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48 martial techniques of Okinawan Karate,

from the Bubishi

By Stanic Milos
Tsunami Shorin Ryu Karate & Matayoshi
Kobudo Dojo, Yugoeslavia.

48 techniques of Okinawan karate Jutsu

By Stanic Milos*

This writing is inspired by the ancient okinawan manual The Bubishi. This doesnt mean that it is a exact
representation of the original techniques codified into the various katas/ forms. The title is same as title of similar
chapter in Bubishi. The goal of this article is to show the wide diversity of karate techniques - strikes, kicks, joint
locks, throws, chokes and holds. Furthermore, if we only analyze one technique, there are many variations
depending of style, tradition or teachers point of view. Here is my point of view, based on many years of practice,
research and seminars.
I will recommend reading initially the books: Bubishi and Funakoshi's Tote jutsu. It is also very useful to see some
video tapes, videos or books about Chin Na( Chinese/ kung fu wu shu, joint locking techs), White crane kung
fu / Wu Shu, Okinawan Shorin Ryu (Matsubayashi, Kobayashi, Matsamura branches) Karate, Goju ryu Karate.
Japanese jujutsu or Aikijujutsu (also for joint locking techs), and some Judo & wrestling (for throwing techs and
take downs). As all these come about, due to historical reasons.
All techniques that are demonstrated here can be found in kata. If you practice Shotokan, Goju Ryu, Shito Ryu,
Wado Ryu or some other modern Japanese self improvement style of Japanese Karate DO, then maybe you will
think that many of these techniques could be cruel and "dirty". However, is this kind of karate the true Okinawan
karate jutsu or Tode/ Tuite method designed initially to guard the Okinawan King Sho Taimu which can be used to
defend yourself, your family and your community.
*Stanic Milos 1 Dan Shotokan Karate Do, 4 Dan Shorin Ryu Karate, 4 Dan Matayoshi Okinawa Kobudo, 2 Dan
Tsunami Dojo, Yugoeslavia.

nose smash with a fist

This is very basic karate technique. One should keep in mind

that this punch is not same as punch in sport karate.

In modern karate it is very often used for thrust to opponent

trunk, however this is not very effective in self-defense. In
old karate fist is aimed at the point just under the nose.
Tips: Grab opponents arm and pull it. This is called hiki-te.
You will control your opponent and make your strike much
more powerful.
Reference kata: Seisan (Hangetsu), Pinan Nidan (Heian
Shodan) * Funakoshi inverted the kata order

kick to groins

Kinteki geri is performed always with

your front leg. It is fast and accurate,
whipping kick, it can also be used to tear
the testicles with the toes in a retracting
motion ( pulling with the knee towards
your self)
Tips: Step a side and grab opponents arm for better
Reference kata: Seisan (Hangetsu) , Kushanku (kanku Dai),
Anan, Pinan (Heian) Yondan katas

knife-hand to opponents throat
Knife hand is one of primary and most effective weapons of
old okinawan karate. This technique is
can be very dangerous when aimed at
opponents throat, spine, and arteries.
Also, this strike can be used to smash
opponents face and limbs.
Tips: Parry opponents attack with your
other hand and counterattack
Reference kata: Kushanku (Kanku Dai), Pinan Nidan (Heian
Shodan) * Funakoshi inverted the kata order, and in many
other katas

eye gouge

In self-defense, you can easily gouge the opponents eyes

with your fingers. This is done with your front hand, because
you can cover more space with your front hand.
Tips: Dont be stiff. This technique does not require any
power. Speed and accuracy are all you need.
Reference kata: Passai (Bassai Dai), Kushanku (Kanku Dai)

knee smash

Knee is one of most formidable weapons of karate. You dont

need too much practice to understand its use.
Knee is used to smash opponents groin and sometimes,
depending of situation, when aimed at opponent head it will
easily knock him down.
Tips: You must use your hands (hiki-te) to control and pull
opponent into knee smash. Without your hands hiza geri is
almost useless.
Reference kata: Passai (Bassai dai), Pinan (Heian) Yondan.

