Final Edition 2

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er Here you go!

m ition
them and see you soon!
S d 10
e 20

is boring. Lets
go and read the
Xanpa Times!

Second edition

When I get
out of here I
wanna read some

Canoeing Classes for Primary Students
Students of 6 of Primary have been going with three more monitors along the
doing for 4 weeks some Canoeing classes Concha Bay during these classes.
which the Diputacin offers in la Concha Adriana Ezpeleta
beach. Every year the Diputacin
offers a wide variety of activities
which are nearly totally subsidized to
encourage students of different
schools to try new things. As Eli, the
P.E. teacher, told us: It is a way of
giving the chance to the students to
try other sports that we cant

S practice at school. For the first year

Eli has gone with them and has been
doing 4 sessions of classes of 1h

C during these 4 weeks. They have been

FIRE ALARM AT ST They all pass
On the 12th of december of 2009, the
Last Friday (5th of February) the fire alarm rang
O at St Patricks school, as we all know. John
english fast track students of 3rd of
ESO, went to the Amara Plaza hotel to
Phillips is still looking for the guilty person, and
do the first certificate in english. Tims
L the thing is that one day before this happened,
Borja Gaiztarro, a student from 3 of ESO, had
students were very well preparated and
thats why they did it so early. It was
made the alarm go off, and he was expelled from
the first time that we try it in
school for three days. It is a complete foolish
december with the third years, and all
thing to do knowing that you can get expelled
of them
from school. So no one knows who was it that
pass. Said
made the alarm go off, but little children that
Susi, an
were sleeping woke up and started to cry. John
has a list of suspicious people that werent at
teacher, but
class at the time of the crime and he is
interviewing them in his office. We wish he gets
everyone got a
with the guilty person soon. He told us The thing
good mark,
is that if it is a real fire, we dont know if it is a
some of them
joke again or not.
thought they
Martin Cabello
were going to
Ana Alonso

Sanpa Times First Edition released
After a term of hard work and compositions, including interviews, one
collaboration, the Sanpa Times first sided essays and more.
edition was finally published on the 25th Miguel Horn
of February. Some last minute problems
caused the release to be postponed.
These problems were caused by the
uncertainty of some of the students
about which cover should be published.
There were many interesting and
attractive covers, and in the end, two of
the most distinct covers (Juan
S Lizarribar and Pablo Iriartes and
Miguel Horn and Martin Cabellos) had

C to be mixed together.
Concerning the formatting, we chose
Carlota Romero and Ana Alonsos work.
H All the students agreed and so the
magazine was ready to go. We thought

it ended up being fun and produced some
great work said the class.
This is the first of two of the editions

O that the 3rd year press workshop is going

to publish. The second edition is already
being worked on, and will hopefully be
L released at the end of the school year.
This edition will also include more

Trip to Burgos
In this year, the students of 3 of ESO The first day,19th of May, we are going
are going to travel to Burgos on 19th, to visit Burgos and we also visited
20th and 21st of May. We still dont Atapuerca. After that well sped the
know how are going to be the night in one lodging in Carrion de Los
responsible. We know that they are going Condes. The second day we will do a
to be four and is possible that Pilar stage of the Santiagos path, it is going
Goyoaga will go with us. The purpose to be 12 kilometers more or less. The
for this trip is learn more about the thread day we have a Lunch in Santo
Middle age, because is linked to the Domingo de la Calzada. After that we
literature that we saw this year. return to San Sebastian in Friday 21st
of May.
Leonardo Velez

St Patricks Day
On Thursday 18th March, it took place in the St Patricks English School the
celebration of the St Patricks Day (17th March), the patron of our school. The
students of ESO took part in the competition organized by Simon Houghton, with the
help of the teachers and Bachiller Students. The winners were the students of 3A,
with a total of 56 points, the price is a free day to go wherever they want to. It was
a wonderful day, we had a lot of fun, and fortunately we won. It was a shame that it
rained and it was a little bit cold, if it had been sunny we might have been able to
have a water balloon fight said Maider from 3A.
Carlota Romero

S Apples are back again!

T. This year at St Patricks School in St
Patricks Day the apple game came back.
This game was part of the championship
P of St Patricks Day and it was quite a
good, funny and popular game before the
A change. Last year a change was made in
the game, instead of catching the apples
T with your mouth, you had to catch a
R sponge with your feet. This was supposed to make the game cleaner and dryer
but a lot of people find it too difficult to catch a sponge with your feet. The
I apple game was much better this year than the one before without a doubt
C said Claudia Valle a student from 3rd year.
Almudena Gonzlez
The 18th of March of 2010 June were taking part in the cross
D Arrieta (student of 3A) and although June told us that
Jorge Ruiz (student of that wasnt true, in her
A 4A) won the cross opinion the secret for
Y competition that is winning a cross is
celebrated every year working hard, go and
in St-Patricks English run every time you can
School in honour to St- and give as much as
Patricks Day. They won possible of you.
because they were the Pablo Herrero
most athletic people that

Basketball tournament in St.

PatricKs day
This year we've had a really tough
basketball tournament with an
exceptional 3A that has won the
tournament without loosing any match.
The triple contest was also quite hard
but in the end 3A also won it with a good
S performance of Pablo Herrero who
T. scored 3 out of 6 shots. "I could see he difference of three with the second
wanted to win the tournament"Says placed. Lets see if next year 3A
Pablo Iriarte a student of 3A. The class continues being the king!
scored an overall of 8 triples with a
P German Gimenez

A cakes in st. patricks

18th of march in which perfect day to do sport and
T St. Patricks day was win"She was one of the
R celebrated in our school, winners of the cake
some 3rd year students competition, like Borja
I won most of the prizes of Gaiztarro, Mateo Irigoyen,
C the cake competition, in Irene Olaizola, Sara Chocarro
order to go to beach. and Clara Azurmendi. The
K Last month St Patricks prize for each one was 20
day, was done here in our euros in books for you to
S school, is a day in which waste " I will use the money to
people fight to win a day buy books for my young
in the beach. As Ane sister" Borja Gaiztarro said.
D Albillos said, " It's the Isabel Keller
A St.Patricks days organization goes crazy!
Y There have been quite a lot of changes in Finally, maybe because we are in crisis, in
St. Patricks Days organization. This the cake competition they only gave one
year in the apple competition you had orange juice and a snack for each group,
to catch an apple with your mouth and they used to give one to each person.
instead of a sponge with your foot. A It has been the most enjoyable St.
volleyball tournament has been Patricks day in my life! said June
introduced for 3rd and 4th years Arrieta, a student from 3A, the class
students but as it has been its first that won the competition.
year, it ended to be a bit of a disaster. Juan Lizarribar

S St. Patricks day just
about the disaster
P The St Patricks Day was celebrated the
A 18th of March, and we had a very cloudy
T day.
R In the morning, when we were waiting to
I leave the cakes, we just see there were
C some drops of rain, but it in the end we
K got lucky and it didnt rain. At midday,
S before the globes competition started, I
was in the final of the cards competition,
D and I just see a little patch of blue sky, In conclusion we were the whole day just
A however I was just being optimistic about the disaster, because if it would
Y because in less than five minutes the sky have rained all the games would have
was grey again. In the afternoon the sky been cancelled.
didnt improve: it was always grey. Miguel Alonso

The new game Call of Duty Modern that's because they haven't try it at
Warfare 2 is on sale from all. It's almost impossible to find
T November the 10th and it now
has sold more than 80 million
someone who have played it
and says it's a bad game to
E copies all over the world and buy. On the other hand, we
around 1.5 millions in Spain. also have to think if it's good
C Everyone who have try it to play that much to this sort

H suggest other people to buy it

and it's normal to see lot of
of destructive games.
Marcos Montero
N people talking bad from this game,

Electricity invades St Patricks!
L As technology keeps evolving, and St. tactile boards will substitute the
O Patricks cant be seen to be out-of-date,
this year our students in the fifth of the
classical chalk boards, which, in other
words, will reduce the costs of chalk in
G primary have acquired a new the centre. I would like one of those for
sophisticated electronic whiteboard, in myself! Said German Gimenez, a 3 of
Y addition to their normal chalk- ESO student. Lets see what new
blackboard. surprises will be added in the school in
If the idea is successful, theyll probably the future!
put more and more electronic Pablo Iriarte
whiteboards in other classes. These

This year is the secondary Spanish we are going to miss her a lot. As
teacher's, Pilar Goyoaga, last year she said The goodbye is being very
at St. Patrick's English school. She good because I'm teaching about
has reached the retirement age and sixty students and as they are very

after teaching us for 31 years, since active I don't get bored at all. It's
1979, it's her time to give it up. We my last experience and I want to
won't have her here next year so live it the best I can
E another teacher will take her place, Maria Fernandez

A New Social Studies Teacher

Would you like to have a new looking at the unit. A student of
teacher? This year at St-Patricks our class, said: "I prefer Alain
school in the last days of February, because he explains better. Alain
H Alain joined our school; once said: "I like looking
he has joined our class at all the unit because
E because our previous
teacher of Social
like this, you can put
everything from the unit

R Studies has gone on

sick leave.
in the exam".

S Alain has come to

We have had two
different teachers with
substitute her, he two different methods.
teaches with his Neither is better nor
method. He likes to worse than the other,
look at all the unit, with they are just different.
Arantza instead, we did the exam Daniel Gonzlez
based on what she said but also
Unbeatable security in school
Now the school is more secure with teenagers
Mentxu, the new incorporation to the running, jumping
school crew guards. She is always doing and having fun,
the right things to keep the peace in the but if I have to
work area. Her work is hard because call their
everyday she has to face the students attention or
who are committing an offence against reproach them,
the school laws, but she easily solves all I will do it
the problems to make the school a Guillermo
better place to stay calmed. I like my Gonzlez
work, watching everyday all those

A Picasso at St. Patricks
Las 9th of January, Jon Labiano, a third won five times, I
year student, won a painting competition felt really happy
at Errenteria, which is in the Basque to win it again as
Country. He won in the category between last year I didn't
fourteen and eighteen years. The prize win", he said.
was a box of oils, two canvas and a Ane Albillos
palette. He won with the picture called "
The lost look". " I've participated in this
F competition since I was eight and I've


The Monday 15th of and Science of Spain and the most
M February we had priced film was Celda 211. The Sanpa
O something to
celebrate at school as
Times asked Ricardo Etura how he feels
about his sister and he commented Im
U Marta Etura, sister of very proud of my sister and looking
Ricardo Etura (a forwards to talk with her and give him
S student of fifth year my congratulations. A week after she
of Primary) won a came to San Sebastian to spend time
Goya for the best with her family. From The Sanpa Times
S supporting actress. we want to give her our real and most
T The Sunday 14th of
February the Goya prices took place in
sincere congratulations.
Edorta Quintanilla
U the Academy of Cinematographic Art

D New Football Star

Cristian Sanz could be the new football he went to see the instalations and he
E star!! This young teenager, aged 13 and a would decide what to do, because its a
N student of S. Patricks has been called
from the Real Madrid and Barcelona FT
very important decision, whether to stay
here, or to go to a school where you are
T because he has a very high level of always playing football, and very little
football, he has got magic in his feet. hours of studying.
S He was called the last month and firstly Jorge Mugica


The student from 3rd Year, Patrick Fuentes, has won a scholarship for next year to go
to a school in Canada, the home of hockey, where he will be able to improve his English
and of course, his hockey. The reason why he has won the scholarship is because after
spending one month in a hockey camp, he will be attending a school next year which is a
lot more expensive than St Patricks. When the school drafted me and asked me to go
there next year it was one of the best moments of my life says Patrick.
Raquel Corvo

3D New Generation
Three dimension films are starting to be more On the
common in cinemas and mostly all of us have other
seen one of those. Most people think that 3- hand
dimension films are too expensive and are you can
practically the same that two dimension films. appreciate
However I think that people who think that better the
have never seen a 3D film. This kind of films special effects.
contribute to feel that you are inside the film When you are
and also the special effects are more watching an action film such as "Avatar" it's

T appreciated. really amazing because you see how the

bullets come towards you and when it's in front
On the one hand 3-dimension films help you to of you another person appears and it kills that
E feel inside the film because it seems like you are
centimeters away of the character. Firstly, you
person instead of you. Moreover, when there
are explosions the fire seems to catch you and

C have a strange feeling when you get that

glasses on, you seem to get into the film as you
are surrounded of it's environment. You start
it looks like if all the auditorium will be burnt.

