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Created By: TEH, JOYCE

Revision: 4 (Dec 8th 2010)

Entering SA Lines Confirmation In SCM:

This process/steps will be used by buyers for entering the backlog confirmation from
suppliers in the SCM planning book. This is to ensure that the confirmed supply line
(backlog) from suppliers are being considered as part of the total receipt in the SCM
planning book. Buyers are recommended to enter the SA lines confirmation for MAX 3-4
weeks ONLY. This is because, receiving will NOT auto-deduct the SA lines qty that are
being entered in the steps. Buyers would have to MANUALLY update and remove the

Option A:
1. Log into SCM
2. Go-to transaction /SAPAPO/PWBSCH4 - Enter Confirmations
3. You will come to below screen:

4. Enter the scheduling agreement number in Document Number field.

5. Enter the scheduling agreement line item number in Document Item field.

Created By: TEH, JOYCE

Revision: 4 (Dec 8th 2010)

6. Press Execute button

7. You will come to below screen:

8. Press the Propose Last Confirmation button on the right.

Confirmation tab should be populated with the data from your last
confirmation, it should be showing all the schedule lines that were previously
If there is nothing populated, that means it is the first time to enter
confirmation for this SA, you will need to manually enter all data from scratch,
rather than updating existing data.
9. In confirmation tab, Increment the Confirmation number by 1, if it is the first time
to enter confirmation, enter 1 in there. Enter today's date in Date Confirmation
Received field and Date of Confirmation field. Enter 40 in Type of Confirmation

Created By: TEH, JOYCE

Revision: 4 (Dec 8th 2010)

10. Continue to next field Based on Operative Delivery Schedule, press Copy Rel.
Sched Lines button.
a. System will populate the field with the latest schedule line number, in the
lower section, system will populate the details of schedule lines.

Created By: TEH, JOYCE

Revision: 4 (Dec 8th 2010)

11. Pick the latest #, in the above scenario, buyer would pick the last release
12. Upon selecting the latest confirmation, the schedule lines generated against that
release would be populated as below screen shot:

13. You may overwrite the populated confirmation if the backlog quantity that you had
received from supplier differs from what is auto-populated in the box.
14. Press Save button.

Note, if you wish to cancel the confirmation upon goods receipt (GR), you
will need to update the exact same confirmation line to 0 quantity in order
to overwrite it. This is to avoid extra supply lines being captured in the
SCM planning book.
15. Continue with the same steps in the week after receiving the latest backlog from
the supplier. Buyers would have to OVERWRITE the old data with the latest
information. This is a MANUAL process.

Created By: TEH, JOYCE

Revision: 4 (Dec 8th 2010)

Option B:
The other way to do this is to key in the qty directly in the SCM Planning book in the SA
LINES CONFIRMATION Row as illustrated below:

Enter the qty per suppliers backlog report in the distribution receipt (SA confirmation)
row. The supply after backlog row shows the projected EOH after considering the
backlog qty.

Created By: TEH, JOYCE

Revision: 4 (Dec 8th 2010)
Below is the calculation logic for the screen updated above:

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