elbow smash
Elbow and knee are best used in close distance. This is
prime weapon if stronger opponent tries to grab you. Knee
and elbow can be very devastating with
very little practice.
Elbow strikes are very powerful. It is
used among others to smash opponents
face or to break his ribs.
Tips: You must use your rear hand to pull
and control your opponent. Hiki-te is most important here.
Do not use your whole forearm to smash. Focus all your
power at the elbow top (olecranon), or at the last third of
the forearm, depending on where you strike.
Reference kata: Passai (Bassai dai), Kushanku (Kanku Dai),
Anan, Pinan (Heian) Yondan , Pinan (Heian) Godan,
Naihanchi (Tekki) Shodan.


elbow smash

This is similar technique. It is used as defense against attack

from behind. Grab your opponent arm and smash his ribs
with your elbow.
Tips: You should remember that all
elbow techniques require good stance.
If you have firm stance, you will be
able to focus all your mass into this
Reference kata: Kururunfa, pinan
(Heian) sandan


vertical backfist strike
This technique is not very well understood today. Your wrist
must be relaxed. All power is generated through whipping
motion. Strike is always aimed at opponent nose and upper
This technique is very effective in close distance.
Tips: It is mistake to use entire flat surface of backfist. You
should use your knuckles as point of contact.

Reference kata: Passai (Bassai Dai), Kushanku (Kanku Dai),

Pinan (Heian) Yondan , Pinan (Heian) Godan.

palm smash
Palm strike to opponents face and ribs is very effective. You
should always use your rear hand to parry attack.
Tips: This is very quick technique. Point here is to smash
the bones.
Reference kata: Anan, Seisan (Hangetsu), Jion

tiger mouth grab
In many cases, this technique is shown
as variation of palm/ finger tips strike
in kata.
Tips: Instead of throat you can easely
grab his hair, ear or press your thumb
under his chin, or palm upwards go into
his groin
Reference kata: Anan, Seisan (hangetsu)& Kushanku
(kanku Dai), Pinan (Heian) Sandan , Pinan (Heian) Godan

elbow lock
Gichin Funakoshi used term "koma nage" in his Karate do
kyohan. Similar drawing also exists in The Bubishi.
Koma nage can be used as counter to wrist grab, also it is
very effective controlling technique used after shocking
strike or kick.
Tips: Grab opponents cloth instead of just pressing. This is
more secure method.
Reference kata: Anan, Passai (Bassai Dai), Kushanku
(Kanku Dai), Pinan Shodan (Heian Nidan) * Funakoshi
inverted the kata order.

head manipulation take down
Gichin Funakoshi named this
technique "kubiwa" - "around the
neck". Similar drawing also exists in
Kubiwa is easy to learn technique. It
is logical choice when you parry opponents kick or strike on
outer side.
Tips: Grab opponents hair and press your hand against his
nose, using your fingers to poke his eyes.

Reference kata: Passai(Bassai Dai) , Kushanku (Kanku Dai),

Pinan (Heian) Sandan.

to hammer down
Gichin Funakoshi named this technique "sakutsachi" - "to
hammer down". Similar drawing also exists in Bubishi.

This technique requires a lot of

strength. You can use this throw after catching a kick , or
Tips: Attempt to reach with your hand between his legs as
far as it is possible. Try to hold his belt on a back.
Reference kata: Kushanku (Kanku Dai), Pinan (Heian)

"great wheel"
In Karate do kyohan this technique is called katawaguruma
and I suppose that this name comes from Japan.

This technique also requires a lot of strength. This throw is

best suitable when opponent tries to push, choke or wrestle
with you.

