Casa Da Capoeira - Press Release June 2010

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Casa Da Capoeira is South Africas first Capoeira academy. We have been
training people for almost 12 years now. Our main goal has always been to
educate the South African public about Capoeira and to grow the support and
student base/practitioners in the country.

Paulo Palinhos and Lucas Mthenjane started Casa Da Capoeira over 10 years
ago. Paulo is the only South African Capoeira Mestre/Master and Lucas is one of
only three South African Contramestres (one level below master). Since 2009
Steven Slotow has stepped up to join the leadership of Casa Da Capoeira to
promote and build the brand in the South African environment. Numerous large-
scale and high-profile performances have been organised through these efforts
including, amongst others, an MTN group leaders conference and inclusion for
Steven and one of his students in the Opening Ceremony for the World Summit
on Arts and Culture in late 2009.

The most recent show that Casa Da Capoeira has been privileged to be included
in is the Opening Ceremony for the FIFA World Cup Finals, currently being held
in South Africa.

For some media on our shows, please visit the links below:

World Summit
Sandton Street Fusion Soccer EXPO

Casa da Capoeira is a club with a very strong sense of unity we teach excellent
Capoeira, encouraging individuality in our students games.

We have classes in Johannesburg, Pretoria and Cape Town with strong

affiliations to other legitimate capoeira schools in South Africa.

Philosophy of Casa Da Capoeira

We aim to deliver a life improving experience through capoeira, using the art as
an education tool to create tolerance and acceptance. We do this by the
following methods:
Training the strength, flexibility and fitness component of the human body
Actively pursuing the community/relationship aspect of capoeira
Teaching the principles, culture and history of capoeira and interacting
with as many capoeira masters as possible

Website address Compiled by Steven Slotow Casa Da Capoeira
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Encouraging individual research into the history of Capoeira (which

covers a very broad spectrum of World History focusing on the Middle
Passage and the general slave trade)
Taking Capoeira to the masses. Our involvement with Community
Upliftment projects

Vision and Mission of Casa Da Capoeira

Our Vision and mission is to make capoeira a self sustaining entity in South
Africa and ultimately Africa. This is achieved through:
Professionalism in the execution of classes and dealings with the general
Community based approach
Developed relationships with various national and international capoeira
schools and Masters
Promoting the art in mainstream society through various interactions with
the media and public
Developing relationships within the Martial Arts community in South Africa
Promotion of up and coming senior capoeiristas to instructor level by
allowing them teaching time in a controlled environment. In addition,
educating them on the process of running a class and business
The formation of AAFRICAP (African Capoeira Association) for all schools
in Africa to work together.
Affiliation of academies to a world body FCDRJ
Bi-yearly visits to Brazil for further training and education and participation
in International tournaments
Regular workshops by Masters of Capoeira as well as gradings

What is Capoeira?

Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian martial art that combines music, acrobatics,

movement, dance, culture and above all fight. All these elements combine to
form a unique art that has to be seen to be believed, that has to be practised to
be understood.

Capoeira is a question and answer game. Where questions will be attacks and
answers will be defences. The beauty of Capoeira is that it is practised as a
game where strikes are compulsively kept to a minimum to allow the question
and answer conversation to continue. Really skilful players will want the
questions to have no answers, but the other person will (by way of skill)
somehow deliver a question or answer to the impossible. An implied strike is
more respected than an actual strike as capoeira is seen as an educational tool
and owing to its background, is understandable why.

History of Capoeira

Website address Compiled by Steven Slotow Casa Da Capoeira
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This is shrouded in mystery as most slavery records were destroyed after

the abolition of the slave trade. It is thought that the roots of Capoeira are in
Africa, but Capoeira as it is known today is a typical Brazilian cultural practise.
As Brazilian culture is an agglomeration of many different African cultures and
some European cultures, it is almost certain that Capoeira has changed or
morphed as per the cultural influences over many centuries.

Whatever its origins (a highly debated subject for many decades) it is undeniable
that Capoeira was a weapon used by the slaves against oppression. Today,
Capoeira is viewed as a weapon of liberation, and as a weapon against

For more information on Casa Da Capoeira, please feel free to contact Steven
Slotow on 0825200444 or

Website address Compiled by Steven Slotow Casa Da Capoeira

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