industrial __________, also
leases the __________, the lease of the __________ shall be deemed to be for the
duration of the lease of the __________. (1582)

Work and Labor

Household Service (n)
Article 1689. __________ service shall always be __________ compensated. Any
__________ that household service is without __________ shall be __________. Such
compensation shall be in __________ to the house helper's __________, __________,
and __________ attendance.
Article 1690. The __________ of the family shall __________, __________ of
__________, to the house helper, __________ and __________ __________ as well
as __________ food and medical __________.
Article 1691. If the house __________ is under the age of __________ years, the head
of the __________ shall give an __________ to the house helper for at least
__________ education. The __________ of such education shall be a __________ of
the house helper's __________, unless there is a stipulation to the contrary.
Article 1692. No __________ for household service shall last for __________ than
__________ years. However, such contract may be __________ from __________ to

Article 1693. The house helper's __________ shall be subject to __________.

However, any contract for household service shall be __________ if __________ the
house helper cannot __________ to __________ __________ clothing.
Article 1694. The head of the family shall __________ the house helper in a
__________ and __________ manner. In no case shall __________ __________ be
used upon the house helper.
Article 1695. House helpers shall not be __________ to work more than __________
hours a day. Every house helper shall be allowed __________ days' __________ each
__________, with __________.
Article 1696. In case of __________ of the house helper, the head of the family shall
__________ the __________ expenses if the house helper has no __________ in the
__________ where the head of the family __________, with __________ __________
Article 1697. If the __________ for household service is __________ neither the head
of the family nor the house helper may __________ the contract before the __________
of the __________, except for a __________ cause. If the house helper is __________
dismissed, he shall be paid the __________ already __________ plus that for
__________ days by way of __________. If the house helper __________ without
__________ reason, he shall __________ any __________ due him and __________,
for not __________ fifteen days.
Article 1698. If the __________ of the household service is not __________ either by
__________ or by the __________ of the __________, the head of the family or the
house helper may give __________ to put an end to the __________ relation,
according to the following __________:
(1) If the compensation is paid by the __________, notice may be given on any
day that the __________ shall end at the __________ of the following day;
(2) If the compensation is paid by the __________, notice may be given, at the
__________ on the first __________ day of the week, that the service shall be

__________ at the end of the __________ day from the __________ of the
(3) If the compensation is paid by the __________, notice may be given, at the
latest, on the __________ day of the __________, that the service shall
__________ at the __________ of the month.
Article 1699. Upon the __________ of the service __________, the house helper may
__________ from the head of the family a written __________ on the __________ and
__________ of the service and the __________ and __________ of the house helper.

Contract of Labor (n)
Article 1700. The __________ between __________ and __________ are not merely
__________. They are so __________ with public __________ that labor contracts
must __________ to the __________ __________. Therefore, such contracts are
subject to the special laws on labor __________, collective __________, __________
and __________, __________ __________, wages, __________ conditions, hours of
__________ and similar subjects.
Article 1701. Neither capital nor __________ shall act __________ against the other,
or __________ the __________ or __________ of the __________.
Article 1702. In case of doubt, all labor __________ and all labor __________ shall be
__________ in favor of the __________ and __________ living for the __________.
Article 1703. No contract which __________ amounts to __________ __________,
under any __________ whatsoever, shall be __________.
Article 1704. In __________ bargaining, the labor __________ or __________ of the
board or __________ __________ the contract shall be liable for __________ thereof.
Article 1705. The laborer's __________ shall be paid in __________ __________.
Article 1706. __________ of the wages, except for a __________ due, shall not be
__________ by the __________.

Article 1707. The laborer's wages shall be a __________ on the goods __________ or
the __________ done.
Article 1708. The laborer's __________ shall not be subject to __________ or
__________, except for debts __________ for food, __________, __________ and
__________ attendance.
Article 1709. The employer shall neither __________ nor __________ any
__________ or other __________ belonging to the __________.
Article 1710. __________ of laborers shall be subject to the __________ of the
__________, under special laws.
Article 1711. Owners of __________ and other employers are obliged to pay
__________ for the __________ of or injuries to their __________, __________,
__________ or other employees, even though the __________ may have been purely
__________ or __________ due to a __________ cause, if the death or __________
__________ arose out of and in the __________ of the employment. The employer is
also liable for compensation if the employee __________ any __________ or
__________ caused by such __________ or as the __________ of the __________ of
the employment. If the __________ was due to the employee's own __________
__________, or __________ act, or __________, the employer shall not be liable for
compensation. When the employee's __________ of due care __________ to his death
or injury, the compensation shall be __________ __________.
Article 1712. If the death or injury is due to the __________ of a __________ worker,
the __________ and the __________ shall be __________ liable for compensation. If a
fellow worker's __________ or __________ act is the only __________ of the death or
injury, the employer shall not be __________, unless it should be __________ that the
latter did not exercise __________ __________ in the __________ or __________ of
the __________ fellow worker.