Tips: Arm press against his groin will help you lift him much
Reference kata: Kushanku (Kanku Dai), Anan

leg holding throw
In Karate do kyohan this technique is called yoridama, but
unfortunately it is demonstrated completely WRONG. Here
it is how it should be done

Yoridama is used as defense against a

kick. You should catch a leg with one arm
and parry his punch with other. This
technique is also found in the ancient
manuscript, The Bubishi.
Tips: Dont try to sweep him down (this is
the sport karate opponent care version),
instead perform quick counter clockwise
turn with your rear leg. This will throw
your opponent on his head.
Reference kata: Passai (Bassai Dai), Pinan Shodan (Heian

shoulder throw
Tani otoshi is one of the most popular throws in Wrestiling,
beaing similar to Judos Seio nage. Illustration is found in
Karate do Kyohan and in Bubishi.

Best situation to use this throw is

when opponent is behind your back
trying to choke you or when he is in
front of you holding your hair, neck
or sleeves.
Tips: You can throw your opponent
in several different ways - over
your shoulder, over your hips or
just pull him over your legs.
Reference kata: Passai (Bassai Dai), Pinan (Heian) Godan

choking techniques
I had an opportunity to feel this hold on several seminars
with Okinawan teachers. You can perform it when you are
behind your opponent or when you are at his side. You
should always use a previous strike to shock him, before
attempting to make this hold.
Tips: Hide your face, turn your body unbalance him. The
opponent will try to scratch, Throw or hit you.
Reference kata: Passai (Bassai Dai), Pinan (Heian) Godan

basic rear leg throw/ sweep/ reap
This is a very basic throwing technique. Gichin Funakoshi
used term "byubodaoshi" (Karate do kyohan). Similar
drawing also exists in Bubishi.
The point here is to sweep the
opponent's leg. You can perform this
technique in several different ways you can push his chin upward, or grab
his throat, or you can grab his shoulder
and use your elbow to smash his face.
Tips: Once
opponent is down, you can
knockout him with tetsui uchi
(hammer strike). it is very
important to hold the
opponents arm, so that you
can control him.
Reference kata: Anan, Passai
(Bassai dai), Kushanku ( Kanku
Dai), Pinan Shodan (Heian Nidan)

Ring " leg grab" take down
There is exact drawing of this technique in the Bubishi. And
it was also commented by Funakoshi.

Easiest way to drop opponent

down on a floor is to kneel and
grab his leg(s) / tackle. You should
grab his ankle and push and twist
his knee. Udewa is good response
when someone tries to grab you.
Tips: You should always watch
your head in relation to his knee.
Reference kata: Passai
(Bassai Dai), Pinan
(Heian) Yondan

make him fly like a swallow
Gichin Funakoshi named this technique "flying swallow", it
is very similar to Judos Uki Otoshi. However, okinawan
karate has other version of this technique. You can throw
someone if you grab his arm and suddenly turn and sunk
It requires speed. You can use this throw as defense
against club attack or knife thrust, after a side step and
grabbing his wrist with a gedan barai
Tips: Dont use your hands. If your body and feet move
correctly, very little power is necessary to drop down

Reference kata: Kushanku (Kanku dai)


"scissors leg" take down
This technique is true gem of
Okinawa karate. It is preserved
in Unshu (Unsu) kata, which is
passed to us by the great master
Seisho Arakaki.
You have to be very agile to
perform this kick well from an
upright position. A sudden fall is
used to avoid opponents attack.,
or from a prone position a Kick is
always aimed at opponents groin. The Sweetest part is that
you can use returning path of the kick (hiki-ashi) as
"scissors" take down.

Tips: You can use unshu

(unsu) geri to defend
when you are on the floor.
Use kick to deflect
opponent leg.
Reference kata: Unshu

groin kick as defense vs. kick
When someone tries to kick you, don't try to block it.
Offence is best defense, so check the incoming kick with
your knee or side step and kick him to the groin, using the

Kinteki geri is performed always with your front leg (kisami).

It is fast and accurate, whipping kick. Step to the side and
parry the opponents kick with gedan barai, gedan haito
barai, or gedan shuto barai.