Based upon what I said previously, three

H having similar feelings to the ones of the real

characters. Secondly when characters move
dimension films are a good example of the
development of special effects that it's taking
towards you you have the strange feeling of place nowadays.
N moving with them and skipping the things they
German Gimnez

O Too Much for Now, but Not for the Future

L For first time in the hall history of the Spanish
students, the Spanish government have started
On the other hand, the students will have to
adapt to a new completely form of studying.

O a new project and the laptops form part of it.

These computers will be free for the schools,
When the younger students grow and they will
start working, they will be a computer addict;
and will take Windows. Perhaps the students will they will need to use the computers for all the
G learn more IT, but the teachers, and themselves
will be affected, perhaps not now, but yes in
things. For example, when they will be asked for
searching in the dictionary for a word, they

Y the future.

On the one hand, the teachers will have lots of

wont know how to do it and they will have to
search the word by the computer. In
conclusion they wont open a book, this is a
problem for giving the class. Firstly, if you want thing that we normally do nowadays without a
to be a teacher, in the degree, you dont study difficulty, but in the future all this will be lost.
how to give class by a computer, so they will
have problems giving the classes, and also the In conclusion, if one of the most common
qualification for being a teacher will have to discussions at houses is the problems with the
change. Secondly, the students will have lots time that you have to be using the computer,
more options for dont paying attention, imagine how will be the future. In my opinion
because they will have the key for lots of web giving a computer to young people is loosing a
pages with video games, social networks... lot of culture.
Miguel Alonso

UP with downloading
Illegal downloading keeps increasing every dont have too much money to spend, and less
year and most of us download things from the on CDs, although the quality is better than if
internet, such as films, songs or photos. A lot of you download it.
people argue that they are losing a lot of
money and that they should censure it. On the other hand, illegal downloading has a
However, I dont agree with this idea because I lot of facilities, for instance, that you get from it
feel that the people who argue in the end also everything you want just counting to 3
download things from the internet. For this independent from where you are. Firstly, if you
reason, I believe downloading should be are a couch-potato, like most of people of our
accepted so we dont have to buy any CDs age, we give an enormous value to the fact of
and also because we get everything we want getting everything you can laying on your bed
pretty quickly just without moving from the or sitting back on the sofa. Secondly, as maybe
couch. the song you want is new, you dont have the

T On the one hand, I feel that downloading

shouldnt be forbidden so we dont have to
guarantee that it will be in the shop, so just with
a few clicks you can have it in a couple of
minutes while you are at home doing other

E spend money buying CDs. When you listen to a

song you like or you see a video you would like

To conclude, illegal downloading will help us to

to have on your iPod, the first thing you do is
C think of download it; you dont think of going
and buying a CD of the artist. This is due to the
save some money and also to have in the palm
of our hands everything we want.

H fact that they are too expensive, and we,

young people, Pablo Herrero

N The Modern Era loves Modern

L Warfare
Call of Duty, the Worlds best selling first person clans and take part in different types of

O shooter, has recently released the latest version

of their Modern Warfare series. The Worlds
gaming community has been bedazzled by it
competitions. Not to mention the fact that you
can even make money! In order to do this you
just have to be a good player, record your

G and has considered it the best video-game of

all time. I, as part of this community, feel the
same way about this game and would
games and post them on the internet.

Second of all, the amount of challenges and

Y consider it the best game for two reasons: first
because it has gathered a ridiculous amount of
objectives present in the game make it almost
impossible to finish. Most games dont include
online gaming players and second because too many challenges, and as a result, theyre
the number of objectives included in the game easily completed. However, Modern Warfare 2
make it almost impossible to complete. has so many objectives and challenges that
First of all, the COD community is growing as even 6 moths after its release, none of the over
days go by. As a result, you start meeting new 25 million players has completed all of them. In
people and can share your stats with them. addition, Infinity Ward (the developers) have
Furthermore, you can join teams or create released a new map pack just in case anyone
was getting bored of it.

To conclude, I think that people should really

give COD:MW2 a try. Some people might not
like it, but Im sure that the people that did like
it would not hesitate wether or not to buy the
Miguel Horn

so Little Imagination
This year Sony will put in the video games shops I think that Playstation copy the Wii
they news controls. Many people say that this because they see that the movement
controls are funny, but other people say that catch the people, and they want to
Sony is a copycat because this controls are like people buy their consoles and video
Wii controls. And Im with these people. Is very games, and what they do? Copy. They
sad that a big company like Sony resort to do these controls to attack Nintendo. But
copy the others inventions. After the criticism, this isnt the only time that Sony copied

T Wii exceed in sales to Sony, and this is the why

of the coping.
Nintendo, For example PSP has some
similar things Nintendo Ds has , But this

E In 2008, when the new game console Wii

has sold, many people says that this
time Sony became a cheeky copycat.
They copy the Wii controls and put in sales

C console will hasn't succeed because any

body will give money to buy a console
with a excessive prize, I prefer to buy Wii
controls in black color that to buy crude

H imitation of Sony.
who was like Game Cube, But Nintendo
put his console in millions . But that When the imagination isnt use, all of us

N people was wrong. When wile we see the

graphics we realize that Wii has sold many
resort to coping the others ideas, and
sometimes, this imitations arent accept.
consoles around the world. Leonardo Vlez
L Lets give a chance to the
O iPhone killers
Even though the attractive appearance and 5800 carries an incorporated audio system turns

G the high technology of the iPhones tempt the

people to leave their old mobile phones just to
the phone in a portable multimedia player.
On the other hand, this phone has been one of
buy them, I think that if we gave the chance to
Y Nokia, Samsung or other well known
trademarks to develop their products they
the most wanted mobile phones in the year.
With more than a million units sold, it has
beaten a record of the best sold Nokia mobile
would surprise us with hi-technology, modern phone device of the year. In
cell phones, what in other words, would reduce addition, due to its
the necessity of having an iPhone in our lives. popularity it has tried to be
An example is the Nokia 5800 device, which copied all around the world.
includes the most up-to date technology and
has been one of the best sold mobile phones of Based upon the data
the year. provided, I would say that
without a doubt its much
On the one hand, this mobile phones firmware better to wait a few years
is clearly one of the most recent and updated and let these companies
one. It has got loads of sensors and work on their products a bit
sophisticated utilities, which make it able to harder, instead of running to
perform curious and modern applications and the closest Media Markt
games, in addition to those which are store to buy an iPhone.
indispensable in our phones, like the calculator, Pablo Iriarte
the notepad, etc. Secondly, the fact that the

Electrical Ecological
We all know that pollution is a very worrying dont need to go fast and the technological
problem nowadays. Nearly every family has advances allow the driver not to charge the
more than one car and many people think the electrical engine. It recharges with the
traditional petrol-run cars are the best, but they movement of the wheels, while the petrol
havent realized that hybrid cars, the ones that engine is being used. In addition, the electrical
use oil and electricity, can help to reduce the engine does not make nearly any noise, so it is
number of accidents and also reduce the also a good idea for concrete jungles where
pollution on Earth. noise pollution is astonishing.
T Hybrid cars can be of much help to reduce the
number of accidents. This is because they dont
To conclude with, I think hybrid cars are our
escape from destroying the Earths

E run as fast as a pure petrol-run car, so they are

less prone to crash. As a result, there arent as
environment and are a good idea that will take
some time to become popular. However, Im
many fines as before, so we have more money. sure in the future we will all tend to buy hybrid
C Moreover, these cars are an innovating idea
against pollution. They use electricity when they
Martn Cabello

N Beauty comes from
O Photoshop
L When we see famous people in the magazines
we all think about how pretty they are, how
because it can sometimes lead to serious
problems with our image.

O On the one hand, I would affirm that

Photoshop is the best tool to make people feel
G unhappy with their bodies. Firstly they make a
non-existent concept of beauty by making you

Y think you have to look perfect, like a top model

to be pretty.

On the other hand, Photoshop has other

negative consequences. As everybody knows,
people, especially teenagers use celebrities as
their role model. As a result, there are lots of
anorexia cases. But not only common people
are affected, top models are also the victims of
this unreal concept of beauty.

In conclusion, we should try to understand that

our appearance isnt the most important thing.
perfect they look and we wish we looked like We have to learn to live with our defects,
them. I dont believe that using Photoshop for because nobody is perfect, and think that
this type of things is the most appropriate thing, probably they are what make us be different.
because they make us think that if we dont Carlota Romero
look like models we are not pretty and

School Exchanges,
definitively a good idea
School exchanges are nowadays a very On the one hand, school exchanges have
common activity in our lives. Some people think cultural benefits. Firstly, they give us the chance
that they are bad because they believe to visit new countries we haven't been in
teenagers only use them to before. Furthermore, we can try new food
have much more different to ours, which we may like
or dislike but which is different to the one we
eat in our daily lives.

On the other hand, they are also positive for

our social live. To begin with, school exchanges

are a great opportunity to practice language,
both to improve orally and listening. Orally
because you have to talk to people there and
listening because they also talk to you. In

c addition, they also help us make new friends

from other countries which is very useful
because in the future we might need to go

h there and it would be easier if you already had

friends there.

parties For the above reasons I strongly believe that
and don't going to school. going on school exchanges is a very positive
However I disagree with this because they help activity and that people should go more on
teenagers both culturally and socially. them.

o Ane Albillos

l Mixed schools
Some people think mixed schools are bad be- girls and boys. Firstly, if mixed schools were
cause of the boys behaviour towards girls is separated, girls and boys would decrease
rude , and due to some opinions of girls saying socially and they would learn how to avoid
that girls should go to single schools in order to each other, girls would think all boys want to
develop their knowledge. rape them or something like that. Whats the
Fortunately, in our point of making someone have fear?
school those things Furthermore, I know girls are really bad with
dont happen, so others sometimes, so boys, in same way, are
in m opinion distractions to not to do that, or the opposite.
mixed schools
are good On the other hand mixed schools are like real
because life, you learn how to live in with all the people
they help us even though you are not going to live in with
to socialize them in the future. Mixed schools help you to
and learn be less shy and more open. Shows how boys
how to live and girls can have relationships and break
in together. them, they prepare you.

On the one So, I think mixed schools are a good idea, they
hand mixed prepare us for real life and make us see things
schools have like friendships better.
some benefits for Isabel Keller

In recent years more and more people have On the other hand it may not be the correct
started eating only green and non-cholesterol decision to follow a diet which is based only in
food which doesnt come from an animal. part of the food pyramid. Firstly, they dont even
However it may not be as healthy as a try meats which taste delicious. Furthermore
balanced diet would be and we could make they will be finding it hard to find restaurants
the wrong decision living all our lives on salads. which can pleasure them.

On the one hand it might be bad for your To sum up, you are allowed decide to be
health. In the first place you dont receive all vegetarian, but, in my opinion, you should think
the nutrients that your body needs, such as it carefully before starting. Nevertheless, I think
proteins, which many of them are found on there is no point in wasting our lives just
beef meat. In addition, some people even because you feel sorry for an animal which
have to resort to the algae to try to get the would eat you if it was hungry.

proteins they need which they cant find in the Adriana Ezpeleta

English Food Sucks!

o England has become a multiracial society in the
last years and traditional English restaurants are
disappearing. Is this due to the taste and fame of

the traditional English dishes? For this reason I think
that English food is very basic and unhealthy.

On the one hand English food is very basic. In

England you always have boiled potatoes with

strange sauces with nearly every dish or English
traditional baked beans. Furthermore, vegetables
are always boiled, making their food too dry. For
example instead of having fried potatoes with
meat they have boiled potatoes.

On the other hand they eat too much unhealthy

food. Firstly, English children eat too much junk
food, actually in the United Kingdom 23% of the
population suffers from obesity according to The United Kingdom is the 3rd
world's most obese country. Secondly, their food is
very greasy. As a result, this causes more obesity.
Thirdly, they eat too much chocolate. The English
chocolate is very good but this doesn't mean that
you have to eat it all the time.

