Kingdom of Cambodia Nation Religion King

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[Draft Translation]

[Royal Crown of Cambodia]

Royal Government of Cambodia

No. 05


The Royal Government had been deep reforming the natural resources management especially on the
forestry and fisheries sectors via its effort to amendment the legal regulations and other relevant legal
instruments and also reclassify clearly authority between the relevant institutions in the national level
and also between the first with the local administration level in order to promote the effectiveness and
sustainability of natural resources management.
Meanwhile, recently the Royal Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia has decided to transfer and
assign the authority to manage all the protected and forestry reserved areas under the supervision of
Ministry of Environment, as for the authority of the management of all economic land concession
investment areas being under the supervision of Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries as well as
has been inserted some forestry areas into natural protected area.
While transferring the authority to manage these areas and boosting to amend the legal regulations and
relevant legal instruments, some offenders has been committing the alarming natural resources crime
within the protected and forestry reserved areas. In order to ensure the effectiveness of natural
resources management within these stages, the Royal Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia set up
the necessary rules as followings:

1. Governance of the City, Province, Town, District, Khan via the Unity Order Committee of the
City, Town, District, Khan Administration shall lead and cooperate with the police force
inspection of Khan, Section, Sagnkat of Forestry Administration; the police force inspection of
Khan, Section, Sagnkat of Fisheries Administration, Department of Environment and other
authority forces under its control shall properly implement its duties in order to strengthen the
authority and the responsibility of all levels of the Unity Order Committee for the Royal
Government to manage, take care and protect the natural resources by strongly taking measure
to prevent, crackdown and eliminate all natural resources crimes including land encroachment
in the protected and forestry reserved areas which under its control;

2. Governance of the City, Province, Town, District, Khan shall facilitate and encourage the local
community, NGOs and other relevant institutions to jointly prevent and eliminate all natural
resources crime within the protected and forestry reserved areas which under its control. Each
City, Province, Town, District and Khan Administration shall organize the meeting at least one
per quarter with Commune/Sangkat Council, representative of NGOs, local community
organization and other relevant institutions or may meeting via necessary to discuss and

examine the situation of natural resources management and to take actual action to manage
the natural resources within its authority effectively;

3. Assign the power to the City, Province, Town, District and Khan Administration to take strongly
action as followings:

To manage all processing handicrafts and forestry and fisheries business with license as well as
prevent and eliminate all processing handicrafts and forestry and fisheries business without
To examine and take measure to eliminate all wood transporting and storing without having
license within its jurisdiction;
To take action to prevent and eliminate the exporting of wood and all processing wood products
as well as wild animals with properly having authorization via any boundaries and subboundaries;
To lead and facilitate the inspector of Khan, Section, Sangkat of Forestry Administration,
inspector of Khan, Section, Sangkat of Fisheries Administration, Department of Environment and
relevant authority forces in order to ensure the use of total forces and other relevant measure
in order to take care and protect natural resources as well as prevent and crackdown the natural
resources crime in the protected and forestry reserved areas within its authority;
To quarterly total report or conduct the necessary report about the situation of the
management of the protected and forestry reserved areas which under its control to the
Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries by copy to the
Ministry of Interior, head of Gendarmerie. Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Agriculture,
Forestry and Fisheries shall conduct these total report in order to inform to the head of the
Royal Government;

4. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries having Forestry Administration as its secretary
shall strongly strengthening the transportation license and all timber forest in order to prevent
and abolition all illegal transportation of timber forest;

5. Ministry of Environment having General Department of Protected Administration and Resource

Reservation as its secretary shall continue strengthening its strategies and support the Unity
Order Committee of the City, Province, Town, District and Khan Administration to prevent,
prohibit and crackdown the natural resources crime within its control;

6. All the intervention of any unit or person without having authority to transportation and timber
forest shall be prohibited and shall be responsible before the laws;

7. Ministries, Institutions and relevant authority shall cooperate and support the Unity Order
Committee of the City, Province, Town, District and Khan Administration to execute these rules;

8. In necessary case, the Unity of Order Committee of the City and Provincial Administration may
ask the request for urgent intervention to the head deputy of Gendarmerie to prevent and
crackdown the natural resources crime within its authority;

9. Minister of Environment and Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries shall lead the
meeting in order to examine the natural resources management every quarter;

All ministries, institutions, relevant authority and local administration levels shall strongly
implement this instruction with highly effective commencing from the date of affixing
signature onward.

Done in Phnom Penh, 22 September 2016

(Signature and Seal)


Ministry of Royal Palace;

General Secretariat of Constitutional Council;
General Secretariat of Senate;
General Secretariat National Assembly;
General Secretariat of the Royal Government;
Cabinet of Samdech Prime-Minister;
Cabinet of Samdech, His Excellency, Lov
Chomteav, Deputy Prime-Minister;
All Ministries and Institutions;
All City, Province, Town, District and Khan Hall;
Royal Gazette;

Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo HUN SEN

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