Tips: Dont try to use too much force, because that will slow
down your kick. You dont need too much force to kick
someone in groin. You only have to be very quick and
Reference kata: Chinto (Gankaku), Anan, Pinan (Heian)
Nidan & Yondan.

flying kick

Tobi geri is found in many forms of Okinawan karate. This is

very effective technique. All kicking techniques of Okinawan
karate are used below chest level. However, this kick is
aimed to opponent head. You can use tobi geri when you are
in cornered or when your back is against a wall.
Tips: Technique is consisted of two front kicks. First kick
(kisami) is used as faint and as an effective way to cover
long distance. Second kick is done in the air.
Reference kata: Kushanku (Kanku Dai), Chinto (Gankaku)

knock out
This technique is part of prime sequence in kata Kushanku.
Point here is to knock out opponent who is already on the
ground, or trying to get back
up, After a throwing
technique, finish with
powerful strike to the face.
Use your body weight to
amplify power of the strike.
Tips: Your back should be
always straight, turn your
body and bend your knees.
Reference kata: Kushanku
(Kanku Dai)


ear smasher, side head smash
This is simple, but effective technique. When confronted
with someone who is trying to grab or take you down,
quickly smash his ears/ temples with both palms.
Opponents ear drums/ head will be very hurt.
This technique is also illustrated in the
Tips: Grab opponents hair and neck
and throw him on the ground using
head manipulation.
Reference kata: Seisan
(Hangetsu),Pinan (Heian) Yondan.


elbow smash
This is very elbow smash variation.
Elbow strikes are very powerful. It is used to smash
opponents face or to break his ribs.
Tips: You can smash his face with
hiraken (front knuckles) or poke his eyes
with kakushite (cranes beak). It is simple
elbow comes up, then hiraken comes
down. Uechi ryu uses this combination.
Reference kata: Uechi Ryu karates
seisan, Goku Ryus sanseiru, Shorin Ryus
Fukyugata. Shotokans Nijushiho.


hammer fist rear smash/ grab
A palm / hammer fist strike can be very useful when
someone tries to grab you from behind.
Simply, step a side and smash his groin
with a palm. Use your other hand to soften
his hold. This technique is also illustrated
in the Bubishi.
Tips: Instead of smashing, you can grab
and tear attacker testicles.
Reference kata: Seisan (Hangetsu),
Kushanku (Kanku Dai), Naihanchi (Tekki) Shodan.

drop down and punch
Sometimes, when attacker tries to grab, punch or push you,
quickly drop down on your knee and punch him into groin.
This is true streetwise technique.
Tips: Use your other hand to protect
your face against his punch or against
Reference kata: Chinto (gankaku), Pinan
(Heian) Godan.


face slap/ reverse face slap/ bear- tiger claw hand
This technique is very basic in Shorin Ryu. Step to the side
(tenshin) into cat stance (neko ashi) and parry with your
back hand, then use your front hand to strike the attackers
Instead of palm, you can easily use the back of the hand,
the tiger/ bear claw or the knife hand (shuto), and strike
his face or side of the neck or throat.
Tips: Continue with drop throw (osoto gari) or with elbow
Reference kata: Passai (Bassai Dai), Pinan Nidan (Heian

grab and squeeze
You should always be aware of close distance. Attacker is
usually always stronger then you and wrestling is his
territory. In Shorin Ryu, you always avoid attackers
attempts to grab you or hit you. However, sometimes you
dont have a choice. If this is a case, then you should try to
grab attackers genitals so that he has to let you go.
Tips: You can combine use of elbow or uraken with this
Reference kata: Chinto (Gankaku), Passai (Bassai Dai),
Kihon gedan barai Hikite.