For the above reasons, I strongly believe that

English food is terrible. So when someone tells you
that if you go to the United Kingdom you will eat
very bad, believe them because it's true. Don't
forget to try the chocolate!
Almudena Gonzalez

Sports effort
We all do P.E. at school, and most of the days arent any teams and we cant play because
play football or basketball. In my opinion that is there are not any
great if you do it once or twice a month, but, facilities. Maybe, it
do the teachers know that we want to try other would be a good
things? Or is it because they dont know that idea to learn other
some people like more sports of other sports from other
countries? places and
compare them to
On the one hand the classes could be ours.
different. If we always do the same things we There is no doubt
may get bored. Because we might be fed up that we need to
with monotony. I also think its important to change some things

Sshow the pupils that good things are not the

ones that the majority of the people like, in this
case basketball and football.
in our life, and trying
new experiences is
always good for

On the other hand, the typical sports from other you.
countries. Ive heard about some people that Ana Alonso
would like to practice baseball, and because it
is a typical sport from America, here there


TIn my opinion, Fernando Alonso is the best
On the one hand, Fernando Alonso is a very
good driver. He is a very good because he has

SFormula 1 driver in the world because he drives been driving since he was very young. As a
very well and clean and because he has a result, he has lots of experience and he has
great team. very developed and fast reflexes. He knows
very well the rules and he always respects
them, he is one of the cleanest drivers ever
because he has ran in lots of Grand Prix without
crashing his car.

On the other hand, he also has a very good

team to rely on. Ferrari, his team, nowadays is
one of the best teams in all the
Championship. This team has won the most
number of world constructors
championship. Felipe Massa, his teammate
is very friendly and he always helps
Fernando overcome difficulties.

For the above reasons, I strongly believe that

Fernando Alonso is the best Formula one driver
in the world and that he's in one of the best
Daniel Gonzlez

Big Cat or Dirty Rat?
We all know about Tiger Woods secret
romances, and we all have different opinions
about what he has done. Most people think
that he has done things that are unforgivable
and they also think that he mustnt return to the
competition world. But I dont think the same,
although he has done very bad things and his
family will never be the same as before, he has
declared what he has done in public and

S apologized about it. So I think that he has really

good skills and hes a very good person.

First of all, his skills on golf are really good,

P because he has won loads of championships,

either local or world ones and thats why he
had to return to this world. All of the golf players

O are jealous of him and if he hadnt return, he

would disappoint all the fans too. He has been
during some years the best golf player in the
world and hes a role model to follow.

R Tiger Woods has always been an inspiration to

us because he is an inspiration through hard
To finish with, most of the people who watch
golf are really happy because he has return
and we all hope he never leaves the golf

T work and he is really a strong man, despite all

of the problems and rumors that have been
circulating through the whole world.
Jorge Mgica

S Million Euros Spent, but no Titles at the End

Everyone knows how bad Real Madrid did this under Barcelona in the Spanish league with 5
year. All the money which Florentino spent on matches to the end.
the new important figures who signed a
contract with Real Madrid, havent give them Moreover, the teams supporters are very sad
any titles at all. Since Florentino came every fan with the team. Every Real Madrid supporter
of Real Madrid was really excited and was had a lot of illusion because the Champions
looking forward for paying back last years Leagues final is in Santiago Bernabu and it
Barcelonas humiliation to them. Despite was a beautiful dream to win it and beat
signing new important figures Real Madrid Barcelona this year. The thing went from bad to
hasnt won any titles and Real Madrid worse a little bit by a little bit and now we are
supporters are really fed up with the team. all upset with this Real Madrid.

Florentino is not the problem. Although he tried In my opinion, as Florentino said just at the
his best, and most of the players also did, most beginning of the year, this Real Madrid is just a
of Real Madrid supporters agree in that prototype of the Real Madrid we are going to
Pellegrini is the cause of the disaster of the new see the next ages. They are making up as a
era. Real Madrid first, lost the Copa Del Rey group and so they have to be some time
versus Alcorcn which is which is a third working together to start playing as well as
Spanish divisional team. Then he lost the Barcelona does.
Champions league versus a simple Lyon who Marcos Montero
didnt play very well. Finally, hes now 1 point

Goodbye to Sun Umbrella and Shade J

If you ask every single student of St. Patricks always leave your stuff there so they do not get
school, you will probably discover that a lot of dirty with sand.
them have a sun shade or sun umbrella in one
of San Sebastian beaches and more probably In addition, sometimes it is more comfortable to
in La Concha. This year, the government has sit in a chair instead of lying in the floor.

decided to remove all the sun umbrellas and Furthermore in really hot sunny days, it is really
more than half of the sun shades of La grateful to have a shadow to stand on.
Concha. This is due to the fact that the law
says that it is banned to have any type of Secondly, they are very good to leave your

O construction less than 6 meters from the sea.

Unfortunately, when there is high tide, there are
less than 6 meters. In my opinion, this is a stupid
stuff there without the fear of being robbed.
Nowadays, there is quite a big amount of
robbers who rob especially in the beach.

decision because they are a tradition in San Having a sun shade, implicates having a sort of
Sebastian and make the beach look really neighbors, who can look at your stuff while you
good and because sun shades are really good are in the water. Moreover, those days when
to have chairs to sit down on, and to leave the beach is overbooking, you always have a

I your bags without having the fear of being

free gap to lie down.

To conclude, the government has made a

Firstly, having a sun shade or umbrella are really stupid decision because sun shades and
useful because you have chairs to sit down on. umbrellas are very useful for leaving your stuff,
Having chairs is very useful because you can having chairs and a shadow.
Juan Lizarribar

Y Beach City Life
Nowadays there are a lot of different cities and have. In San Sebastian we are very lucky in that
we are able to choose the kind of city we we don't have just one beach, we have three
would like to live in. Some are big and others as well as the island, which has an incredible
are small, there are beach cities and cities birdlife. Secondly, in the beach you have
without a beach. In my opinion, the last fact I plenty of space to go for a walk and swim, you
mentioned, having or not having a beach, is don't have limits, while people who only have
extremely important. Some people think that swimming pools don't have that facility.
having a local swimming pool is enough, but
I'm sure that that is because they have never On the other hand, if you live in a city with a
been on a good beach. Living in a beach city beach you are able to practice aquatic sports
gives you the opportunity of being in contact during the whole year. There are a wide variety
with nature and you are able to practice of sport
aquatic sports all year round. s that people can practice. People that live in
beach cities can choose any sport they want,
On the one hand, beach city life gives you the this includes surfing, bodyboarding, swimming,
opportunity of being in contact with nature. fishing and others, which keep us very healthy.
Firstly, being able to be in contact with nature
every day, touching the sand and having a In conclusion, beach city life is very good and
beautiful view of the sea is an incredible gives you a lot of advantages.
experience that not all the people in the world Raquel Corvo

In sure that everyone is looking forward to the take our motivation and effectivity, so our
summer holidays and I agree that, after a hard marks go down. The fault, not enough holidays.

H and long period of time working the best thing

is to rest for some months. However, not
everyone agrees in how many days we need.
Another wrong thing of the holidays is the
homework. Some teachers still setting us loads

O Often parent complain that we have too many

days to rest and their kids dont agree. In my
opinion, I totally believe that we need more
of homework for summer with the excuse that
we are going to forget what we have done
along the year. The true thing is that every

L holidays in order to rest more and to have

enough time to make our homework.
student does it at September, a time were we
are exhausted so finally no one has time to
finish them.

I Although summer is synonymous with waking

up late, we don't stop. If we aren't in a camp
we are at the beach or at a party, in other
In conclusion, I believe that we need more
holidays because they bring lots of benefits to
us and because we have more days to relax

D words, very busy and when the summer holiday

ends we realize that we are very tired and we
haven't rest enough. Furthermore, this feeling
and have fun with friends and will also benefit
to the teachers.
Edorta Quintanilla

S believe that smoking hurts your health and
destroys your social life if it is taken very far.

Firstly, smoking does bad to your health. As the

cigarette box itself says, Smoking kills. We all

know that smoking steals your life little by little,
as some studies say, a cigarette equivalents to
five minutes less of your life. You often start with

a cigarette, just for curiosity, to know what you
feel. However, you finish taking drugs, which is
the same or even worse. Furthermore, you
arent conscious that when you smoke you are

D not damaging other people too, they breath

your smoke.

A further point is that your social life is also
destroyed. Every time you go outdoors to
smoke a cigarette, you are leaving your

company alone and start getting bored of you.
People that take drugs use to get in touch with
others that are not really nice and that dont
look good, such us drug dealers and yankees.

B Smoking nowadays has become part of a daily

routine not only of old people but teenagers
too. We can feel good and relax whilst we
As a consequence of this, their real friends
dont accept their knew mates and break up
their relationship.

have a cigarette in our hands and the problem
is that we don't realize that it is not doing Although you dont stop to think about
anything productive. Whereas it is very harmful. any of these things, unfortunately it is the

Some people don't give it importance and truth, so use your intelligence and stop
keep smoking but in my opinion they are going smoking!!
through the wrong way. For this reason, I Mara Fernndez

Being Beautiful is Painful
Nowadays there are lots of teenagers that On the other hand you can also have health
want to be models, but they dont realize that it problems. If you are a model you have to be
is a very complicated and problematic world. thin and lots of them are obsessed with their
In my opinion being a model is not a good idea bodies, but this causes mayor problems like
because you can have health and social anorexia or bulimia. Traveling a lot and having
problems. to much pressure makes lots of models take
drugs. Drugs also make you be less social.

B On the one hand being a model affects you

socially. As you travel a lot they meet lots of
people but most of those people only want to
take advantage of them. The other
To conclude I think that it is much better not to
be a model because it has more negative than
positive features.

A disadvantage of traveling a lot is that you miss

your beloved relatives because of your
constant trips.
June Arrieta

I Animal extinction is a complex matter, and
most of us regard it as a puny consequence of
danger of boiling. A fact to point out, is that
with our change, other species will also survive.

poaching or over-hunting, but what if I told you
As a conclusion, I must say that it is paramount
that our future is not so clear, that those who
for us to change. Because once we go too far,
live on will be in a predicament similar to the
there is no coming back, and in total darkness
one current-day polar bears are in. Change is
no miraculous candle will light the way.

needed in order for this not to happen, we
Patrick Fuentes
must learn how to respect our planet, for it will
bring benefits for us and it will guarantee our
survival and that of other species.

On the one hand, regarding planet Earth with

respect will bring great benefits. People will not
pollute as much, and little by little, step by step
planet Earth will recover from its grievous
injuries. As a result, we will learn to behave with
planet Earth and develop a less care-free
attitude towards the environment.

On the other hand, respecting our planet will

guarantee our survival. As we grow wiser and
more caring, the atmosphere will become
replenished and we shall no longer be in

Interview with Maria, the new music teacher
Maria Lobero, the new music teacher in St Patricks has lend us some minutes to talk us
about her studies, her teaching life in our school and her experience as a musician.
What was your life at ten I had to study No, as Ive said, I
school like? Did you have seventeen years, was sure. I didnt
any favourite subjects? since I was eight. mind to be music
I didnt stand out for my Where did you study? teacher or play in a
marks, but I wasnt the I studied my band but I wanted to
worst at school. Ive always teaching degree work in something
loved art, music, of course, in Bilbao but I related to music.
and I also enjoyed maths studied violin Is there anybody in
and biology. But I detested here in San your family who also
P.E. because I was awful at Sebastian has a musical job?
sports. and in Pam- Yes my sister as I said
plona. my used to play the pi-
Did you enjoy music Was it practical or ano.
classes when you were at did you have to study mu- Did you work in other
school?How did you know sic history also? places before coming to St
you wanted to study mu- Really, we studied Patricks?
sic when you finished quite a lot of history Yes, I worked and I
school? When did you re- in both, in the teach- continue working as
alise? ing and in the violin a violin teacher in
Since I was little I degree. the conservatory.
knew I wanted to We know you dislike What experience did you
study music, but my teaching us music history get from those other
father wanted me to nowadays but, did you schools?
do economics, so I like studying it at univer- Do you enjoy working at
had to make a big sity? St Patricks?
decision. I didnt mean I dis- Of course, I believe
Was it an easy decision? liked music history anything new that
Not really, but my but at that time I you learn is good for
sister played the pi- thought modern you.
ano and loved music music was much Do you work as anything
as much as me, so more entertaining else or do you have any
she encouraged me than Gregorian mu- other jobs?
to learn the violin sic, but when you get Yes I give privet classes of
degree. older you under- violin in the conservatory.
What was your first expe- stand that it was What do you think this
rience of university like? other view of the school is like?
It was good, it music and people I like it; I think it has
wasnt something thought it was really some good facilities
from the other interesting. which students need
world, but I enjoyed When you finished your for a good formation.
it. degree was you sure you In your opinion, are we
How long was your music wanted to be a teacher? good students?
degree? Not really, I just did Well, some of you, I
Well, the teaching the teaching degree wont say all of you
degree was quite to have a job if I as a whole.
short, just three didnt find my way Do you think we have a
years but as the law as a violinist. good level of music
changed while I was Is it easy to decide what knowledge?
doing my violin de- you want to work at? I think you have all
gree, so instead of the musical knowl-

