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The Phoenix

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Issue 1
Volume XI
Nov 21, 2016

Why Football
(Soccer) Has
Not Taken Off
P. 6-7

Politics: 2020
P. 11-12

Pumpkin Bread
P. 11

Volume XI Issue 1

The Phoenix
Founded in 2007 by Ethan Rodriguez-Torrent
Editor-in-chief: Sarah Hill
Tech and Formatting Editor: Henry Hu
Worldly Associate Editor: Samantha DePalma
Tech and Formatting Assistant: Zachary Wisnefsky
Writers: Sarah Hill, Samantha DePalma, Henry Hu, Matthew
Wisnefsky, Shefkije Dani, Tanishq Kancharla, Andrew
Kelbley, Zachary Hoedl, Colin MacKellar

Photography, Artwork, and

Kaine (p.12):
Image Credits
Cuomo (p.12):
Phoenix (p. 1, 2, 16): Ben
Booker (p.12): politicsYacavone
Turkey (p4):
Gabbard (p.12):
Cookie (p4):
Epstein (p.12):
Music (p4):
Moon (p4): Anything goes (p.13): Shefkije
Pumpkin Bread (p11):
OMalley (p.12):
Warren (p.12)

All content is the sole property of the

The Phoenix is an independent
publication; we are neither endorsed by
nor affiliated with Pomperaug High
School staff or administrators.
Although each article or letter to the editor expresses only the opinion of its author, final responsibility for the nature and
type of all content that appears in the
Phoenix lies with the editor under whom
such content is published.

The Phoenix

Legal Notice: Because of high production costs, readers are permitted to one copy per person. Newspaper
theft is a crime. Those who violate the single copy rule may be subject to civil and criminal prosecution.

In this issue of the Phoenix. . .

Credits and General Information......................................................................2
Letter from the Editor..........................................................................................4
Word of the edition................................................................................................5
Editorial: Why Football (Soccer) Has Not Taken Off............................6-7
News: Will Trump Follow Through?..............................................................10
Feature: Winter Horoscopes..........................................................................8--9
Sports: Plight of the Minor League Baseball Player...............................10
Recipe: Thanksgiving Pumpkin Bread...............................................................11
Politics: 2020 Presidential Election Possible Nominees..................11-12
Fiction: Anything Goes 6/7......................................................................13-14
Comic: Falling in the Homework Chasm.........................................................14
Thanksgiving Crossword...................................................................................15
Sudoku Corner......................................................................................................15
How to Contribute/Get Published.................................................................16

Phoenix FAQ
What is the Phoenix anyway?
The Phoenix is an independent news magazine for
the PHS community. We are entirely student-run,
without the schools official approval or backing
each issue is a compilation of news, editorials, information, games, artistic endeavors, and even more.

How often does the Phoenix come out?

A new issue of the Phoenix is released every
monthif we had more writers, we could release
them even faster! We want you to write for us
about anything you are passionate about!

Where can I get my copy of the Phoenix?

The Phoenix is always available online at Paper copies are available
at the following locations:
PHS: in the cafeteria, AP room, library, or advisory,
usually before school hours or during free blocks;
look for an editor/writer (listed on page 1)!

Southbury Public Library: After walking inside,

turn left; straight ahead, several non-profit publications will be lying on top of a shelf three rows
down. (Or ask at the front desk about free publications.)

Is there anything else I should know?

Visit our website
to vote in our polls and read our issues in color! If
you or anyone you know wants to write about
something you are passionate about, e-mail us at
And feel free to share with your friends the joy of
free speech! Enjoy!

Volume XI Issue 1

November-December 2016 Calendar

(* denotes activity at the Southbury Public Library which may require registration)













24 No School

25 No School

*Doctor Who Club


Half Day


Black Friday



*Teen Advisory
Board (6pm-7pm)
*10 Ways to
Reduce Stress for
Grades 9-12

4 National 5







*Junior Friends
Holiday Wrapping
Event (5:30-7:30pm)
-Junior Parent Night

*Anime Club (4:155:15pm)

-Senior Class
Picture (10:00am)

5K Race

9 Half Day


Get ready for great

music next 2 Fri.

