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The Review before the Real Mid Test

Find out the best answer and discuss it until you understand.

Which sentence is wrong? salah

a He is a liar.
b She is in a relationship.
c The man is alone.
d Those mouses are disgusting. mouses x = mice v

Which sentence is right? benar

a I am come from Medan.
b I am from Medan.
c I coming from Medan.
d I comes from Medan.

Which sentence uses present continuous?

a Reading is important. Gerund kata kerja yng berubah jdi kata benda
b I love reading.
c I look forward to hearing from you. To + V1
d I am looking for a job.

Which sentence is wrong? Present : has/have . past : had+v3

a They have been an Indonesians for a year. Tdk ada an harusnya
b We have been confused since two hours ago.
c Gabby and Debby have been friends since 1990. Sejak (tdk ada batasan wktu)
d Karl has been in the post office for three hours. Selama (ada batasan waktu)

Which sentence is right?

a Evelyn has had a baby since 2005. Has + V3
b Evelyn has has a baby since 2005.
c Evelyn has have a baby since 2005.
d Evelyn has been a baby since 2005.

Which sentence is wrong?

a Marylin was a teacher since 2001. Pake last , yesterday (lampau)
b Marylin was in the library this morning.
c Marylin was shy a few minutes ago. malu
d Marylin was single last year.

Which sentence is wrong? V2 past

a Me and Vivi sat on the bench last afternoon.
b Vivi and me got the discount yesterday. I
c Vivi read newspaper this morning.
d I drank a lot of coffee last week.
Which sentence is right?
a Listen! I was climbing the mountain. Tdk ada ket waktu
b You was watching the match seriously last Friday. were
c They were coming to my house this morning at 8 a.m.


We were sold the house. Tdk pake were

Which sentence is right? Past perrfect

a The job had more complicated when the boss explained further information about
it. Had been more complicated
b Neil had been an architect when his father passes away. passed
c We had been confused now. Tdk pke now karna past
d She had been pregnant before she got married.

10 Which sentence is right?past perfect

a Yolanda had stressed because of final exam. Had been stressed
b Your nephew had disturbed you before his mom came a couple hours ago.
c Your niece has entertained you before her daddy picked her up. had
d Erin had ate a bowl of meatballs soup. Had eaten(v3)
11 The passive form of Glenn often makes scientific research is
a Scientific research is often makes by Glenn.
b Scientific research is often made by Glenn.
c Scientific research has been often made by Glenn.
d Scientific research was often made by Glenn.
12 The passive form of Willow opens her shop 24 hours every day is
a Willows shop is opened by her 24 hours every day.
b Willows shop are opened by her 24 hours every day
c Willows shop opened by her 24 hours every day
d Willows shop is being opened by her 24 hours every day
13 The passive form of Last Saturday night Sam and Pearl drank some glasses of
cocktail is lebih dari 1 pake were
a Some glasses of cocktail was drunk by Sam and Pearl last Saturday night.
b Some glasses of cocktail were drunk by Sam and Pearl last Saturday night.
c Sam and Pearl were drunk by some glasses of cocktail last Saturday night.
d Some glasses of cocktail were being drunk by Sam and Pearl last Saturday night.
14 The passive form of Andreas children asked their mom to sing a song last night is
a Andrea was asked by her children to sing a song last night.
b Andrea was being asked by her children to sing a song last night.
c Andrea was asked by her children to be sung a song last night.
d Andreas children were asked by Andrea to sing a song.
15 The passive form of Mia and I are playing piano together now is
a Piano are being played by Mia and I together now.
b Piano are played by Mia and I together now.
c Piano is being played by Mia and I together now.
d Piano is played by Mia and I now.
16 The passive form of Mia and other students were analyzing the components of
computer yesterday at 2 p.m. is past continous
a The components of computer was analyzed by Mia and other students yesterday at
2 p.m.


The components of computer was being analyzed by Mia and other students
yesterday at 2 p.m.
The components of computer were analyzed by Mia and other students yesterday
at 2 p.m.
The components of computer were being analyzed by Mia and other students
yesterday at 2 p.m.

17 The passive form of Allens sister-in-law has just filled the fuel tank of her car is
has just +v3 itu barusaja
a The fuel tank of Allens sister-in-laws car has just been filled by her.
b The fuel tank of Allens sister-in-law car has just been filled by her.
c The fuel tank of Allens sister-in-laws car has just filled by her.
d The fuel tank of Allens sister-in-laws car has just been filled by her cousin.
18 The passive form of Ramli and his mom have already fastened the seatbelts is
a The seatbelts are already fastened by Ramli and his mom.
b The seatbelts has been already fastened by Ramli and his mom
c The seatbelts have been already fastened by Ramli and his mom
d The seatbelts has been already being fastened by Ramli and his mom
19 The passive form of Charlie had turned on TV before his brother did it a few hours
ago is past perfect
a It cant be changed into passive form.
b TV had been turned on by Charlie before his brother did it a few hours ago.
c TV has been turned on by Charlie before his brother did it a few hours ago.
d TV had been being turned on by Charlie before his brother did it a few hours ago.
20 The passive form of Dewi and Rudy had built a new workshop before their parents
knew it last two years is past perfect
a A new workshop had been built by Dewi and Rudy before their parents knew it
last two years.
b A new workshop had been being built by Dewi and Rudy before their parents
knew it last two years.
c Before their parents knew it last two years a new workshop had been being build
by Dewi and Rudy .
d Before their parents knew it last two years a new workshop had been building by
Dewi and Rudy.
21 Which sentence is wrong?
a I can to keep my brothers. Tdk boleh pke to setelh modal
b My brothers can be kept by me.
c My brothers may be kept by me.
d My brothers should play around with their friends.
22 Which sentence is for asking permission? izin
a Should I get into the room, Sir?
b Must I get into the room, Sir?
c Can I really get out of the class, Sir?
d May I come in, Sir?

23 Which sentence is for suggesting? menyarankan

a They can check the power of their cars using dyno machine.
b You may go to the waterpark with your best friends to get some fun.
c Diana should buy some more sugar for making black forest cake. harus
d Reynold will sell a few pairs of shoes.
24 Which sentence is wrong?
a Amalia could run faster.
b Nabilla might forget the outline of her report.
c Calvin had to chase Bella yesterday.
d Lila must to meet her cousin. Must tdk diikuti to
25 Which sentence is right?
a The dean of the faculty will set up the new program. Will+v1
b The professor can be think the problem of his university. Be dihilangkan
c The secretary must busy when there is meeting.
d The administrator have to be careful in checking some reports.
26 The passive form of Shelly has to drive a car well is
a Shelly has to driven a car well.
b Shelly has to be driven a car well.
c A car has to driven by Shelly well.
d A car has to be driven by Shelly well.
27 The passive form of Tim may run the machine is
a The machine may be run by Tim.
b The machine may be ran by Tim.
c Tim may be run by machine.
d Tim and machine may be ran.
28 The passive form of Barbara and her father will go to Tennessee tomorrow is
a To Tennessee Barbara and her father will be gone.
b Tennessee will be gone to by Barbara and her father.
c It cant be turned into passive form.
d Barbara and her father will be go to Tennessee.
29 The passive form of Morgan can treat Alice carefully is
a Morgan could treat Alice carefully.
b Alice can be treated by Morgan carefully.
c Morgan can be treated by Alice carefully.
d Alice could be treated by Morgan carefully.
30 The passive form of They should choose the best representative area for racing is
a Area for racing should be chosen by them the best representative.
b The best area for representative racing should be chose by them.
c For racing the best representative should be chose by them.
d The best representative area for racing should be chosen by them.

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