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Comparison Between Advertisements

Marketing arrangements are a rudimentary component of any existing business plan and
are often considered the most vital part to be built up (Winer, 2004). In this regard,
comprehensive marketing plans have to consider the global trends among the respective
customers, appraisals of marketing mix of goods and services, price promotion and the selling of
products over a span of given time. Advertisements come in under this ambit; where they serve
the primary purpose of promoting the respective product or service in a market. Promotion is in
itself a pivotal aspect of any marketing mix as it deals with the underlying communication
between the consumers and the business itself. Discussed herein are two advertisements run by
globally recognized companies; Coca Cola and Pepsi. A keen analysis of the two advertisements
will excite the inference that the Coke advert essentially shows the improvement of situations
with the imbibing of the beverage while the Pepsi advert focuses on the energetic spirit that
comes with each sip of the drink.
In can be imputed that the two advertisements have a number of similarities and
differences alike. One fundamental connection between the two advertisements is the positive
outcome that arises from their intake. The Coke advert clearly shows that bad situations are
turned into good ones with each drop of Coke while the intake of Pepsi shows the bust of
excitement on the individual who takes it. The two advertisements essentially propagate the
notion that one can simply uplift his or her feelings and general mood by taking either of the
drink. It can also be inferred that the effects of these beverages come about without the
consumers conscious knowledge, as they are presented in such a manner that it appears as if the
partakers are in a state of euphoria. On the other hand however, the effect of these drinks appear
to spread to others in a different way. The Coke advert can be seen to postulate the idea that one


persons intake of the drink can lead to happiness of many indirectly related people; provide
there is some element of interconnection. On the other hand, the excitement and positive vibes
that stem from the Pepsi drink can be seen as being actively spread to the others through the
energy and spirits of one consumers.
Again, another similarity is seen in the manner in which the two multi-national entities
convey their intended message; which is the television platform. It has been argued that the
TELEVISION phenomenon has largely shaped the American life; hence its continued use as a
pivotal advertisement model. The viewed shared by the populous is that Television could either
build or ruin a personality. This is essentially due to its aspect of passing down positive or
negative impacts on the viewers, more so adolescents and children. Through the medium of
television, children get the knowledge about tobacco, alcohol and other marketing products or
The television is basically an intrinsic part of the household in todays society and is
chiefly used as a source of entertainment as well as a source of information (Allison, 2013). Its
function and utility for informative purposes has a huge bearing on the unsuspecting viewers
whose views, perceptions and preference for various social issues are shaped by the very same
televisions. This is because the television-as a communication medium, presents the audience
with particular images which can be inherently interpreted as being acceptable of not acceptable
in the society. The television is therefore seen as an important tool of communication, hence its
extensive usage in the advertisement sector.
In addition to this however, the internet also comes in as another instrumental medium of
the conveyance of the intended message by the advertising companies. Termed as the digital age,
it has become imperative for organizations to similarly align their business ventures with the


current technological trends and acts. In this regard therefore, the two global entities have had to
propagate their agenda on the internet so as to ensure that they reach as many people as possible.
Rather than simply use the traditional communications mediums of television and radio, the
promoted advertisements are today shared on the various social sites on the internet and
exclusively entertainment channels such as YouTube.
A large reason as to why an intended message may be effective or not depends on how it
is delivered to the target. The intended message in these communications for instance is the need
to take the respective beverage rather than the other one. Even though the two advertisements do
not attack each other directly or subtly, the underlying message is that the consumer should opt
to imbibe one product over the other. In this respect therefore, the message becomes effective
due to the manner in which the advertisement delivers it (Allison, 2013). Advertisements have
the core purpose of promoting a particular business in its inherent market and is seen as one of
the fundamental aspect of promotion as an element of the marketing mix. Essentially,
advertisements serve as the communication nexus between the business and the consumer. The
intended message then becomes effective through the use of advertisements because it is a
promotional strategy which is described as a pull tactic. It is an important factor in the success
of any business as the marketing managers have to develop suitable strategies on the most
suitable marketing communications which can be used in the related advertisements. From this,
it can be imputed that advertisements such as the two analysed advertisements successfully
convey their message effectively because they are keen on the interests of each customer, contact
the consumer in the most suitable means and know the exact message to be relayed (Kramer &
Porter, 2006).


In a nutshell, it can be concluded that advertisements have a great impact on the

consumers who sees what has to be shared and promoted. At the center of these advertisements
and their conveyed messages are the mediums of such promotions; wherein the television and the
internet come up as the main ones. The advertisement by Coke and Pepsi may have therefore
undergone different development processes with equally different agendas, but a number of
similarities remain as constant between them.




Allison, A. (2013) Land of Television U.S History.
Kramer, M & Porter, M. (2006) Strategy and Society: The Link Between Advertisements. Wall
Street Journals. 71:3,
Winer, R.S. (2004), Marketing Management (2nd edition), Pierson, Prentice Hall, New Jersey

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