edge that students of the instruments sound I have started some
your age should shows the musicians per- days ago with my
have. sonality. Most of the violin- friends but nothing
Would you like us to have ists (I dont include myself) important.
a higher level? are vain and want to show Have you ever played in a
Not really, I dont themselves to the world, concert? In which con-
think it would make but the violas sound cert? In the San Sebas-
a big difference. sounds much more shy and tians orchestra? As a
Do you think music timid. lead violinist
classes at school are Which one do you prefer, (concertino)?/would you
enough or do you think to the classical violin or the like to?
be a good music player a electrical violin? Why? No I havent, Im
student should study at a The electrical one, it willing to do it, but I
conservatory? sounds more mod- wouldnt be the con-
Of course not, the ern and natural. certino, Im to shy.
classes at St Pat- Do you know who in- Do you get nervous when
ricks are sufficient vented the electrical vio- you play for of loads of
for a minimum lin? When? people?
knowledge of music, As we know you play the Yes, I use to get
but not for dedicat- violin and the harp, do really red.
ing your life for mu- you play any other in- Could you explain us what
sic. strument in you private do you mean by: I have
Are you looking forward life? an absolute ear?
to any other jobs, leaving No, but I would like It means that when
St Patricks? to, I am looking for- you hear a piece of
I wont stay a lot of ward to it. music without the
time at St Patricks, How much time do you lyrics, I dont hear
Im just here to sub- spend practicing the vio- sound; I hear notes,
stitute Maria, the lin and the harp? which makes it
last music teacher, Now I dont practice, much easier to play
but when she recov- I think I know to the violin after-
ers I will return to play the violin really wards. However,
my violin classes in well but a year ago I sometimes it can
the conservatory. used to practice distract you and you
three or four hours a dont appreciate the
Why did you choose to day, which
play the violin? Did you is less than
try any other instrument my class-
before? mates did.
I didnt try any Do you have
other instruments, friends who also
and at that moment have a job related
violin was really to music?
known. Some of
As the violin and the viola them yes,
are very similar, why are but others
there so few viola play- dont like
ers? What do you think? too much
I think its just because vio- music. music as other per-
lin it is more known and Do you play in a band? son would do.
also because I believe that Would you like to?/Do you By Adriana Ezpeleta
enjoy it?

Interview with Igone Arrazola, English teacher

Igone is the English teacher of the secondary school. The Sampa Times met with
her to get some interesting information about her
studies, her personal life and her perspective of school.

It is a very difficult
Are you proud of your question It could be see
achievements in
academic area? the world become a
I am. I think I started peaceful place.
What was your first
project years ago that at impression of this
now are very successful school?
and also Im very proud of My first impression was
the relationship behind the seen the school like a
other teachers, because prison. The first thing that
Were did you study? they help me a lot and I I saw is a teacher used a
I did my firs studies in learn a lot of them key to open doors. I was
Victoria and before I went Would describe surprised.
to Salamanca yourself? Had you notice any
When you were young, I would describe myself as changes since you
were you interested in a very shy person who started teaching at
English? doesnt like describes her school?
Yes, in general I was self. Yes, we work more than
interested in languages. I Do you think you have before and the things
studied French first and I had a lucky life? become more complicated
fell more comply speaking I think so. I think I have than before.
French than speak English. lucky life, but I also think What would you
Whitch subjects did that you are lucky when change in the
you find more difficult you try hard and doing education system?
at school? things well. I work hard. I would change the
I found difficult history and When you try doing well emphasis on reading and
Why? you can be lucky, but, in writing, we did too much
I didnt like memorizing general, I think that I have emphasis in those skills
battles, conflicts between a lucky life.. and many students do
countries; and physics What was the best much better one of this
because I found difficult to moment or your life? skills than other.
understand the problems. I dont think there is a Are happy with your
When you were a beast moment in life. I students?
teenager did you want think that the life is a long I am, I think that there are
to become an English travel and that travel has a friendly people, in general.
teacher? lot of good and bad And when I am not happy
Never. I didnt want to moments and I cant with them is very often is
become a teacher, but it choose the beast. I think because, is not they form,
already changed. I want to that the beast moment is they are part of society
be a translator, but in that when you realized that that makes, may be, the
time you couldnt study your life is good. kind of persons they are;
translation in Spain. You What is your dream? but in general I'm happy
had to go to other with them.
European countries.

Josemi Virto, the P.E teacher in Saint was the one who gave me a job as a P.E
Patricks English school is lively, cheerful teacher here at the school.
and a very successful teacher. He has
taught and advised generations of 5. Youve spent a great deal of time
students that have attended this school working for the school, has it been what
and has always been generous with his you thought it would be in the first place?
Fortunately, he has taken some time to I have to admit, it has never let me down.
answer some of our questions and learn a I guess its as good as schools get; and Ill
bit more about his imminent retirement. always love it as it is.

1. We all know that lots of people like 6. Anyway, as you dont normally work in
sports, but had you always been attracted a classroom; you probably develop a
by the idea of teaching P.E to young closer relationship with the students. Do
students? you keep in touch with any students that
have already left school?
Not really, I mean: It wasnt my childhood
dream, but as events turned out, I ended Not really, Im not really into writing e-
up teaching something I had always loved mails and stuff like that. However, when
and cherished: Sport. we met in the street there is an
affectionate meeting where I ask them
2. So I suppose that you were a great what has been going on with their lives.
sports person when you were at school?
7. Do you know of any of them who have
Yes, I loved all kinds of sports. What really followed in your footsteps?
attracted me though, was handball. I
guess, I was good and thats why I always Yes there are many who currently are, P.E
enjoyed myself when I played. Its a fast- teachers. Theres Javier Botamino, Pablo
paced game which was really exhilarating Carrera, Eukeni Lpez and Jon Villos.
in my younger days. Even now though, I
can still play. Something, that bewilders 8. I know its not the best of subjects, but
many people is the fact that we won the were all eager to know when your
Old-timer World Handball cup in 1994. retirement will take place. Dont get me
wrong though, its because we want you to
3. What about your teaching life, were you stay. Have you decided yet?
an S.S native, or did you come here to
make a living? Fortunately for you, I still have about 3
years ahead of me before I retire,
No, I was actually born in Falces, Navarra. provided that the law isnt modified.
I came here when I was 7 years old; my
parents travelled here in search of work, With this short interview we have been
and I was dragged here with them. able to learn something more about
JOSEMI VIRTO, arguably, the best teacher
4. When was the first time you made in school.
contact with St Patricks English School?

It happened in 1980. Paco Sainz, a

member of the directive committee of the
school was actually my neighbor and he


Elena Trecu is our well-know Art teacher. She came to school lots of years ago and nowadays
is married with the Maths teacher Josean. The Sanpa Time has interviewed her to know more
about her past, school relationships and painting life.

Where were you born? retire or would you like to paintings were I only draw
I was born in Deba, try a different thing? what Im told to.
Guipuzcoa. No, after lot of years work- Do you listen to music
How has been your child- ing at St-Patricks Im not while you are painting?
hood like? think about changing of Yes I do, but I never is clas-
Very good. I am the fourth job so, I suppose that I will sical music.
of six brothers and sisters stay. What technique do you use
so I had lot of people who And what are you going to when you are painting?
play with. Nevertheless, I do when you retire? That depends on the paint-
was known because of my If I could I would travel ing and the message, but
bad temper. around the world. I have al- the one I use most is the oil
Where did you studied? ways wanted to go to Italy. technique.
My older brothers and sis- How is your relationship Your paintings are inspired
ters studied abroad but I with Josean like? by something real or it
went to a nuns school in Excellent, what do you ex- comes out from your head?
Zarautz. I studied high pect after 23 years of mar- Often I paint landscapes or
school at a boarding school. riage? people but when I paint
At university, I started Do you think that being something that come from
studying Law, then Tour- married with another my head I need more time
ism and finally I end up teacher can damage your and it is more difficult.
graduating at Fine Arts. way of work?
Did you used to get good No, I think that is even bet-
marks? ter. At home we have some-
Well, at school I was a little thing to talk about.
bit naughty but I usually
pass everything. Who is your favorite
Where you good at drawing painter?
since you where little? I dont know, the are so
Yes, I used to love it and many. For example Van
now I still do. Gogh, Monet, Renoir from
many others.
When did you start work- Where do you take the in-
ing at St-Patricks? spiration from when you
After finishing my Fine are painting?
Arts career, I spend one I dont need inspiration,
year working at an art only thinking what I want
studio. When I left that job I to paint and what message I
started working here. want to give with that
And are you going to work painting. Furthermore,
in St. Patrick until you sometimes I make asked

Interview to John Philips
This interview has been done to John Philips, the Sanpa Times has interviewed him in order
to know more things about his past when he was at school, his present situation and his
future plans.
1. Were the schools harder in 5. For you what are the less holidays to think about that
your era? How harder? problematic classes, and the question.
Yes, they were physically, we most?
suered. The teachers gave us I think there are not less 7. How do you see the school a
physical punishments. I problematic classes, there are few years later?
remember being hit with sticks, problems in all areas. I hear I think, in terms of size it can be
bamboo, cricket bats and from things about infants, primary, more or less the same size, it
the head in dierent ways. secondary and baccalaureate. I can be similar for pupils, perhaps
wouldnt say there is one we will have more foreign pupils in
2. How did you decided to be a particular area without the school coming from dierent
teacher? problems; there are problems all parts of the world. We want to
By accident, I have studied over the school of all kinds build the gymnasium, we would
English in university, then I found obviously. like to have a new gymnasium in
myself in Spain and I had the two or three years time, it would
opportunity to teach here and be something important for
that is how I finished in San everybody in the school. Other
Sebastin. purpose is to put digital white
boards in all classes.
3. When you did first came to Technologically it would be
the school? beer. I would also like to see
When I started to work in the pupils playing more positive part
school I think it was 1992, I in the school, things like that.
have been in San Sebastian
before that for many years, I did 8. What do you want to do when
work in San Jorge for 3 years you retire?
which no longer exists and then I I would like to do more things
worked in an English school. than rest, I would like to spend
time doing things I like doing at
4. Do you want to be the school the moment.
director until you retire?
Im not sure about that, it 9. Do you want your daughters
depends on the big question to follow the same steps as
when I retire. At the moment you?
some teachers are retiring and In some ways yes, in other ways
pre-retiring at the age of sixty no; because they both got
and Im fifty four and Ill be fifty dierent professions. One of my
five this year, if I could pre-retire daughters works as a social
when I am sixty perhaps I could 6. Nowadays, how do you see the worker and other is economist
continue until I finish, but if I am school? and she is working in an oce,
here until 65 I dont know Its a very dicult question! It perhaps I would like to them to
whether I would be headmaster depends on the day, on what has do some things I did or perhaps I
that long and this depends not happened; sometimes I leave wouldnt like them to do some
only on me, it depends because it feeling optimistic, and I dont things I did. By Guillermo
is a decision of the school board think Ive been in this job long Gonzlez
would have been take in future. enough to distance my thoughts
from it. Perhaps I need a good

Interview with Susie Ephgrave
1ST Section: Past life
Where did you study? dont ever be teacher, its the hardest job in the
-In lots of different places. I studied when I was world but I changed my mind when I came to
young, very young in East Africa and then later San Sebastian. First I started teaching English
on in England. in private classes. And then somebody said why
When you where young, where did you live? dont you come to teach in the English school
-In East Africa until I was 15 and then in so I thought that I needed to give a course in
England until I was 20. order to go to a school, so I had to learn how to
When did you come to San Sebastian to live teach English and then I went to the old English
and what made you decide to come here? School and finally Saint Patricks asked me to
-I cant remember, a long long time ago, over come so I came here.
30 or more years ago. I came because I had a Do you have any amazing anecdote, or
Spanish boyfriend who was in the Milli, in the experience that you can tell me?
army, in Candanchu skiing station -I have loads Daniel and I tell
and he asked why dont you them to my classes all time and I
come. He knew some people from think they are amazing and
San Sebastian and he said that interesting but I think my classes
they were very nice. He was think they are silly and boring. I
Catalan but he had lots of vasque think that I have to tell you the
friends and he visited San anecdotes at the right moment
Sebastian and he said it was really when it is on the right context
pretty, and why dont you come because now I cant remember
here to San Sebastian? any and I say nothing. And then I
When did you decide that you remember interesting things that
wanted to be a teacher? had happened to me but Im sure
-To be honest I never really was that if you are in my class you
kind to be a teacher, my father might hear those stories.
was a teacher and he said to me,

2ND Section: Present situation

Do you have any hobbies? visiting places and I like history, finding about
-Yes I like the cinema very much, and I like their history. I like reading.
walking in the countryside. In fact Im going Which are your three favorite sports?
on a walking holiday in the Alps, in summer, in -At the moment I suppose I take swimming,
July. I also go swimming thats more than some walking and I used to love skiing but I havent
exercise or a simple hobby, its something that I been for many years now.
do and need to do and I love it. Yeah I like Which is your favorite year?

