Kutztown University Elementary Education Department Lesson Plan Format

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Teacher Candidate: Andrew Seagreaves & Alex Pile

Group Size: 20

Date: 9/26/2016

Time: 45 minutes

Grade Level: 3rd Grade

Subject or Topic: Characteristics of Insects

STANDARD: (Common Core):

3.1.3.A1: Describe characteristics of living things that help identify them.
3.1.3.A2: Describe the basic needs of living things & their dependence on light, food, air, water, and
I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes):

The students will be able to identify insects by their characteristics. Students will then
demonstrate their understanding of these characteristics by creating their own insect and doing a
quick write.

II. Instructional Materials:




Art supplies

III. Subject Matter/ Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, big idea, outline of additional content):
A. Prerequisite skills

Prior knowledge on how to do a quick write.

B. Key Vocabulary





C. Big Idea

Students will be able to create their own insects by combining other insects and then writing
about their insect.

D. Content

The teacher will have the students create their own insects by combining other insects.

The teacher will have the students quick write about the insect that they created.

IV. Implementation:
A. Introduction

Today class we will be creating an insect using the information about insect characteristics we
learned yesterday. You can create any type of insect you want. After you create your insect you
will write a paragraph about why your insect is unique. What are some characteristics we learned

The teacher will call on students and have them say some of the characteristics that they

The teacher will then explain the expectations and requirements to the students.

B. Development

As the students are working the teacher will walk around to make sure that the students are
working. The teacher will also answer any questions that the students have.

As the students finish their creation the teacher will have them write 2 to 3 sentences about their

After the students finish writing about their insects they will go around and share their insects with
their classmates.

C. Closure
All of you created your own bug by bringing together some of these traits that you learned yesterday. You
also created a few sentences talking about your insect and why it's unique. Tomorrow we will be talking
about why some insects are useful to our environment.

D. Accommodations / Differentiation One student with physical disability

For the bug creation activity there will be bigger markers available for easier use. Also a bigger piece of
paper to draw on.

E. Assessment/Evaluation plan 1. Formative: A teacher created rubric will be used to assess the
students work.
2. Summative: There is no summative assessment.

VI. Resources (in APA format):

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