-Jazz Band,
Chamber Singers,
Chamber Orchestra
Concert (7pm)

-Snow Date
Sophomore 5K




Cookie Day





*BFF High School

Book Club (6-7pm)
-Snow Date Jazz
Concert (7pm)

Full Moon

*Cheesy Movie
*Anime Club (4:15Night (6pm-7:30pm) 5:15pm)
-Symphonic Band,
Orchestra, Chorale
Concert (7pm)

-PHS Wrestling






*Teen Improv with

Carly (6pm-7:30pm)

-8 Period Schedule

Winter Break

-Snow Date
*Doctor Who Club
Symphonic ... (6pm-8pm)
Concert (7pm)

Letter From the Editor

Dear Reader,
The Phoenix is back for another year and
hoping to be back for good! We need your help to
keep going! As most of our members are seniors,
the editorial staff next year is going to be quite diminished unless you step up and participate! I know
you can and I know you will. If you enjoy reading our
newspaper and dont want it to go away, you need
to step up! Be the change we need to see!
While Ive never understood what people
mean when they say that high school flies by, now
that Im a senior and looking into colleges, I do. In a
way The Phoenix feels like my own child, and I am

reluctant to hand it over to the next wave of writers

and editors. Thats why we need support from readers. Dont wait until next year to start writing for us.
But, as Thanksgiving approaches and the
holiday season kicks in, its time to celebrate. Elections are over, the future awaits, and hopefully The
Phoenix will be around to see and share that future!
Good luck to everyone with school and enjoy
Sarah Hill
Editor-in-Chief, The Phoenix

The Phoenix

The Word of the Edition

Henry Hu
Hey readers! Welcome to Volume XI! During
your well-earned November break, you might meet
up with friends or relatives to celebrate valued
traditions, or even enjoy a personal day with close
You might discuss current events,
expressing your thoughts in a warm manner. Just
as, in life, people with different experiences and
outlooks come together, our language comes from
words mingling amongst themselves and words of
other languages. In the spirit of Thanksgiving and
togetherness, the words of the edition are turkey
and scapegoat.

pavo, the same pavo, peacock, as the scientific

(Latin) species name, Meleagris Gallopavo. A nice
spiral of mass confusion!
And then theres Chinese fire chicken!

Scapegoat has its origins in Hebrew very rare

for English words, and usually reserved for religious
words such as menorah and jubilee. Although we
use it in many non-goat contexts today, scapegoat
originally referred to Azazel, or the goat that
escapes, a goat upon which the Jewish would hang
their sins during Yom Kippur (the other one would
be sacrificed). The word escape was shortened to
scape as was common at the time.
Turkeys, which make up many Thanksgiving
meals, are native to the Americas. Then how do
they share a name with a Eurasian country?
Some time before the 1540s, English speakers
bought the birds through Turkish merchants, who
got them from the Aztecs. Thus, the birds were
named turkey fowl. Similar English word formations
might be china (dishware from China) or mandarin
(color worn by the Mandarin Chinese).
The Turkish, with no reason to name the birds
after themselves, instead choose to call them hindi
(like the French d[]inde from India), after the New
World, then thought to be India. In Hindi, turkeys
are named peru, for the Spanish-controlled
territories (collectively known as Peru) where they
acquired their turkeys. The Spanish call the turkey

You may notice that scapegoat is also used as a

verb. This is common in the English language, part
due to our lax culture, and part due to the enabling
language (cf. in French, verbs have to be -er, -ir, or re, so you cant just use any word as a verb). Using
the word scapegoat as a verb is called verbification/
verbing. In general, zero derivation or conversion is
the name for deriving a new word by adding
zero (for example, my friend into friend me).
Similar words to scapegoat include scapegrace
(escape grace) and feckless (effectless used by
Mike Pence in the recent VP Debate!).
Good luck trying to find these words in this
issueand in your daily lives! Happy reading!
Yours Truly,
Henry Hu, Tech Co-editor

