Reflection 1

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Reflection 1

This reflection summarizes a lesson I delivered in Avalon Heights World Private School. The
curriculumthe school use it is EYFS it for Ressia . The objective of the lesson was to help
students to identify the sound of letter t and organize the letter t. I did this reflection to reflect on
my teaching and learn from my mistakes that I did and how I can avoid them in the future. I feel
that my lesson had strengths but it also had some weaknesses.
In this lesson, some areas worked well. Firstly, I used effective technology. For example, data
show and videos. This helped students to engage for the lesson and understand the lesson better
since I used videos and pictures for words start with letter t. I believe that using pictures can help
the visual learners to acquire and learn the information easily. According to Piaget the children in
stage 2 is cognitive development is to represent objects with images and words( Technology
Education, 2009). And I read for students story to develop they language and listening.
According to Nunan reading in this view is basically a matter of decoding a series of written
symbols into their aural equivalents in the quest for making sense of the text (Admin, 2006).
Secondly, I use a variety of effective teaching techniques. Thirdly, I encourage all children to
participate with me in circle time.
On the other hand, I had some weakness areas in my lesson. Firstly, the instructions were not
clear enough for students to understand what to do in the centers. For KG 1 I should my
instructions be very simple because they dont understand a long instructions. According to
Bruner the ways in which a body of knowledge can be structured so that it can be most readily
grasped by the learner (Culatta, 2015).

I learnt that I have to avoid many things when I teach in the future. I have to make my
instructions clear and simple. That means I have to use clear language appropriate to their level.
To sum up, my class had strengths and weakness areas. However, I achieved the lesson
outcomes. I have to work hard and learn from my mistakes to deliver great lessons for my
students in the future.

Admin. (2006, August). Theories of reading. Retrieved from British council website:
Technology Education. (2009, February 28). Piaget's cognitive development theory. Retrieved
from in SlidShare website:
Culatta, R. (2015). Constructivist theory jerome bruner. Retrieved from Instructional Design

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