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Lesson Plan Template

Name: Meera Ali

Personal Aims (What do YOU need to work on in order to grow professionally?
I ask more question.
When I throw the cube, I have to show it for the all children.
Sit closer to the children to see me well.
Learning Outcome (School code and words):
Grade Level:
Children will learn:
The name of the animals that live in the zoo.
Resources (what materials/equipment will you and
the students use? Be specific)

Preparation (what do you need to make or check before


Flash cards.

Get the video ready.


Get the activity ready in the baskets.


Get the finger puppets ready.


Get the reward charts ready on the tables.


Key vocabulary

Finger puppets.

Name of the animals:

Cuts animals pictures.

Kangaroo, Monkey, Bear, Elephant, Penguin, Giraffe, Lion,

Tiger, Parrot and Panda.

Time: 15 min


Introduction (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)

I will tell them a story by acting with the finger puppets.
I will show a video, I will ask them about the animals that in the video.

Active Engagement (group working with the teacher)

I will make a quick activity. I will choose some student to come in front, then I will give the child the cube
to throw it and she/he have to see the picture of the animal and tell me what is that animals.
I will show them a flash card and I will choose the students to answer then they have to stick the picture on
the board.
Independent Experience (small group activity 1)
Low level: I will give them a cut animals pictures they have to organize it.

Independent Experience(small group activity 2)

Medium level: I will give them a train that have a animals pictures and numbers from 1 to 5 they have to
organize the train from big number to small number.

Independent Experience(small group activity 3)

Time: 20 min


High level: I will give them a pictures of the animals each pictures have two words they have to search for
the name of the animals and put it behind the picture.

Explain how you are going to differentiate

Low level: Puzzle organize the animals picture by put the hands, legs, head, tail and the body.
Medium: Organize the train from the big number to small number.



10 min

High level: Search for the name of the animal and put it behind the animal picture.
I will let them to return the pictures in the envelop and return everything in the basket.
I will repeat the video for them.


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