Volume XI Issue 1

Editorial: Why Football (Soccer) Has

Not Taken Off In The United States
Zachary Hoedl
It is a game loved by billions of people
around the world. Some of the best players in
Europe and South America are idolized as gods.
Whether it's kids in the streets with a deflated and
beaten-up ball or athletes training at a world-class
academy facility... people play soccer...and they
love it. It is undoubtedly the most-played and mostloved sport in the world. You can travel virtually
anywhere and see people playing soccer, except the
United States. Here in the United States, we don't
even know how to pronounce it correctly--we say
soccer, the rest of the world says football. Of
course there are people in the United States that
play soccer, but the number is nowhere near as high
as in Europe or South America. So why has football
not taken off in the United States? I believe it is
down to 4 major reasons: our national soccer teams
lack of success, no FIFA World Cup tournament
hosted here in the United States recently, the
nature of the sport, and the relative newness of the

...We dont Even Know

how to Pronounce It
Americans LOVE to win. Americans don't
care how we win, what we win at, or how often we
win we just really love winning. One reason why I
believe that soccer has not taken off in America is
because our Mens National Soccer Team is not
good enough yet. Think about it--almost every
sport in the Olympics that is also popular here in
America, we are successful in: Swimming, Hockey,
Basketball, Gymnastics, Track and Field, etc.
However, the United States Men's National Team is
not consistent enough in major sport/soccer
tournaments to get Americans excited.
Prior to the 2014 World Cup in Brazil,
American soccer fans were very excited. We had a

young, talented team and thought that we could

make an impact on the big stage. We managed to
make it out of the hardest group stage and qualify
for the round of 16. We ended up losing to Belgium
in the next round, and we were knocked out. Many
new soccer fans took the tournament as a failure,
and said that we didn't do as well as we could have,
even though many lifelong supporters took the
tournament as a success. We managed to make it
out of a very difficult group and put up an amazing
fight in the round of 16. Nevertheless, losing is
losing, and Americans hate losing.

Americans wont just

Wake up one day
And love soccer...
Another reason why I believe soccer has not
taken off here in America is because we have not
hosted the Mens FIFA World Cup since's
been 22 years. Since the 2018 and 2022 World Cups
have already found their hosts, the US probably
won't see a Mens World Cup until 2026--by then it
would be 32 years since the last time we hosted a
Mens World Cup, and we have never hosted a
Womens World Cup either. Let's take a closer look
at the one and the only World Cup we ever hosted:
even though we lacked a national soccer league, we
still managed to break the World Cup average
attendance record by reaching an astounding
69,000 spectators per game and a record total
tournament attendance of 3.6 million, still unbroken
today. You may be wondering, wait I thought
Americans hated soccer? Well we do, but the
millions of Asians, Mexicans, Brazilians, Europeans,
and other foreigners in the US love it. Those fans
then briefly spread the love in 1994 and got
Americans intrigued in this foreign sport. However,
once the World Cup was over, the popularity of the
sport dipped back down again .
Continued on next page (7).

The Phoenix
(Continued from page 6.) If you think about,
wouldn't FIFA want to host a World Cup here? We
already have the adequate stadiums, we have
enough fans, and there is no doubt that hat FIFA
would make a load of dough off merchandise,
sponsors, etc. Well unfortunately, the answer to the
question has probably something to do with the
current FIFA corruption scandal which is the only
explanation why the next World Cups would be held
Furthermore, I believe the nature of the
sport is a hindrance to its popularity in the US.
Americans love constant action; that's why
Basketball and Football are so popular here in
America. Every 5 seconds of game time something
happens. However, that is not the case for soccer.