-I love teaching all of ESO, I prefer ESO to Do you know how many classes do you have a
primary, and I would like to teach Bachiller. week?
We went last month to Southampton. At first, -23 hours which means that you have to double
were you excited? that number because there are another 23 hours
-Yes, but I enjoy taking students to England and of work. Every hour of class means an hour of
I enjoy being in my country and I think they work outside class.
find it strange and I understand that. Isnt that too much?
What is the thing you most like about England? -Yes I think thats too much, here Im being
-I love the English countryside and I love really serious, because educating people needs
visiting places in the English countryside. I also lots of attention. And you have to do a lot of
love London, I think its a magnificent city, I things very quickly and not very well, and I
dont know it as well as Id like to know it but I think its too much.
love it.

3RD Section: Future life

Do you want to keep working at St-Patricks interesting things to show me. And I love
school until you get retired or would you like to Barcelona.
go to your hometown to work there? Would you change something about this school
-Yeah, keep working here, but I dont really or would you leave it as it is now?
have a hometown, to me San Sebastian is -I would change lots of things to make it better
almost my hometown. for the students and for the teachers, I would
If you could go somewhere to visit, where like smaller classes, fewer people in the class,
would you go? more material for the equipment and mainly
-Id like to go back to East Africa, I would like more time to develop and for preparing each
to visit New York and I love Europe, the capital class.
cities of Europe I think they have a lot of BY DANIEL GONZALEZ

Interview with Enrique Sdaba

Enrique Sdaba, is one of the most recognise teachers in school, because of his discipline in class
and obviously because of his very good teaching. He has taken the time to answer some questions
about his past, present and his future plans.
Have you notice any changes between the
Where did you study? students attitudes from years ago to recent
I studied in the Marists, in the years?
saints Mery of Pamplona I think that you are different
more concretely. from other years, perhaps the
When did you start working in St Patricks? treat to you school friends its
I started working in another worse, but this is only my
school in 1975, and I have been opinion.
working here since the school
was founded, in 1976. Which were the things you most like of our
Have you always wanted this job? class?
At the beginning I wanted to be Well, of your group, I have a
a Physical Educations teacher, very good memory, I think you
but I couldnt do it because of were a group very nice group to
my bad style at swimming, so work with and I worked very
I started to study for a teacher comfortable with you. In con-
qualification. clusion I think you worked
Have you always like being a teacher, or do very well.
you mind being in a higher position at
school? Ive heard that in your first years at school
No, I have never pretend being you were a football trainer, is that true?
in a higher position tan I am, I Well, I was the only one that
know that Im not suited for be- knew how to play football. In
ing coordinator, director that years it was only one sport
Is it a lot of change from where you study to that was football. I was teacher
now? and at the same time football
Yes a lot, in all the things; the trainer
treating to the teachers, the sub-
jects that we teach, the form of If they told you to teach older students, what
working. Yes if you think would you say?
I will say no, Im get used of
about it, you realise that it have
change a lot. Now it much better teaching the third cycle of pri-
than before. mary. I think I wont be able to
handle the problems of the sec-

ondary students, because I on- new hire of substitute. I think
luy know to resolve the primary that I will be here until the sixty
problems. years.
What is the class that you like most?
I cant answer that, having into Would you like to have physical education
account that Ive been teaching for the next years?
No, I repeat that Im get used of
so many years. They are groups
teaching maths, Spanish and
that it is easily to teach better
social studies. I think that IBM
and they are other groups that
more comfortable now teaching
are more difficult to teach.
In your opinion, how is doing John Philips at in class that teaching physical
his first year as headmaster? education. With more years it
Well, the work as headmaster is costs you more to teach P.E
a very difficulty job, so we have
How you see the future generations of the
to try to help him in all the
things that we can. Until now I I see them very prepared, nowa-
think that hes doing it very days its much better than be-
well. fore, the clue is that we see ex-
What is tour favourite subject to teach?
students that now have good
Well I like two subjects Social
works and we often see them
studies and Maths, but with the
here with their Childs.
one that I feel more comfortable
is Maths.
Do you still going to your students football Can you tell us some anecdote?
One of my first years I got ter-
Well, I go less often that I did
rified when one of my ex-students got
before, but when I can go I dont
an epileptic attack, and I got so
miss a match.
nervous that I didnt knew what to
Until what year are you going to be working
here? do.Afterward they told me that I have
I dont have to much time at to put him a strong object in his
this school, it depends in the mouth.

One of my ex-students
got an epileptic attack
said Enrique.

Tim Buckwell - Inter-
When did you come from
England? I came from Eng- When did come to you the Why did you choose to do a
land like 12 years ago idea of making a school magazine instead of some-
magazine? The idea came to thing else like a newspaper or
Did you come as a student me like 3 or 4 years ago and a TV programme? Because I
or as a teacher ready to John told me the idea of hav- think its a way of killing two
teach? I came as a teacher. I ing this Intensification classes birds with one stone, its a
was a qualified teacher. which were extra English way of doing two activities at
classes, and he suggest I the same time and one is that
When did you start in Saint cant remember to be honest, we get to use computers, you
Patricks? Did you start in I really cant remember! But I have exposed to the Macin-
Saint Patricks as a secondary think the suggestion was more tosh computers, which I think
teacher or in another post?I writing than other things, so I are interesting, and Its inter-
came 7 years ago and I came thought why dont we do a esting been able to use them, I
as a secondary school teacher. magazine, and Ive been think that you like the artistic
working on it the last 3 or 4 element to do it and the crea-
If you could choose a class years, but its been quite cha- tive element. On the other
to be the tutor of what class otic at times hand, I think the other thing
would you choose and why? you do is writing, I love writ-
eerm thats a difficult ques- Did the other teachers sup- ing and I thought it would be
tion, I mean, every year group port your idea of making a good for you to have an op-
has different challenges new magazine at first? I portunity to write things, so
Last two years I was in sec- think that everybody thought you can also practice for the
ond of ESO I actually think it was a good idea, yes, the F.C.E. and you can also write
that is the easiest group to be teachers and the school has about your own opinions of
the tutor of, and so I quite like been very supportive, John your own ideas, I think its
that because I do quite like has been very supportive, and important that you have an
having an easy job in that as- the school have bought Mac- opportunity to express your
pect but I also think 3rd year intosh computers, and so they ideas, and you have a place
and 4th year, theyre per- have invested money. I think where your opinions and
haps more difficult at times, most of the teachers have ideas can be expressed, so I
but I think is more reward- been very happy with that, I thought a magazine was per-
ing think in the first magazine fect.
there were 1 or 2 articles that
Do you know that answer the director of the school Sure, you dont have that op-
will be polemic? Why? I didnt like but that was a long portunity to express yourself
dont want to offend any- time ago and Ive learnt from in a newspaper, Our magazine
body! those mistakes. also include news stories,

however, I think thats also ter and more interesting arti-
good, I mean, we dont nor- Me no,because, as a writer, I cles.
mally get news stories but I know you help me and I
learn lots of things about the know you take part on it but We have seen the excellent
school, that I would never the readers dont know that. results of our magazine,
learnt if we wouldnt have Yes, well I will consider it, I what do you think about
them. have never thought of it, I publishing it so that every-
think I do some work on it but one in San Sebastian could
What advantages and dis- once I show you how to for- read it? I would love to do
advantages does it have to mat and I told you that you that but it would cost a huge
have kids writing a full have this rules you have to do amount of money. The sum-
magazine? this, this, this and this, once I mer edition that were going
Its a different perspective, a show you what I want, after- to print will cost like 15 euros
perspective that I dont have. wards I dont do anything ex- per copy, I would love to do it
I read and hear, which I think cept that I walk around help- but Its just to expensive, but
I wouldnt hear that other- ing and if someone is doing weve already put it on inter-
wise. The most advantage is what he shouldnt be doing I net, so that if all of San Se-
that its fantastic seeing you, stop him and but I dont bastian wanted to read they
when you receive the maga- actually do any of the produc- could.
zine most of you are really tion of the magazine, its all Yes, but I think we should
excited by it, when you see it your work! publish it on the official
on paper and you hold on page of Saint Patricks
your hands most of you are Yes maybe you can do an school as a new section of
really excited with that, as a special article in another the page. Thats an interest-
teacher its the most wonder- colour as an special part of ing thought, I havent thought
ful thing that you can do, se- the magazine. Well maybe I about that, thats a very inter-
riously, I love that feeling! will do that, if I have time, I esting thought, absolutely,
The disadvantages are that I mean its interesting, I think thats a phenomenal idea, I
have to be a hard, strict its a fascinating question and will talk to john about that
teacher, and say Marcos, Ive never thought of it, but if possibility, I havent had that
why havent you handed your you talk to the others and if idea, fantastic, I think the next
homework yet, are you going you want me to write an arti- year, you should be the editor
to finish it on time!? and I cle I will write an article! of the magazine, you have
have to be hard those are some very good ideas.
the disadvantages and that is So lets talk about the fu-
the part of the job which I ture, do you think that the Why not, well, we all now
dont like. magazine is growing little about the electronic black-
by little or that its going to boards and laptops in the
You do a lot of work helping finish soon? I hope is not go- school, dont you think you
us, but the people dont see ing to finish soon, no! I that is should be worried about the
that in the magazine. Why growing and I think that every electronic teachers?How
dont you write your own year it gets better, I think do you know Im not elec-
discursive in each magazine every year Im clear up with tronic!?
so that the readers could see my instructions of what I Okay, so, Terminator Tim,
that you take part? Would want you to do, and you are weve finished!
you like to see my work? also getting better writing bet-

Interview With
Begoa Elordui
Begoa Elordui, one of our Basque and social studies
teachers of school, is somebody that most of us know. The
Sanpa Times has been in contact with her to know something
more about her studies, her working life in St.Patricks and
her personal life.

St: What made you want to be a teacher? BE: I dont know well I get angry
BE: Well, I think that nothing special, since I sometimes, but I have the impression that
was little I wanted to study that so I dont now, less than when I was younger.
know. St: Can you tell us something that you
St: What did you want to study when you really dont want a student to do?
were little? BE: Yes, I really dont like when there are
BE: I dont remember what I wanted to lack of respects between students, and
study when I was very little, but when I get more, if it is to one that has some
into the age of 14, I had very clear what I difficulties.
wanted to study, geography and history. St: Do you think you are very strict with your
BE: I dont know, maybe they are the ones
that must say it. But is true that I put limits,
St: Did you know what you were going to and if putting limits is being strict, well in
study after finishing school? that case yes.
BE: Yes, as I said, when I was 14 I knew it
because when I studied, it was obligatory
only to study until 14, not until 16 like
St: As you are teaching a lot of subjects,
we imagine you studied a lot.
BE: Well, I have studied the career of
geography and history, which it took me 5
years. Then, I prepared to give Basque
classes, by getting the EGA. I also have
some music studies, but I have never give
music classes.
St: Did you have trouble to studying all
BE: No, there were subjects that I liked
more than others, but in general, I enjoyed
studying the career.
St: Have you worked in any other schools?
BE: Yes, in quite a lot, I have been in
St.Patricks for 10 years, except of one, that I
get in doing a master.
St: Have you ever got really angry with a

Once, when I was teaching in another
school, there was a boy, that it was always
threatening me, saying he was going to
scratch my car. The strange thing is that
now when I met him in the street, he is very
kind, and remains me about what he was
always telling me.