smash stomp kick
This is pretty rare technique in Shorin ryu, when executed
sideways. However, it is not that much rare in Goju Ryu and
Uechi Ryu styles. The point here is to break/ dislocate the
opponents knee/ instep in a close distance confrontation.
It is very important to use hikite
(opposite pull with your arms) and to
use whole body weight. This is a
pretty devastating technique. Even if
you miss opponent's knee, you can
smash his shin or foot.
Tips: When executing dont look
down, because this will reveal your
intention. Fix your eyes on opponent
Reference kata: Passai (Bassai Dai),
Anan, Sanseiryu, Pinan Shodan (Heian Nidan), Pinan
(Heian) Yondan.

spear leg
This technique was more widely used in old days. The
hardened big toe tip is used as contact area when kicking
into opponents abdomen or legs
Although sokumen geri looks not
practical and painful, in fact is very
effective. Of course, this kick is
more dangerous when you have
shoes on.
Tips: You can use same amount of
power in sokumen geri as in mae
geri keage. Instead of power, you
should be very quick and accurate.
Refrence kata: Useishi, Chinto (Gankaku), Pinan Shodan
(Heian Nidan), Pinan (Heian) Yondan.


This elbow lock technique is part of
kushanku (Kanku dai) kata. Movement
in kata is displayed as jodan juji uke
and turn. Similar drawing exists in
You can use this lock as defense
against roundhouse punch or knife
attack. It is very important to hold
opponents arm very tight.
Tips: Instead of breaking his elbow, you can grab both his
arms crossed and throw him.
Reference kata: Kushanku (kanku Dai).

phoenix eye
In ancient Okinawa karate shoken was
most basic technique. However, today
shoken is replaced by "simple fist"(seiken), because it is easier for beginners to

Sho-ken is very
painful when
attacking opponents
trunk or head , limbs vulnerable points.

Kyusho: throat, armpit, solar plexus,

jugular junction, sternum (breast
bone), side of the ribs, side of the lower
inner tibia, etc
Tips: You dont have to punch hard with shoken. Instead,
you should focus more on fist rotation. With proper rotation
you will generate tremendous power.
Reference kata: Seisan (Hangetsu), and in MANY other
katas was replaced by Seiken.


shuto ashi harai , tettsui yoko uchi, morote yoko
This is one way to use shuto with neko ashi dachi as simple take down.

Use your front hand to parry opponent hand

attack and seize it with your rear hand.
Simultaneously strike his face with shuto and
sweep his leg with your thigh.
Similar technique is shown in the Bubishi.
Like many techniques and variations in
Okinawa karate this technique does not have
a name, so I will use descriptive names from Bubishi and
other Chinese manuscripts.
Tips: Strike to head is more like a push.
Reference kata: kushanku (Kanku Dai), Naihanchi (Tekki)
Shodan, Jion. Kihon Shuto Uchi.

escaping technique
This is application from ryu no
shita kamae - "Dragon tongue
fighting posture" (kushanku).
When someone tries to grab and
twist your arm, you should make
sudden body turn and whip his
face with "iron fist" (tetsui).
Tips: You have to be close to
opponent, so that your tetsui can
reach his face.
Reference kata: Seisan
(Hangetsu), Kushanku (Kanku
Dai), Pinan (Heian) Sandan

kakushiken Uchi
Finger tips can be very dangerous
in self-defense. Although there are
many finger techniques in Okinawa
karate, Uechi Ryu kakushiken is
one of my favorites. This poking
technique is aimed at soft targets eyes, neck, jugular junction, etc..
In many kata is hidden as Nukite
uchi (knife tip strike)
Tips: You
can also
use this technique as defense
against rear grab. This application
is part of kata Seisan.
Reference kata: Sanseiru, Seisan
(Hangetsu), Pinan Shodan (Heian

shukouken Uchi
This form is part of kata Anan
(ryueiryu). It is also found in
kata suparinpei.
This weapon is also similar to
the "crane's neck".


Use your rear hand to make

joint lock technique and than
smash his face.
Reference kata:
Anan, Suparinpei.