Americans love constant

action; that's why Basketball
and Football are so popular
Soccer can be a very tedious game of
patience. Sometimes the score even ends at 0-0.
For example, teams like FC Barcelona, arguably the
best team in the world, love to pass the ball and tire
their opponents. In fact, the clubs philosophy is
based on patience and passing. As a longtime
soccer fan, I have learned to appreciate the art of
possession. Fans like me find it enticing and magical
the way that FC Barcelona manages to poison the
opposition with impatience and fatigue by making
the opponents tire themselves out chasing the
game. However, it's not just FC Barcelona that like
to keep the ball. During most games, there is
frequently a period of 30-45 seconds of teams just
passing the ball around. Americans might not
understand it, but it's part of the game. Every game
I have gone to in the US I always hear one impatient
fan yell GO FORWARD! It is definitely something
that Americans need to get used to.
In addition, Americans love tough sports.
Football, probably the most popular sport in the US
is based around tackling and toughness. However,
soccer is not based around strength and your level
of toughness, as much. Almost every game of
soccer I have watched, I have witnessed an act of

diving (the act by the player of falling or stumbling
in attempt to give the impression that a foul or
violation was committed by the opposing player.)
Americans hate floppers/divers. Fans would rather
have the player accept responsibility for their error
instead of trying to scapegoat the opposing player.
Fans at games in the US always get particularly
heated over a dive/flop, and personally, I do
too. However, for some reason, fans outside the US
don't get so heated over it--they just label it as part
of the game. For Americans, I think that is very
hard to accept.
A final reason why I believe soccer has not
taken off in the US is mostly due to the relative
newness of the sport here in America. Just like
anything in life, big changes take time. Americans
won't just wake up one day and love soccer.
However, I am very impressed by the strides we
have taken to bring this amazing sport home. Since
1994, we have developed a high-class national
soccer league called the MLS (Major League Soccer)
that has expanded from 10 teams to 20. 3 more
teams are in the process of eventually joining the
league, too. Twenty-two years may seem like a long
time for a little progress, but considering how the
amount of teams has DOUBLED and 13 MLS soccerspecific stadiums have been built, our achievements
have been quite astounding. Also, the amount of
sponsors that have been attracted to the sport is
very impressive and will surely elevate soccers
standing in America even further.

Americans wont just

Wake up one day
And love soccer...
Unfortunately, no amount of teams,
stadiums, sponsors, etc. can truly make Americans
love this sport. We can only keep on trying to
expose Americans to the beautiful game and wait
patiently for it to finally take hold. There is no doubt
in my mind that soccer can take off here in America.
Just like the spirit of Thanksgiving, I believe that
soccers power to bring ANYONE together will be
too strong for Americans to resist for much longer.

Volume XI Issue 1

Two-Page Feature: Winter Horoscopes

Andrew Kelbley, Horoscopist (Taurus)

Aquarius (Jan 20
Pisces (Feb 19
Feb 18)
Mar 20) Aquarius, not everyone is as

Its good that you are really

nice, Pisces! However, not
everyone else is as flexible
and accepting. Instead of
letting Aquarius take the
reins in a group project, try
being a leader. Many people
are going to feel pessimistic
this winter, so use 2017 to actively spread
your positivity. Use your attitude to force
others to smile and laugh. Have them listen
to your fellow Pisces, cheerful Vivaldi!

pragmatic and dogmatic as you!

Im sure you have strong
opinions about recent events,
but be careful not to share them
in an intimidating way.
Discussion works best when all
participants are comfortable. In
group projects, even though you
will be tempted to lead, give
someone else a chance.

Aries (Mar 21Apr 19)

Just like Donald Trump, Aries, you can come off as selfish and
brash. Spend the holiday season working on this flaw. As you
work on a large project, you may be tempted to ignore the
opinions of your group members, but resist that urge! You will be much more
successful if you slow down and incorporate
the advice of

(Apr 20
May 20)
Your work life is about to blast off,
Taurus! In December and January, you
will begin your transition into a new era
of success. Perhaps you will be
accepted into the university of your
dreams. However, do not allow success
to distract you!