The other one is that when I was looking

after some pupils in an exam, I found one
of them, doing very strange things, so I
went to ask him what he was doing. He
answered that he didnt had anything,
and he was doing nothing a quite higher
number of time, so I thought that I was
wrong, but then, when he went to give me
the exam, the paper with all the answers
on it felt into the floor.
St: Do you have any hobbies?
BE: In the open air, I like doing little routes,
not of lots of hour, of an interesting place
St: Do you make any differences between to look or see. I also like to go to the
your students? cinema; I try too when I can. And at home
BE: Yes, if some students have special apart from reading a little bit, I enjoy doing
necessities, like academic problems or if puzzles, nice ones of a concrete number of
they need someone to support them. But if pieces.
not, I try not to make differences.St: What Ana Alonso and Carlota Romero
do you think about the lack of respect the
teachers get nowadays?
BE: In my opinion, I think that disrespecting
someone does not benefit to the
education system. But the worse thing is
that the school its not only place, its in all
the society.
St: What made you change your hairstyle 2
years ago?
BE: Lets see, 2 things:
I dont like the wicks, and I was fed up of
dyeing my hair.
In my opinion, the model of femininity, is
not the one of long and dye hair. Each
woman has to find the one that best suites
to her, because there are lots.
St: What would you like to do when you
BE: I suppose that, I would study and do, all
those things that I like, and Im interested
in, but because of time, now I cant do.

St: Can you tell us a funny anecdote that

has happened to you?
BE: I would tell you two, I dont think there
are funny, but anyway:

Interview with Reyes
The Sanpa Times has put in contact with Reyes Martinez, the school physical
and chemistry teacher, to find out about her past time, present and future
plans she has.

When and why did you decide to study No, when I told them
chemistry? my plans they thought it
was a good idea.
Well, when I was finishing school, I knew that I
wanted to study something related to science, What is it like working
and that year, in San Sebastian, was the in this school?
chemistry faculty opened, so I went there to
study. Well, in this 20 years
like a teacher Ive had a
Why did you decide to come to this school? lot of experiences, but all of them have been
positive, the people is very nice and I like
One day I was reading the newspaper and I saw working here.
an advertisement about a job in this school,
which I didnt know about it, and I came, did Didnt you want to work with the physicist
my interview and got the job. Echenique?

Why did you prefer to be a teacher instead of I wish I worked with him, I think hes a person
being a scientist? who knows a lot.

Actually, I didnt prefer one thing or another. Do you prefer to teach or to work in the
The fact of choosing to be a teacher is laboratory with the students. Why?
because they call me to teach and give class in
the school of nursing, so I followed that way. I like both things, and I think that to go to the
laboratory is very necessary to do theorical
classes, in order to teach them how to use the
laboratory etc.

What do you prefer, teaching students who

are just starting or to those who are studying
more difficult things?

I dont mind who I teach, what I want is to

teach to those students who want to work and
study, so I can teach my class and go satisfied.

Were you influenced by your parents Could you tell me a funny anecdote? And the
thoughts and opinion to study chemistry? worst excuse for not doing homework?

The funniest anecdote happened to me the day And how long do you want to stay in this
before I was going to get married, I was school?
teaching in a class and a teacher came in and
told me that my tutor class was behaving I think that ten years is more than sufficient.
extremely bad, which wasnt normal because
they normally behaved very well. So I went to After leaving, are you going to work in a
the class to tell them something and when I was laboratory, for example, as a teacher at the
just entering the class, they threw me two kilos university?
of rice.
And the worst excuse happened this year, I would like to do activities with adults, like in
someone told me that he did his homework, but an ONG or something like that.
because it was raining, the papers where the
answers were got soaked. Would you want your daughter to study the
same as you?
What do you want to do in the future?
I want her to study whatever she likes to, not to
I want to stay in this school as a teacher, as long force her and always be helping her to make
I feel that my work and what I teach is useful important decisions.
for the students and also for the school. By Jorge Mugica

We have interviewed Josean Fernandez the Math teacher of the
St-Patricks English School and he has told us lot of interesting
things about his life when he was a student, which his aims for
this year are and what his future plans are.

Where did you study when you were Can you tell us
young? the most
In Madrid, in a public school called Santa embarrassing
Marta thing that has
happened to
When you were young, which were you?
your favorite subjects? No because I
The ones which had relationship with the cant remember anything special, however,
humans: History, Literature, Philosophy, if there were any anecdote I wouldnt tell
Geography and Maths. you because I would be very embarrassed.

Have you always loved Math? What are the things you enjoy doing?
More than loving them, they entertained There are a lot of things: Reading,
me a lot; I had facility working with them. swimming, going to the cinema, listening
to music, walking in the mountain, cycling
Which other subject would you like to and the most creative thing which is
teach? thinking and writing.
The same subjects that I liked when I was What are the things you like most of
young, Social Studies, Ethics or Art. St- Patricks?
There are loads of aspects that I like, but
Which was the school you first above all: the implication that we, all the
worked in? professionals of these school, have of
St Patricks was the first school I worked in. improving our work and also the
communication and the relationship we
When did you come to St- Patricks? have con families and the students.
I came in the year 1984-85.

What was your first impression of the

school? How would you improve the school?
A very good impression, there werent so There are a lot of things (all) to improve in
much pupils and teachers as now and the the school and we are in process of
atmosphere was very close, everyone tried improving it every year. The most
to help each other and they taught some important aspect I think we have to
teaching techniques and they also helped consider is the participation of you (the
me at the time of adapting to the school students) in the organization and operation
and solving my problems. of the school

Did you meet Elena when you came Are you happy to teach to 2nd, 3rd and
here? 4th year ESO students?
No I didnt. Yes I like these years because loads of
changes are produced in the students and

because its a very important moment of common mistakes are penalized because
your life, changing from being a child and we keep saying them and trying to correct
being a teenager. them in class daily.

Or would you rather teach in inferior What do you feel about working with
years? your partner in the school?
Not really, I have never thought about that Nothing special, its just another subject of
our conversations.
Which are the Maths parts that you
most enjoy? How many years more have you think
The Maths has a special position inside the to stay at St- Patricks?
human knowledge which we will explain in I havent thought about that at all yet.
class, I like them in his whole. But if I had
to choose one I would choose Geometry Would you encourage us to be a
because it shows a spatial view about what teacher?
you study. I think its an amazing job; socially it has a
very important content because the aim is
How do you feel when you put the teach and form the new generations so
marks? they have a better social and personal
Very concentrate at the time of evaluating integration in the society. In addition, every
every pupil in a fair way. year you learn a lot of new things and you
improve the prosecution of this profession.
What are the things you think of at So, I would recommend you all to be
the time of putting the marks? teacher because in my opinion you can
I normally valuate the volume of the work, always learn things, and thats very
the use of the new concepts, the mistakes important in life.
and if you try to solve them and also the
work done during the evaluation. The most By Pablo Herrero

Interview with Isabel from the dining-room
Isabel from the dining-room is somebody who every single person from the school
knows. The Sanpa Times interviewed her to learn more about her life in and out
school and to ask for her opinion about changes in organization.

When did you first come Do you agree with 800 people just in two
to St.patricks? changes made in recent hours so it is a type of a
I first came here in 1986, years? race against the clock
so that makes me 24 years Well, in my opinion there Does money from sand-
working in this school. have been made some wiches go to the school?
Did you work in any good changes, however we No, it goes to Aibak, the
schools before working are now much more busy company.
in St.patricks? and stressed. Would you like to make
No, I had always worked in Do you only work in any more changes in the
the world on cookery, in St.patricks? organization of the
some restaurants, but Yes, I think I have enough dining-room?
never in a school. work here. If I could, I would change
Was the school different Which is the dish you students timetable so we
to how it is now? like most? had a bit more time to give
Yes, it was like, half Lentils and chicken breast all the food.
smaller and there were And the one you hate Would you like to add or
much less students. It has mort? remove any dishes?
grown a lot in recent years. I like almost everything but No, I think is good as it is
Have you always worked if you make me choose now.
as a cook? probably sausages and Are you going to work in
Yes, as I have told you be- rice. St.patricks until you re-
fore, I worked in some res- Do you have any chil- tire or would you like to
taurants before. dren? try a different thing?
What do you think about Yes, children and grand Well, I am a bit old now to
students in this school? children try a different thing so I
Thats a good question! In Do they come to this think I will stay here.
general I would say that school? Juan Lizarribar
they are quite good stu- They dont
dents but I would like to Are you the person in
highlight in general, as charge of hiring people
there are always some bad for the dining-room?
students. No, the company does the
Do you take part in deci- hiring.
sions related to the or- Can you tell us your
ganisation of the dining- opinion about cooking
room? services?
Yes I do. In my opinion it is very
good and we made such
an effort to give food for

Interview with Hodei Collazo
Im sure you have already heard about Hodei Collazo,if not you should know that he is a profes-
sional surfer from the billabong team and he was born in Zarautz.Since he was Jung he has dreamed
about being a professional surfer, and that dream has became truth. Some journalists of the Sampa-
Times have had the chance to meet him.They talked about his past present and future plans.

How did you start the was a really uncomfortable What are you going to do
world of surf? situation because they tried when you stop surfing
Well, everything stated to speak in Spanish but professionally?
when I was playing with a they didnt really know I havent thought about it
friend in the water with my what they were sayin!! but I would like to do some-
bodyboard.The surf thing related with surf.
teacher of Pukas saw me Have you done well in Have you thought abut
and asked me if I wanted the last competitions? having children?
to join some courses. Well, they have not been Its a bit early!! But yes, I
Some years later I was in my best competitions but have thought about it and I
the rip curl surf team. Ive done well. would like to have 2.
Which are you favorite In the case you have
At what age did you start beaches to surf? them to have the same
surfing? I like the beaches in Aus- passion as you with the
I started when I was 6 tralia and in California, but sea?
years old. the one I feel more con- I can not oblige them to
Where and when was fortable in is the one in Za- have the same likes than
yours first competition? rauz. me but I woul prefer if they
It was in Zarautz when What do you feel when liked surfing.
more or less 17 years ago. you are in a wave? by:June Arrieta
Do you achieve more I feel free, as if I was flying.
prices now or when you Do you get nervous be-
were younger? fore a competition or
When I was younger be- have you got to much
cause the people I surf experience?
against now are better than Not really,I have had lots of
before. experience and I do it very
2Could you tell us a often.
funny anecdote about What encourages you to
your first years as a do well in a competition?
competitor in this sport? Normally, all the help that
Well, I have one. I was go- my family gives to me is
ing to France by bus in one the one that makes me
of my first competitions. In work hard.
that moment I was a mem-
ber of the rip curl team.I What are your aims for
was the only Spanish boy the future?
and all the others were I dont know really because
French and they couldnt I dont like thinking in the
speak Spanish and I future, I prefer living in the
couldnt speak French so it present.

Interview with Patrick Fuentes
Patrick Fuentes, a third year student, has been playing hockey since he was little and has now got a
scholarship from a Canadian school. He will be leaving next year to live in Canada the home of
hockey. Patrick has taken the time to answer some questions about hockey, his scholarship, his future
plans and his personal thoughts about this sport.

