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Professional Development Plan


Pinning Ceremony
December 10, 2016
By pinning, I would like to have the following
- submit application for licensing exam to PA State
Board of Nursing
- continue applying and interviewing for nursing
positions in the Pittsburgh area

NCLEX Preparation


December 12 until testing date

I will take the Kaplan review course offered at
Robert Morris (December 12-16). From there, I
will review content, complete practice exams,
and practice 50 NCLEX-style questions per day
up until two days prior to the exam.


Begin Career
One week after passing NCLEX
Starting on a telemetry floor, I would like
to gain my footing as a nurse. In one year,
I would like to begin working in an ICU
setting, where I can work on obtaining
hours to sit for a CCRN certification.

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