21Jun 20)
Gemini, you social butterfly! You may
fill your calendar with too many
parties this holiday season. Have fun,
but do not allow your social and flighty
nature to distract you from midterms.
If you stay focused and do well now,
then you will be less stressed in the


Apparently, Cancer, you are a

cardinal cross! This is a specia
that has the potential to shake
Im confident that you can deal w
becoming overwhelmed. To rel
and go listen to some Mahler

The Phoenix

Capricorn (Dec
22Jan 19)
Capricorn, I admire your stability!
However, your high standards may not
always be attainable. Leave tension in
2016. Listen to some
beautiful Puccini (he
was a Capricorn). Go to
the Southford Falls and
take a hike. Buy an
extra cookie at lunch.

er (Jun 21
Jul 22

about to be involved in a
al alignment of the planets
up your life in crazy ways.
with these changes without
lax, stay close with family,
he was a Cancer as well!

Sagittarius (Nov
22Dec 21)
Sagittarius, your confidence is refreshing! Like
Aries, however, try to stay away from brashness. I
sense some new artistic ability
coming your way! Try painting
or playing some
music. Maybe buy some
colored pencils, or even a
french horn! Utilize this
creativity to make
some awesome posters and
presentations in your classes.

(Sep 23
Oct 22
Libra, you love harmony! However,
dont be too much of an optimist.
Mysterious Neptune is moving into
your Sixth House, which relates to
your health. Make sure you have
gotten your flu shot and that you
wash your hands whenever you get
the chance. Just like Virgo, go to bed
early. Dont eat too many cookies,
and if you do, make
sure they are the
oatmeal raisin ones.

Scorpio (Oct
23Nov 22)
Prepare for a stupendous year, Scorpio!
Spiritual growth is heading your way, as
long as you stay away from jealousy.
Consider being more charitable than
usual. In December, buy some nice
presents for your friends. Use your
mysterious personality to be extra
creative in your giftbuying!

Leo (Jul
23Aug 22
Its time to lead, Leo! Try starting a club
(maybe an astrology club). Make sure to
use your influence to set a good example for
those around you. You have a tendency
towards vanity; make sure to take pride in
others this winter as well as yourself.

(Aug 23
Sep 22)
Virgo, Jupiter is moving into your
sector soon. That will bring you
good luck! With this new
development in mind, try not to
stress. You are a perfectionist,
which is admirable, but aim for
more confidence. Sometimes its
more beneficial to go to bed at 9:30
than to spend an extra two hours
studying! Allow yourself to be
inspired by the fiery music of
Dvorak, your fellow Virgo.


Volume XI Issue 1

News: Will Trump Follow Through?

Colin MacKellar
As America was shocked with Mr. Trump and
his victory on reaching 270 electoral votes, the
people showed clear signs of division and
separation. Prior to November 8th, every poll had
Clinton ahead by a marginable quantity, with little
hope for the Republican nominee, Donald
Trump. This is one of many reasons why the public
was so distraught by the results; having Trump
obliterate Clinton on the day of the
election. America would have to face the reality of
being represented by a multi-billionaire business
man with no experience in governing.
It is no secret that most Americans either
strongly favor Mr. Trump or fuel a hatred and
repulsiveness against him...creating much hostility
throughout the nation. For five days following the
election, protesters in more than a dozen cities have
marched, chanted, and refused to accept that
Donald Trump is our president-elect. While it is
good to live in a nation where freedom of speech is
allowed, and having the right to protest is accepted,

to have Mr. Trump be impeached before he enters

the oval office is highly unlikely, despite the
immense effort.
If our nation is ever going to unite and come
together as one, we must put forth our effort in
supporting him as our president-elect. Whether we
voted for him or not he is next in line to become our
leader, and America, as a whole, has to reconcile
and be hopeful that he will make wise choices in
serving our country.
Mr. Trump has put forth a resounding promise to
the people by proclaiming that he will bring back
jobs, build a wall along the US-Mexican border, lift
restrictions on energy reserves (such as coal, natural
gas, and oil), withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific
partnership, etc. Whether one agrees or not, these
reforms are intended to Make America Great
Again in his eyes. The begging question remains:
Will Mr. Trump deliver his campaign promises to the