When did you start your life as a necessary if you I dont know, my
playing hockey? hockey player? want to get a parents tell me it will
I started skating I guess everyone scholarship from improve both those
when I was 4 and got would like to play as that particular things. However I
into hockey when I a professional school? think my hockey
was 6. hockey player but Yes, you cant just a skills will improve
Why hockey and its really hard, for get a scholarship if more than my
not something else? now, my goal is to youre good at grades.
Because when I was play in university. hockey, good grades For how long are
small, I didnt let my Recently you have are very important you planning to
family sleep so they got a scholarship mostly because the stay in Canada?
signed me up for an from a Canadian school is working on I dont know yet. Im
activity I could do. hockey school. a student-athlete going for a year to
How would you When did they first project. try out and if I like it,
describe this sport? tell you about it? I also know that Ill stay. Universities
I would stay it is a They first told me a you have played in are better there and
really fast paced little bit about it 2 various teams, my parents advise
game where you years ago, but the including the me to stay there.
have to be really problem was that I national Spanish Do you think you
quick and make sure had to leave early. So hockey team. In will ever represent
you have a fast I came back last year what team will you your country in the
reaction time. and they said they play next year? Spanish Olympic
You are currently wanted to see me I dont know yet but hockey team?
playing in a team play hockey and see I guess Ill play with Its not like football
with people older my grades as well. the school team. Not here, there arent
than you. How does After this, they told only that, but they many players, and if
it feel to play me it would be good told me that they youre good, you
hockey with them? if I joined the school would get me into a have a high
Its fine, there are not next year. club too. probability of getting
too many older Have you already Do you think your into highly ranked
players in the team visited your future stay at that school teams.
because hockey isnt school? will help improve
a popular sport in the I have, and I thought both your grades Are you ever going
area, so we get some it seemed like a great and your hockey to come back to St.
younger guys as school. skills or will it help Patricks?
well. I am aware that you you improve in one Its a hard question,
Have you got any get good grades at more than the I dont know. If my
future plans for school. However, other? experience doesnt
are they really

turn out well, I guess Its difficult to say players are just worlds best hockey
Ill come back. because hockey is a making hockey more league, it has the best
Would you different sport. You violent and making teams and the best
consider hockey as need to be able to people not want to players available
a violent sport? ice-skate properly to play it. right now.
Thats what most make sure you have Do you think they Could you tell us
people think. On TV control. I dont should be banned? one last anecdote?
here, you only get know, I dont know They cant do it When I was little,
the fights and the which sport would because when a team around 10, we were
violent side of the have anything to do drafts a player, they in a tournament in
sport. However back with hockey. dont know why they Italy. I was going on
over there, its like a Which word would do it. It happens less the ice and took one
different game. you use to describe and less now but still of the opponents
Theyre trying to this sport? some teams do it and stick. He slipped on
reduce the fights in Fast. it is starting to bother my skate, fell on his
the national leagues Since you have me. back and broke his
and its starting to started hockey, you The Olympic elbow. I didnt know,
become less violent. have played in committee has I kept going and
People think that teams with older recently prohibited scored. I soon
because all hockey people. Have you hockey fights. realized what
players wear ever got into serious What do you think happened and
protection, every fights with them? about their apologized.
time they are taken Not me personally, decision?
down it doesnt but with the under 18 I think it is a good
hurt. Is that true? team, we once won a decision because the
No, its not true. match and got into a Olympics are some
Normally when you serious fight with our very well-know
get checked against opponents. I had to championships and if
the wall, it doesnt get out of it because you get into fight
hurt, but if you get they were a lot there, you will
the butt end of the bigger than I and I probably get game
stick in your stomach didnt want to get suspensions or will
or you bang your hurt. just get kicked out of
head against it, it the team.
does hurt. The
protections dont What is your In which hockey
make you invincible opinion about league would you
so you can even hurt hockey fights? prefer to play, the
your arms and legs. I think theyre not Spanish or the
Many people would necessary. Canadian?
relate hockey with Sometimes, teams The Canadian. The
football or just get new players Spanish only has
basketball or just because of their about 4 teams and
something similar. fighting skills not for isnt very popular.
Which sport would hockey. I also think However the
you relate it to? that these kind of Canadian is the


Miguel Horn, a student from St. Patricks belonging to 3rd year ESO, has just come back after two
years being a boarder at a school located in Switzerland. I interviewed him with the aim of finding
out more about his experience there, his interests and his time here

As we know, youve been away from

home for two whole years. What
made you go so far to study?

We have been going to Switzerland

every winter for four or five years and
thought about studying there because it
is a nice place for living. So we visited a
couple of schools and finally decided
where I was going to study for the next
two whole years.

I suppose that school there isnt the

same as in Spain. Can you tell us
what a school day was like?

They wake you up and then you get

dressed, you brush your teeth, have a
shower etc. You go down to de dining
room for breakfast, where you have to
say a prayer, and then your breakfast
is served. Afterwards, you go up to
school 8.30, have two hours of class,
then break for fifteen minutes, 2 more
hours of class, lunch, a bit of break
about 30 minutes and then go back up.
Depending on the season we would
have 2 hours more of class in summer
or 1 hour and went skiing during winter.

Although you went to that boarding
school with your younger brother, so
I suppose you didnt feel lonely at
any moment, did you find it easy to
make friends and form

Yes, mostly because there were a lot

of Spanish people. We were 75
boarders and 15 of us were Spanish. It
was really easy because they basically did race training because we used to do
speak Spanish. at least one race a week.

You have come with a fantastic

Was it an international boarding
accent, was every word spoken by
school with students from all over
you in English during your long stay
the world?
Yes, there were kids from the USA to
Yes, we could only speak English
Mongolia, but they all spoke the same
because they didnt let us speak any
language which was English. They
other languages, so we didnt have
were really nice people and they were
like only one or two Swiss students.
Now that you have spent a long time
Skiing, skiing and more skiing, that
skiing, have your hobbies changed
was what you mainly did there in
from the ones you had before
winter. What type of skiing did you
leaving San Sebastian or do you still
do? Did you have any training or
like doing the same things?
I still like the same things but I have
We skied in groups, we were divided
stopped doing some things such us
into two different levels depending on
skateboarding because I couldnt
how well you skied, each level did
practice there, but I have started
different activities. However, we mostly
surfing, which is fun.

Do you consider yourself to be a

good student who is ready to work

Yes because they taught us real good

studying techniques and behaving
techniques. There were quite strict in

Once you came back, have you kept students, I dont know, I find them nice
in touch with friends from there? and have met them and made friends
easily with them.
Yes, sure, because when I go there I
see them. However, most of them are Do you now find English at school
from the United States so I cant really really easy for you after speaking
see them but I keep in touch by English day after day?
facebook and tuenti.
Not really easy because the level isnt
Were you looking forward to coming that low but I suppose I dont find it as
back or did you want to stay there challenging as it can be for other
for a couple of years more? people.

I couldnt stay there for a couple of Just out of curiosity, what way of life
years more because the limit was 8th do you like more San Sebastian or
grade which equivalents to 2nd of ESO Switzerland?
Depends, winter is better there because
of the skiing, and summer is better here
as you cant do much there.
When you were at school, you used
to be really bright. Was it difficult for The first reaction when you are told
you to get up to date in school at the you are going to live without parents
beginning of this year? What was the usually is, GREAT! However, isnt it
academic level compared to this hard to be without them for a long
school? time? Did you miss your family a lot?

It was difficult because the level there Not really, I mean, you talk to them
was a lot lower and more basic by phone all days and you dont miss
comparing to here. We used to work in them because you then have a month
computers, just computers, we never did of holidays which is quite a lot.
anything hand writing.
What if tomorrow you were told you
Not really easy because the were going to return to Switzerland,
level here isnt that low would you get your luggage ready
and go back or would you be
What about your classmates, did you unhappy?
remembered them as they are? What
do you think about the other new Id get my luggage ready and go there,
students? sure, without doubting, because I have
a lot of fun there. Its a nice country,
Yes, basically because I kept in touch schools are rally good and I know a lot
with them by tuenti. About the new of people. By Maria Fernandez

An interview with Courtney
Courtney Giles is a student from another country who is taking part on the English exchange.
The Sanpa Times has interviewed her To know more about her school life, her opinion about
Spain and herself.

Could you explain me how are the school years What is your favourite Spanish dish?
divided in England? I dont really know, I didnt have the
Well, secondary school is divided into 5 chance to try a lot of them.
different year groups, year 7 to year 11. Would you like to life in Spain? Why?
You leave school at the age of 16. Yes, I think the weather is very good; I
What subjects do you have at your school? love it.
Maths, English, Science, Art, Drama, What do you think about Spanish people?
Dance, Music, History, Geography, Well, I think they are very nice and
Religious Studies and ICT. friendly but very loud too.
What subject is your favourite one? Why? Could you compare the Spanish way of life to English
Drama because you get to pretend one?
you are someone completely different. It is quite similar but English is much
What teacher in your opinion is the best? Why? more quieter.
My History teacher without a doubt! He Could you describe your family?
makes the classes easy and funny. A good word to describe my family is
What do you normally do in your free time at loud, ha ha ha
school? How is your house like?
We normally hang around with our My house is quite small but very
friends. comfortable.
Do you eat lunch at school or do you go home? Do you have any pets?
We eat lunch at school. Yes, I have 3 cats.
Have you ever done an exchange before? What would you like to do when you are older?
No, this is the first time Ive been on an Why?
exchange When I grow up I would like to become
What do you like about exchanges? a teacher for little children, just
What I really like about them is that you because I think I would be good at it
get to meet loads of new people and and because I like children.
make lots of new friends. What are your hobbies?
Have you ever been to Spain? I generally hang around with my
Yes, Ive been once. friends.
Where did you go? Whats your favourite sport?
Ive been to Alicante, on the I think that my favourite sport is netball
south of Spain. or rounders.
What kind of movies do you like watching?
What do you think of Spain? I like romantic comedies or horror films.
I think it was lovely, I cant find other What kind of TV programmes do you like watching?
words to describe it. I like the kind of programmes that
What do you think about Spanish food? makes you laugh.
I dont think its too different to English Almudena Gonzalez


Jon Ontoria is a 26 year old surfing teacher. He -Why do you like teaching how to surf? Does it make
teaches in Surfing San Sebastian, a surfing school in you feel something special?
front of La Zurriola beach, which is very important for a
lot of us because we like going surfing and body I like to see children having fun while they are doing
boarding to this beach. The Sanpa Times has made sports, and I also like teaching. It makes me feel good to
contact with him to know something more about his life treat with you, the students, and have fun while
as a surf teacher, his personal life and what his future
plans are.
-What would you recommend your students if they want
-When and why did you start surfing? to be surfing teachers?

I started surfing when I was 11 years old because I was I would recommend them to listen, to be keen on
always in the beach. learning and teaching, and to always be positive.

-How did you learn to surf? -Have you ever crashed against another surfer while you
were riding a wave?
I was very constant and always tried to do my best.
Yes, but that goes with the territory.
-I know that you are now working in Surfing San
Sebastian. How long have you been teaching how to -What do you do apart from teaching how to surf?
surf? How did you know scar (Surfing San Sebastian
founder)? What are your impressions about the
organization and the students? I work in the hospital, I go skating, I am with my
family and I have fun with my friends.
This is the first year Ive been teaching seriously. I met
Oscar because a friend of mine presented us. In my
opinion the surfing school is very well organized and the -What are you studying? Is it difficult?
students are very friendly and considerable.
Ive finished graphic design, nursery auxiliary and
-Have you been surfing recently out of Spain? How did it medical trainer. You have to pay attention and study a
go? lot.

Yes. I have been to Costa Rica, Morocco and Panama. It -Why did you decided to study medicine?
was all very good and I lived unique experiences.
I wanted to help people and I really like it.

-Are you good at it?

Yes, I like it so I am keen on studying it, which makes

it easier to study and learn it.

-What about your family?

I was born here in San Sebastian and I have a sister,

who is older.

-Do you live with your parents or have you got a house?

Last year I moved to a house with a friend, but I used

to live with them.

-Do you find it difficult to do surfing classes while you

are studying?
-What would you do if while you are in the water,
teaching, one of your students is drawning? No, it depends on your organization, if you are
organized and dont lose your time, you can stand the
Ive studied auxiliary nursery and I have had to do a
curse done by the Basque Government, so I would know
how to act correctly.

-Are you thinking of going to another surfing trip? -Do you feel that your students like surfing?

Yes I am. Im planning to go with some friends to the I feel some of them arent really keen on it, but others
Maldives Islands, which I am looking for really much. like it very much and try to get better at it.

-Is there anything youve always wanted to do? -Do you think that any of your students will reach to be a
good surfer?
Ive always wanted to try parachuting and going to
Hawaii to surf. I think that if they want the can be very good.

-Which has been your lifes best experience or the one -How would you feel if this happened?
that you have most liked?
I would feel very proud of myself and of them. It would
In Panama there were prefect waves and I drove one in be great.
which I got into the barrel. It was amazing to feel the
water under my feet and since I started surfing, that
feeling is the one that has hooked me in this sport.

It was amazing to feel the water under my feet and since I started surfing,
that feeling is the one that has hooked me in this sport.

By Martin Cabello

Interview with Berdaitz
Berdaitz came to school a few years ago as a substitute and ended up as a extracurricular
basque teacher at Saint Patricks. The Sanpa Times interviewed him to know more things
about his past, present at school and future plans:

Pa!: Have you ever lived outside the basque

- Yes, I lived a year in Madrid because a team
As we know you came to school a few years signed me but after a year I came back because
ago, can you tell us what did you do before I missed my old team.
-I taught extracurricular sports and I trained a In the years you have been teaching in this
rugby team school, has any chid made you be very angry
(something extreme)?
-A lot of them have made me go mad, but you
always learn something new about it.

Did the teachers of Saint Patricks give you a

good welcome?
-Yes, first I was very nervous but I found out
that everyone was nice and wanted to help me.