Contract for a Piece of Work

Article 1713. By the contract for a __________ of work the contractor binds himself to
__________ a piece of work for the __________, in consideration of a certain
__________ or __________. The __________ may either __________ only his
__________ or __________, or also __________ the material. (1588a)
Article 1714. If the contractor agrees to __________ the work from __________
furnished by him, he shall __________ the thing __________ to the employer and
transfer __________ over the thing. This contract shall be __________ by the following
__________ as well as by the __________ provisions on __________ of __________
and against hidden __________ and the payment of __________ in a contract of sale.
Article 1715. The contractor shall __________ the work in such a manner that it has
the __________ agreed upon and has no __________ which __________ or
__________ its value or __________ for its __________ or __________ use. Should
the __________ be not of such quality, the employer may __________ that the
contractor __________ the defect or __________ another __________. If the contractor
fails or __________ to comply with this obligation, the employer may have the
__________ removed or another work executed, at the contractor's __________. (n)
Article 1716. An agreement __________ or __________ the contractor's __________
for any defect in the work is __________ if the contractor acted __________. (n)
Article 1717. If the contractor __________ himself to furnish the material, he shall
__________ the loss if the work should be __________ before its __________, save
when there has been __________ in __________ it. (1589)
Article 1718. The contractor who has __________ to put only his __________ or
__________, cannot claim any __________ if the work should be destroyed
__________ its delivery, unless there has been delay in receiving it, or if the
__________ was caused by the __________ __________ of the material, provided this
__________ was __________ in __________ time to the __________. If the material is
__________ through a __________ event, the contract is __________. (1590a)

Article 1719. __________ of the work by the employer __________ the contractor of
liability for any __________ in the work, unless:
(1) The defect is __________ and the employer is not, by his __________
__________, __________ to __________ the same; or
(2) The employer __________ __________ his rights against the contractor by
__________ of the defect. (n)
Article 1720. The __________ or compensation shall be paid at the __________ and
__________ of delivery of the work, unless there is a stipulation to the contrary. If the
work is to be delivered __________, the __________ or compensation for each part
having been __________, the __________ shall be paid at the time and place of
__________, in the absence of stipulation. (n)
Article 1721. If, in the __________ of the work, an __________ of the employer is
__________, and he __________ in __________ or fails to __________ the act, the
contractor is __________ to a reasonable __________.
The __________ of the compensation is __________, on the one hand, by the
__________ of the __________ and the amount of the compensation __________, and
on the other hand, by what the contractor has __________ in __________ by reason of
the delay or is able to __________ by a different __________ of his time and
__________. (n)
Article 1722. If the work cannot be __________ on account of a __________ in the
material __________ by the __________, or because of __________ from the
employer, without any __________ on the part of the __________, the latter has a right
to an __________ part of the __________ __________ to the work done, and
__________ for proper __________ made. (n)
Article 1723. The engineer or __________ who drew up the __________ and
specifications for a building is liable for __________ if within __________ years from
the __________ of the __________, the same should __________ by reason of a
defect in those plans and __________, or due to the defects in the __________. The
__________ is likewise responsible for the damages if the __________ falls, within the

same period, on account of defects in the __________ or the use of __________ of

__________ quality furnished by him, or due to any __________ of the terms of the
contract. If the __________ or architect __________ the construction, he shall be
__________ liable with the __________.
__________ of the __________, after __________, does not __________ __________
of any of the __________ of action by reason of any defect __________ in the
preceding paragraph.
The __________ must be brought within __________ years __________ the
__________ of the building. (n)
Article 1724. The __________ who undertakes to build a __________ or any other
work for a stipulated __________, in __________ with plans and specifications agreed
upon with the __________, can neither __________ from the contract nor __________
an __________ in the price on account of the higher __________ of __________ or
__________, save when there has been a __________ in the plans and specifications,
(1) Such change has been __________ by the proprietor in __________; and
(2) The __________ price to be paid to the contractor has been __________ in
writing by __________ parties. (1593a)
Article 1725. The owner may __________ at __________ from the __________ of the
work, although it may have been __________, __________ the contractor for all the
latter's __________, __________, and the __________ which the owner may obtain
therefrom, and __________. (1594a)
Article 1726. When a piece of work has been __________ to a person by reason of his
__________ __________, the contract is __________ upon his __________.
In this case the __________ shall pay the __________ of the contractor in __________
to the price agreed upon, the __________ of the part of the work __________, and of
the __________ prepared, provided the latter __________ him some __________.

The same __________ shall apply if the contractor cannot __________ the work due to
__________ beyond his __________. (1595)
Article 1727. The contractor is __________ for the __________ done by persons
__________ by him. (1596)
Article 1728. The contractor is liable for all the __________ of __________ and others
employed by him, and of __________ persons for __________ or physical __________
during the __________. (n)
Article 1729. Those who put their __________ upon or __________ materials for a
piece of work __________ by the contractor have an __________ against the
__________ up to the amount __________ from the latter to the contractor at the time
the __________ is made. However, the following shall not __________ the laborers,
__________ and __________ of materials:
(1) __________ made by the __________ to the __________ before they are
(2) __________ by the contractor of any __________ due him from the
This article is subject to the provisions of special laws. (1597a)
Article 1730. If it is agreed that the work shall be __________ to the __________ of the
__________, it is understood that in case of __________ the __________ shall be
subject to __________ __________.
If the work is subject to the __________ of a third person, his __________ shall be
__________, except in case of __________ or __________ error. (1598a)
Article 1731. He who has __________ work upon a __________ has a right to
__________ it by way of __________ until he is __________. (1600)

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