Plight of the Minor League Baseball Player

Matthew Wisnefsky
When people think of athletes, they think of really
rich overpaid people who get paid millions of dollars
for playing a game for a living. That's not wrong,
athletes who are the best at what they do and
sometimes not even close to the best (i.e. Jay
Cutler) get paid millions of dollars to play a sport for
a living. However not all athletes get paid this kind
of money or have a lot of luxury in their life. Unless
you are a really good international free agent or a
very high draft pick, most minor league baseball
players actually make below minimum wage. These
athletes work about 60-70 hours a week, and make
about 1,100 dollars a month which is less than 4$ an
hour if they were being paid regular time for the first
40 hours of the week and OT the next 20 hours.
the minor leagues athletes only make about 2,250$
which is barely above minimum wage. If

each minor league baseball player was paid an extra

10$ an hour for 60 hours a week, it would cost the
MLB team who pays their salary and whom they are
affiliated with less than 3 million a year. One of the
reasons that minor league players do not get paid
that much is because they do not have a union,
however some minor league baseball players are
suing for back pay based on federal and state
minimum wage laws. On June 24th a bill was
proposed in the US House of Representatives called
"Save America's Pastime Act", this law explicitly
stated that the 7500 minor league baseball players
would not be entitled to minimum wage or overtime
pay. As of September 19th this bill was still in the
House Subcommittee on Workforce Protections, so
hopefully the bill will die from inaction and the
players will someday be able to be paid at least
minimum wage.

The Phoenix


Recipe: Pumpkin Bread

Samantha DePalma
This is one of my favorite bread recipes and as its
the perfect time of year for it, I thought Id share it
with you!


1 (15 ounce) can pumpkin puree

4 eggs

1 cup vegetable oil

2/3 cup water

3 cups white sugar

3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

2 teaspoons baking soda

1 1/2 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1 teaspoon ground nutmeg

1/2 teaspoon ground cloves

1/4 teaspoon ground ginger

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
2. Grease and flour three 7 x 3 inch loaf pans.
3. In a large bowl, mix together pumpkin puree,
eggs, oil, water, and sugar until well blended. In a
separate bowl, whisk together the flour, baking
soda, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and ginger.
Stir the dry ingredients into the pumpkin mixture
until just blended. Pour into the prepared pans.
4. Bake for about 50 minutes in the preheated oven.
Loaves are done when toothpick inserted in center
comes out clean.

Politics: 2020 Presidential Nominees?

Matthew Wisnefsky
Well the 2016 Presidential election is now over
and the Republican nominee Donald Trump will be
our next president. With this election over, we now
turn our focus to 2020 to possible nominees for the
Democratic party, as the Republicans barring an
indictment or him just choosing not to run again will
have Donald Trump as their candidate. The two
most successful candidates in the primaries Sen.
Bernie Sanders and Sec. Hillary Clinton will
probably not be running again in 2020. Bernie will
be 79 and probably a little bit too old to be

President, while Hillary will also be relatively older

at age 73 but the Democrats probably won't want to
nominate her again because of her devastating loss
to Donald Trump. The other person who many
people want to see run is First Lady Michelle
Obama, who has an immense popularity over the
past 8 years. However, she supposedly despises
politics and there have been many instances of
people saying she will not pursue political office. So
here are some possible candidates who I think may
decide to run in 2020.
Continued on next page (12).

(Continued from page 11.)

