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sirvz06 ‘South China Sea: mocetrouble- Gateway House FETS GATEWAY — ssconarennmnesrrmrout |0_ | LHOUSE sre fire rt SFE onrace vs at TRMMLGATEARG ADU INARSC ADNAN ienowmnoSonttChitia Sea: more trouble caeeee am Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has sought to sever tie withthe United seaming "rns enavousese aetavat that has ected much skeptic, The West Pacific isin for PPRTEARU GAEW AHO Tanase some realigning of relationships he makes good on this threat foe {irra PH KIRAN ere C/V Caeusyhous nA Vedra oUae-aeTiIATe “Anit-Chopra/) oe Sim awewnnoisy fp saw 8 owe 8 the already troubled waters ofthe South China Sea by all manner of bombastic ‘being hosted hy President Xi Jnpng in Bling in October, Te snot yet apparent, $e ae ctuoesyevemsmsie Since is voluble vst to China in Oster, and further grandstanding during. you china Sees Rasala ‘sequent tour to Tol, where he prolaimed his itemtion to banish the US. ralitary presence fromm the Phlippines, President Duerte has baktracked to come is alvedy a fir degre of sopticsm in both Bong and Washington about his Athe moment, Duert hs ont rste ti, withoot relly sbaling up the ron. At ‘ome, the Pippin President isexiremely popular on account of his succes ne rug campaign and unconventional lagerhip syle. But he does preside over a populace that i ail remarlably pro-American and has strong peopleto-people is ‘ith the United States, Should Duerte flow through on hs threat to sver tis wit the United Stats, the agressive and multi bebvout nthe South China Sea hale to a strengbening filtres betwen some of tsansows slr neghbots soc ae Vietnam, and the United States, a they sek io eetainHelingsadventrsm. On the oer and ASEAN-at leat in spetto Chit, leading to rial power Mocks in this eoatetius Allthisie diet resuk of Co’ sucess, at eee as of oy, jn aering the tate quo in disegard ofthe United Nations Confarene on the Laws ofthe Sea (UNCLOS)- based agement apne Benes axons bythe Permanent Court of Arbitration The Hague 4 military confrontation with Being in sls few oaths ove a stuston nt yet fasbion an informal colton of concerned nations of the Broader region, such a ip hvu gatowayhouse infsou ching see turbulent walers! jraeearern care wamocst wag. ynting AFFAIRS Fong omies 48

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