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Latosha Newnan
Lindsay Hastings
RHET 1312
3 October 2016
The Struggles of having a Fast Metabolism
My need is to express what a fast metabolism is and how having a fast metabolism works. The
effects it can have on the body, how it effects your daily life.all the symptoms that you can get or
have that comes with a fast metabolism. If having a fast metabolism can be a genetic trait pass
down to you. The metabolic rate, basically the good and bad of having a fast metabolism.
Because I don't think a lot of people even know or understand what a fast metabolism is.
People tend to judge a lot more than they think they think they do about situations they know
little to nothing about at all. I was born failure to thrive, which means I would never be the
weight or height I was suppose to be at a certain age. Later on in life as I grew up I found out I
had a high metabolism that meant I could eat a lot but wouldn't grow very much. People are
really mean to people who do have fast metabolism.
A Metabolism is a collective term for all of the chemical process that take place in the body. A
high or fast metabolism is basically when you can eat more without gaining weight. Which is
good but also bad because you can eat whatever you want or however much you want without
any worries. But the bad news is that you never gain weight, you can lose weight and you stay
hungry all the time. Metabolism and your metabolic rate play a major part in on if you have a
slow or fast metabolism in the foods you eat and the protein which accounts for 60- 75% of the
calories your body consumes. Then you have other processes that make up the metabolism like
the Metabolic Rate, Basal Metabolic Rate, Catabolism, Anabolism. The Metabolic Rate- is the
rate at which you use energy or calories for these processes. Basal Metabolic Rate- is the energy

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needed to keep the body functioning at rest. Catabolism- are when complex substances are
broken down into simpler ones. Anabolism- are in which complex substances are built up from
simpler ones.
With having a high metabolism there are a lot of symptoms that can come along with it like one
of the symptoms are (FTT) also known as Failure to Thrive- is a condtion that describes a child
that is gaining weight sgnifically slower than expecteed. Also some other symptoms are if you
are underweight or if your parents are short in Stature so that could make the child be
underweight or also even if youre child is a picker eater that will make the child underweight.
Medical condtions can lead to not being able to gain weight like, (ADHD) Attettion Deflict
Hyper active Disorder, Asthma, Celiac Disease, Lactose Intollerance.
The effects of people who have a fast metabolism are both good and bad, the good of having a
fast metabolism is that no matter what you eat it will never show on your body physically. For
some people they could eat some candy and chips and talk about how they are gaining weight,
need to lose weight. Or people whose bodies digest their food at a slower rate always have to
worry about how many calories their body has consumed each day for every meal. As to where
people whose body digest their food fast they can eat junk food all day and all types of food and
it just doesn't effect them in any way. Now the bad part about having a fast metabolism is
sometimes you are so underweight that not gaining weight can be a problem. Your weight can
also go up and down and not stay at a consistent rate.
The energy that goes into boosting your metabolism consits of a couple of things called Resting
Metabolic Rate, Diet-induced Thermogensis and Physical Activity are the main componets of a
Metabolism. Metabolism works different when it comes to men and women and the fact if you
are old or young too. The difference between a man and a woman is that a man has naturally

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more muscle than fat and men tend to have larger organs, which can make them burn more
energy. Women have a little more fat than men, depending on your age most people not all
metabolism starts to decrease 10 to 15% percent during their adult life. Also if you have a low
porpotion of body fat is when your nuscle cells use more energy than the fat cells.
When it comes to metabolism everyone has a metabolic type snd it all depends on your
metabolic type, the different types of metabolic are called Parasympathetic, Autonomic Blanced,
Sympathetic, Slow Oxidiser, Mixed Oxidiser, and Fast Oxidiser. The certain amount of Protein,
Carbohydrates and fats, also the specific foods your'e advised to eat or avoid depends on what
you eat and your metabolic type.
When you talk about metabolism their comes energy requirements of women of reproductive age
around 1-4. The energy requirements of women have been based on total energy and basal
metabolic rate in women who are underweight. Your race also has something to do with your
metabolism if youre African-American, Caucasion, Asian etc. Genetics have a bg part in how
your metabolism will play out to be if your parents had a high metabolism you will have a fast
metabolism too, if your parents have a slow metabolism most likely you will have a slow
metabolism too. My parents both had a high metabolism and always stayed skinny no matter
what they ate but as they got older their metabolism started to slow down and they started to gain
weight. Thats how I turned out to be but even though Im in my twenty's my metabolism hasn't
started to slow down.
Sometimes whatever has happened to your parents can cause how your metabolism is my father
fought in the Vietnam war and had gotten the chemical Agent Orange in his system which could
cause birth defects when they have children. I don't know for sure if the chemical caused me to
be failure to thrive when I was born but I believe so. But I do know that one of my friends dad

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fought in the Vietnam war too with my dad and when he had her she had a lot of birth defects
from her bones and it also effected her metabolism n a big way about what she could and could
not eat.

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Works Cited

What the experts wish you knew about metabolism Good health (Australia Edition)
(2016); 46-49 consumer Health complete- EBS cohost web 4 October 2016 Good Health
(Australia Edition) Jun 2016 p46-49 4p 4 color photographs

What's your metabolic type? Fittal, Karen Good health (Australia Edition) Mar 2016 p7679 up 6 color photographs

American Fitness JUL /Aug 2015, Vol 33 issue 4 p64-65 2p Clark Nacy

(Cabose, Rachel E) Vibrant Life Nov/ Dec 2014 Vol 30 issue 6 p32-35 4p The secret to
boosting your metabolism

Wisenberger J The skinny on foods and metabolisn Evironment Nutrition 33.7 (2010): 14 CINAHL complete WEb 5 Oct 2016

Aliusgharzaden Soghra et al Comparision of indirect Calorime try and predictive

Equationsin Estimating Resting Metabolic Rate in underweight Females Iranian Journal
of public Health 44.6 (2015) 822-829 CINAHL complete web 5 Oct 2016

BMA-A-Z- Family Medical Encyclopida 2004 p503-503 1/7P Peters Micheal

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