1. Gov. Martin O'Malley

Governor O'Malley ran for President
this year, but he didn't get enough
support during the primaries. He
often polled less than 5% and
withdrew right after the Iowa
caucuses. He'd be a good candidate
to possibly unite the Sanders and
Clinton factions of the Democratic
party, as he ran against both
Sanders and Clinton and didn't endorse either one
until the primary was over.

2. Sen. Elizabeth Warren

Probably the most popular potential
candidate to run. The former
Harvard law professor and current
Senator from Massachusetts is from
the Sanders progressive wing of the
party and is well liked by most
Democrats. She was one of the
finalists for Hillary's VP.

3. Sen. Tim Kaine

Although he will not be the Vice
President of the United States, Tim
Kaine is still a pretty good
candidate. He was one of Obama's
finalists for VP back in 2008 before
Hillary chose him this year. Before
this election he had not lost any
election, which is pretty impressive
considering he is from the swing
state of Virginia. He's one of the few people to ever
serve in the House, Senate, and as Governor.

4. Gov.


The two term governor of NY is one

of the more popular governors in
the nation. The son of famed NY
governor Mario Cuomo, Andrew

Volume XI Issue 1
was the Secretary of Housing and Urban
Development in the Clinton administration, and
then became the attorney general of NY and then

5. Sen. Cory Booker

The Senator from New Jersey is
one of the most popular senators in
the nation due to his active
presence on social media. He is
best known for revitalizing the city
of Newark when he was mayor in
the 2000s. He was also one of
Clinton's top choices for VP.

6. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard

The representative from Hawaii
could be a dark horse for trying to
seek the party's nomination.
She has served in the national
guard since 2003 and was
deployed to the Middle East
representative in 2013 and rose to
vice chair of the DNC before she quit because of
conflict with the then current now former head of
the DNC Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

7. Theo Epstein
Yes, Theo Epstein has never held
public office, nor has it seemed that
he's had any desire to. However, in
his career as a baseball executive,
which will probably land him in the
Hall of Fame, he has won 3 World
Series, including ending two of the
longest World Series droughts ever
with the 2004 Red Sox and the 2016
Cubs. He doesn't have much left to
accomplish in that regard.
He did attend a campaign event for Hillary and did
endorse her so his political beliefs are more to the
left. He's had great success in his career as an
executive, so politics may be the next step for him.

The Phoenix


Story: Anything Goes 6/7

Shefkije Dani
What if there was a game? A horrible,
nastysometimes calmlittle game.
A game where there were lives at
stake and prizes far more important
than money or fame. What if there
was a game where absolutely
anything goes/went?
In the last issue (Chapter 6), Kacey
surprisingly appeared at Andrews
house with her whole group! Visit our website at, or Shefkijes
website at <<>>to read the whole chapter!
..."Welcome to La Casa de Vega," I say sitting
next to Kacey.

Chapter 7
Andrew fidgets in his seat next to me as he waits
for someone to start a conversation. I look over at
my friends and his siblings to see them
automatically revert their eyes from looking at me.
Thanks guys. I study the room around me for a
second before a big ball of fur comes barreling into
the room and jumps onto Andrews lap and lands
halfway on me. I make a very unattractive "oof"
sound and everyone starts laughing.
"Whoa there, big fella!" I giggle as the dog
excitedly licks at my face. I place my hand onto it's
dark forehead and slowly push it away. It whimpers
and I hold its face between my hands and just curl
my fingers into its fur.
This is actually, Frizzy, Andrew laughs
steadying her from the side. She gets super excited
when she meets new people.
I can tell, West mumbles from the other end of
the room. The room goes silent for a moment at the
sound of his whispery voice. Only the sound of
Frizzys breathing could be heard, that is, until Piper
clears her throat.
So, what can you guys tell me about this
place? She wonders aloud standing up and looking