What did you think about Saint Patricks the

first time you saw it?
-I was used to schools in which students didn't
wear uniforms, so when I came here, I found it
really strange.
Can you tell us any funny anecdote that
happened to you since you teach in this Why did you decided to come here, to Saint
school? Patricks?
- Once I substituted Agustn in 2nd year and I - I was looking for a job and when the school
found that the extracurricular behavior was phoned me I didn't hesitate to come to be a
really bad comparing it to the one in normal extracurricular basque teacher.

When you were our age, did you want to be a

teacher or you had other thing on mind?
- I have always wanted to be something related
with sports, like a P.E teacher, instructor,....

Present: Future:

As we know you like bodyboarding, do you Are you going to stay at school for a long
have time to practise it very often? time or is it just temporary?
- In fact, I used to go bodyboarding, but now I - Yes, I don't have any other plans and I like
go surfing. I have less time than I would like to, teaching here. Furthermore, I've already made
but I manage to find some time to practice it some friends.
after school.
Are you looking forward to have another
In the years you have been teaching here, job, traveling, having childs, etc?
have something surprised you? -Yes I do, but at the moment I'm fine where I
-No, I think everything is normal. am.

Now that we are having more confidence can Is there something special you would like to
you tell us what you think about the level of do?
basque in this school? -Yeah, I've always dreamed with the idea of
- Honestly, I think the level of basque in this practicing extreme sports such as puenting,
school is very low comparing it with schools rafting... I like adrenaline.
that have Basque as the first or second
language. By Ane Albillos and Isabel Keller

Do you have any problem teaching or with

some persons from school?
-No, or at least I don't think so.

Interview with Vicente Zarageta
The actual president of our Aquarium has met some journalists from the
sanpa times in an unforgettable interview full of interesting information about
the wide variety of marine creatures the Aquarium has. Weve been absolutely
astonished about the level of knowledge this man had, and about the
interesting answers he gave us about the creatures of the aquarium, its recent
makeover, and their future projects.

Is there any animal in Do all the species get on museum; it is a way of

danger of extinction that with each other? Is there showing the marine life to
you are trying to save anyone especially all kind of people, adults
actually? aggressive? and children. We are
Yes, we are trying to Yeah, there are species incorporating nowadays
reproduce the anchovy that get on with each other beautiful colourful fish from
because its a species perfectly well and others the Caribbean, and we are
which has been hunt that hate each other, a preparing a beautiful new
abusively and if we perfect example is the show, in which youll be
continue in the same line it moonfish, which is very able to watch all kinds of
will disappear before than large, but inoffensive and tuna in a ninety square
we think. smaller carnivore fish beat metre screen.
him to take away its food
Which is the favourite from its mouth! Another How can you provide a
species of the public? aggressive creature is the natural habitat to each
The shark, without a doubt. shark, but our sharks arent animal?
Anyone who visits the as in the films, killer It is very important to have
aquarium asks for the sharks. They dont eat any an adequate jail for each
sharks. Another famous fish. animal. Weve got
species is the seahorse. biologists that study the
Normally the children love Will you actualise the animals necessities, and
them. aquarium? Will you bring make suitable jails for each
any new species? of the animals, you know,
Yes, of course, the with wood, plastic and
aquarium is not only a other materials.

Was the makeover a way Did you bring new and start making people
of attracting people to species with the conscious of the damage
study the sea life? makeover? the sea life I is suffering
Yes, I think so. We Yes, of course, we brought nowadays.
received lots of visitors lots of jellyfish and fish To do it, we have added
before, but now the visitors from the Caribbean, as well lots of new halls, each of
have increased in two as some projects to avoid them focused in a species
hundred thousand per the extinction of some which are in danger, we
year! This means that the have changed totally the
more things we include Which were the main appearance of the
here, the more people changes of the aquarium, and we have
come to see them! makeover? With which transformed it from a
objective? museum into a centre to
We tried to further our open the eyes to the
goals, we had already public.
achieved what we wanted, A very good job, in my
our objectives, so we opinion.
decided to open our eyes

Jellyfish, and Momarra

Sharks Eggs, could you
In reference to the previous explain briefly whats the
Have you thought about question, do you think this main purpose of these?
adding new projects to the project of a special hall will Well, basically, we wanted to
aquarium? stop people from fishing this show the people the
Yes, we are now involved in a species with that lack of marvellous moves of the
project about the red tuna and control? jellyfish, which is a totally
we have spent 50,000 euros. Yes this special hall is just for different creature from the
We hope it works, our main that, we want people to see rest of the fish, if you feed
purpose is making people that this species is in real them, I dont know, with
who dont respect this animal danger of extinction and that red saline solution, its body
think and reflex on their if we dont control ourselves turns red completely!
attitude. We have been it will disappear right away The Momarra shark are very
working with the best and we dont want this to special, because they lay
scientists in important happen. transparent eggs, so you can
universities in England, see the complete development
France, Spain and more We have read about two of the baby inside the egg,
countries. shows you are preparing, how it is formed.
The Dance Of The
By: Pablo Iriarte & German

Mila Beldarrain is a Spanish writer who has won Literature Prizes and has published
very good novels. She is very well-known in San Sebastian as she is one of the best
writers in the city. The Sanpa Times met with her to get information about her job,
her past, the prizes she has won and her future plans.

What is the thing you they are learning a lot of

most like about your job? things.
What I most like about Would you recommend
being a writer is getting into this job?
a story, a virtual story and Yes, I would recommend it.
feeling like a teenager However, it's essential to
playing a video game have another job that
because I introduce myself supports the one of being a
there and forget everything writer because nowadays
that surrounds me, and it's very difficult to live on
then I live in the XVII writing. Actually, even the
century , XVIII century, XIV most important writers
century etc. That is what I need to give a lot of
lectures to publish a book. My books are a mix
most like about it.
How many hours do you between real stories and
Everyone who write a day? fiction. An important fact is
that everyone who writes,
writes, writes I write in an absolute
Germanic way, from writes about himself. In
about himself. 16.00pm to 20.00pm. A other words, although I talk
about a real or a fictional
book takes me two years,
one year of documentation, character, somehow the
Do you write as a hobby
to do research about time writer is somewhere inside
or as a job? If its as a
and all those things which I the story.
hobby, do you have
love, and another year of Where do you get the
another job? Which of
writing. I usually write in inspiration from?
those do you prefer?
the evening from 16.00pm I have no idea (laughters).
I write exclusively as a
to 20.00pm and it doesn't Sometimes when people
hobby. I only write what I
matter if I want to do it or have asked me about that
want to write. Actually, I
not. but I still don't know,
think that the books I write
Which types of books do suddenly a subject which I
are the ones that I would
you like writing? like comes up. But
like to read.
Normally the ones which honestly, I neither know
Yes, I'm a Spanish teacher.
are historical novel, this where I get the inspiration
I prefer being a writer, but I
means that I mix fiction from nor
enjoy being a teacher too
with reality. why I write. I don't know
for some reasons. Firstly,
Are your books based on where this hobby has come
because I have a very
true stories or are they from.
good relationship with the
students. Secondly, I feel fiction?
good when I have a feeling

From all the books you receive a lot of criticism,
have written, which one good and bad criticism, but
you are most proud of? you must remember that
people will criticize the book,
It's difficult to choose not you. That's why you have
because the first one was to have sense of humour.
as a creative explosion and B) Hard work. Apart from the
also Domenja de Oate inspiration you must write
won the Euskadi de Plata well, and that is achieved by
Prize. In that way, on an writing more and more.
C)The last one but not least
oficial level the most important, in writing or in
important one would be anything related to art, there
Domenja de Oate. is a 10% of inspiration and a
If somebody wanted to 90% of persperation,
be a writer what advice working.
would you give them? Did you always want to
I'd give them a lot of be a writer?
advice. No, I started writing when I
A) Be patient, because was 40 and I don't know
nowadays it's very difficult to why. It's the truth, maybe a
publish a book because there psychiatrist would know
are a lot of writers. But until why but I have no idea
reaching the situation in
about why I started writing. Are you looking forward
which you can achieve a
book publication, I think that Have you won any to win any other prize in
you should have patience prizes? the future?
and as well as a lot of I've won the Thomas All the prizes in the world,
humility, and of course to Neabe, with a story I wrote, I would like to win all the
have sense of humour La Rosa de Oro, a prize prizes in the world.
because if I write something,
which was in Bilbao, and Do you have in mind any
and as I told you before a
person who writes, writes I've won the Euskadi de ideas about your next
about himself, you have to Plata. novel?
know that you are going to From the ones you have Yes, but I can't tell you
won, what is the most because that-s bad luck.
special one? When are you going to
The Euskadi de Plata, but give up writing?
also the Thomas Neabe I don't know, I will stop
because I didn't enter that writing when writing
competition, my husband becomes an effort,
did it for me without telling because I write for
me anything about it. So I pleasure, then in the time
was at home one day with when I feel that writing
my family and suddenly the means effort, that I don't
phone rang and they told enjoy it, I will stop writing.
me that I had won the What are you going to do
Thomas Neabe. I said: when you stop writing?
Really? Why? And they I will spend my time looking
answered: Because you after all my family.
had entered it. Then I By Raquel Corvo
found out that Eduardo, my
husband, had been the
one that did it.

Interview with Oscar Casla
Oscar Casla, Callate la Bocas designer, is somebody who we havent heard a lot about,
however we all know the famous clothing brand. The Sanpa Times interviewed him to find
out the secrets of the brands success, his early life and some questions about him.
ST: How did Callate la Boca start? OC: It is a pleasure for us to have their
collaborations. They always bring different
OC:Callate la Boca started in 2001, when
and innovative ideas.
we did a t-shirt for the Real Sociedads
ST: When did it come to your mind to
create it?
OC: The following year, when we saw that
they sold well and we could do some other
ST: How did you come up with this
particular name for a clothing brand?
OC: It is a fixed expression easy to
remember, that calls attention and nobody
ST: Is it so complicated to create a brand
that is fashionable?
OC: It was a surprise for us. We worked a lot
and it has been rewarded, we had a lot of
luck too.
ST: What makes Callate la Boca be so
OC: I think that the stroke of the drawings is
what makes them so easy to identify.
ST: Your drawings are of everyday objects. ST: Do you have any new projects in mind?
How do you choose the most appropriate ones OC: We have many projects that will come
to light in a few months.
for your designs?
OC: We make several drawings of objects
ST: How could for example someone like me
that we like and finally choose the funniest work for Callate la Boca?
and the one we like the most. OC: Its easy you just have to be
ST: You have worked with celebrities such imaginative, then you can start doing
practices, like some students had and now
as Mikel Erentxun, Dani Martin or they are working with us.
Amaya Montero. What is it like working
with celebrities?

ST: Where are you from and what school ST: What do you think about your job, is
did you go to? it amusing or is it beginning to bore you?
OC: Im from San Sebastian and I went to OC: I have a really god time working and I
Santa Mara Marianistas have a lot of fun with all my working
ST: What were your school years like? partners
OC: I really hated school however, I didnt ST: Who are your favorite artists?
have a bad time at all OC: I like the work of a lot of architects and
ST: What did you study after leaving designers. For example Im Javier
Mariscals fan number one
school? ST: Do you try to be similar to him in
OC: I studied architecture
ST: Did you study here or did you leave some way?
OC: I try to have a personal style, but I
San Sebastian to study somewhere else? cant deny that I would love to be similar
OC: I studied in San Sebastian to him in the professional way.
ST: Did you have a clear idea of what you ST: What hobbies do you have?
wanted to do or was it something that OC: I love to play the drums, which really
relaxes me.
happened as time went by? ST: Do you have any dreams or ambitions
OC: I had it really clear, in my family there
are some architects for the future?
ST: When did you first realize that you OC: Of course, the one which Im looking
forward the most to is having a Callate la
wanted to be a graphic designer? Boca store in New York
OC: I never thought about it. It happened
as the time went by. Carlota Romero and Ana Alonso




Written by; Guillermo Gonzalez, Patrick

Fuentes, Leonardo Velez, Daniel Gonzalez,
Marcos Montero, Miguel Alonso, Martin
Cabello, Miguel Horn, Isabel Keller, Ane
Albillos, Jorge Mugica, Maria Fernandez,
Pablo Herrero, Juan Lizarribar, June Arrieta,
Pablo Iriarte, Carlota Romero, Raquel Corvo,
Almudena Gonzalez, German Gimenez, Adriana
Ezpeleta, Edorta Quintanilla, Ana Alonso
Special Thanks to Tim Buckwell

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