Tiger mouth strike
Tora guchi is a very common
technique in okinawan karate.
It is performed in a forward
long or short stance. The point
here is to use your hands in a
confrontation to the grab
opponents throat/ face and
testicles. This is very effective
response in close distance.

Tips: In kata technique is always

performed slowly with lot of
power. This isometric contraction
of your muscles will strenghten
your forearms. This strike is often
disguise as Yama Tsuki or mountain punch as it resembles
the [ character.
Reference kata: Seisan (Hangetsu), Kushanku (Kanku
Dai), Passai (Bassai Dai), Nijushiho


great laying wheel

This technique is illustrated in ancient Bubishi. It is possible
that this is one variation from Unshu kata.
Tomoe nage is a Judo term, the point here is to fall/ slide
down on the ground and catapult your opponent over your
head, fall away or roll on top of him.

This technique is very effective

when you are confronted
against stronger opponent who
tries to push you holding your

Reference kata: Unshu (Unsu),

Pinan (Heian) Yondan, Jion

side elbow smash

Yoko empi uchi is very common technique. Original intention

is to defend against hold from back.
Strike is aimed at opponent's face.
Tips: It is very important to grab opponent's arm so that
you have hikite (to pull him into strike).
Reference kata: Kushanku (Kanku Dai), Anan.


roundhouse elbow smash
One more elbow technique. This variation is used when
attacker is in front of you.

Parry opponents attack, slide into close distance and deliver

elbow strike into his face.
Tips: Use your other hand to hold opponent's head or hair
and to pull him into elbow smash. This way you will multiply
effectiveness of technique.
Reference kata: Kushanku (Kanku Dai), Pinan (Heian)
Yondan, Pinan Shodan (Heian Nidan)

bears paw
This is an old style fist application,
also known as kuma-di ("bear
The point here is to use your front
knuckles when attacking opponent's face. This technique is
applied in many forms, either with the middle knuckles, the
palm or as a chop. Here, an application from Sanseiru kata
is shown. Its used against face, ribs and hands.
Tips: You dont need to use your whole body mass for this
strike. Hiraken is used in whipping or stomping manner, like
backfist and therefore it is suitable in close distance
Kata reference: Sanseiru, Jion

"dragon hands"

The term tuite represents set of various arm locking- grab-pull-poke-tear techniques that are hidden in the karate
forms. These "jujutsu/ kung fu like" techniques are often not part of official curriculum. They are like spice, you add
little according to your taste, but it is not main meal. This is matter of experience, need or expertise in the use of
Kyusho (pressure points).





There are many variations of

finger locking techniques. Usually
you will hyper-extend/ flex or
hyper-rotate finger. Thumbs can
be also used. These are very
painful techniques which will help
you to really subdue you a
concious opponent.

These are very universal combat

techniques. Short cut hair style is
very common today, but in the past
99% of population had long hair and
this technique was very effective.
The point here is to grab, twist and
pull. You can use hair grab to throw
opponent on the ground or to strike
his face.

You can poke opponents eyes,

jugular notch, under jaw or
armpit, and cheeks. These are
very painful but they will not stop
an attacker. These are used more
like distracting/ submission




In Okinawa karate as in Chinese

Kung Fu / Wu Shu animal styles.
It is very important to strengthen
your shins, toes, forearms,
wrists, fingers and hands. In
close distance you can easily tear
opponents throat, ears or
genitals. You can also use as
distraction tearing opponents skin
(triceps, thigh, abdomen side).

There are many tricks and opening

strikes in karate, usually transmitted
orally as hidden techniques within
kata (Okuden bunkai) a few
examples: are head strikes,
throwing send into opponents head,
hip bump against back hold
(kushanku), pretending to surrender
(suirakan kamae/ drunk man stance
passai/ Bassai Dai), pretending to
be drunk (useishi), afraid or sick.

In reality if the opponent doesnt

want to surrender, you will only
subdue him with painful joint
locking techniques. Twist and
break his elbow or hand.
Chocking techniques are also very
good as a controlling technique.

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