a the pictures on the walls, her back turned towards

Well, its always been pretty quiet, Andrea
replies. Not much happens around here. She
looks to her brothers for more explanation.
Come on, theres gotta be something
interesting going on here, Rory insisted. No town
this beautiful and large, can be boring.
There really is nothing special, Erik shrugs.
Andrew keeps his eyes cast down with his
fingers tangled into Frizzys fur as his leg bounces
up and down. I place a hand on his leg and look up
at him carefully. You okay? I whisper.
Yeah, Im fine, he mumbles, not meeting my
eyes. Deciding not to push him further since we
barely know each other, I drop the subject with an
So, if there isnt anything special around here,
then what can we do? Alice asks.
Well, I heard there was a really cool ice-cream
shop nearby, I proposed, looking at everyone.
Maybe we could go there?
That sounds like a good idea, Keith says, the
idea of ice-cream making a smile appear on his face.
Could we go? We all look at the Vegas.
Sure, why not? Erik says breaking the silence.
He looks at his brother and sister for some sign of
agreement. Andrea stands and starts walking to the
doorway of the room.
Ill go ask Mom for a ride. We all stand and
stretch, ready to get going. Frizzy runs around to
greet everyone properly.
So... Keith starts, scratching the back of his
neck. What do you guys do around here?
Usually we sit around playing video games or
play sports outdoors, Andrew says. Sometimes
we go out to amusement parks or something, but
really theres nothing too intriguing about our lives
here. I mean unlike you guys, Kacey told me about
all the things you guys had to go through these past
few years, must be pretty awesome having to learn
Continued on next page (14).

(Continued from page 13.)

Volume XI Issue 1

all that.
Everyone turns to look at me and I feel myself
turning red at their accusing stares, Hey! I didnt
know what I should write so I just said whatever I
could think of, dont blame me, the last month and a
half has been confusing as hell, I raise my hands up
in surrender.
Well you arent wrong there, Rory snorted. We
share a look and he shrugs before looking towards
the doorway as we wait for Mrs. Vega to appear
with Andrea.
You guys know something we dont... Rusty
trails off looking at the two of us.
Maybe... I start.
But we wont get into that now, Rory

Yea, Mom. well only be there for half an hour,

maybe a little more if theyre super busy, Andrea
says as she walks in with an older lady.
Oh! she gasps as she sees us. You guys must
be Drews friends! She walks in and hugs everyone
one at a time, stopping right before she hugs me.
Youre Jillian's kid right? I nod uneasy. How does
she know my moms name? You look just like her,
oh my god, same face and everything! I laugh and
just look at everybody before hugging her carefully.
Um, Mom, can we get going now? I think youre
freaking her out, Erik interjects pulling his mother
out of her daze.
Yes, yes of course! She shakes her head and
holds up her hand with the keys, Alright everyone,
to the car.

Comic: Falling in the Homework Chasm

Tanishq Kancharla

The Phoenix


Thanksgiving Crossword!
1. A mixture of bread crumbs and seasoning, served as
a traditional Thanksgiving side dish
4 . Gathering of crops
6. First 'colony' established by the Pilgrims
9. An essential grain in the New World diet
10. Small, sour red berry (also a type of morpheme)
11. Traditional holiday bird
13. The popular commercial holiday after Thanksgiving
14 . Season for harvesting
15. The original settlers of Plymouth Colony
16. Symbol of abundance and nourishment
17. The Indian tribe in the first Thanksgiving feast in
2. The month in which Thanksgiving falls
3. A popular starchy plant, often mashed
5. The first state to adopt the Thanksgiving holiday
7. A sauce made from the thickened and seasoned
juices of cooked meat, often eaten with mashed
8. The pilgrims' ship that set out in September of 1620
11. The 4th Thursday in November

Sudoku Corner

8 4




3 2


5 4

5 2


4 5


2 3

6 9 5 8

8 1 3 7

Solutions to last issues Sudoku and Word Search are on the Website: under Past Issues!


Volume XI Issue 1

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